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all right is that gonna be it for you today oh ma'am is that gonna be it for you too yes clearly i'm done ordering food can't you see me getting my money if i wanted more food i would have ordered more food god brainless i can take whoever's next hi how are you today so i'm gonna need three cheeseburgers with absolutely no meat and oh okay side of fries a large soda a medium lemonade and an iced tea with no ice okay and you said you wanted a large soda yes i said a large all right is that going to be it for you today oh ma'am is that going to be it for you too yes clearly i'm done ordering food can't you see me getting my money if i wanted more food i would have ordered more food god brainless okay i just wanted to make sure i had your order correct ma'am i drive a civic okay i really don't need your sass can we get a move on here excuse me while i make this quick announcement attention customers please remember that fast food employees are people too please be kind or don't bother showing up at all thank you anyway your total is gonna be 13.65 you know what add an ice cream cone as well sorry our machine is down i can help whoever's next in line got any two for ones on the ice cream no but if you'd like i can is this the kind of place that charges extra if i want extra toppings on my ice cream yeah that's pretty standard unless you pick well i'm not supporting that what's the cheapest thing you have here probably just plain vanilla ice cream in a cup yeah whatever how much is it uh looks like 299. what that other girl never charges me this much all right and here's your plain vanilla in a cup really that's it okay cause that's what you ordered thanks for coming i can help whoever's next excuse me i need to make a complaint about whoever made my ice cream okay the girl who made it lied to me and told me she was gonna fill it with all different chocolates and creams and she filled it with nothing it was just a plain cup i want a refund that's no problem i'll just need the original ice cream back oh well i ate it oh well now i can't refund it i don't understand oh sam after this customer you can take a break oh thank god hello how can i help you today oh hi sweetie what's your name i'm sam scrooge what no it's it it doesn't matter honestly what can i get for you today now don't get upset over little me i'm new here i've never been here before so i just wanted to get to know you you've been working here a while no what can i get for you today you know you look about to be my grandson's age maybe you know him bartholomew hiccupson no what can i get for you today well don't rush me now okay let me see oh what's a strawberry parfette oh well if you need a minute i can give you some extra time with the menu now soup were you born here no i'm just here for college ma'am are you going to order oh what college my grandson bartholomew hiccups and he also goes to school maybe you know him skink you seem like an intelligent young lady why do you work here i genuinely don't know hi i just need to exchange this item today not a problem i can help you with that do you have your receipt yep here it is oh perfect thank you oh um i don't know if this is the right receipt this is for target and you're at walmart oh well i saw that you guys have basically the same shirt over there so i figured i'd just exchange it here so i could buy something here instead yeah no unfortunately it doesn't work like that if you bought it at target you're gonna have to take it back to target is that a new policy cause that nice girl that always works here on tuesdays always lets me do it i actually work this register every day so no she doesn't i don't understand what the problem is i'm giving you the same shirt with the same price why are you being so snippy ma'am you're not even exchanging the same shirt you have a pink floyd shirt and then a tank top i mean they're both black but i'll have you know that i have been a loyal walmart shopper for 10 years and your attitude makes me want to go to target ma'am from the bottom of my heart i would love for you to go back to target hi welcome to whatever donut shop this is how can i help you hey so i've never been here before do you have any recommendations of course so a lot of people usually like to do a dozen or a half a dozen and my favorite are the sprinkle donuts hmm okay and how much are those they're gonna be a dollar thirteen each but if you're not ready to order get out of line frequent customers are waiting ma'am please be patient okay anyway do you know what you want i'm just looking over everything trying to decide what my husband would want sorry if i'm taking too long yeah no problem take your time this is asinine i have to go pick up my son who has a disability from his friend's house oh i'm so sorry ma'am you're fine that lady schedule's not your problem i come here every single day the least you could do is have my order ready and prioritize me i've definitely never seen you before and if i had i would still wouldn't be preparing food for you in advance watch yourself i'm a pta member so i'm gonna need a cheese pizza to go but with only like a pinch of cheese and 14 pepperonis on it okay oh and definitely a large order of ravioli to go oh i'm sorry ma'am we're actually out of ravioli tonight excuse me i said that we're out of ravioli tonight but if you want what do you mean you're out of ravioli like you didn't order enough i didn't do anything but how are you running this establishment i'm not i need to be accommodated you should be