Every Batman Beyond Episode Ranked

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we're now at Batman Beyond honestly a show I didn't really watch much when I was growing up as I was fixated on Batman the Animated Series Superman the animated series and the two Justice League shows bman Beyond is one of those shows I picked up when I was a little bit older around the age of 12 so thought the past two videos I'll be going through every episode as I talk about them and then rank them all in each season and then put them together in my final ranking of each episode in the series what a fitting time to talk about the show since it started 25 years ago in 1999 just before I get into the episodes please consider subscribing it's free and it really helps me out a lot also please consider joining my patreon or my channel memberships it's only a dollar a month to get early access to new videos and it does really help me out a lot anyways we're starting off with first episode of Batman Beyond and it's a two I am so Keen so we start with some men waiting at an Airbase as they have a woman tied up as we hear on the TV that they're watching that they want a $5 million Ransom Batman being Bruce manages to work his way through the henchman dressed up in the Batman Beyond suit one of the henchman's G to shoot the hostage but bman comes in and stop them he fights most of them off until he suffers a heart attack where he pulls a gun on this henchman after he hits him a few times the police arrive as he panics about how he pulled a gun on someone after that he gives up being Batman as we see him put the soup back and turn all the lights off in the Batcave what an awesome intro as we now get the intro to the show and this kicks ass it really sets you up for what kind of show to expect so we skipped 20 years after the events that took place just before where we see Terry on a train as one block dressed up as a Jester sprays a TV screen after hitting on a woman Terry confront him as the jester manages to get away as the door opens then we see some man named Harry as he gives a city to this guy named Warren as Harry has some kind of infection and false of the ground as these men take him away Mr Powers or as I will call him by his first name Derek ends up confronting Warren about what he saw where he asks about the CD as he notices that they had a missing file when Warren's looking at the CD we find out that Warren is Terry's dad as Terry ends up leaving after he told him that he's granded Terry then goes to the nightclub to see his partner Dana as the Joker come in and calls the Rockers Terry deals with a few of them as as he manages to get a motorbike as the Joker chase after him as he manages to lead them to Wayne Mansion Bruce comes out and even as an old man he kicks the Joker's asses with Terry's help they flee as Bruce seems to be struggling for breath Terry ends up helping him to get inside his house and get his medicine he gives Bruce the medicine as he ends up falling asleep Terry then notices a bat in the grandfather clock he tries to let it out but notices that it's a secret door where he finds a batcave one in there Bruce walkes him and tells him to get out Terry gets home to find the police outside his place where his mother is about to tell him what happened but he rushes through to see for himself that his dad died after the funeral Terry ends up looking through his Dead's belongings as he finds a CD that his father had he then decides to see Bruce as he tells him that something's off with his company as Derek has something to do with it since he owns the company now Bruce then opens the gates to Wayne Mana as T walks in and that's how the episode ends this episode did a fantastic job with getting me interested I like how this has already set up the world of Batman Beyond in one episode by establishing that Bruce has been retired for 20 years and for good reason and that now Terry's on the path to become the new Batman it also establishes the world of the new Gotham really well as we see gangs walking around freely without much interference from the police as many of the Jokers seem to own the streets now I'm also interested in the mystery of what Terry's father found out and what's really going on with Derk as it seems to be a very serious thing that could affect everyone what a great start I'm ready to see how this two-parter [Music] ends here we go the second part so we picked up basically right where we left off as Terry's in the Batcave as Bruce explains what the CD is All About as Derrick's using Bruce's company to make nerve Gap Terry tells Bruce that he needs to suit up and stop Derek but Bruce tells Terry that he was Batman Terry questions why he isn't Batman anymore as he knows that something happened to make him not be Batman anymore but he leaves to go to the city to Barbara as he's doing so derck ends up trying to get Terry into the car with him as he demands to get the disc Terry throws it as he then makes a run for it he gets away as Derk finds the disc and now Terry doesn't have evidence so he ends up sneaking into the Batcave to steal a bat suit as Bruce is [ __ ] pissed so with the bat suit Terry ends up listening into Derrick as he's showing off the nerve gas that he's working on as he wants to sell off the nerve gas to people that will pay enough for it dereck's guards catch up to Terry as he's listening in as he manages to get away and Bruce then tells Terry that he needs to bring the soup back that he has no right taking it Terry says no as he's in the middle of dealing with guards as Bruce activates a fail safe where he completely paralyzes the suit so Terry gets his ass kicked and as they're about to shoot him Bruce turns the suit back on Bruce directs Terry to a hidden door on the wall as he's going to try and get Terry to return the suit but Terry ends up convincing Bruce to let him deal with Derek as it's his only chance to deal with his father's killer Terry goes to stop him as he ends up using the nerve gas against Derek as he goes to stop the carriage with a nerve gas on it as Derrick's assistant is driving away catches up to fight with the assistant as he manages to make the ship fall into the water we going say Bruce going to see Terry at his place as he offers Terry a job as a part-time assistant obviously being a hint to him becoming the new Batman the episode end to Derrik as he isn't going to die from the virus but now he's extremely radioactive this episode's good too not as good as the first but but I will say the ending which leads up to the future of the show is really interesting I'm definitely interested to see where things go as now Terry has his first official villain with Derek being transformed into the villain named blight and the Design's really cool it's going to be interesting to see where the rest of the show goes since it's only the second episode in just below the first [Music] part black out starts with a truck going into a building as we see some kind of goop thing moving around the facility they end up messing with the electronics and makes one of the buildings blow up as it manages to escape as one of the men has to drive an important truck out of the facility to avoid it potentially blowing up as they were on it but then go to Bruce as he confronts Derrick as doesn't want Derek to touch Fox Tech and doesn't want to find out that he was a part of the attacks Derrick's surprised to find out that Terry works for Bruce now since last time he tried to get Terry for the CD as both Bruce and Terry leave as Bruce and Terry leave we see the group thing as we find out that their name is Inc as they talk to Derek about how Bruce knows too much Derek gives her a new job as we then see Terry with Dana at a sports game at the game Bruce ends up calling Terry so now he has to leave Dana as we see ink break into another facility where they destroy more Tech Terry's talking to Bruce as Bruce got a little bit off of ink and is looking at it under microscope as Terry finds the tech that was destroyed he runs into ink as they throw him around until they decide to make a run for it back at the back cave Terry confronts Bruce and Bruce explains who she is and that she's a new hire of Derek's Terry goes out again to run into Inc as they're destroying things at the Docks so now the problem is finding a way to beat them Terry finds out that they don't like the water as Inc manages to get away so the next day ink goes to talk to Derk as their skin starts a peel off and this visual is so [ __ ] cool but that night Terry runs into ink again as they've destroyed another place as ink attaches herself to the Batmobile as Terry Bruce don't realize that she's on it she fights Terry in the back cave and bro this is so gross Bruce stops with the water and is he wearing the gray ghost hat and glasses I think he is so Terry throws up wman and him as they continue to fight since ink destroyed the waterline she ends up trying to leave but can't find a way out so she decides to smash all the displays as Terry gets Mr frieza's gun and Frieza into a million pieces the episode ends at gcpd as Bruce Rings Barbara as Terry drops off ink to them this is still a good episode I will say it isn't as good as the other two but damn it it's still good in's a cool character as a design but unfortunately just not that interesting as a character and I think that's one thing that could have been better she could have had a bit more personality or even a good backstory but hopefully we'll get that in the future I really don't like that one shot where ink forces herself inside a Terry that [ __ ] makes me want to throw up but the episodes at the bottom of the list we saw this episode off with a guy named Willie at Hamilton High School as he seems to be interested in this woman named blade he up to her as he's obviously interested in her as this guy named Nelson rocks up and fls with her she leaves after Nelson offers to take her on a date as Willie gets knocked into Nelson's car but as Nelson's about to punch him for scratching his car Terry tells him to stop Nelson ends up stopping as we then go to a construction site where Wily's father's running it he tells willly to stand up for himself and that he needs to fight back and hit him where it hurts that night Terry sees police car we then hear the police talking about a two story toll Golem which was actually a lifting machine that we saw earlier at the construction site Terry he it all as we then see the next day that Willie uses a Golem to get back at Nelson as Terry comes in and stops the device Terry does so by making Willie punch into an electrical line where it turns off after being electrocuted so after that Terry goes back to the Bat Cave to talk to Bruce about the Golem they try to find out who would have done this as lots of people don't like Nelson back at the high school blade ends up asking Willie out to the dance on Saturday as she's pissed off for Nelson Nelson comes in and starts to hit Willie as he ends up stopping after a teacher walks by Willie then finds out he has some kind of electrical powers as that night he finds out that he can control it after taking out the Jokers as they try to jump him we then go to Saturday night where we see Terry with Dana as blade is with Willie as Nelson ends up getting with blade Nelson takes willly outside as he tells Wily to get out of his way where he pushes him into the water below Billy goes back to the dance where everyone laughs at him besides Terry and Dana she tries to help him as Terry suits up since Bruce told him at the Golem's on his way but