Every Island Is A Random Biome! - WorldBox

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welcome back to another Islands video because my goodness it's been almost a year since the last World Box update so we're just going to keep repeating ideas until the new update comes out all right sounds good great although this will be different got this map off of Steam Workshop it's called gorg's Island world but random someone just did a spin-off of my video and now I'm using it to make the video it's getting pretty meta over here but anyway thank you Marlo blueberry for taking my map idea and just adding an extra spin on it so we can do a new type of video with this idea let's jump into it so as you can see every biome is randomized sometimes there's two corrupted right next to each other sometimes there's two Arcane Sands one with no trees on it what's going on here my guy went a little Hog Wild on the shrubs this looks like a new biome from zoomed out there's just plants covering every inch of it got to make some room for some trees there bucko but yes the biomes are randomized and how we're going to do this is we're going to start a kingdom on every grass biome to kind of keep the spawns random as well so we're going to go 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 holy smokes this island is just covered in berries I guess that's also random we're definitely going to keep an eye on the berry boys over there okay 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five all right there we go eight kingdoms and four of them are all kind of jammed up here so that's going to be interesting interesting these two are kind of all alone down here these guys are going to kill it all these berries we're naming you the berry boys for sure hold my piece D all right sure I don't know what that means okay here we go so pretty much No Nonsense this is kind of old style where I'm not really goofing around too much with what's happening we're just going to let it play out there's a lot of random goofy elements here like wow look at this place look how much grass is on this thing is it a desert or is it my dad's front lawn because he's got grass in his yard I don't even know what the joke is there man this must be where Olive Garden makes their raspberry lemonade get it cuz there's berries and there's lemons oh I just noticed this Kingdom is called the ad that's actually really funny imagine if an ad played right now that's comedy right there let's change some of these Kingdom names here Ivo you can stay I can pronounce that IFI hold our fish we're going to call them fish mongers I don't know why I check Kingdom with food and axe we go let's just call them Kingdom the kingdom kingdom Sur of moon that's fine with me realm of machock how about just Realm of the chalk the ad you can stay in hope we believe we're going to call them the Hope because honestly they' got the best setup here this is the dream all they got to do is just take over a couple these islands and they're going to have a crazy jump start all this is for them now these islands right here they kind of could get a early jump start on the big island here I mean any of these ones are kind of close they're definitely going to have to fight over it though these guys they're chilling the berry boys I hope the best for them already the difference in population despite having the same biome is interesting these guys are struggling to get wood maybe because there's too many just plants everywhere for the trees to grow uh these guys not having that problem although their population is still pretty low I don't know nothing makes sense Realm of the chalk no wonder they're a 30 population they're all amped up on chocolate milk right now look at this dude Pim this guy's crazy look at him go holy smokes his veins are just pumping with calcium right now I mean he's taking a nap but when he gets up watch him watch him wow look at him go he's so amped oh my gosh he just grew like 3 feet bro I got to get some of this chocolate milk stuff that's crazy okay we got some alliances forming a couple kingdoms kind of teaming up here but honestly who cares let's speed it up a little bit none of them even have boats yet the concept of boats is not even a twinkl in their eye yet they're too stupid to oh wait they have boats okay never mind they don't have big boats though okay okay Sur of moon is in the lead with 38 they were in last place not too long ago but I think they're all going to stop at 38 because they have to expand I think to go further than that so you know maybe that'll happen maybe it won't they are fresh out of trees though tell you what look how stupid they look on their big green saucer if their Island was a pizza they are the toppings why does it feel like the trees are not growing very fast this is on right yeah the trees are on can we please get some trees in here no no no king I said trees in here not can we get some trees in here no no no I'm not asking them to betray you I'm just saying can we get some trees in here like you know wood trees so that they can chop them down to get wood you know what I mean right don't cry I wasn't asking people to betray you sheesh kingdom kingdom is a mess dude all right this is boring please give me boat all right wow that took way too long kingdom kingdom is actually the first one to do it they've set up a new Village on this very grassy lemon Island and the lemon people are thrilled wow people just moved into my home without asking me first yay I think they're the only ones so far that have expanded await the Hope wow look at this place this is Crystal crazyville okay it's happening they're expanding oh and look at this Ivo they just took the Mushroom Island everyone's looking good no one took any bad islands and I just now realized that uh realm of the chalk has two corrupted Islands next to them and that is very bad news because you know oh you know they can't resist going there I know they've got a nice swamp island with nice orange and yellow sheep and a nice desert right over here with cats to hang out with and don't even get me started on the giant Grass Island down here just loaded with chickens but that doesn't matter because you know what they're going to do I bet anything that they're going to go to one of these two islands they're going to look at this and go oh yeah that's where I want to be this is where I want to spend my days I want to retire here I want to have my children here and the best thing about this place is that