Every Issue I've Had With The 2024 Road Glide

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well it's time to talk about the bad side of owning a 2024 Road Glide at least in my case and today I'm going to tell you every issue that I've had with this newow motorcycle the fixes for them and how many times this thing has actually broken down on me uh because it's not pretty now I covered some of this actually a good chunk of this in my Thousand Mile review but since then I've had another breakdown so now it's time to just tell you everything in one video so that way when people ask hey what happened with the bike if you don't want to see the review for whatever reason I can lead you to this video here now the first thing I want to say is when Harley-Davidson flew me and a bunch of other creators out to Las Vegas to ride these new motorcycles I had zero intentions before I left here to go out there ride them and come back and buy a brand new bike but the upgrades and everything they've put into the motorcycles made me do just that I came back got on the phone with Orlando Harley talked to my boy Billy he hooked it up and yeah we got uh we got to talking I went down there signed my paperwork whatever um that's the kind of relationship that we have and so I was like dude these things are awesome I had the chance to ride them out in Vegas and there was I to me EV almost everything they've done with the bikes has been fantastic but here we are and now I'm making this video so this is not to bash Harley day Davidson in any way but it is to be transparent with the community here because that's what I do so if you like honest motorcycle reviews Gear reviews all that kind of stuff comparisons uh make sure you subscribe right here and if you want to join the shot Squad you can do that on patreon or join right here and gain access to some pretty cool perks let's go and get into it so let's talk about the first issue that I actually had which was the no start issue so essentially I rolled the bike out of the garage this was the the the day after I actually got the bike keep in mind the day of I took it for about a 30 mile trip so it was nothing crazy but I wanted to obviously get it out on the street and uh start putting some miles on it and then the very next day I rolled it out of the garage and I went to go roll it back in and that's when this happened literally would not start the starter motor would keep kicking over and nothing would happen and eventually it would shut off so when this happened I contacted Harley-Davidson I told him what was going on they said all right let's you know see if we we can get it to a dealer there's a software update uh and then you know that should clear this issue right up now keep in mind you can do software updates over Wi-Fi now um that's something you have to you know get like a two USBS transfer the update from your computer to the bike but it can be done um over Wi-Fi so I just want to make that clear you don't have to take it to the dealer for some software updates it's not totally necessary but at the time I didn't know this and the bikes are so new dealers and everybody's kind of just learning information as it's coming at them shut the bike off let it sit for a minute or two same issue so at this point I'm like okay let me shut it off for 20 minutes did that same issue just would not start up it would not kick over so what I did is I tried to pull the main fuse and let it sit and sometimes it would start other times it wouldn't and I said okay screw it I'm just going to get a tow truck put this thing on there and uh go from there so that's what I did the next morning tow truck comes by we get it on there they get it down to my local dealer and it it's a different kind of feeling when you have a motorcycle with less than 50 miles and you're looking at it going away on the back of a tow truck knowing that there's nothing I could do about it uh so that's a that's a different feeling but you know what I put my feelings aside I said okay software update is going to fix this so I get a call from my dealer the the same day and he's like okay this is what we think happened is your bike was in security uh alarm mode essentially and we don't think it was put into transport mode when it was on the trailer from Orlando up to you so I was like well okay yeah I mean I guess I can see that over time it just kind of kills the battery why I was able to ride it that day um I guess maybe there was just enough juice in the battery and then overnight it killed it wouldn't start we've done a load test on it everything's good to go so I said okay and uh went picked up the bike everything seemed fine until the next day the next day I coincidentally was going up to a different Harley that's very close to that same Harley dealer but we were just going to you know trade in some clothes or exchange some clothes uh something from Christmas time so you know it was totally unrelated but about a quarter of a mile actually maybe even an eighth of a mile from that dealer the bike suddenly jolted and then the ABS and traction control lights came on now so I got it to the dealer again very short little ride there and when I shut it off I went inside I asked hey can you guys come take take a look at this well when I get back outside same starting issue said okay well it wasn't doing this before but the ABS and traction control lights did come on right before I came here so I kept doing it let it reset for about 30 40 seconds and then the bike started up again but then when I went back out to leave it happened to me again where it wouldn't start and I said you know what I'm not going to do this I'm not going to have it towed again that's for sure I'll leave it here I knew that it would be a few days before they could look at it guy told me that straight up so I said okay I'll leave it here let me know so I left it there I called him a few days later try to get an update and they say man I don't know this thing's starting up just fine now I asked them have y'all been keeping it on a tender he told me no I have no reason to think otherwise okay well you know it's starting up I said hey can y'all check the battery again because you know I'm thinking maybe that is the issue there's obviously something electrical going on you've seen it with your own eyes as I'm talking to the same guy that was there that day he said yeah man I know you know but there's just there's nothing happening so anyways they check the battery they they call Harley they get tech services on the line tech services says Hey give it back to him if he has more issues make sure he takes a video and then calls us again so I I knew there was an issue with the bike I I really didn't expect anything less than to have an issue again and have to take this back for a third time but at this point what can I really do I think that one of the texts even wrote up that hey this thing we found it in Rain mode um you know maybe it uh slipped a tire or the tire slipped and that caused the lights to come on and I'm thinking to myself you know I understand these are new bikes you know not everybody knows about these new bikes and certainly not you know any kind of issues yet but logically speaking rain mode is designed to do the opposite thing of what he wrote up you know it actually engages your traction control um to its highest setting so you don't lose traction so anyways I seen that it didn't give me any more hope that's for sure but I took the bike got it home and guess what the very next day you want to take a guess didn't start now when I say it didn't start it it still uh would