we then see this full-on anime [ __ ] where Willie radiates as the Golem comes out from the ground and it's honestly awesome Batman tries to confront Willie And even his father as he attacks them both Batman ends up saving his father as he takes him to safety as he fights the Golem and ends up completely destroying it as willly cries we going see willly and juvy as we see him block the TV that's how the episode ends God damn another good episode we're already hitting four for four with these episodes and that's insane I actually really like willly as a character as he definitely has a lot of motivation to do what he does as he feels like a loser but when he has the chance to stand up for himself by stealing a Golem and using it he takes it but then for him to actually be able to control electronic devices is really neat kind of like Live Wire but it's actually an interesting non annoying character with some honestly really [ __ ] awesome shots with some awesome animation those shots are really controlling Golem where he radiates go hard actually like this episode quite a lot so it goes above rebirth part two but below part [Music] one no way we're already at this episode this is an all-time favorite of mine who start melt down at the Docks as Batman's investigating something he finds a few people waiting for a boat to arrive where they send over some kinds of barrels to the boat bman comes in and stop them and manages to do so even when one of them tries to drive away Batman finds out that it's Derek behind it after one of the goons had his number on his phone where they talk on the phone Derk hangs up where his skin starts a peel off at his eyes as he puts sunglasses on and tells the rest of the people with him to finish as he obviously needs to fix himself Derek goes to his mem he tells him that his radiation's getting stronger so it's making his skin peel off even faster as a woman named Stephanie Lake tells him that he could get a new body the only thing though is that she wants to test it with someone that has damaged DNA like Derek so right of that we see [ __ ] Mr Freeze Stephanie ends up using Mr fras as a test to see if they can put someone with damaged DNA into a new body has it actually managed to work we go to D and Terry is Bruce approaches Terry where he shows him the news report that shows dererk showing off his experiment with Victor Bruce wants Terry to follow him as he obviously doesn't trust Victor considering that he has mred the freeze for so long but as Batman follows him around he seems to be living a normal life as he even goes to see his own grave but as he visits his grave a man tries to shoot him and Stephanie as Batman stops him Batman gets him tied up with the man asks why he's protecting Vic since he lost everything because of him but Victor lets him out as he promises that he's going to try and make it up to everyone that he hurt in the past we then see that after an interview on TV that Victor's Sweating Bullets until it starts to snow he then goes back to the lab with Stephanie to fix his problem where Derrick tells her to turn out the heat she does as Victor struggling to breathe but he manages to break the glass keeping him in there as he runs out to the snow as B trying to find out where Victor went we then see Mr Freeze as he goes off of Stephanie and Derek and this costume goes so [ __ ] hard they make a run for it as he ends up freezing dererk and Stephanie so after that he goes outside to fre a bunch of officers Derek breaks out because of his radiation as Batman tries to tell Mr fre to stop but he doesn't want to as he wants to take a around down with him Derrik attacks Mr Freeze and as he almost kills him Batman attacks but Derrik introduces himself as blight since he looks completely different now they fight for a while until Mr Freeze manages to shoot blade away so Batman tries to get Mr Freeze out as the whole place is going to collapse in on them Victor says that he won't go and that Batman's the only one that cares about him as he freezes a wall in front of Batman and goes down with the building as Batman escapes jerck ends up getting picked up by his men as Bruce talks to Terry about how he could have taken down the whole compound and killed hundreds but he didn't and that's how the episode ends this episode [ __ ] rocks let me just get this out of the way but Mr freze is so [ __ ] good in this episode I really like the idea of giving him a potential second chance with the new body but then for it to fail on him when he goes back to his old ways is quite sad it's great seeing him actually trying to live a new life and move on from his past but the whole story of this episode's really damn good I swear that there's never a bad Mr phase episode in this universe since he's such a well-written character in the show as well as beads also to see Mr Freeze actually kill Stephanie with his freeze gun was a very big surprise you know what he goes right at the [Music] top this starts at M Technologies is been still a chip that's worth a lot as Batman comes in to stop them Batman gets knocked down as some ghost lady phases one of the men and some monster throws a rubble at two other men as a Plastic Man copy saves them from falling we find out that the three of them are a superhero team as Batman sees them from afar and finds out that they are magma pron and the 2D man they turned into the heroes after being exposed to too much radiation but they transformed into basically being a ripoff of the Fantastic Four but a team of three there were a new Trio of superheroes based in Gotham as we then see barara talking to a man as he has two people hostage the tree of superheroes end up breaking in to take out the men that are holding the people hostage as they managed to save the hostages so we go back to their Hideout where Magma's angry overhead the little girl looked at him since she was scared shitless of him as they all seem to see their powers as a curse but this other man them named Howard talks to a general as they seem to have plans to control the three of them to their own benefit the next day we see Howard as another man gives him the Trio's DNA scans where they seem to be strange but Howard wants them to run him again Howard lets the general know that he has a problem as the man that gave him the DNA mysteriously gets knocked out by a chair being thrown at him Batman ends up detecting some kind of fire as he rocks up to the place to see melted walls as he sees magma taking the DNA sample bman tries to stop him but magma ends up getting to a [ __ ] where he attaches himself to it and ends up the Trio's headquarters at the HQ they found out that H would lied to them as they end up being under attack by the general minutes to try and get out is he ends up almost being completely squashed by some Rubble as he ends up getting out of the rubble and sees that the trio manag to escape they end up going to confront Howard as they do the same experiment that caused him to end up the way they were as they find out the hood intentionally wasn't there when it happened as they find it out and start the experiment bman comes in and stop them he ends up sucking 2D and free on through the vents as magma tries to stop Batman from turning the machine off but Batman stops him by using water against him man manages to abort the experiment as he asks if Howard is satisfied I actually like this episode but I feel it could be much better as a two-parter I just feel like the trio aren't fleshed out enough as characters and probably need a bit more time to develop where the twist would be a slow burn but the episode's still good The Twist is very interesting where Howard set them up to make him end up the way they are as even freom wasn't even meant to be transformed either but she did the episode just needed more time to develop everything and make the vi care about the trio which is extremely hard to do in a single episode and this episode does it well considering during how little time they have goes above black outa below rebirth part two all right so this episode starts with Derek as some man named Shreeve is messing with dereck's senses shrieve puts on a suit as it manages to destroy a wall as Derk doesn't seem interested in his suit that he's created then see Bruce as he says that he's ashamed about how the company's being run at the moment and that it seems to have forgotten it History Bruce proposes a vote about a potential leadership change as most people vote for the vote to happen as Derek reluctantly agrees after that Bruce tells Terry that it went the way he wanted it to as Bruce takes Terry to the theater where his parents died as Ace is barking Terry goes to sort ace as Bruce then walks into an old abandoned gcpd building as he does the building starts to shake as Terry suits up and helps to get him out as shriek shows up to deal with him he knocks out Bruce as Batman manages to save Bruce as shriek leaves Terry takes Bruce to hospital as Bruce is pissed that he has to stay over a night but Terry tells Bruce just to calm down and take the night off as he has a piece of shrk that might take him right to him that night though as Bruce is in hospital someone speaking to him which seems to be through his mind as no one's actually with him Terry at the back cave finds out that the piece he stall amplify Sound Vibrations but as he finds that out Bruce gets LED out to the window where he gets told to open it he ends up doing so as he gets hinted towards jumping out of the window as he screams in hospital guards even end up holding Bruce down where he gets put to sleep Terry disguises himself as a pizza delivery boy to see shrieve as he finds out more about sound waves where shrieve gets suspicious about him and tries to knock Terry out Terry ends up kicking shrieve over and escaping as the police Direct shrieve but Terry goes to the hospital to try and see Bruce Derrick's there telling him that Bruce will be in his hands as Bruce is currently in the pychard Derrik leaves after Terry tries to throw hands with him as he talks to sh and gives him the new name Shri Terry suits up to help Bruce where he explains that sh made audio transmitters to mess with Bruce as he implanted one of them into his bandage on his head Batman then goes to find shriek as they end up fighting in a factory find it really cool where shriek messes with the sound here as he blocks out most frequencies with the device he established ear to ter when he disguised himself butman ends up breaking the device in his hand is now sh can't hear anything at all as Batman tells him to get up so we go to the vote where it doesn't work in Bruce's favor but Bruce knew that the voice wasn't him as he kept calling him Bruce and I love that such a cool little detail where Bruce calls himself Batman in his mind so when the voice was calling him Bruce he knew it wasn't him but Terry says that it's his name now and that's how the episode ends I'm so surprised that we haven't had a mediocre or a bad episode yet every episode has other been good or really good the whole idea that everyone thinks that Bruce is losing his mind after running into sh is a really interesting IDE also sh becoming Shri by the villain mainly uses sound waves is definitely an interesting idea for a villain and I think that the episode uses it really well especially with the main fight where he uses the device to basically eliminate most sounds such a unique idea but I really think it works well the episode goes above Heroes but below rebirth part [Music] two dead man's hand starts with the boat out in the ocean