EVERY EVENT ARMOR in Monster Hunter World & Iceborne | MHW Guide 2024

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now that monster hunter world has finished its development in that Capcom is not working on any new content all of the previously Tim restricted limited events are now permanently available for all players to go and do there are so many Fantastic quests that are crammed into the events allowing you to get rare components easier exclusive gear and so much more as they're all now available it's really difficult to know which ones are worth doing to help reduce the overwhelm I've been doing Roundup videos and individual spotlights on the best events to do spanning from the beginning of the game all the way over to end game if you haven't caught any of these spotlights so far I'm sure there's going to be something of value to you I highly recommend you check them out I'm lighted up Dan and on this channel we cover action RPGs Rogue likes and MMOs including loads of Monster Hunter world I'm sure you've noticed just as a quick side I want to say I'm enormously grateful to all of you folks who have brought us from 99% of unsubscribed viewers all the way over to 88% that is absolutely incredible let's keep that momentum up given that the majority of you are returning viewers if you enjoy the videos do subscribe and with that said let's get to it for today's Roundup I wanted to cover all of the event armors that are available in the game this is focusing exclusively on gear that you can craft and equip that has stats it does not include layered armors sieges raids at elder dragons festivals or Arenas similarly gear that you get just because of monster Parts won't be included as well such as the event to face off against digon zoga for example up first we've got the hr11 event wiggle me this requiring delivery of 10 wigglers inside the coral Highlands ensuring you've got your capture net equipped and that your tiptoeing up to the wigglers to not spook them away try and capture two or three at a time because once you throw down your net all of them will hide underneath the ground heading north of the first Camp there's about three different locations that you can just bounce between capturing two or three at a time they hide away you move on to the next location and rinse and repeat until you're done after you've tamed the wriggling trouser snakes you'll be rewarded with a wiggler ticket or two take these over to the Smithy to craft yourself a wigler head Alpha armor a high rank Rarity 5 armor with two level one gem slots and two levels of wide range a fun silly Wiggly head armor with two levels of a fantastic multiplayer ability next we've got the hr11 event wrapping with the sheos a slaying Quest requiring you to hunt 13 sheos inside the coral Highlands heading in between area 4 and six there's a slope where a lot of them are chilling out slaying the ones that you encounter on the way over to this and all of them that are hanging out here should be enough for you to finish the quest once you're done bringing shame to the sheam US you'll be rewarded with one or more black bandages take this over to the Smithy to craft yourself a sealed eye patch Alpha armor a high rank Rarity 35 armor with a level two and a level one gem slot and one level of fire resistance very functional and happens to look extremely cool next up we've got the hr11 event egg lovers United pitting you up against the kyaku inside the arena focusing out your damage on the head making sure that it's tenderized if you got the opportunity to do so being mindful of when it does have a rock in its hands your attacks are likely to get deflected if you've got any pods that cause a stagger I think you should be able to get piercing pods off it depending on which weapon that you're using this causes the monster to drop its Rock getting wall bangs whenever the monster's not enraged and you should be good after you done breaking a few eggs to make a Kola yaku omelette you'll be rewarded with one or more Kola yaku tickets take this over to the Smithy to craft yourself a coola yaku head Alpha armor a rarity 5 armor with a level three and a level one gem slot and one level of pro transporter another funny silly wobbly head armor which looks pretty silly but it's going to help you get through any of those optional quests that require you to transport something up next we've got an hr11 event a flash in the pan pitting you up against three SE yaku inside the arena again focusing out your damage on the head is going to be really beneficial to you and if you can come in with three stun resist you will be immune to its blinding stunning attack this makes the fight so trivial so much easier highly recommend you do that you can get them to stun and blind each other which also further makes it really trivial tenderize where possible aim for the head go for wall bangs when they're not enraged and you should be good after you're done getting your retina scorched by all the bloody flashing you'll be rewarded with a black Crystal ticket or two head over to the Smithy and craft yourself the shadow Shades Alpha armor a rarity 5 armor with three level one decoration slots and one level of stun resist which frustratingly would have been useful to get the quest done in the first place hopefully you able to make up the three stun resist anyway just jumping in interrupting your all event armor video real fast over here to talk about today's sponsor for this video my friends at Tom talk have done it again dear God look at this thing once again an awesome box yo look at this thing oh my goodness this sling bag is themed on Monster Hunter rise and Monster Hunter sunbreak it's based on the color scheme and the vibe