EVERY Crusader Military Order Explained in 26 Minutes

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the order of St Lazarus founded in the 12th century the order originated in Jerusalem as a religious and Military institution dedicated to caring for those afflicted by leprosy and defending the Holy Land the members of the order were known as lazarit or lazarists initially established to provide Aid to lepers in the Holy Land the order of St Lazarus expanded its mission to include the defense of Christian territory in the Levant they participated in various military campaigns alongside other Christian orders like the Knights Templar and the Knights hospitaler the order had a unique composition comprising both Knights and non-combatant brothers who tended to the sick this blend of military and charitable functions set the order of St Lazarus apart from other military orders of the time they operated hospitals leprosaria and other charitable institutions funded by donations from wealthy patrons and contributions from the church over time the order of St Lazarus grew in influence and wealth establishing branches and priories across Europe it evolved into a prestigious chivalric order attracting Nobles Knights and clergy who sought to combine their military prowess with acts of piety and charity Knights hospitaler the order of knights hospitaler was a Catholic military order found founded in the 12th century in Jerusalem that arose during the height of the cluniac movement following the First Crusade the monastic order of hospitallers was founded by Gerard de maruay and was operated out of a hospital for pilgrims in Jerusalem although primarily a caretaker order in its early years they soon expanded to provide armed escort to pilgrims before eventually becoming a significant military force which led to their reputation as both a military and charitable organization in 1118 the second Grandmaster of the order Raymond dupu organized its members into a militia which was divided into three ranks Knights men-at-arms and chaplain while non-combatant Brothers Focus was directed towards running hospitals and infirmaries the hospitaler military prowess and strategic influence were also remarkable they played key roles in pivotal battles and sieges taking active role in over 25 battles throughout the Crusades most notably the siege of acre and the Battle of aruf where they fought alongside King Richard the lionart of England against saladin's forces hospitaler Knights were not only famous for their excellence in battle but also for their role as combat Medics as a majority of them received extensive medical training after the decline of Christianity in the Holy Land the order continued to exist and took part in many more battles while also establishing a network across Europe which allowed them to exist up until early 19th century Knights of St Thomas the order of Knights of St Thomas emerged during the Crusades in the 12th century dedicated to safeguarding Christian pilgrims and defending territories in the Holy Land taking inspiration from St Thomas Becket they swore vows of poverty Chastity and obedience functioning as a religious and Military order stationed in acre they engaged in battles against Muslim forces until the cities down downfall in 1291 following the loss of acre and the decline of Christian influence in the Holy Land the order of St Thomas relocated to Europe where its military significance waned over time although it continued to exist as a religious and charitable institution it either merged with other orders or underwent secularization with its assets often passing to secular rulers or other religious institutions despite its eventual dissolution the order's Legacy endures as a testament to its role in the Crusades and its commitment to defending Christian interests in the Holy Land Knights Templar the poor fellow Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon mainly known as the Knights Templar were one of the wealthiest and most respected Christian military orders of the Crusader period they were founded around 1119 in Jerusalem and quickly became a favored charity throughout Christendom the origins of the Templars begin when a French Knight Huges Deon approached King Baldwin II of Jerusalem and proposed forming a monastic order devoted to protecting Christian pilgrims King Baldwin agreed and deeon became the order's first Grandmaster Knights Templar did not stay poor for long as they had received extensive donations and patronage from powerful religious figures of the time while most known for their military strength nine out of 10 Templar brothers were non-combatants and oversaw a large economic infrastructure throughout Christian Realms they employed an early form of banking in a form of letters of credit issued to the pilgrims while their battle brothers garnered a reputation of fierce shock troops other members of the order often managed assets of various European Nobles who wished to participate in the Crusades order brothers were divided into three ranks the noble knights non- Noble sergeants and the chaplain all of them being subject to The Grandmaster of appointed for Life the order took part in over 20 military engagements most famously in the Battle of montgisard where a severely outnumbered Army of Baldwin IV of Jerusalem the leper King with the help of the Templar knights defeated ubid forces of Saladin following the Christian decline in the Holy Land the military role of Templars dwindled until rumors arose about their secret initiation rituals which led to many members being arrested and executed the order was eventually disbanded by Pope Clement V in 1312 order of doin the order of the brothers of doin also known as the Prussian Cavaliers of Jesus Christ was established in the 13th century during the Prussian Crusade by the First bishop of Prussia