I don't have to hire a babysitter because the trees are always watching my kids Maniacs I'd love to be proven wrong but we'll see all right the other kingdoms are not expanding oh wo kingdom kingdom just made their third Village some other kingdoms don't even have a second one yet and they're on to their third kingdom kingdom sure knows how to be a kingdom you know what I mean okay IO now have as their third island and they took another good one good for you they could have gone this way and taken the corrupted one oh wait just kidding they actually just did that as well there we go they took the corrupted one and Enchanted look at them is that five now they just took three back to back Realm of the chalk I mean at this point just take the corrupted Island all right I know I was making fun of you for it but just do it just take something you can't live like this forever and you guys too Sur of moon I see you get out there and the berry boys your berries are gone you got to go find new berries look at that right there berries right across the water now go get them uh the Hope has five holy smokes okay wow they're picking it up they took a corrupted Island though but that's uh that's whatever gosh I hope your citizens don't get cursed from this island oh no that's crazy how' that happen Okay the ad has a second island now finally it looks like they're about to get a third if they can defeat these Gummy Bears and the answer is no they cannot maybe they'll try again someday did you name yourselves the ad because watching you feels like a waste of time tell me is that why the Hope just declared war on Kingdom Kingdom that's five islands versus five Islands about 200 population each that is a fair fight which is actually kind of good for all these small kingdoms getting started ooh The Hope takes the first island oh and there's corruption in here did you see that there was a little Skelly boy in there did you see it oh I guess that's the Hope huh that's right they're the ones that have it okay so they're sending their little cursed people to go fight very bold strategy we'll see how it pans out Ivo just declared war on Kingdom as well okay well so kingdom is about to get obliterated then right and they're getting 2V1 by the two biggest kingdoms and one of them's cursed actually both of them are cursed oh no no they both have cursed kingdoms okay well uh GG kingdom kingdom you did well I mean you know maybe they'll hang in there we got to believe in them a little bit but I don't think they're going to make it uh fish mongers took their second island freaking finally good for you guys Sur of moon have still not I don't know why they're being attacked by something someone oh they're allies with Kingdom so they just got taken over oh no okay well Sur of moon is gone I mean don't cry for them they did absolutely nothing notable with their time here Realm of the chalk same thing they've done absolutely nothing with their lives very cool uh Berry Boys Same deal I don't know why this happens I know it's not because they don't have the materials because I made sure they all did oh no the ad was destroyed by Kingdom okay what is happening right now these three kingdoms are going crazy you guys know that you're next right the three big kingdoms are going to fight until there just one big Kingdom left and then you guys are done for you hear me oh you want to be an ally with them or you want to make peace bro you were never even a threat they don't even know you exist probably you call yourself the berry boys but you don't even have berries okay you've got 78 berries big deal I could eat 78 berries in 10 seconds you seen me okay fishmongers are making peace as well there's actually a lot of Peace flying around now maybe kingdom kingdom will be spared but as much as I like them I kind of hope that they don't you know just like okay huge war ended voila you guys get spared but like is it because they couldn't defeat you no they could have absolutely is it because they have a lot to learn from you so they want to observe you the kingdom of Kingdom I think it's possible just fast forwarding a little bit here I want to see how everyone expands Ivo is doing really well the hope is doing even better kingdom is expanding out again fishmongers has took their third island Realm of the chalk took swamp Island and not corrupted I'm sure they tried to take it but couldn't but either way I owe you Fellers an apology I am so sorry that I called you dumb and said you were going to take the bad islands and don't look at me like that when I'm apologizing I mean this this is sincere I am really sorry I think you guys actually do have a chance don't tell them this but I still don't think they have a chance they waited way too long The Hope Has 600 oh 6 oh 6 588 population and and uh ivo's got 450 Kingdom Kingdom's got 215 round of the chocks got 62 fishmonger almost has 200 that's cool and Barry Boys I think at the beginning of the video I unironically said these guys were going to perform greatly cuz they had such a strong start with all those berries but turns out in The Game of Life the amount of berries you have means nothing to your success Realm of the chalk was destroyed bro just like that taken over by the hope the hope is absolutely terrifying at this point sitting at 6 669 population and granted IO is still up there they're still doing good the fishmongers are at war with the Hope right now but I think that just means that the Hope's going to take their islands and grow even stronger because 205 population versus 665 I'm no mathematician but I think one of those numbers might be bigger than the other okay somehow the war with the hope versus the fishmongers just continues on and on and their population keeps growing so I I know if anyone's going to eventually win this fight or what but I just noticed that kingdom is up to almost 600 population they are gaining on the Hope right now I mean the Hope's struggling cuz they're at War but kingdom kingdom has already passed Ivo they're now in second place and almost caught up to first place guys what are you doing like in a good way how do you do it they're showing these kingdoms had a really Kingdom I like the part when the king said it's Kingdom in time and he's about to Kingdom all over them and in case you were wondering Barry boys have still done absolutely nothing they haven't even upgraded their duck yet they don't even know that this boat could be big enough for people they only think it's for fish you