of those Knights that you've got in the game quite a spacious bag here it's got different compartments for you to put different things in as well great for your electronics very cool very well made the strap is really high quality again and as a sling bag it's got a very specific like way of carrying it like up here pretty cool pretty sick I'm pretty sure this will fit a switching as well and the back of it is like kind of padded and stuff God damn that's nice that is actually super nice head over to the Amazon links in the description you can get it for your region go take a look they've got some really really cool stuff on there and a massive thank you once again for Tom talk for sponsoring this video you guys are the goats now back to your video up next is an HR 13 event usj blazing as your stars pitting you up against a gigantic DOTA G and a miniature as your Rathalos inside the elders recess giant best boy dodo here is a target you can't really miss depending on where you're fighting it you can drop down pillars to do a lot of damage and to topple it over make use of Ledges to get powerful jumping attacks off and as always tenderize the parts and go for wall bangs when the monster's not enraged do be careful about its powerful blast attacks focusing your damage out on the head when you can as your aalos is a menace but given that this one is so tiny you're going to have a pretty easy time making sure you connect your hits because it's so small it can't really maneuver about all over the place like a usual size one would this also helps you to evade its attacks pretty effectively too Focus out damage on the head watch out for its poisonous Talons and its fire breath try and ground it when it's hovering either with aerial slide attacks depending on which weapons you are using or by using your clutch claw to Flinch shot it into the ground your cleanser boost is going to be pretty useful here as well just to get rid of the fire blights and to get rid of any poison once you're done feeling bad for having to slay best boy dodo you'll be rewarded with an Azure star gem or two take these over to the Smithy and craft yourself the Azure Star-Lord Alpha armor set a gorgeous looking powerful Rarity 7 armor set featuring some really cool skills and abilities including agitate handycraft recovery up critical boost and of course the Rathalos Mastery on it as well giving you critical element at two pieces equipped and Mind's Eye at four pieces a fantastic choice for high rank up next we've got an hr14 event the Fantastic Devil May Cry collab Quest code red pitting you up against an anath odaran Rathalos and teostra in the arena one after the other don't be intimidated by all these monsters that you have to face off against as anytime you've got a multimonster quest their HP totals are reduced vastly the more the monsters the more the reduction you're going to be getting set on fire a lot during this Quest and possibly even bled and poisoned with of course the blast blight at the end with the teostra fire resistance is going to be helpful particularly if you can get 20 or above to have fire blight resist your cleanser booster will be super useful too all the best practices come into play here tenderize Parts where you can focus damage out on the head go for wall bangs when the monster's not enraged utilize the ledge or the sliding area to get mounts or powerful attacks depending on what weapons you're using and don't be afraid to do this in multiplayer it's easy to watch me back in master rank gear absolutely smashing these things but you're going to be high ranked when you're trying this yourself after you're done turning the red Into the Dead you'll be rewarded with one or more red orbs take these over to the Smithy to craft the phenomenal Dante Alpha armor set a rarity 8 armor featuring some really powerful skills including weakness exploit critical eye evade window and more this set looks absolutely killer and you get to look like bloody Dante from Devil May Cry I mean come on so cool over to master rank with the MR3 event Pearl snatchers requiring you to deliver six Pearl spring maacs in hor Frost reach I think I'm saying that right Maca I don't know YOLO heading over from one hotring to the next make sure you've got your capture net equipped and great grab those monkey looking things as soon as you whip out your net they're going to run off so do grab as many as you can and then head over to the next hotring once you're done reducing these poor innocent creatures to a life of captivity you'll be rewarded with a pearl spring ticket take this over to the Smithy and craft yourself the Pearl spring Alpha plus armor a rarity N9 head armor with a level two and level one gem slot and two levels of recovery up a fantastic must have skill in my opinion not bad to get you up and running an iceborn and of course you get a MAAC on your head next we've got the MR3 event duffel Duty requiring you to deliver eight duffel penguins in hor Frost reach head over to Central Camp number seven drop down the hole and they'll be there for you to capture I recommend you make your way fully into the little cave bit all the way up to the lake as once you start capturing them they'll all start sliding down and jumping into the water you probably won't be able to get them all in one go but this way you'll Max maximize the amount you do get fast travel to another Camp maybe go mine some ORS or something head back over to Camp number seven and they should have respawned again once you're done perpetuating your streak of captivity cruelty you absolute monster you'll be rewarded with a penguin ticket take this to the Smithy to craft yourself a duffel penguin mask Alpha plus armor a rarity n