as a bigger boat almost sinks him on the big boat we see some rich pretentious people as some other people with symbols like Aces on them riding playing cards get on the boat when they do they end up throwing some people off the boat as they end up stealing their valuables off them Batman from a far sees this going on as he ends up trying to stop them but they manag to get away after they start to blow up the boat as Batman has to save the people on board Batman saves them as he then has to go and rush off to see Dan at a nightclub and she's pissed off that he doesn't spend time with her Terry tries to tell her that things have been getting in the way but she doesn't believe him as Terry ends up walking outside when he does he sees a woman and she asks him if it was a big fight they end up talking as Terry tells that he has some school job that makes up most of his time and that his boss won't give him time off she inquires about what he does as a job but Terry tells her that he runs errands as he asks what she does is he finds out that she's a new to Gotham apparently her parents move around a lot because of work and she never has any actual friends because when she makes new friends she has up moving down but she ends up introducing herself as Melanie Walker she tries to kiss him but he pushes her off as Terry thinks that things are going too quick he tells her that they probably can later as Melanie tells Terry to meet him where they are at midnight tomorrow night Terry goes back to to the bat cave as Bruce asks if he saw Dana again Terry tells him that it's over because of him but Bruce already knows what's up he knows that they'll both get back together soon as they now have to figure out where this gang is as they're known as the Royal Flush Gang they're a full family that robs people as apparently Batman had split them apart in the past and now they want revenge as they're talking Melanie walks in and she's apparently number 10 in the Royal Flush Gang ah I get it anyways they end up robbing the place after deactivating the alarms but guards end up surrounding them as they're going to steal a Priceless sword they fight the guards and Batman ends up approach ing them as the gang ends up taking the guard as a hostage as Batman has number 10 they end up telling Batman to leave 10 and let them leave or they'll kill the guard he lets 10 go and ends up letting them leave for a moment to go and chase them the gang end up dropping the guard as Batman saves him he takes him to the hospital as he sees that at time's half 12 Terry rushes to where he met Melanie last night as he realizes that he's too late as Melanie ends up running out to him as they kiss in the rain later that night as the two are walking melan tells Terry that her family are probably going to move again soon as they end up agreeing to see each other again at the same time the next night Terry ends up going to the back cave again to see Bruce as Terry says that he's got better places to be since they don't know that the Royal flash gang are going to attack again tonight Terry says that one night won't make a difference but Bruce says it will as Terry says that he doesn't want to end up being like Bruce being old and alone we then see Melanie as she's arguing with her father she ends up walking away where her mother tries to convince her to stay she ends up doing so as Melanie Rings Terry to tell him that they can't see each other again and she comes out with an excuse to not see him again even though she wants to Terry looks into it by using a computer to find out her house for a plans where he ends up suiting up to go to place he finds out that she's a part of the Royal Flush Gang as they get home and try to hunt him down as they know that he's here Batman manages to knock two of them out as he then goes to fight Ace he ends up sending him down the laundry shoot and this guy is definitely dead there is absolutely no arguing that but Batman runs into 10 as her father throws a death card at Batman the C blows up as her father chases him where they end up fighting 10 catches up as Batman tells her to go but a card gets shot where she falls as Batman saves her they'll get handed into the place as Terry sees Melanie and her family being taken in as Bruce approaches him Terry apologizes about the things he said to Bruce and he asks if he had the same kind of thing happen to him the episode ends as Bruce tells Terry about a woman named Selena Kyle and this is obviously yet another good episode I really like seeing how Terry ends up falling for another woman where it ends up not working out because it really makes for an emotional story I feel like we got to know more about Melanie in this one episode compared to what we already know about Dana Dana ends up becoming more of a character later on but to see Terry being so happy and excited to see someone just makes it hurt more when they turn out to be a bad guy royal flush themselves aren't interesting though besides from the gimmick of them being dress up as the cards that are a part of the royal flush those cards being 10 Jack queen king and Ace but in the same suit little bit of Poker tips for you all even though most of you probably can't legally gamble but this episode isn't the best but it isn't the worst either goes above Golem but below rebirth part one all right so we start with the Jokers as a man in an ice cream truck shows him the weapons he has in a truck as Batman comes in and stop them he does so after one of the Jokers accidentally destroys the truck as the police arrive after that we see Terry sleeping class as Dana asks him to go to a sports game and it's that sport that we saw in one of the early episodes Terry almost falls asleep as we see one of the players puts a patch on them or as they known slappers that seem to make them much stronger as they bump an opposing player through the wall Terry suspicious so after he drops Dina home he suits up to stop the robbers that are robbing some kind of text the robbers make a run for it as Batman shows up where One of the robbers named Mason slaps on a few slappers as he fights Batman Mason throws Batman under a bunch TVs as they leave the next day at school Mason looks run down as he runs into two other classmates where they then give him some kind of card Mason then goes to a car where he gives him the card to get more slappers as he uses them to make himself feel better as Terry sees this from afar that night Batman sneaks into his locker to find slappers as the coach comes in to fight Batman in one of the sports suits they end up finding in the arena as he knocks out the coach Terry ends up going home where his mother seems to be suspicious about him as she got a call about how he fell asleep in class Matt tries to grab Terry's bag to PL the mer cards which are basically for slacking off in class as the slappers fall out of his bag that he was using as evidence Terry's mother now thinks that Terry's using them as she grounds him but still lets him see Bruce as we then go to the back cave as Terry managed to keep one of them they look at it under a microscope where they find out that Venoms in the slapper so now Terry has to go and visit [ __ ] Bane he goes to where Bane is as Batman manages to sneak past the guards into the building where he ends up seeing Bane we see that he's old and in a wheelchair and looking almost dead as this was the effects that Venom had on his body as his car tells Al's deteriorating health so with that being a dead lead now they have to find out who's making the Venom as we then see Mason having it rough at training he ends up getting another car where he's about to get a slapper as Batman comes in to try and find out who's this person that dealing the slappers Batman ends up tracking their car to an abandoned newspaper factory as we then see that it was Baines Cara that was dealing out the slappers Batman takes most of them down but Baines Cara slaps on a few slappers to fight Batman they fight for quite a while until Batman knocks him into some other slappers where he has too many on he's in absolute agony until he manages to push through it and Batman ends up beating him by blinding him as the place ends up exploding he seems to still be alive as Terry ends up getting home a minute late as Bruce comes in with him saying that it was his fault but it gives Terry's mother results to show that Terry is clean so now Terry's mother believes him the episode ends with Bruce is having a coffee with Terry and his family as Terry falls asleep and Bruce leaves him to sleep on the couch where his mother puts a blanket on him so this episode's a bit weaker but I still like it I think it was pretty predictable that it wasn't going to be bang creting the slappers since he's so old but when you see his car in that one scene it became quite obvious that it was going to be him besides that it's a solid metaphor for steroids but it makes a lot of sense in this universe to use Venom since it seems to make Bane so much stronger but also affect him much later on life we even get a drug metaphor by seeing how Terry's mother reacts to Terry having them in his bag it's cool to see Bane in this show but besides from that I do think it's the weakest episode yet still good but I think it's fair for it to be at the bottom of the list so far spell B starts with this couple as a girl named Chelsea has to leave and go home as they're walking home a man in a swirly costume named spellbinder shows her an eye where she gets transported into a jungle with him we see that it's just an illusion as Chelsea stumbles through her house and then into a room and as a vision then sees her going through a maze to get a sculpture spell then makes her follow him where she makes him throw it into what seems to be lava in her vision but reality she threw $80,000 sculpture into the water her father comes in asking her what she's doing and she gets in trouble for throwing into the water a spell water ends up taking it bro that shows how rich they are she doesn't even get in that much trouble for throwing something that expensive into the river like damn that must be loaded but we then see Terry at school as he's talking to a friend and we see Barbara walk past with an officer as they go to question Chelsea about throwing the sculpture into the water his friend walks into class as Terry listens into Barbara's conversation with a psychologist as he says that Chelsea usually does these things for attention Barbara believes that she made the whole thing up and then leaves then go to a man named Mr deacons as he closes up for the night when spell Bond uses him to steal from his shop as we cut straight back to the aftermath where one of the guards is being questioned by Barbara Batman's listening in as we see that Mr deacons is having visions of a war where he thinks that the dress is a dead person as he tries to leave the shop with a dress he ends up handing the dress to spellbinder as he ends up leaving but Batman has to fight Mr deacons and after Batman kicks Mr deacons he seems to be out of the vision as he doesn't know what's going on Terry ends up going to a wedding of his friend's parents as one of the cameras makes her hallucinate as spell blinders using one of the cameras she sees giant bugs everywhere as Terry fights spell Blinder after saving the wife Herman has to save her yet again where the hallucinations wear off as spellbinder gets a jewelry and makes a run for it Terry hallucinates that he's going to be jumping into a waterfall and as he does Bruce makes him snap out of it where he just survives