giving me free meals from now on where's your manager yeah no problem let me get someone hi i have a code k i need someone from the krt down here immediately for removal okay thank you someone will be with you shortly someone called for a k removal job yes are you the manager no but ma'am you need to get off this property you know my husband is a cop and he would be joe get out of here get get get go on get we don't want none of your kind in here you just lost a customer all right sam you should be good thanks for your help debra hi did you find everything okay today sweetheart i just waited seven and a half minutes in that line yeah this line's been pretty long all day but you know we've been trying to wait i don't want those two things in the same bag together i need you to separate them okay not a problem oh and i have a 20 coupon for one of those uh stores down the road but you guys will take that right no if it's from a different store we don't take that anyway your total is going to be 90 55. did you say 1955 oh no no i said 90 55 like on the screen oh no that can't be right the computer is correct so um well your prices here are absolutely horrendous and i don't know why i come so your total today is going to be 90 55. oh well here's that coupon ma'am this is a blue cloth this is why your line is so long i can take whoever's next in line hi i just need to return this shirt no problem what's the reason for the return there's a small hole in the side of it i guess i didn't notice when i bought it okay sorry about that oh um there it is and it's such a cute top it's too bad it's ruined i hate when that happens all right let's see here yeah i know it's not a big deal okay so i'm gonna need to see your receipt the tag that was on the shirt and the same card that you used at the time of purchase okay no problem i brought all of those things wow you came prepared hold on let me log back in usually people don't you know bring all their stuff um we have a lot of requirements so let me log back in okay all right let me see here okay we are not able to process your return wait why not oh because there's physical damage now i know exactly that's why i'm returning it we just can't take it back in this condition how much longer for our table oh i'm sorry let me check we've been really busy okay i don't need your excuses i have a pie table for three excuse me um excuse me no excuse me no excuse me i've been waiting here for three minutes and you just tried a butt in front of me that's a i don't think you recognize me i'm a former hoa member and i have connections here so my husband manages a nationally ranked fantasy football team but you don't hear me bragging about it in all fairness i was helping this other woman first please don't interrupt i was trying to help you we're having a discussion work on your customer service my daughter over there is an honors student at sunny lake academy and we're trying to celebrate oh you're a public school parent my children go to ib school you know brookstone academy right down the road and i'm sure those rat-faced toothpicks are your children correct well i'm getting you arrested no we don't need to call the police well then i want to make a formal complaint on this establishment what did we do i'm complaining first my name is karen no my name is karen hey and here's your movie ticket for six o'clock was there anything else i could get you today thank you now i'd like to make a formal complaint oh okay um what happened well the complaint's about you really um okay what did i do well i just personally feel like your presence is offensive to me the hell does that mean it's all the tattoos that gang sign on your hand are you talking about my paw print oh i don't know what that might stand for nowadays with the perverted youth it's for my dead dog anyway i need to speak with a manager about your level of unprofessionalism in front of me because of my tattoos okay and not because i did a bad job at my job correct let me get the manager one moment thank you hi did i hear someone asking for a manager is that more of the devil's ink am i in a club yes you teleported to a club so you should leave hey sam can we chat for a second uh sure okay so i noticed that we haven't been turning in our homework the past few weeks um why i've just been really anxious lately and it's causing panic attacks at home so i haven't been able to wait what does that have to do with homework i don't know i start my work and i feel anxious so i stop and then when i stop i feel anxious for not working and then i just don't get my work done at all well you seem fine to me when we're in class and you're with your friends and you don't seem panicky oh i'm glad you can't tell i've been anxious all class and i picked my fingers till they started bleeding okay i think we might be self-diagnosing a bit my cousin stepnis has anxiety and she's anxious like all the time like you can definitely tell but i don't see that with you at all i get that i just panic more internally i guess right so that's why i'm thinking it's not anxiety it's you know maybe laziness just not wanting to do it not anxiety oh i didn't know you're also a doctor well i'm just a teacher but your total is 1647 and it actually looks like you qualify for our premium rewards membership today oh awesome hooray so do you mind answering a few questions to update your profile that's fine as long as it's quick oh it's very quick it only takes 60 seconds okay what is your date of birth april 1994 okay and zip code um what do you need all this for oh don't worry