can learn a lot from these guys like what not to do oh wait hold on they just got a big boat their population just went above 38 holy smokes guys I got to call my parents it's finally happening there goes their boat where's it going where's it going where you going Mr boat oh they just dropped up over here on this island that the Hope just took from fishmongers okay they just wanted to join the War I guess shouldn't you be expanding first you finally have the gift of sailing and the first thing you want to do with it is just drop your troops off at some random far away Island for no reason guys you have 43 population The Hope Has 895 Kingdom has 93 Kingdom has 913 population they're in the lead now dang dude what is happening they're taking over this whole Corner this is going to be the biggest comeback of all time Barry Boys please try everyone's rooting for you well actually at this point probably no one's rooting for you but still give them a show all right no way Kingdom just took the center Island I just realized no one had even taken it yet that's crazy why did it take so long for someone to take it and why was it Kingdom of all kingdoms the hope is dropping rapidly these two smaller kingdoms versus this big kingdom are just keeping each other so busy meanwhile kingdom kingdom kingdom just casually takes over the map in the middle of it all look fishmongers over here fighting the hopes over here fighting and Kingdom kingdoms just right here in the middle like yeah I think we'll just we'll just take all of these including the corrupted one uhoh and then of course how can we forget oh the berry boys oh you silly goofballs you're so content I just want to pick you up and strangle you you know like in like a cute way or something kingdom is now a 2,000 population this is ridiculous and they're now at war with Ivo and I think fishmongers which probably means game over for them oh my gosh look at this dude they they're Kingdom in everywhere oh they just ended the war with the small kingdoms and they just declared war on the hope the big Kingdom they were like you guys are all right we're going to spare you thanks for keeping the hope busy all these years so we could take over the world now that we're strong enough we're going to destroy the hope it's actually kind of Hardcore they spared kingdom kingdom earlier and then now kingdom kingdom is here to destroy the hope that's crazy um okay no one has taken these two corrupted Islands though I'm actually quite pleased with that that level of wisdom to just don't bother with these two you know not worth it there's still a remarkable amount of islands untaken on this side of the map oh my gosh wow it finally happened Berry boys took over a new island congratulations guys I have bad news for you though it's pretty much the end of the game here you see kingdom kingdom I'm sure you've heard of them they're going to be up to 3,000 population soon you guys have 702 so yeah no no I am proud of you I don't want to take away from your moment here but it is and let me say this very clearly it is way way too late okay so just keep that in mind you guys are doomed oh man fishmongers are down to one Island here that's kind of sad I mean they were really unremarkable too they they weren't the last Kingdom to get a new island but they weren't the first like they just were a little slow they didn't really do much you know and it feels sad that they have to go without really making their mark on the world also I swear it was ivo's Army that was there but somehow kingdom kingdom got it so you know what are they cheating so there's some foul play going on here I'm not so sure I can still see io's Army here did this kid capture it this kid named mocha did you take it did you cheat I don't know man but whatever Kingdom's doing it's working oh my gosh they own over half the map now the hope is almost destroyed oh Kingdom just declared war on Ivo now fishmonger is gone it's about to be kingdom kingdom versus Berry boys pretty soon here and just like that the Hope was destroyed absolutely obliterated they didn't even capture this last one they just blew it up and you know what I think Ivo might be next they're down to three islands in the very top corner of the world and none of those islands are looking particularly good and look at that Barry Boys just took their third island wow guys that's cool I'm pretty proud of you you guys figured it out you figured out how boats work that's cool took you like 300 years but you know that's oh look at that a fourth island wow you guys are really expanding maybe you'll have a chance a HRA popul well you hit the triple digits yeah you're feeling pretty smart aren't you Mr King okay well don't get too excited because like I said there's a kingdom of over 4,000 population that's filled with murderous rage that just took out kingdoms about 10 times your size so just keep that in mind you don't got much to worry about I doubt they're going to declare war on you oh they just declared war on you you guys are done for well it's been nice knowing you honestly I mean maybe you guys can still win you know maybe you're for Island Empire oh sorry two Island Empire oh sorry one Island Empire oh sorry zero Island Empire um okay so kingdom kingdom definitely won right you guys saw that right you didn't you didn't miss it so they started off strong that was something they did really well they did start off strong then they got almost wiped out then they came back strong and they obliterated everyone they were just built different they outpaced everyone got wiped out and then they outpaced everyone again and wiped everyone else out that was crazy so uh yeah pretty wild good for them truly the most Kingdom of all kingdoms thanks for watching don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't yet and I will see you guys in the next video everybody say bye-bye Kingdom bye-bye [Music] Kingdom
Channel: Gorg
Views: 77,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox game, worldbox update, worldbox pc, worldbox new game, god simulator, world box, worldbox gameplay, super worldbox, tabs, dangerouslyfunny, world box game, new sandbox game, world box sand box, worldbox on steam, new worldbox video god tycoon, worldbox god simulator, simulated worldbox, gorg worldbox, worldbox mods, druuuwu worldbox, super world box review, worldbox sim, project zomboid, islands
Id: FSs3RS0PuLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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