a fall back at the back cave Bruce shows him what exactly happened he explains that spellbinder has advanced Tech that can make anyone see anything and believe that they're actually there next day after Terry sees the psychologist Bruce ends up seeing an intruder which ends up being Terry where he's in a hallucination that he's in the game show Bruce ends up making Terry snap out of it as he's actually stealing all of Bruce's belongings as Bruce ends up finding out that the school psychologist Dr Ira Billings is spellbinder since all the three victims are connected to him spellbinder still waiting at the front for him where Terry suits up to deal with spellbinder he makes a run for it as they then fight in the woods they fight for a bit until Batman has to chase down spellbinder he ends up getting spellbinder after he made Batman see him near a cliff where spellbinder approaches from behind he gets taken into the police as barara meets Terry where she knew about her father but tells Terry to stay out of trouble this is a cool episode I think it's just a really cool idea to have a villain that messes with your senses by making you see other things spell bind is a cool villain in regards to design and Powers but it being a psychologist that we see twice before the reveal is kind of weak I don't have much else to say about this episode but it goes above black APPA below Heroes in's already getting a second episode all right well we start with her being frozen in an ice block as this guy named Aaron seems to be shitty at his boss for not getting a rise he's talking to himself as he thinks that Inc is the the only one that's listening to him where he seems to be in love with ink as he gets called up to his boss's office his boss ends up firing him after his strange activities with ink Aron comes back later that day and decides to let ink free by cutting out the power that keeps the ice frozen ink makes her Escape as we then see Bruce and ter at the back cave showing off a Batman exo suit that puts too much drain on Bruce's heart and that's why he doesn't use it and alarm goes off as they find out that Inc has been freed as Bruce gives ter the freeze gun as he's suiting up Batman gets to the scene where people are running away as one of them has black on them which ends up being in as they end up breaking the ice gun they fight until eventually ink escapes through the sewer system as we then see Aaron as ink drops in to tell them that she saw and heard everything that he did over the past few months she plays on the fact that he has a crush on her as she stays at his place until it goes dark where she can easily go out and do a thing also this is honestly hilarious maybe we'll think of something to keep us busy until then as that's going on Terry sealing up all the cracks as he's worried that she's going to come back to the Batcave since last time they her she snuck away way into the Batwing and into the Batcave Bruce shows him that her DNA is damaged to the point where she can't transform into a human self so that's why she didn't sneak out as a human self and now she wants to repair her DNA we then see Inc with Aaron as they're trying to break into full ton Labs as they steal some kind of chemicals they get what they need as Aaron says that he wants to be like her they then hear Batman as he's sneaking by ink then manages to get the jump on Batman as they fired it out until Batman gets the bang Bruce made Forman as he knocks her out as Batman knocks her out Aaron uses a mechanical arm to fight Batman and then knock him out as Aaron comes to Ink's a ink comes back together as they take Batman with him whilst having Batman tied up ink uses some kind of chemical she stole to make herself stronger when she can transform back to her old self ink goes up to Batman where she ends up telling Bruce that they're a Gotham Hills Arena that he needs to come or she will kill him as they waiting for Bruce Inc gives Aaron his reward which is making him like her Bruce arrives to see that Aaron only got half the treatment where he looks all [ __ ] up and it's honestly quite disturbing Batman comes out where it ends up being ink as she grabs Bruce as he ends up transforming with the exo suit as they fight for a bit ink ends up knocking Bruce down as Aaron comes up asking for the rest of the treatment she tells him to get out of his way and that he's a loser as he attaches himself underwear they struggle for a bit until Batman manages to get out and break the roof while it's raining before Inc kills Bruce ink ends up melting away as Terry's glad that Bruce didn't stay retired but this episode ends with Aaron and his old workplace being kept captive as a woman working there feeds him and tells her about her life Ink's actually a lot better in this episode compared to her first episode blackout but I really like this episode ink shown to be a big threat as she managed to destroy the freeze gun that made her lose in the previous episode also got to feel bad for Aaron he didn't deserve that fate even though he decided to be too much of a s by doing absolutely anything she wanted him to do I actually hope that he gets a second dose of the chemicals that made Inc turn into what she is but I don't think it's going to happen I think it would be cool to see him completely transform and then decide to get revenge on ink by trying to transform them both into one person but we just got to see what happens later on goes above shriek but below rebirth part two this episode starts with barara as she's talking to her husband the Steve Harvey look Alik Named Sam as they end up hearing something the woman named kurar comes out to attack them as Barbara tries to defend her husband bman sees what going on and attacks Kari bman calls for officers as they end up making a run for it and end up getting away as officers arrive they both get shot at as Kari ends up dealing with the officers and then gets away back at the Batcave Bru knows who this is as she's a part of the Society of Assassins not the league apparently but no one knows of her name or her face Terry asks if they needed protect Barbara but as Bruce says that they don't need to protect her Barbara comes out to say that her husband is so now Barbara knows who Batman is damn this is cold as [ __ ] Bruce and barar haven't talked in a while as Terry realizes that barara was back girl as he tells Terry to stay out of their business barara says that she doesn't want to come back here to tell them again as Bruce tells her that he has more information about this kurar character Bruce gives barara the CD as she then leaves we then see kurar talking to someone they seem to be disappointed that they failed them we then go to the next night where barabara has officers all around their house as they leaving and kurari and Batman are watching from afar kurari ends up taking out some offices as she makes her way towards the building she gets in as Batman ends up approaching her and fighting her Batman ends up seeing her face for a moment she ends up getting to what seems to be Sam as she throws a sword at him it ends up being a dummy as Batman approaches it where a trap goes off as Batman stuck in it Kari ends up escaping as Barbara and a few officers approach Kari Barbara ends up seeing the Batman escape the Trap after seeing his bang suck onto the alarm that controls the trap bar ends up talking to Terry where she gives him one last warning as they'll take him and Bruce to jail if they interfere again Terry asks why Barbera hates Bruce as she ends up telling him over coffee she tells Terry how she dat a dick back in the day oh God they're really trying to insist that Bruce and barber were a thing in this universe because she implied that after dick went to blood Haven that they became a thing totally not [ __ ] up at all so bber ends up saying that she ended up quitting and that Bruce can't so she hates what he's become she ends up leaving as we see a talking to the man at her office as karar over his plans we go back to the back cave where Bruce says that Sam will probably go on some certain transport line as Terry tells Bruce that he doesn't want to get in Barber's way again cuz he actually respects her Bruce ends up telling Terry what happens to Society of Assassins members when they fail when they do the other members hunt them down but has never happened before basically guaranteeing that Kar will get Sam as she's apparently the best we see Sam on a train with Barbara as carar gets on the train she takes out the offices on top and ends up making Barbara's part of the train derail it crashes into a building as Kari tries to find them inside the building Barbara and Sam Lock themselves in the meet room as carara gets in there and almost kills him but luckily Batman comes in to stop her they have a fight as everything in the room turns on as Batman manages to make quick work of it she then gets handed into the police the episode then ends as karari escapes police custody where the other members are hunting her down I'm really mixed about this episode but I still think it's good you have one hand where Kari isn't an interesting character I just think that she's a discount version of Natalia or R and on the other hand you have the good which is all the development between Barbara and Bruce and Terry their relationship stuff where it really developed in this episode is the best part about it besides that the villain just isn't interesting in the slightest I'll tell you what I would have liked a Twist at the end of the episode where we find out who Kare is that would have been cool and that's honestly what I was expecting it's a bit disappointing that there was no reveal as to who Kare is maybe we'll see that later on goes above Heroes but below shriek no way wordy at the last episode this season look I hope it's good because most of these episodes have been pretty good it starts with the robbery at plte but we see that blood has his men holding the workers at gunpoint as they're stealing something called poly mold bman ends up confronting them but they end up getting away as to place lights of Blaze and Batman has to save the workers inside one of bl's men is knocked out as Batman goes up to him and the GU wallet falls out showing that it works for Wayne Powers which Batman gets the idea that Derek is helping blight speaking of blight we see him as he goes to get his skin back as he's pissed off that he couldn't steal all the poly mold to help him have more materials to get his skin back we see his son Paxton as he goes to visit his his father in his car where he tells him that he wants him to do something for him but he then shows his son what's going on with his skin as he can't be seen out in public anymore because it doesn't last long anymore Terry drops Bruce off where he goes to a press conference with Derek as he announces that he's going to go on temporary leave where he's letting his son take over the company for now a protester that was outside Paxton's building gets inside as he says that he's dumping poison into the rivers as he throws a few fish on the table J ends up getting pissed off as everyone sees him transforming into blight including Terry as Bruce hit a camera on him Bruce stops him from harming one of the investors as Batman comes out to fight blight as he's about to hit Bruce BL ends up making a run for it after throwing a table at Batman and now everyon knows that dererk is BL later that day back at Wayne Mana Bruce puts the pieces together very quickly and how Derek transformed into BL explaining that back in rebirth part two when