this is all confidential and we have a very secure network okay and mother's maiden name what was your high school mascot what is your oldest sibling's middle name last four digits of your social make and model of your first car what is your paternal grandfather's medical history what what bank do you go through what are these questions oh last one would you like to donate to help save the pandas today you know what this is really weird i'm i'm leaving did you find everything okay today sir well i uh definitely have now wonderful i was talking about you no yep i i got it you know me and my buddies come here all the time and i've never seen you before i definitely would have remembered that face that is disgusting you know i'm giving you a lot of compliments and i am the customer so the least you could do is uh right but you see i don't get paid to flirt with you so but you are getting paid to be nice to me correct that's why i'm speaking to you in such a friendly tone and a big smile young lady i spend a lot of money here on groceries every weekend i basically keep your job alive you should treat me as such oh well you see i only make 9.25 an hour so yeah no you know i never thought you were actually cute good i'ma let all my boys know not to come to this line you promise so when's the next time you're free never stupid okay have a nice day thank you for calling this is sam speaking how can i help you no we don't have any more candles yeah sure i'll go check can i put you on hold okay did this janet are you back from break yet i need to take my 15. um oh hi thank you so much for holding yeah so i just checked the entire store and we didn't have any candles yeah i know it is really weird okay yeah you do that and why don't you check target two while you're at it yeah don't come here no no don't come here okay yeah bye-bye janet i see you hiding behind the clones over there clock back in oh my god these are so cute oh thank you oh you just have the cutest style such good selections all right your tools gonna be 74.95 now do you have a membership with us oh no i'm not a member okay not a problem if you sign up today you can save 15 no it's okay you don't want to save money with us today nope don't want to sign up no all right and you can just take your and get out excuse me make way for the members next what not to be that person but can i speak to your manager hi i'm the manager i heard there was an issue yes this employee has been incredibly rude to me and even threw this bag at me oh my gosh i'm so sorry let me handle this what's your name sam okay sam i am so sorry again are you a member with us no okay then you can get the out okay next i have sam oh yep now it looks like we haven't seen you for a while you're not avoiding us are you what no all right you can have a seat here and i will bust into your bicuspids right let's get started open wide uh yes oh wow right off the bat this one seems loose wow this is called a toothbrush i'm just gonna get your back teeth here make sure you're brushing four times a day all right and how is school going oh nope keep your mouth open how's school going keep your mouth open okay so i am brushing in a circular motion is it tender when i do this all right this might sound like a chainsaw but it's not are you missing a tooth oh there it is all right the doctor will be right with you okay hi are you sam yeah hi all right everything looks good goodbye wait i so no eating or drinking for half an hour can i at least get a free toothbrush hi i'm here for my three o'clock appointment okay three o'clock let me get you checked in all right she'll be with you in about five minutes if you want to have a seat oh wow that's fast okay thank you hey sorry to bother you but i've been waiting for about 20 minutes do you know when they're gonna call me back ma'am we are very busy today you're going to have to be patient with us it looks like she will be with you in about five minutes please have a seat okay i understand no problem okay i have been waiting here for an hour now there is no one else in this office you can't be that busy okay and what time was your appointment one hour ago three o'clock oh okay well i'm just trying to ask questions so i can understand and i can help you looks like she'll be with you in about five minutes five minutes does time stop in a doctor's office okay but ma'am i am just the receptionist which means i do not have control over the doctor's schedule i cannot make her go faster or slower all i can do is call you back when she's ready okay well i'll wait five more minutes or i'm out of here yes ma'am but we will still be billing you for this appointment hi i'm running a little late for my 3 30 appointment the name is angela okay that's why we ask you to come 15 minutes early the doctor will be with you in five minutes not true excuse me ma'am i am with another patient thank you what is she talking about ma'am i cannot discuss the status of other patients with you please have a seat i'll call you when the doctor is ready for you okay angela you can come on back wow i didn't even have to sit she just got here i've been here an hour and sam you can come back as well thank you all right you can go in here the doctor will be with you shortly does anyone know i'm in here hi there i have an appointment for 1 30. ma'am please put on your mask before you speak to me there are signs okay anyway ma'am i am demonstrating the proper way to wear the mask please put it over your nose but it's just so hard to breathe like this well fortunately you were in a medical clinic and