Christian of Oliva under the patronage of Duke Conrad the first of movia who granted them Holdings in the doin land Duke Conrad hoped that the order would Advance Christian and polish influence in the Prussian region and have its pagan tribes subjugated the order never saw a significant growth having only 15 Knights when founded and had never exceeded 35 members despite its initial success in defending Christian missionaries in Prussia due to internal challenges and external pressures including Financial turmoil and conflicts with other military orders of the time Brothers of doin eventually merged with the tonic knights around 12:35 order of the Holy Seiler order of knights of the Holy Seiler traces its Origins back to the first crusade in the 11th century when Godfrey of buan one of the leaders of the Crusade established the order to protect Christian pilgrims visiting the holy land and to defend the sites associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ including the Church of the Holy Seiler in Jerusalem the first king of Jerusalem Baldwin the first assumed the leadership of the order in 1103 the order's members included not only the regular cannons but also the secular cannons and the sergeants the latter were armed Knights chosen from the Crusader troops for their qualities of Valor and dedication they vowed to obey the augustinian rule of poverty and obedience and undertook specifically to defend the holy Seiler and the holy places under the command of the king of Jerusalem after the first First Crusade many troops including the Knights of the order returned to Europe which led to creation of priories across the continent securing the ord's position there the order began to decline as a cohesive military body of knights after Saladin regained Jerusalem in 1182 and completely ceased to exist in that format after the defeat of acre in 1291 the order continued to exist because of the priories in Europe and continues to exist to this day tonic Knights also known as the order of Brothers of the German House of St Mary in Jerusalem were founded in 1190 in acre and as many other Crusader orders their mission was to Aid pilgrims traveling the Holy Land in later years their focus shifted to the northern Crusades and strengthening Christianity in Europe they had taken part in the defense of the kingdom of Hungary from the cumans but were expelled from the kingdom after attempting to build their own state with within Transylvania a feat which they later accomplished during the christianization of the Baltic pagans where with the help of the Holy Roman Emperor they had laid claim to the Polish lands of Helo the order quickly established an independent state and moved to conquering Leonia over time the order was denounced by the Polish Kings for expropriating their lands after the christianization of Lithuania the order had lost its original Mission of defeating pagans however with the vast economic and military strength they had garnered over the years the order launched numerous campaigns against Christian Poland and the duchy of Lithuania the order's decline started after suffering a crushing defeat at Grunwald in 1410 at the hands of Polish Lithuanian forces their strength continued to dwindle until 1515 where they lost the support of the hre and their Grandmaster Albert of Brandenburg converted to Lutheranism and became the first Duke of Prussia under the Polish rule although only religious in nature the order continues to exist to this day order of Santiago founded in 1170 the order of Santiago owes its name to the patron saint of Spain St James the Greater Santiago the order's initial objective was to protect pilgrims on the way of St James and fight Muslim Moors on the Iberian Peninsula during the reist historically the order saw its origins in both Leon and Castile due to the disputes between their ruling dynasties but after the unification of both crowns the city of UK became the order's headquarters order members were divided into cannons charged with administration of the sacrament canonesses serving the pilgrims religious Knights living in monastic communities and married Knights the latter of which were one of the first among military orders of the time being granted the right to marry at the height of its power the order governed over 400 properties across Iberia and could muster up to 1500 men around 400 of which were Knights governed by The Grandmaster and the Council of 13 in 1522 the order of Santiago alongside the order of calatrava and Alcantara were annexed to the Spanish Crown though their titles and possessions remained separate the order exists to this day and as of 2014 had 35 Knights and 30 novices in their ranks order of Mount Joy established around 1180 with the purpose of protecting pilgrims in the Iberian Peninsula the order of Mount jooy was founded by count Rodrigo Alvarez in the Kingdom of Aragon the order got its name from the hill on which the original crusaders had first seen Jerusalem and had later established its headquarters in the holy land on that same hill during the Third Crusade Knights of the order had taken part in the Battle of hatin in 1187 but none of them survived the remnants of the order had joined with other military orders including Knights Templar and the Order of calatrava in the 13th century order of alcanta also known as the Knights of St Julian was a military order of Lyon founded in 1166 according to obscure history patron of the order St Julian de periro was a Hermit from salaman where by his Council some noble knights built a castle to oppose Muslims of the region based on more obscure records the order grew throughout the years and acquired many Holdings at the expense of the Muslims and amassed great wealth from Pious donations in the 14th century the order faced challenges due to the post of grandm becoming a desired