Terry threw the nerve gas of Derek and transformed him Terry's glad as now he can't hide from the law but as that's going on BL Rings Paxton as Paxon tells him to get the ambulance where they might be able to help him BL gets pissed off as we then see Batman flying around where he sees the old bat signal it up Batman goes there as he sees Paxton where he takes him inside a show a device that could weaken his radiation Paxton wants to help take his father in as his radiation has affected his mind as well as him physically and that he needs help Batman then goes to find blight where Paxton says that when things hit the fan they need to be ready to kill Batman as well Batman ends up seeing a woman go to a ship as Batman sees blight eating inside as the next day Batman leaves Paxton a CD with bl's location in a time of 10 p.m. Batman comes in to confront blight as he says that blight killed his father and love this line you killed my father do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down so they end up knitting blight as Paxton ends up activating the device where he reveals that he wants to kill his dad to get the whole company bman tells Paxton to turn the machine off as it's killing him where one of his men accidentally shoots the machine as they start shooting Batman he ends up taking them down as Bight wakes up and starts to make the ship sink as blight's after Paxton Paxton gets away as blight starts going AP [ __ ] in the ship causing a lot of radiation as bman takes the two knockman out as the ship sinks the episode ends with Batman talking to Paxton as his father probably escaped this is honestly one of the weaker episodes I like how Derek just ends up going nuts in this episode and not caring about putting up his Derek Persona anymore but his son's just a boring character it was extremely predictable that Paxton was gone to double cross Batman as soon as he called for his help I also really like the personal conflict stuff with Terry is he has a personal vendera against Derek but even with his personal Vendetta he won't let Paxton kill him goes above Shri but below disappearing Inc this season is really good they really Came Out Swinging with the first season of this show because there's not one episode that isn't Below Good every episode is enjoyable and memorable so far which is actually insane how good the first season is the creators behind this show really knew that it had something good going on didn't they well they definitely did because even the worst episodes in this season such as The Winning Edge and blackout are still like a six out of 10 and meltdown it's an absolute 10 out of 10 I'm honestly just impressed with how well this show has started but I'm also surprised with how surprisingly dark the first season can be I wonder if something going on during season 1 will have an effect on season 2 H you know what let's just find out and let's get into season two starting off with the first episode of season 2 starts off with Chelsea showing off her new lizard eyes as she's doing this thing known as splicing Terry's with Dana and this other woman named Maxine who gets more of a role in this season as they told Chelsea that it isn't a good idea since she's messing with the DNA all right I'm in this little bit as I'm editing this video but I didn't realize until now that Max's Voice by c summer the voice of Penny from Inspector Gadget Chelsea ends up giving out cards to The Institute that splies people as we see lots of adults outside of their facilities protesting as they think it's a crime against nature the teams that sping themselves say it's a way for them to express themselves as Bruce mentions that something bad will definitely come for this T ends up going to school after being scared by his brother Matt as we see Barbara's husband Sam the district attorney as he says that he's going to Outlaw splicing on the train two people that have been spliced break the TV as Terry ends up fighting them both and holy [ __ ] that Buffalo looking one is IC te apparently it is also if you don't know who IC te is he's a popular rapper and at the moment he is the lead singer of Body Count which is [ __ ] cool so the two end up leaving after Terry beats them but Terry ends up at the in with Dana is they're looking at projections of what Dana would look like after being spliced as they're talking about it Dr Abel K comes out to say that Dana would look great with spots he ends up going to deal with the two that he fall on the train as he says that he needs a doctor Terry goes to sit up as they see kuier give the Buffalo a dose or something as they're going to attack that Knight as Batman's spying on them one of them sensors him and gets a jump on him Batman gets knocked out as qva puts him in Restraint where he splies him Batman breaks out where he starts to be affected by the chemicals kuva put in him as he tries to splice up Batman he ends up escaping as cuva says say that he won't be able to save everyone as we then see Barber and Sam as he's working on taking cuvier down as Sam's working on it the three men break in and restrain them as Batman manages to come in to stop them as bman find them he starts transforming as he seems to be much stronger than usual and he can't control it he goes back to the back cave as Barbara tries to warn Bruce about what's happened to Terry where he manages to ask Bruce to help him where he seems to have transformed into a giant man bat starts to try and jump on Bruce as he gets a tranquilizer gun and knocks Terry out when knocked out he ends up curing him Terry wakes up where Bruce explains that kuier infected him with a lot of vampire bats serum as they see on the news that kuier has gone into hiding after the attack one of kier's claws is still in Terry as he ends up using Ace to locate where kuier is they find him in an abandoned Taxidermy Studio as Batman sneaks him with a dark gun that will kill them all Cobra ends up getting a jump on Batman as they knew that he was coming since they could smell him the fight as Batman kills the three with the gun whilst kuier Jabs himself with a bunch of needles eventually kuier makes a run for it but he ends up leading Batman into another room where they fight kuia turned into a giant snake like creature which he says is a Kam but when I looked it up it looked more like this not what it looks like in the episode any who Batman gets toss around for a bit until eventually makes qva overd on the chemicals by jabbing more and more into him until he becomes completely deformed Ace comes in to help Batman as he's about to get eaten where he knocks Ace out and the place then blows up as Batman and Ace get out in time the episode ends with barara talking to Terry as she says that he did well but he should ditch the costume as the rewards are small Terry says that sometimes the small rewards are the best ones okay so this season starts off pretty well just a cool idea to have this kind of drug thing where it transforms people into human animal hybrids he fits the worldman Beyond really well even though the villain kuier isn't interesting just really a metaphor for other things that you can get to change your looks but I think it's done well I will say it's pretty cool to see Terry transform into a giant bat a solid start so far we're just got to see where the other episodes take us earth mover starts with Dana with Terry and Jackie at Jackie's place as she's worried that someone's potentially following her she says that after Terry notices that something isn't right about Jackie but she explains that she has a feeling that she's being being watched and it's happened a few times in the past few days the Dead comes in saying that they should make more noises it would help him concentrate as we see something outside Terry ends up seeing it and chasing after it as Terry ends up knocking it over where it crumbles he goes to Bruce where he thinks it's interesting as the next day at school Terry runs into at Dana and Jackie as Terry's worried that they'll come back to see Jackie eventually as they're talking to Bill who actually isn't Jackie's dad comes to pick her up as she asks if they can take Terry and Dana as well he says yes but he has to show all of them something on the way where he shows them where he wants to build a new Factory as he does the whole earth starts to shake as the figure comes out as Terry suited up as Batman comes in to stop it tells him to run as he ends up destroying it where it's just a mud monster that keeps on forming back as it seems that the radioactive slime gives him life Jackie and Bill get into the cars the monster goes for them but as they drive away the monster ends up splatting as Batman still out Bruce talks to him explaining that bill dumped some kind of toxic waste that can ruin anyone's DNA 10 years ago and that might have something to do with what's going on at the moment we then see Bill as he's packing all his stuff where Jackie wants answers from him but he won't tell him as he then sees a figure in the hallway Bill thinks that it's Tony Jackie's actual father as he ends up confessing that he didn't know but it's revealed that it's Batman standing at the hallway bman tells him that he better tell her what happened otherwise he will bill then says that he had the expose of excess chemicals and didn't have any money to do it legally he goes to an abandoned M shaft to dispose of the chemicals as Tony isn't sure about it Bill ends up convincing him as he says that the company will be big and then he'll let Tony be a part of his company Tony goes down there to help dispose the chemicals by guarding the canisters down while the end up knocking some rubble down on the Tony trapping him the canister that's still on the Rope ends up falling down where it completely covers him as he thought that Tony died but now he seems to come back he knows that Tony's after him so he makes a run for it as he gets sucked into the ground as bman has to save Jacky from suffering the same fate as Tony's taking the whole house down he doesn't save her as she's now stuck underground but she's actually safe in the house she goes for a walk around as we see Batman in a submarine where he goes to try and save them Tony tries to stop him as he's making his way to the house but we then see that Jackie found Tony's corpse and damn this is [ __ ] dark F Jackie talks to Tony as he says that it wasn't an accident where he pulls bill out to confront him Tony tries to kill him as Jackie tries to save bill but bman catches up as he has to fight a few mud monsters Tony gets pierced as he drags Jackie back to be his hostage as Batman has to fight a giant Mud Monster now whilst fighting the monster Batman destroys the canisters so Tony doesn't have any power eventually they escape as they leave Tony they stuck to the wall as he ends up dying again and that's how the episode ends [ __ ] this episode ended up being a lot darker than I thought it would be but I actually really like it this whole episode's basically just a vengeful spirit that wants to get his revenge against Bill by killing him and destroying everything that he has for what he made him do I really like that kind of stuff as it makes off for some great storytelling and holy hell I was surprised to see an actual corpse in the show and it's as disturbing as you'll think it be really some neat stuff and I like how they basically show you how Tony died without actually showing the Gory stuff it's good how they LIF it up to your imagination on how bad his death actually was at the start of this episode it was reminding me