if you pass out we do have equipment so comfortable i just can't wear ma'am please speak up i cannot understand you exactly i just have to pull it up and down anyway ma'am please wear your mask properly or please leave you know what i don't have to do that because you're making me do something against my will and you're violating my rights okay ma'am and with that logic anybody could have shown up here naked today yeah but they can't do that because it affects other people right so why don't you put on your mask so your germs don't affect other people i just i want to speak to your supervisor okay ma'am that's no problem as soon as you put on a mask since we're at the mall do you want to do maybe some back to school shopping we can stop by the gap get you some more jean capris um not really or we could maybe check out some new shops maybe something more your style okay i really need to get some new jewelry and makeup from this one place so if you want we could just stop by there yeah let's do some shopping all right i'll run in and out really fast oh don't be silly we're shopping together i'll come with you okay oh it's dark in here who didn't pay the electric bill are these skulls meant to be decorative well now this is interesting why does everyone here look exactly the same do you guys know each other is this screaming sound on a loop oh i found the jewelry section oh this is a cute necklace what does it say i am the devil all right you ready to go okay is this meant to be a halloween store everything is so spooky yep well that was new should we go over to the gap uh spencer's oh well this looks hip and sciencey is this where you wanted to go the spencers yeah but whatever you do just don't go to the back of the store okay that's a silly thing to say what a wild store how fun i found my section shot glasses send nudes now is this a party store okay i definitely need glasses i thought that shirt's the glitter now does this section bring me back is this a hippie store what are these little gummy candies they look like little rocket ships no look again what do people put these in their mouth do you think maybe they have a jojo siwa section we can get you some cute bows are you sure this store is g-rated i see a lot of male reproductive organs everywhere they sell drugs here oh what's back here are these halloween costumes no no don't go back there is this shop legal your mom's gonna kill me all right your teacher sent us this list of things that you need for school this year so let's only buy what's on the list okay okay whoa these colored pencils are buy one get one free i need them can we get them yeah that's fine you can throw them in the cart but we really should stick to the list we need to look for a green folder okay so i couldn't find any green folders but i did find this bright sparkly pink one and this polar bear one so i think between the two i should just get both we're probably gonna be doing a lot of rubber banding in third grade so i need this oh and mom if you don't want me to be bullied this year i have to get this 20 pack of fine line markers no i'm not paying 25 for markers and you're gonna lose all of them anyway we need to stick to our list we need notebook paper i couldn't find any notebook paper but i did find the sharpener with the two holes in it so i need these for my colored pencils mom this glitter pen is going to be the only thing to motivate me to write this year i know we're shopping for supplies but i need these glasses oh when i really need this diary so i can document all the bullying that happens to me since you didn't buy me those fine line markers i also need this new furry backpack what's wrong with your backpack from last year someone pooped in it hey mom you ready to go go where remember you said you would take me and taylor to the ariana grande concert tonight oh oh um when is it it starts in about an hour and you said that we could go pick up taylor too so uh you ready um did you do that one math assignment due at the end of the year um no oh yeah see um i don't think we can go now i just i can't trust you what why because you know that you have to get your work done before doing something fun so no concert you never told me i needed to do that before going to the concert i shouldn't have to remind you to get these things done they're your responsibility that assignment isn't even due soon well you should just know so you should just tell your friend that we're not coming we already paid for tickets and i'm already dressed and you said that we could go yeah you really messed this one up for you guys huh no you did can you explain to me why i got a call from your school today saying that you've been texting in class wait are you seriously asking me that what is that supposed to mean mom you text me every day in class and when i don't respond to you you send four follow-up texts and if i don't respond to those you start texting my friends asking what i'm doing i'm allowed to text my own daughter to make sure that she's safe i really don't think texting me from the comfort of your home is keeping me safe you're avoiding my original question why are you texting in class okay well let's rewind and just review what we just discussed i am so sick of you always having excuses for not being able to focus in school not being able to focus at home but you're the one texting me nobody else is texting me all my friends are already at school with me why would they text me when they're at school with me you're the one texting me while i'm at school why are you yelling at me would you