Every DRAGON in House of The Dragon in 11 Minutes (No Spoiler)

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there are 26 known dragons in the house of dragons Game of Thrones universe and even more writers with somewhat similar names from complicated family trees full of incest let's make it all clear in this video without any spoilers for the upcoming House of dragons episodes so of those 26 dragons three were living in the Game of Thrones timeline way after the events of House of dragons they are drogon Regal and viserion two were living way before the events of House of dragons three were wild dragons and dragon Stone never been claimed or written six were already claimed by team black three were on Team Green that leaves us with nine unclaimed dragons to be seen in future episodes but first let's start with Team black Cyrax the beautiful golden dragon ridden by Queen rayira Targaryen the leader of Team black Cyrax was hatched on Dragon Stone raised in the dragon pit and bonded with rira from a young age she was a large and formidable Dragon though not the largest of her kin but her radiant appearance and imposing wingspan made her a sight to behold Cyrax laid several clutches of eggs during her lifetime many of which eventually hatched and were ridden by team black caraxes ridden by Prince demon Targaryen known as the blood worm was a fearsome and agile Dragon distinguished by his Vivid blood red scales and Serpentine body with an exceptionally long neck and narrow Wings caraxes was built for Speed and maneuverability it feels like Caris is the dragon version of demon himself quick fierce and violent demon was the second Rider of Caris his uncle aan Targaryen Prince of Dragonstone and Heir a parent of the Iron Throne claimed caraxes for the first time Caris is well battl tested participating in the fourth dornish War and the war for the stepstones he's one of if not the best dragons in House of dragon rivaling the huge vagar which we will talk about when we get to Team Green Melix often called the Red Queen was a majestic Dragon distinguished by her deep rich red scales with a golden Sheen giving her a Regal and resplendent appearance Melix was one of the fastest dragons of her time capable of outmaneuvering most opponents her piercing golden eyes reflected a fierce intelligence and commanding presence written by Princess Reus Targaryen The Queen Who Never Was Reus has a complicated relationship with rira but finally sided with Team black at the end of season 1 moondancer a small and Nim dragon with pale green scales that shimmered like Moonlight giving her a graceful and almost ethereal appearance despite her relatively petite size she was fast and agile Moon Dancer was written by Baya Targaryen The courageous daughter of Prince demon targaryan and Lady LNA valaran Baya has a twin sister Raina Targaryen whose dragon egg hasn't hatched yet we will see if she can claim a dragon in the coming episodes Vermax a young vibrant dragon with emerald green skin scales and an energetic demeanor written by Prince jeris valaran the eldest son of Ray naira Targaryen although not shown on screen Vermax participated in missions to gain the support of the northern Lords arax a relatively young and inexperienced Dragon ridden by Prince luceros valarian the Second Son of reira Targaryen at the end of season 1 arax accompanied lucaris on a diplomatic mission to Storm's end to secure the support of house barathan however they encountered vagar and Prince aan Targaryen and were swiftly overpowered and killed this marked the beginning of the Civil War both arax and Vermax are direct offspring of Cyrax Queen Ray nirra targaryen's Dragon now on team green vagar one of the original dragons brought to Westeros by the targaryens and still lived around the house of dragon timeline vagar was therefore one of the oldest and biggest dragons at the time vagar was so large that one could ride a horse down her gullet her scales were a dark bronze green green color giving her an imposing and ancient appearance her wingspan was vast casting a shadow over entire Fields as she flew and her Roars could be heard from miles away vag's fire was potent enough to melt Stone and metal and her combat prowess was legendary she was initially ridden by Queen viena Targaryen during the Targaryen Conquest alongside Bolan of Egon the Conqueror and maraxus of Queen rainy Targaryen we saw in season 1 that lady Lena valeron was able to claim vagar but she didn't live past season 1 leaving vagar unclaimed finally Prince Ean Targaryen son of Allison high tower of Team Green claimed vagar vagar is so formidable that she alone makes both sides comparable despite Team Green having fewer dragons but vagar may not be the most formidable Dragon wait until the end of this video to find out Sunfire often referred to as Sunfire the golden the dragon had gleaming gold scales which Shone like beaten gold in the sunlight and pale pink Wing membranes his Flames were golden as well by many accounts Sunfire was the most beautiful dragon ever seen in the Known World sunfire's egg hatched on Dragon Stone originally but he is said to have bonded with King aen the 2 Targaryen from a young age dreamfire dreamfire was a magnificent Dragon known for her striking Beauty and Grace with scales that shimmered in shades of blue and silver reminiscent of Moonlight on water she was initially bonded to princess Raina Targaryen The granddaughter of agan the conqueror she fought in the first Civil War before the events of House of dragons she spent much of her later years in the dragon pit at King's Landing dreamfire was one of the older dragons but because she was kept inside the pit her size is not as big as others born around the same time we saw in season 1 that Eman tried to claim her but wasn't successful she was