of the betas episode see no evil tonally where it's a girl's father seeming to follow them but with this episode the ending is even stronger I think this episode's really good so it definitely goes at the top for this season start with a few of the Jokers on bikes as they see some ship fly by them so they decide to follow we see on the ship they're having some serious issue where they have to land instantly and run for their lives as the Jokers have a new recruit and go look at the ship they think that it's a UFO as they knock out the two pilots that are running away from the ship as they take it for a joy Rod they go flying around with this one named scab piloting it like maniacs as other people the pilots work for find them knocked out as they managed to talk to the Jokers on the ship the woman demands for the ship to be returned back to them as she says that there's another reason that they have to return it besides from it being government property but they ignore her scab manages to pick up the other Jokers as they cause Havoc at a fast food joint but they get free food and leave so sees this going on as he suits up uses the bat bill to catch up to them Batman tries to stop them as they're flying around like Maniac but they end up shooting down the Batmobile Jers decided to get out and fight Batman where he's kicking the crap out of them until they get on the ship and try to kill Batman with the ship they're about to hit him another military vehicle comes out to shoot them as the Jokers Fly Away the lady on the military vehicle ends up getting Batman to go on the ship with her as they try to stop them Batman finds out as they're flying that the fuel cell is going to blow up and that it's Nuclear So they need to get people as far away as possible the catch up with the jok is as the lady gives Batman a card to stop the fuel cell as she ejects Batman when she manages to damage the ship but almost kills herself where Batman saves her Batman then goes after the Jokers as he manages to interogate one of them that fell off the ship to find out where they're headed next they're going to take out another hide out of a rival gang known as the te's so Batman goes to them where he has to fight them all the te's end up leaving as the Joker show up but Batman man to get them stuck in there as he tied up the ship against the support beam which makes the ship crash the Jokers get out beside scab as he manages to get Batman underneath him as he's about to take him out we see the new recruit knocks out scab as he gives Batman a chance to stop the fuel cell the recruit takes his clown nose off as Batman and him leave where scab cracks the shits about the ship not working anymore damn this is the weakest episode yet personally I really don't find the Joker interesting in the slightest not even scabbers he doesn't really have an interesting personality at all a very average run-of- the-mill episode which honestly is not a good thing considering how strong the show has been so far I don't really have much else to say about the episode because it's honestly just really forgettable it's probably one of the worst things I could say about an episode of a show so yeah it's at the bottom well Soul starts with the news report as we see that a man named Robert Vance and owner of advance computer company passed away in his last moments he decided to create a digital version of himself and this face is honestly disturbing but I love it but that seem to have been a flashback as we go to the present where Robert's grandson Bobby activates his digital s as he doesn't recognize him we get the news that it's been 35 years since his creation where Bobby now has to run the company since his father recently passed away from a heart attack Robert asked to be put online where he wants to find out more about the new world as we see Dana and Terry as they're looking at at the city they end up going to the elevator as it malfunctions and goes down fast as they manag to survive but then it goes up really fast as well as they end up seeing that everything's playing up at the moment since they seeing lights flicker everywhere Terry ends up shutting off the elevator as he then gets to Bruce where he finds out that the program's trying to collect as much data as possible and that's why everything playing up Terry sits up to go to Gotham power where he manages to restall the power to most of the city after he get shot by a laser then has to deal with some Crooks in parts of the city that still don't have power after doing so the suit starts playing up as Robert ends up gaining control of it because he got shot by a laser that Robert was in control of he throws Batman around as he's taking over and explains that he has to go download himself into a new body as he directs him into the water Bruce uses the F safe that he had on the suit so Terry just stops in the water with his head just above the water level and as his head goes under Bruce saves Terry with the Batmobile Terry takes the suit off as Terry and Bruce leave the Cave the suit seems to control itself the suit destroyed the fa safe as Terry said that he's going to go after him we they with that a bat suit as Bruce gives him the original utility belt as Terry grabs Dick's Nightwing mask we see that Rober taking over the suit as he approaches Bobby as he wants to take over his body he does some scans on him where we find out that the X-Ray Scan can actually get rid of Robert's control of the suit as Terry comes in to stop Robert he ends up doing a bit of damage to the suit until he manages to actually overpower him and this is cool but also strange when Robert disappears from the suit we then see Bobby as he sells off the company and the episode ends with Bruce and Terry is Bruce is repairing the suit Terry says that he can use the rest but Bruce says that it's only the suit that's out of commission not Batman okay yep this episode's much better it's pretty cool seeing a computer program which is basically a virus just take over almost everything in Gotham but I wish we got to see more of Robert's presence and everything he took over since it only seemed like he had a big presence in the bat suit it's a little disappointing since Robert's digital design is honestly quite creepy but also really cool they could have just done more with it like look at this design it's honestly really creepy but looks really good I still really like this episode it's nothing amazing but it's still good and enjoyable overall goes above spli but below earth mover let's see if they have a hidden agenda eh but it starts with a man as he gets into the train where he finds the Jokers inside one of them uses a spray can on him as they then use the emergency stop and leave him on there with sharp teeth that are after him Batman sees him as we then see the main one in the group named terminal goes to get some sleep after dropping one of the other Jokers off the side of the building we then see Terry with Dana and Max as they check their Gat scores as Max got a perfect score and Terry didn't even get one since he had an emergency as they leave we see this guy named Wilson as he sees that Max got a perfect score and that he scored just below her so Wilson congratulates her as we then see that Max did a report on Batman she has quite a bit of data she seems to know that Terry's possibly Batman but we then see Wilson's mother she says that he did so Po in his gats as his mother leaves we see that Wilson's actually terminal as he puts a makeup on it messes with the Gat scores the school after their time at the school we see Terry with Dana and Max in the morning as the school's a mess and people are trying to clean it up Terry knows that one of the Jokers must go to their school and as Max opens her locker a p comes flying at her she narrowly avoids it but that night Terry suits up to deal with the joke as as he knows what they're up to he ends up stopping most of them besides terminal as Batman sees that they have Max's key card to access her information but speaking of terminal we see Max at the school it terminal controls two cleaning devices to try and shoot acid at Max but Batman saves her Jerry then goes to talk to Max as she tells her to get rid of the research on Batman as she'll be in danger she goes to delete it all and then she decides to get a list of potential matches to who could be living a double life Terry's the first name on the list where she thinks that he's a joker as she makes subtle suggestions to what she believes about him she ends up telling her to meet at someplace at eight to discuss her Theory as the joke is here at the place that she's going to see Terry at the approacher is Terry on the saw the email at the time they were meant to meet but terminal explains that they've been following Max and that none of them are Terry he explains that he doesn't care about a data on who could be Batman and his terminal is going to attack Max Batman comes out to stop the Jokers Batman ends up dealing with him as they realized that terminal is Wilson the next day max ends up talking to terer she reveals that she thought he was a joker but she now knows that he's Batman the episode then ends after this honestly funny exchange you call me Robin and I'm out of here no problem Alfred it's a pretty solid episode I don't have too much to say about this episode but what I do have to say is that I like how Max ended up realizing the truth about Terry over time it's seem believable that she ended up coming to the conclusion that Terry is Batman by the end considering that terminal straight up told her that Terry isn't a joker also as terminal goes he's all right nothing too special kind of a standard villain as motivation goes but honestly that makeup looks like Casey Jones's hockey mask from the TMNT franchise it's episodes above splices but below lost soul Blood Sport starts with the man going to his Penthouse is they seem to look [ __ ] pissed and then kill a mosquito with a blow dart after it bites him we then see Batman as he takes down a gang as they' been stealing cars he manages to do so in the factory the next morning Terry's awoken by Terry's mom as she asks about the milk Terry says he forgot as he apologizes but she asks if he can pitch in a bit more as Terry ends up saying he will we didn't see that the guys completely changed the penthouse as they have Tribal clothing on and call themselves The Stalker they end up drawing Batman's attention by breaking into a tribal Arts Gallery where he starts to attack Batman they fight for a while until he throws a smoke bomb at him and disappears by blending into a wall Terry goes to Babys City's brother Matt as his mom's going to go for a test as he takes Matt to some food joint with arcade games while there Terry runs into Max and he also sees the stalker as he's after him so he tries to run away from him whilst making Max watch Matt but he can't lose him even after G on the train he still keeps up but as passengers get off the train Terry puts a jacket on someone else as he manages to lose the stalker Terry goes back to the bat cave as Bruce tells him how the stalker was so easily able to track him as we then see Matt in captivity as the stalker explains his weird scarring on his back he says that as he was hunting he was careless as a panther broke his back in five places where he ended up getting a backbone replaced as it enhanced his strength and reflex he then got revenge on the panther as he got bored of hunting in the jungle because it was too easy until he heard about Batman where he wanted to have an actual