have this starting issue where it acted like it wanted to start but nothing would happen the lights would erratically flash on and off or they would just kind of flicker you know instrument gauges wouldn't work I mean it was acting really erratic sometimes times it would again start up smoke on me act like it was running on one cylinder and then shut back off so I took my video I sent it to Harley corporate now one thing that I mentioned in the Thousand Mile review is sometimes you need to call customer care because once you get these guys involved it can get a lot better for you now dealer support varies all all across the country from what I understand from talking to y'all and being to certain dealers myself sometimes you get really awesome experience sometimes not so much the good part about Harley-Davidson though is you can go anywhere you want to essentially um and you know choose to do business where you want and so that's what I elect to do but no matter what your support level is like on your on your dealer side customer care can kind of step in and you know give you extra support if that's needed and in my case I I believe it was needed so they ended up looking at the bike and what they determined is they took a new BCM out of another 24 put it in my bike put my BCM in the other bike well guess what the other bike started having issues same as mine and mine worked perfectly what tech services was going to do is actually fly from Milwaukee to my local dealer and actually check out the motorcycle and see what the heck is going on but I told him I was like look I'm trying to go to Daytona which is in two days can we overnight this part and that's exactly what they did so they overnighted a new body control module they put it in the motorcycle they checked it the next morning before I went and picked it up they said everything looks good at this point now I am hopeful because they found an issue and I I think we're good to go but you know I'm going down to Daytona we're going to try this thing out if it starts up more than two days in a row I think we might be on to something so I get it down there not only does it start up two days in a row it starts up three days in a row and then a week in a row and I'm like all right thankfully this thing is fixed nothing more to concern myself with until just a couple of days ago the very first time I tried to get power to this thing actually I was doing another video quinci L uh but I tried to put power to the bike and my lights started acting erratic they started flashing and then I noticed that my gear indicator wasn't working I noticed that sometimes it wouldn't even come on it was just really weird so I tried to reset the system and then I had absolutely no power I mean nothing what's interesting is it was almost like a progressive type of thing that was happening so the first time uh lights are erratic and you know then it was the gear indicator not coming on then when I would hit the the the the Run position the fuel pump wasn't turning on fuel pump is not turning on gear indicator is not working and it just shut off and then eventually I had no power to the system whatsoever hit the button nothing [Music] happens so I said okay well here we go again so I call customer care they're like hey look you need to get the bike down to your local dealer um and at this point I'm thinking man I just need to get another motorcycle you know there's got to be some kind of lemon law here this thing has 1100 miles I'm pissed you know what I mean like this this is ridiculous so what I ended up doing doing cuz I did not want to tow it again is I put it on a tender now overnight I had it on a tender about 14 hours um it still wasn't fully charged by the time I got up in the morning and ready to leave but uh it did give it enough juice to where it would start up so I get it back down to the dealer and I got a call uh just a few hours ago really and they said hey we swapped the battery everything looks good to go now now of course at this point point this being the fourth time I am still hesitant to think that I have a working motorcycle and it's going to take me some time to actually trust this thing you know was it the transport mode or the or not being in transport mode from the original trip from Orlando up here that caused all of this in the first place I have no idea you know batteries seem like The Logical answer but with it doing everything else and kind of you know just running erratic and you know acting like it's running on one cylinder and smoking I was thinking okay yeah BCM does make more sense than a battery but now at this point they've changed the battery and I'm hoping that it will be fixed so with all of that said Harley-Davidson actually comped my 1K service they're paying for that um which I had already planned on taking it to them for the 1K because you know when it's that very first service they're so picky with that stuff again thinking about my warranty thinking about what this bike's already been through I said hey I'm going to I'm going to bite the bullet on this one and let them do the 1K service anyways now one other thing I need to mention is that the shocks are actually squeaking on compression and rebound this is one of my last worries but at the same time this should not be happening on a new motorcycle so I'm still waiting to kind of see what that issue is but once I get an update of course I will update y'all and if I have any future uh issues with the bike and I really hope I don't of course y'all will be the first to know so they did pay for the 1K service which is pretty awesome and makes me feel somewhat compensated for all the issues that I had now am I going to sell this thing and buy an India tomorrow absolutely not do I hate the motor company now no I don't I understand to an extent that we are ambassadors of this new design because everything's different from the wiring harness to the lights everything you see uh and everything you don't see is different on these motorcycles so I understand there's going to be some growing pains and when you buy a brand new design sometimes you're going to have issues that I accept but four times in roughly two months of going to the shop I don't and so that's why I'm making this video also if you know anybody any other creators or yourself or just people in your circle that have issues like this maybe that will help you guys out as well to get your bike up and running quicker than what mine has and so that I feel like is part of my responsibility here too is to inform you guys and that's what uh that's what this video is all about now if you like my style which is honest motorcycle reviews make sure you subscribe and if you want to join the shot Squad you can do that on patreon or join the channel right here and again I have links for yall and discount codes associated with those links to help save you money on some of the best motorcycle parts in the industry big thanks to you guys for watching see you in the next one and as always holding down
Channel: Hegshot Rides
Views: 89,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2024 road glide, 2024 road glide issues, 2024 road glide review, 2024 road glide features, 2024 road glide upgrades, best harley upgrades, best 2024 road glide accessories, best upgrades for harley, best harley davidson upgrades, 2024 road glide tour pack, 2024 road glide seat, 24 street glide issues, 2024 street glide issues, 2024 road glide no start, 2024 road glide starting issues
Id: HbC9BT8jcKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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