position for rival aspirants resulting in few grand Masters being deposed by their Knights and replaced this inner conflict along Black Death plaguing the order's outposts and the Moors being driven back from the peninsula led to ord's eventual dissolution order of calatrava order of the Knights of calatrava was the first military order founded in Castile in the 12th century by Raymond of feto the order's original purpose was to defend the Fortress of calatrava which was located near the border of Muslim ruled al- andalo the order took part in the Christian Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula and its members engaged in numerous battles of various scale against Muslims over time the order of calatrava expanded its influence Beyond its original Fortress acquiring land and establishing commanderies throughout the kingdom of Castile and other regions of Spain it became one of the most powerful military orders in the Iberian Peninsula leonian Brothers of the sword order of the leonian brothers of the sword also known as the leonian Brethren was established in 1202 during the levonian Crusade by a bishop of Ria Albert of Levonia the order was tasked with converting pagans from the region of Leonia which roughly corresponds to present day Latvia and Estonia to Christianity the sword Brothers adopted similar rules to Knight's Templar only accepting Nobles and taking vows of poverty obedience and celibacy order knites lived in District castles each ruled by its own Council and a military Chief chosen by the Grand Master Who was appointed for Life by the knights general assembly in addition to Knights the order employed soldiers Artisans clerics and administrators only four years after its founding the order had established itself as a dominant power in the region building castles converting pagans conquering Latvian tribes and taking parts of Southern Estonia by 1217 in 1236 the order suffered a great defeat by the hands of combined forces of samogitians and semigallians at the Battle of sa killing the order's Grandmaster and severely hindering their military strength in 1237 after being reprimanded by the pope for the use of brutal fighting tactics and supposed insubordination towards Bishop Albert the order was reorganized as a branch of the tonic Knights or order of St James of alop pasio order of St James of alop pasio also known as the Knights of the TOA or the Hospers of St James was a Catholic order founded between 1070 and 1080 in altop pasio Italy initially their mission was to protect pilgrims on their way to Rome or the Holy Land it later expanded to the protection and guidance of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of St James the Greater in Santiago de compostella in Spain they also operated hostels Ferry services military infirmaries and safe houses for travelers along pilgrimage routes the order maintained and operated several hospitals employing surgeons and Physicians which were also members of the order the order is said to consist mostly of layman Knights and sergeants led by a Grandmaster with the clerical side of the order growing in numbers only in later years their symbol was the letter of Tao the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet which According to some Scholars might represent an augur associated with carpentry and road maintenance the ord's decline started in the 13th century where mainly due to the decline in pilgrimage activities and the shrinking level of devoutness within the order it was reformed in 1239 only to later be Consolidated with other military orders of the time order of the Holy Ghost the order of the Holy Ghost also known as the hospital ERS of the Holy Spirit was founded in 1180 in montellier France the order's primary objective was running hospitals throughout Europe which at the time were known for providing Innovative and effective Medical Care unlike other military orders of the time members of the order of the Holy Ghost never took up arms even though several attempts of introducing a military branch to their structures were made throughout the years the order accepted both men and women into service who abided by the same rules and provided equal care to the sick historically the order is renowned for its role in advancing medicine in the Middle Ages especially in the fields of anatomy surgery and pharmaceutics over the years the order gradually merged into the wider medical profession order of Montesa the order of Montesa was established in 1317 by King James II of Aragon and approved by Pope John the 22nd it was created through the merger of parts of the smaller order of Mount Joy and the larger order of the temple in Aragon after the supression of the knight's Templar the order of montessa functions similarly to the Templars and was charged with the defense of the frontier against the Moors during the Reconquista the order got their name from the castle of Montesa which functioned as their headquarters with other Exemplar Holdings being granted to them as well the order consisted of me Knights who pledged vows of poverty Chastity and obedience as well as clergy and lay brothers who supported the knights in various capacities over the years when the rickon Kista Drew to a close the order saw a decline in their military significance and shifted towards more administrative and charitable functions until the order was United with the Spanish Crown in 1587 today the order exists as an honorific order of Knighthood in Spain military order of Avis military order of St Benedict of Avis was a Portuguese order founded in 1146 by King Alfonso the of Portugal the order had close ties to the Spanish military order of calatrava who surrendered some of its Portuguese Holdings to them on a condition that the Knights of AZ be subject to visitation from their grandm because of that Knights of AZ were