head armor with a level four gem slot and two levels of a vade window and you get to look ridiculous or awesome depending on which perspective you have next we've got the MR3 event Flora frostbite where you'll need to deliver 10 ice blooms in hor Frost reach starting at Camp 7 or Camp 15 both are fantastic choices you're going to need to gather at the Frozen foliage nodes if you've got levels in botonis this is going to help here even if you don't have anything for Gathering it's going to be super easy and quick there's loads of these Frozen foliages nearby after you're done bricking it that you're going to run into a barrier you'll be rewarded with a Wy Varian ticket take this over to the Smithy and craft yourself the wyvaran ears Alpha plus armor a rarity n head armor with a level four gem slot and two levels of mushroomancer and one level of survival expert and you get to make all of your Elf cosplay dreams of fantasy you pervert next is an mr18 event usj ballet of frost pitting you up against a frost Fang Barth in hor Frost reach this monster can be tricky but by focusing your damage out on the head you should get plenty of part breaks which will give you opportunities where the monster will Flinch allowing you to do some extra damage and really get in there the best strategy for Barth is to ensure that you break the two front arms as this will cause it to trip up every single time it leaps around the area this gives you so many damage windows and opportunities to build up Ko tenderize the parts get additional part breaks and of course go for wall bangs when it's not enraged 20 or more ice resistance is going to give you additional defense and of course give you immunity to ice blight which is super useful once more don't be afraid to do this in multiplayer Barth can be really tricky when you're not used to it after you're done dancing to the ode of death you'll be rewarded with one or more large as your era gems take these over to the Smithy to craft the fantastic as your age Alpha plus armor set this provides the maximum raw defense available for master rank armors at 850 Total Defense without upgrades provides great Elemental resistances without any negative ones has a great skills like weakness exploit Focus Constitution water attack as well if you got a water Elemental weapon and true critical element when you've got four pieces of armor equipped making this a good choice to take up against allat Tron as well if you want to use true critical element and it looks godamn dope as well I mean look at it next we've got an mr20 event which is actually a Resident Evil collab r e Return of the bioweapon pitting you up against a black veil Val hazak in the rotten Veil this is a super fun really unique little Quest where aluia resist isn't going to do anything for you at all so you might as well not take it and when the aluia would normally activate and Harve your HP you actually turn into a zombie in this state you quickly regenerate HP you're invulnerable to the acid damage and a few other fun little quirks and dotted around the stage are green herbs like the ones you get in the Resident Evil games these will cure you from your zombie status so you can go back to dealing damage to the monster and apart from this it's just a regular fight against a Black Veil Val hazak aim for the Spore sacks on it so it doesn't do its super explosion attack Focus your damage on the head if possible I know it's quite tricky with Val tenderize the monsters part so you can deal out additional damage and of course go for wall bangs when it's not enraged or your usual best practices there's a part of the stage before its layer which it might fight in or it might skip and go straight to its layer where these giant hanging teeth pillars can be knocked down with your Slinger and will deal a tremendous amount of damage and Topp all the monster over this should be in zone 12 of the map utilizing one or both of these pillars if you're able to will make a tremendous difference with this fight once you're done satisfying your craving for brains you'll be rewarded with one or more stars badges taking these over to the Smithy and selecting full armor sets you can craft yourself the Leon Alpha and Clare Alpha armor sets very unique looking of course cuz you take on their appearance it's actually got some pretty damn good skills with agitator evade wind agitator secret and zombie inia resistance as well not to mention really good Elemental resistances just a pretty fun armor set to get I'm not sure you're really going to use it but it's pretty cool next we've got an mr20 event a chilling entrance pitting you up against a black veil Val hazak and a Vel Carana in Ancient Forest seems really scary to elder dragons but again because it's two monsters much less HP this time your a fluvia resist is going to do something so do bring that along maybe even bring your previous armor set along if you've made it Focus out your damage on the head belly and legs but head is good if you can get it try and attack the Spore sacks that you see bulging you see one on the top of the tail on its belly as well smashing those prevents it from doing its big explosion attack where it puts aluia everywhere you can get rid of the aluia clouds with fire damage both with weapons or with pods use any traps Ledges and slopes for sliding attacks to your advantage and get wall bangs whenever the monster isn't in raged of course shortly after taking out the Black Veil Val huzak velana will show herself here having high ice resist will be really useful to mitigate damage and if you've got 20 or more to give you ice blight immunity alternatively you've got null berries you've got your cleanser booster but it's just useful to