later claimed by his sister princess Helena Targaryen so to recap the black has six at the moment and the green has three but the green has the vagar the biggest so we don't really know which side has more Firepower that would make the next nine unclaimed ones so important we don't know for sure which team they would eventually join but we have some idea based on their current location Taran also known as the blue Queen a beautiful blue she Dragon her wings were a dark Cobalt while her claws Crest and belly scales were the color of bright beaten copper her Flames were uniquely cobalt blue in color as well as of the end of episode 3 season 2 too Taran hasn't appeared on the show nor been ridden yet but she is said to be in King's Landing and is bonded with Prince Darren Targaryen the fourth child of Allison high tower Darren is an Old Town the capital city of the high tower house so Taran is likely on Team Green two more young dragons likely on Team Green are morgal and shos they were born from eggs placed in the Cradle of Prince Jarius and his twin sister princess Jara we saw Prince jaras was murdered at the beginning of season 2 and his sister is very young the fate of these two dragons remains to be seen Tyra's this Dragon hasn't appeared on the show yet but it was mentioned by demon Taren at the end of season 1 as one of the dragons on their side team black the egg for Tyra's was placed in the Cradle of Joffrey Valyrian the third child of Ray naira Targaryen and Sir Lor Valyrian at the current time in the show tyes is Young and not battle ready yet two dragons haven't hatched yet but likely on team black are morning and stormcloud morning is a pale pink she Dragon the egg was one of the three eggs produced by rainer's she Dragon Cyrax the egg that eventually hatched into stormcloud was placed in the Cradle of Prince aegon the younger the son of rira and Demon Targaryen we briefly saw him in a scene in episode 2 sea smoke is an interesting one the young pale silver gray Dragon was ridden by Sir laner valaran the first husband of rira Targaryen we saw seasmoke in the stepstone battle in the show loner faked his death but survived and went hidden so technically seasmoke still has a rider but practically we don't know all we know is that seasmoke is in Dragon Stone so likely we'll be in team black two older and riderless Dragons currently in Dragon Stone are vermithor and Silverwing vermithor known as the bronze Fury was one of the mightiest dragons in the history of Westeros he was originally written by King Jaris the first Targaryen as seen in the show intro's tapestry after King Jar's death veror remained riderless for many years we saw demon Targaryen visited and said hi to vermithor at the end of season 1 we also see vermithor in the season 2 trailer together with rira Targaryen so likely veror will be a force for team black Silverwing a magnificent Dragon known for her shimmering silver scales that glisten like polished metal in the sunlight was initially written by Queen alisan Targaryen The Beloved wife of King J Harris the for targ Arian Silverwing and alisan shared a deep bond after Queen allisan Death Silverwing returned to Dragon Stone and remained riderless for many years so to recap of Nine Dragons currently unclaimed or unsur team black has the upper hand on six of them but in the westos universe we can never be sure until we see it you know before we talk about the biggest and mightiest Dragon alive let's quickly pay tributes to the mighty but dead ones ban known as the black dread was the largest and most fearsome of all the target Arian dragons his scales were Cal black and his eyes burned like molten fire he was the dragon of aen the Conqueror and played a crucial role in the Targaryen conquest of Westeros the huge skull of bararan was kept in the red keep in King's Landing morais was one of the three great dragons used by the targaryens during their conquest of Westeros ridden by Reus Targaryen sister wife of Egan the Conqueror marxis had silver scales and eyes that Shone like pale moons marxis was killed during the first dornish war being struck down by a scorpion bolt we also see her skull and dragon Stone through various scenes the other of the three great dragons in the original conquest of Westeros is vagar herself still alive we covered her in the team green section already last but certainly not least in size the wild dragons gray ghost a pale gray white wild Dragon living in Dragon Stone he was a notably shy Dragon who avoided men and their works for years at a time hence the the name sheep stealer a wild male ugly mud Brown dragon with a taste for mutton he lived at the back of dragonmount and would hunt between drift Mark and windwater now last but not least the most mysterious aggressive and brutal of them all the cannibal he was black as coal with menacing green eyes the small Forks called him the cannibal because he would practice cannibalism feasting on dead dragons newborn dragons and dragon eggs he layered at the back of the Dragon mon on its eastern side throughout history many wouldbe Dragon Tamers had made attempts to ride him a dozen times and his lair was littered with their bones the Cannibal's exact age has not yet been stated some people on Dragon Stone claimed that the cannibal lived on the island even before the targaryens arrived in 114 BC a possibility that would make him the oldest living dragon in Westeros
Channel: Everything Explained
Views: 114,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #FireandBlood, #Westeros, #Targaryen, #Dragons, #GameofThrones, #DragonsofWesteros, #HouseoftheDragonDragons, #Dragonlore, #Dragonriders, #FeastsofFire, #FlightAndFury, #DanceoftheDragons
Id: LOL-C6d9iyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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