sometimes regarded as a branch of the cravan order even though they were led by their own Grandmaster as with other orders in Iberia the main mission of the order of AZ was to Aid in the Christian Reconquista while also defending Portuguese territories from Invaders while also being involved in establishing Trade building defenses and maintaining Portuguese infrastructure the order was secularized in the 18th century and exists to this day as an order of Merit under the authority of the president of the Portuguese Republic functioning as its Grandmaster order of Christ after the persecution of the Templar knights at the hands of King Philip IV of France the order of Christ was founded in 1319 by King Denise I of Portugal for the Templars that had survived their orders purged throughout Europe with the patronage of the Portuguese Pope John the 22nd sanctioned the existence of the order of Christ through a Papal decree which allowed the Templar remnants in Portugal to be reconstituted as the order of Christ and granted them Exemplar Holdings the order took active part in the Reconquista and played a significant role in Portugal's Maritime expansion during the age of Discovery whilst becoming a significant economical power within Portugal the order was secularized in 1789 but exists to this day as part of the ancient military orders alongside the order of AZ and St James of the sword with the president of the port Portuguese Republic as its Grandmaster order of the Holy Faith of Jesus Christ also known as the militia was a temporary military order that emerged in southern France during the albigensian Crusade in 1221 the exact circumstances of its foundation are unclear but we know that the order's primary purpose was to combat catharism a Christian heresy deemed Dangerous by the Catholic Church unlike established military orders with a strong structure and training the militia seemed to be a loose Association of knights soldiers and mobilized common folk devoted to one cause historical records suggest that the order did not possess a formal military role in The Crusade likely only providing auxiliary support to the main forces by 1237 the order had disbanded and merged with the knight's Templar order of St Mary of Spain order of St Mary of Spain also known as the order of the star was a Spanish military order operating in the 13th century during the Reconquista it was created by King Alfonso the 10th of Castile in 1270 and was focused on establishing a formidable Naval presence around Iberia on behalf of the crown of Castile which distinguished the order among its peers the order's headquarters were located in cagen up until the 1280 when after the castian defeat during the battle of of mlin the order of St Mary was integrated into the almost extinct order of Santiago to keep its Legacy alive effectively ending the order of Santa Maria order of the hatchet order of the hatchet was a female only honorific order founded in 1149 during the Rista to honor women combatants who fought against Muslims in the siege of torosa at the time of the Second Crusade the city of torosa was taken from the Muslims and 1148 By Ramen IV count of Barcelona and his army after the victory the Christian forces moved from the city to fight on other fronts which left it open for a Muslim Counterattack in 1149 with the lack of sufficient Defenders the women took up arms and helped repel the Muslim attack supposedly the count was so impressed with their Valiant effort that he bestowed upon them privileges such as tax exemptions and created the order It is believed that it died out naturally with its original members order of mon Frog order of mon frog was a short-lived Spanish military order founded at the castle of the same name in 1196 by the remnants of the order of mountjoy that desentedents order of the Blessed Virgin Mary commonly known as the Knights of St Mary was a military order founded in 1261 at the request of Manfred the king of Sicily its primary function was managing tensions between the pope and the Holy Roman Emperor and pacification of cities in the defense of the church order members were allowed to marry and did not live in communal poverty additionally the order supposedly admitted female Knights into its ranks the order had garnered a reputation for carelessness with respect to their vows which L to its eventual suppression by Pope 6us I in 1558 Knights of the cross with the red star also known as the military order of the Crusaders of the red star the Knights of the Cross were established in 1233 by Princess Agnes of bohemia it is the only religious order originating from Bohemia and the only male religious order founded by a woman although its members were allowed to bear arms unlike other military orders the Knights of the Cross were primarily focused on Hospital duties and social welfare organized with the patronage of Princess Agnes the order never engaged in large-scale military campaigns but they did Provide support to the Bohemian Crown during times of conflict nowadays the order is still active in the Czech Republic and Austria continuing its charitable Mission thanks for watching hope to see you again soon take care
Channel: Based Plato
Views: 96,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christianity, Christian Military Orders, Crusades, Crusader, Knights Templar, Templar, Knights Hospitaller, Teutonic Knights, Order of Santiago, Order of Dobrzyn, Order of St. Lazarus, Knights of St. Thomas, Order of Calatrava, Order of Alcantara, Order of Mountjoy, Order of the Holy Sepulchre, history of christianity, christianity's fatal error, nat geo, christianity's biggest problem, Holy Land, Jerusalem, Saladin, baldwin iv, leper king, Crusarer Knights, Crusader Kings
Id: I0kxiwtBe24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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