have that immunity anyway Focus out your damage on the head tenderize it if you can you can build up lots of ko really easily to topple over velana that alongside your part breaks alongside your mounts is going to make sure sure that you have lots of damage Windows to really go in on her once you're done disrespecting your elders you'll be rewarded with one or more sealed Dragon cloths take these over to the Smithy to craft the Fantastic sealed Dragon cloth Alpha plus head armor a rarity 12 armor with two level four decoration slots five Dragon Elemental resistance and one level of resentment too and it looks absolutely killer God damn not just highly aesthetically pleasing but very functional too this is a fantastic piece of head armor up next we've got an mr24 event the last white night pitting you up against a tempered Frost Fang Barth in hor Frost reach all the same advice for the previous Frost Fang Barth for the usj ballet a frost Quest this one's tempered so it's got more HP it hits harder Etc Focus out your damage on the head going for multiple part breaks as much as you can break the front two arms to cause it to stumble every time it leaps around tenderize parts for additional damage and go for wall bangs whenever the monster isn't enraged getting your part breaks stuns mounts wall bangs is going to give you all the opportunities you need to take the monster down having immunity to ice blight is going to be helpful however way you go about that once you're done shiverers defending e girls with all of your honor and integrity the last white night get it you'll be rewarded with one or more Frost Fang tickets take this over to the Smithy to craft the Fantastic Frost Fang armor set not only does it look absolutely aming amazing it has great decoration slots and some fantastic skills on it too including critical eye attack boost quick sheath and punishing draw when you've got one piece equipped as well as slug a secret when you've got three pieces an excellent armor set next is an mr24 event muscle monkey Madness pitting you up against two rajangs in the arena after facing off against Furious rajangs and tempered Furious rajang in muan number one this just feels like easy mode now but it's not it's still really tough this is still such a hard monster Focus out your damage on the head and when the monster turns into its Super Saiyan form given it's the regular rajang it still has its tail Focus your attacks out on the tail and you'll zap it out of its Super Saiyan form if you get the opportunity tenderizing the lower half does help you get out additional damage during the fight depending on what weapon you've got the ledge might be really useful and of course the sliding part of the Arena too as a hammer user amongst other weapons of course I really like to fight at a ledge it's very useful for me to get these fantastic jump attacks off and mounts as well bringing three Tremor resist is kind of like Raj jang's Kryptonite in my opinion it really helps make the fight a lot easier it won't stun loock you into a bunch of different attacks make sure you pick up any monster pods whenever you can the ones that interrupt them piercing pods bomb pods whatever comes off it as inevitably when it grabs you or one of your teammates you'll then be able to Flinch it out of it lightning resist will help boost your defense enses as well and I highly recommend bringing three stun resist I take this as just a standard so I kind of don't even mention it whilst they're not both in the arena right from the beginning after a certain amount of time or damage I'm not sure how it works the second rajang will be released do not keep these separate let them face off against each other they deal so much damage to each other and keep knocking each other over whilst it does make it really chaotic it is a huge help once you're done battling with the realization that Frieza did have a pretty good point you'll be rewarded with one or more buff tickets take these over to the Smithy to craft the hilarious Rarity 11 buff body Alpha plus armor featuring agitator attack boost heroics this is wild armor and because it doesn't come with a headpiece allows for some top quality content nice Meme and that my friends is every single event armor you can craft in all of Monster Hunter world and iceborn do you have these are there any that you're missing that you didn't know about that you're going to check out now I'm pretty sure I haven't but did I miss any let me know in the comments I want to hear from you as mentioned at the beginning of the video I am overwhelmed with the amount of support from everyone taking us from 99% of unsubscribed viewers all the way over to 88% that's amazing let's keep up that momentum as the majority of you are returning viewers if you enjoy the videos do subscribe I've opened up the Discord Community for all of you to join so come on over get get some hunts with myself and others in Monster Hunter world or Monster Hunter rise as well thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you in the New World
Channel: LightItUpDan
Views: 46,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter World, MHW, MH, Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter Sunbreak, Rise, Sunbreak, Monster Hunter Iceborne, Iceborne, Monster Hunter Wilds, Wilds, Tier List, All Weapons, All Weapons Guide, MHW Tier List, Easiest Weapon, Hardest Weapon, Best Weapon, Strongest Build, OP Build, Weapon Tier List, Decorations Farm, Rarest Decoration, MHW Events, MHW Best Events, mhw all armor, MHW every armor, mhw all event armor, all armor sets, every armor set
Id: GDrHYwyMY80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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