challenge so as this guy just a craven the hunter rip off yeah pretty much so as he's explaining it all Batman comes in and fights the stalker as he set up his penthouse for this exact occasion Batman ends up defeating him after electrocuting him where his vision plays up to where he sees everything as the panther that damaged him as he then gets hit by a train as Batman couldn't save him the episode ends as Matt tells his mom about what happened where I don't think she completely believes it you know what this episode's pretty good even though the stalk is basically Craven I still like the character a very straightforward character and that's what works well since they literally just want to kill Batman as a challenge and it works the design of the stalker could have been cooler but overall it's still an enjoyable episode goes above lost soul but below earth mover this episode starts with a bunch of criminals playing poker they all mention that they have places to be as this guy Benny takes a while to make his move Benny thinks that he H something so he gets the guards to check as we then see 10 breaking in damn I really didn't expect to see her back so soon So eventually Benny plays his hand as 10 comes in and steals all the winnings and she then makes her Escape as she's being shot at bman over hears all the gunshots so he goes to stop them as he sees T trying to escape with a bag Batman grabs it offer and throws it back to them but they keep on shooting so Batman has to take them down he does so as 10 gets away and eventually Batman leaves as one of them are shooting at him Terry back at the back cave finds out from Bruce that this poke game is a high stakes game called The Derby that has been around around Gotham for a very long time and it attracts most of Gotham's criminals when Terry gets home he sees Melanie in his room which is odd since she never went to or saw Terry's house in the episode dead man's hand but she explains that she didn't have a choice with what she had to do before and that she stuck between him or her family and she says that she needs a place to stay for a little while Terry's a bit skeptical about her when she says that she had to rob a big poker game because of the Jokers because apparently they have their family which explains why the authorities are after her Terry is about to ring the police as Dana calls him and after he gets off the phone with her Melanie kisses Terry dog is downn bad feels bad for Dana so she stays at Terry's for a few hours until she ends up leaving as his family gets home after that Terry goes to talk to Max about the Derby to try and find out where it potentially is being held she gets Terry some photos of where the game's held as we then see the game as T planning to Rob them again where Batman tries to stop her he eventually gets her off her flying card as he tells her to stop stealing where she shows him where her family's being held Batman intend to make their move to break in and save the family as they have to fight a lot of jokers off eventually Batman gets trapped in the room full of jokers after interrogating one where he seems to know nothing about the royal flush game being with him he gets out as Bruce gave him the Batman B to escape where T goes back to the derby to Rob them she does so and gets away as Terry explains what he did to Bruce Terry put a tracker on her as we see 10 go to where her family are as a Dead comes out and tells her that there were never any Jokers and that the ransom was just a thing he set up it was a test to make sure that a family could trust her where she's shitty at them for doing this to her and making her choose between Terry and her family as she's talking to her parents Batman comes in as her dad makes them fight Batman as then has to make her choice on if she wants to stay with her family so Batman fights them for a bit until Batman gets knocked down as the crooks that were playing the Poke game coming guns blazing as Batman tipped them off the Royal Flush Gang run for it as Batman ends up stopping them as the police arrive and they all get arrested besides from 10 as she got away the episode ends as Terry's with Dana to the nightclub as Terry throws out the note for Melanie that's cold as [ __ ] but yeah this episode's a pretty similar quality to dead man's hand it's basically the same thing as the first episode with the Royal Flush Gang or with the gang setting a daughter up to see if they can trust her after the events of the first episode I personally don't think that we needed this episode especially with Melanie coming back as a potential love interest for Terry I just thought that ship already sailed at this point but apparently not Terry should have Shrugged her off considering that he's with Dana but there's nothing I can do about it goes above splies but below hidden agenda this episode came out on the day I was born fun fact for you all so it starts with some rock concert and let me say that the lyrics are terrible but I think it's meant to be intentionally bad anywh who the singer named Donnie finishes his show as he walks past a bunch of his fans and even this woman says that he can sign anywhere he wants as she's pulling a top up I'm kind of surprised they got away with this on a kid show but he ends up getting in lium with three women as his simulation ends but we see a bunch of people on a simulation as a man tells him that he knows what to do if he wants to get back on the simulation I recogize that voice but I don't want to spoil who the villain is for you we then go to Donnie as he's asking for money but he gets shitty at one person ends up robbing them as that's going on Batman's talking to Bruce as he explains that Max wants to get more involved as they don't want her to and I really like this exchange will you relax I feel the same way you do for once but she's been a big help to me how do I tell her no you're asking me for advice on handling women as he's talking to Bruce Batman sees Donnie robbing people for credits so he confronts him where he makes a run for it and almost kills himself Batman saves him until he ends up falling again and causing a road accident has bman us to try and stop the cars from crashing into the trailer Max goes back where it's revealed to be spell vinder as he lets Donnie go back into his false reality we didn't see this fast food worker on a date with a manager named Jesse as he ends up asking her to marry him but we see that Jesse was the one in the simulation as she seems to have passed out when being pulled out by spell Blinder we then see Bruce as he explains to Terry that everyone in these false realities have ended up in hospitals because they've overdosed on serotonin thanks to the visions that spellbind is providing them to get into some sciency stuff serotonin's basically a chemical that can affect your physical and mental health Bruce thought of it after Batman dealt with Donnie as he might end up in the same State later on Terry and Max go to Donny's place as Max knows his parents and that's the only reason why he brought her along they end up seeing that the whole place is a mess as his parents come out where his father seems to be the abusive type as he tells Max and Terry that if they find him he doesn't want him to come back luckily Terry took one of the used cred cards from his room as they find out that he's been using them at a VR room to escape reality Max and Terry go to an arcade as has some VR simulators as we then see Donnie with two other guys that have been using spellbinders VR simulations as one of them approaches Max he tells her about the VR setup across town where Max ends up being pulled in to go alone after Terry seems reluctant about it as Max is pulled away Donnie and the other guy tell Terry about it as Donnie mentions that spellbinder hooks them up so Terry has to fight both of them after trying to get Max he loses her as we then see Max get home as she eats dinner with her folks as we see that it's all a simulation as spellbinder got her in there Max ends up looking for more credit cards as Batman confronts her as she's trying to steal more money to get back in the simulation where Batman puts her to sleep and takt her to her house she explains that her parents split up and that's mostly just her and her sister at her place most of the time and as Terry calls Bruce Max knocks him out as she goes back to spellbinder Terry suits up as he ends up seeing Donnie as he follows him to where spellbinder is Batman then goes in as he sees Donnie on the ground almost passing out he ends up pulling max out of the simulation as he confronts her where Spell binder gets the jump on Batman she goes back into the simulation where Spell binder makes everything that has happened so far on the show flush before his eyes as Max gets the jump on spellbinder and knocks him out the episode ends with Terry talking to Max as she apologized for what she did and that she wanted to be a part of something as Terry says that she's a part of it now but they'll take things a bit slower from now on [ __ ] this episod are really good even though it's basically just a giant metaphor for drugs I notic that this is a common thing for this show to have episodes that are just metaphor for addictions and most notably drugs and I think this one does it the best using vr's a metaphor to where you're literally escaping reality works very well since these things like drugs and alcohol are commonly used to escape reality and are things that people abuse to try and feel good also tying spellbinder into this works well and I honestly like how he does doesn't have that much of a presence in the episode itself besides from being the one that created the different VR simulations that just feel more real and end up affecting your mental and physical health this might be a bit controversial but I think this is the best episode of the season yet has nothing to do with it being released on the same day I was born but I really like [Music] it rat starts with a news report as they're talking about giant manaing rats as Max Chelsea and Dana are eating where Dana's pissed off at Terry but he ends up arriving late Terry apologizes as gets pissed at him whilst Chelsea and Max just watch the drama unfold as Dana leaves where Max stays with Terry we then see Terry at home as Dana rings him she talks about the flowers in her car where he's confused about it but she asked him to meet her tonight Dana's dad doesn't approve of her seeing Terry as she ends up going anyway even after apparently hearing something outside as Terry's on his way Bruce brings him to do some Batman things so he quickly suits up and deals with the situation which ends up being a guy setting up bombs in the library the guy's name is mad stand it's just not established here gets his ass kicked until he manages to knock him out after a bum goes off but we see that Dana is leaving as she sees FL hours again when she grabs him she sees two giant rats and passes out she wakes up in some random place as a ratl looking man comes out to say that his rats are his friends that his name is Patrick she wers why he knows so much about her as he then shows her all the things that he's collected he ends up showing her all of the flowers that he's been growing as he says that he wants her to stay with him Batman tries to find her as he then sees something going on at the place he has men and made Dana as he fights the two giant rats and they end up making a run for it thatman then decides to go on the seers to find Dana as we see her wandering around around the place as she's going