rather me text it to you so i know there's only nine days left in the semester but i was hoping i could talk to you about earning some extra credit you realize you have a 51 in this class right yeah and how do you expect to do that okay so i was looking at the syllabus and since the exams are worth 50 and i have a 63 average and the class assignments are 15 and i have an 84 in that and the homework assignments are 15 out of 30 average the final exam is worth 20 so if i score a 95 you would only have to give me 65 extra credit points for me to pass this class if you can figure all that out why are you failing my math class [Music] what uh mom can i have some lunch money for tomorrow okay but you really need to get a job i know i'm sorry it's just that i'm in school and no one you know really hires children okay well don't expect your father and i to fund you for the rest of your life when we were children we had to work two jobs and go to school to maintain our lives all right i guess i'll look for a job now mom guess what what i finally got a job what do you mean you got a job where i was expecting more of a good job congratulations congratulate you for what for throwing away your education what are you talking about you said plenty of people can work and go to school at the same time there is just no possible way to balance both you are going to fail school that's not going to happen i just need a little extra money on the side why what do you need all this money on the side for what are you doing getting a school lunch if you needed money you could have come talk to me hey okay this is a robbery uh oh well give me all you got i mean look around man i don't really have much you can take whatever you can find but there's not much here this place stinks oh yeah i haven't really done laundry in a while and the food's just been like piling up in the kitchen sorry about it wow you really don't have anything do you yeah oh wait i do have this very special half-burned candle okay honestly this is probably the most expensive thing i have in my house so take it whoa does smell pretty bomb right i know so i'm lonely do you want to hang out okay remember when you tried to rob my house you can sit right here while we contact your mother okay let me know if you need her number or anything i don't need your smart remarks now hush hi this is mrs gilbert from samantha school okay what are you calling me about now well i wanted to discuss a situation with you that just occurred with your daughter disrespecting my authority who even are you i am the substitute the class was being so disrespectful so i told them if they want to go home they owe me 40 push-ups and your daughter told me she wouldn't do it oh wow good for her you don't have the authority to punish a class by exercise well it doesn't really matter what the instruction was it's the fact that she's disrespecting my authority as an adult at her school well i don't even know who you are i don't respect you my daughter doesn't have to do something you tell her just because you're an adult well i can see where your daughter gets her resistant attitude from you damn right now don't call this number ever again since you ladies can't seem to stop talking in my classroom you both owe me a hundred sentences due tomorrow what yep a hundred sentences due tomorrow on my desk saying i will not speak in my teacher's classroom ever again right and has this method helped in decreasing problem behaviors for students in your classroom excuse me well i'm just saying if you want to implement an effective punishment procedure it should probably be more relevant to the problem behavior i'm not really sure how writing sentences will help me stop speaking in your classroom in the future teachers have been using this method for years it's very successful well history also shows that educators used to use corporal punishment and they would throw any student with special needs into an asylum you're lucky you're not my child i would have spanked you already oh well my mother doesn't put her hands on me in order to alter my behavior she just speaks to me why did my mom just add me on instagram have you added me on instagram yet no my only friends right now are dad and grandma babs you have to add me no why not what kind of pictures are you uploading to that private account of yours private ones if you think this secret social media life is going to continue under my roof think again you can either add me or delete the account altogether i don't care ugh fine you take way too many pictures of yourself thanks and who are all these boys my friends why are you all sticking your tongues out so much because we're having fun is this a bathing suit or a thong you're blocked so when are you going to get over this phase what phase this grungy i don't care about my life i'm depressed leave me alone look i mean we're just hanging out at home do i need to dress up for you well you look like one of those emotional people i don't know what that means you know the people that wear like a lot of black eyeliner and just like black clothing and they always look so sad emo i don't know what you call it but those alternative kids that glorify depression yeah i don't think that's what they're doing and that's not what i'm doing either because i'm not depressed well you appear like you're depressed okay great but i'm not so no you're depressed
Channel: GTV
Views: 328,766
Rating: 4.9447894 out of 5
Id: gdfyMjnZtn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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