to leave Patrick she ends up going through a whole sewer system until she runs into a bunch of rats as Patrick sees her he takes her back where she gets shitty H him as Patrick turns on her and makes her R attack her as Batman comes in to stop him whole place ends up accidentally blowing up after a stick that Dana lit up ends up Landing in a bunch of toxic waste as Batman and Dana make it out with no sign of Patrick the episode ends as Terry sees Dana as they walk off together whilst the flower with a note floats away I'm not a big fan of this episode it's honestly just very basic and forgettable to the point where I feel like I have nothing nothing to say about the episode itself it's a typical person that doesn't fit in becoming a villain Trope after things don't go their way and it's honly kind of boring bottom of the [Music] [Applause] list all right I hope that this episode's better and it starts with some guys flying around with his wife and daughter as we see Batman flying around as he's talking to Max listing off previous presidents the car with the family inside ends up almost crashing after a thunderstorm as Batman saves them where the parents seem to act weirdly the next day Terry's at his History exam where he sees girl from last night coming up to her asking for his help and that she doesn't want to go she won't go away as he's doing his exam but he then tells Bruce about this afterwards but she comes up again and says that her name's Tamara Terry asks where she is as she then shows Terry where she lives as the parents then get shitty with her knowing that she's calling someone they figure out that they're at the GOL and Park Towers as one of the pillows has GPT on them as Terry decides to go there with Max undercover he goes into the apartment with his bat suit as the Dad starts to fight Batman he eventually throws him out the window where he lands on the ground and seems completely unharmed Terry goes back to the Batcave where we end up finding out that the girl's currently reported missing as Terry suits up to talk to Tamara's real parents they explain that they're going to take her to a special school for her abilities but they found out that the school was completely bogus and they tell Batman where the supposed school is Batman goes to look at it as he ends up finding the man that spoke to the woman that has Tamara captive where he ends up doing weird things to him that honestly look awesome but the guy throws Batman around for a bit until he's about to kill him Batman manages to knock him out and he just leaves Terry goes back home as he tries to figure out where she is by talking to Max about it where he wants Tam to talk to him she ends up whispering to him where he finds out that she's on a boat that's near loading base seven as he decides to suit up to save her bman takes out a few guards and ends up listening into the woman as she's talking to Tamar where she explains that they can change the world she doesn't want to she just wants to go home as Batman comes in after she leaves as they both try to get off the boat Batman has to end up fighting them but Tamara ends up using her power to help Batman out with the woman as he still has to fight the man he has Batman in a headlock where Tamara uses her power on him to make him blind as they end up leaving the episode ends with Terry talking to Max as Tamara and her parents end up being put under protective custody but we see a vision of Tamara waving a Terry as he says that he has a feeling that they're doing just fine yeah it's pretty good definitely nothing amazing but the one thing that stands out to me is the vision of Tam that Terry keeps on seeing after running into her when saving them I think the twist that the two adults with her on her parents was predictable but the whole part of her being missing and her parents trying to find her was a surprise but a good one one thing that I thought was going to be true is that the blonde man was going to be a robot that's just how it felt to me since his movement and his attitude seemed very robotic I kind of wish that was the case because it would have been a really cool twist but I actually like this episode quite a lot much better than the last one goes above hidden agenda but below lost [Music] soul Revenant if you're wondering about an afterlife there is none no not that Revenant starts with Terry at school as he ends up seeing a bunch of trophies on the roof whilst Chelsea and Dana are looking at it people believe it to be the ghost of Garrison Jacobs as they apparently died when the school was building the East Wing as this isn't the first time that they had something like this happen we didn't see Dana with Chelsea and two other girls as they use it on a wager board where Nelson walks in and tries to hit on them as they tell him to get lost Nelson kicks the borders that ends up flying into his head and then the whole place starts having the Fire EX thing whiches go off and lights exploding as the girls run out of the room bman ends up seeing this going on as he sees that this invisible person seems to be after Nelson as bman tries to save him and ends up doing so by getting him out of the window Terry seems to start to actually believe that a ghost is trying to get revenge as Bruce doesn't believe that it's a ghost and that there will be a reasonable explanation for what's going on on the next day at school the girls bathroom seems to be having issues as the water starts spraying at them as the girls end up running out they go back in after the water's off as they see riding on the mirror saying I still love you we didn't see Terry with Dana and this Line's honestly hilarious boy in the girl showers why didn't I think of that what never mind so they end up connecting the dots with Nelson and blade to say that it's willly watt coming back for Revenge as he attacked Nelson but left a message for blade Terry goes to visit him in jury as he sees Will's in good shape and then he might potentially be out two months as he says that he wants to go to the gym when it's fixed Terry questions him on how he knows that the Gym's broken as no one visits him as he ends up finding out that Willie has telekinetic Powers after throwing a glass of water at him Terry knows that he's using the powers to mess with the school where Willie says that he can break out if he wants to but he just wants to wait the two months to get out on good behavior willly tells Terry to keep his secret when he says that he will he gets escorted out of the building since Terry's visiting time's up but willly starts to attack the guards and escapes through the roof using his powers Terry then gets Barbara to cancel the school classes for the day as all the school kids leave we see Willie attack Nelson as he's driving away from school where he makes him crash into the school also I just realized that Nelson is voiced by Seth GRE I don't know how it took me this long to realize that so after Nelson says that it isn't fair that Willie has powers they start to fist fight until Willie uses powers to throw Nelson off him he goes to kiss blade where Batman comes in to stop them but they end up frighting for a bit as Nelson destroyed the gun that would put him to sleep they fight for a while until Batman manages to catch him off guard where Willie accidentally uses his powers against himself knocking himself out the episode ended Terry talking to Matt as he says that Matt doesn't remember his dad that he'll always be alive as long as he remember him another good episode I will start off by saying that this episode personally isn't as good as Golem in my opinion but I still enjoyed it I kind of wish that there was more of a mystery as to who was doing all these things that were going on in the school but we do get to see Willie back at least I don't really have too much to say about this episode but I will say that I would actually like to see Willie turn his life around in the future I think it would be a satisfying character Arc but hopefully we get something like that in the future of the show goes above once burned but below hidden agenda so we start this episode off with Terry at the Batcave as Bruce is fixing the bat suit where Bruce is telling a story about how sometimes you have to walk into a trap even without knowing that someone's going to save you as they're talking all of a sudden Ace gets aggressive at both of them where Terry uses a tranquilizer dart on Ace to make him calm down so Terry takes him to the vet where a lot of people seem to have animals that are extra aggressive Max is there where she says that she's glad that she isn't near a zoo after hearing that Terry suits out to try and stop the aggressive animals at the zoo that ends up dealing with them until all of a sudden they stop being aggressive Terry goes back to the Batcave as the disturbance happened at 12 and stopped at two as they figure out that it was a sound frequency causing the animals to be aggressive where they know that was shriek behind this we see stre as he wants revenge on Batman for making him deaf besides from when he's in the suit as he gives his assistant oie a fork that gives him sound frequencies that makes him extra happy to say the least Terry finds out that he apparently got cured for his deafness where their speech ends up being mixed up his Terry just puts on the soup and hopefully puts a stop to shriek where Bruce and Terry are talking over text instead as b means he has to save people after they failed to land a shipment properly because of the miscommunication going on thanks to shriek as barar is talking to an officer the frequency stops where shriek rings to say if they kill Batman they'll stop what's happening with the sound frequencies Bruce and Terry try to find where shriek is as barara Rings Bruce and says that she has a plan as shriek wants Batman Terry ends up seeing Max to talk about what he should do as the news says that shriek says that he'll give him all lethal dose of the sound frequencies if Batman doesn't show up as he then suits up to potentially deal with shriek as he figures out that the building that he's at is a way of sending out the frequencies since it's shaped like a giant fork Batman gets to shriek as they fight and as they're fighting he uses the frequencies against everyone in Gotham as Batman manages to destroy one of the machines as the play starts to collapse the fork ends up falling under shriek as he says Batman's dead the episode ends up Terry talking to Bruce at the back cave as they repairing the suit as Bruce thanks him for reminding him why he became Batman and ask Terry if he would have handed himself over even if he didn't know how to beat shriek as Terry says that they have a suit to repair they really managed to make Shri an actual threat to Batman that's what I like about this episode glad that the show managed to do something interesting with shriek as he wants revenge for what happened in his last encounter with Batman solid episode overall but I do think that the episode starts off kind of wak and just gets better and better after that all the Batman stuff in this episode's honestly really good but Terry ends up putting himself in a situation that he doesn't even know he can get out alive just to save Gotham that's really the best stuff about this episode so it goes above Blood Sport but below mind games [Music] what a strange title for an episode of this show at least we know that this isn't going to be that serious of an episode which can be a good thing or a bad thing so it starts with Batman in a fight with some of Bruce's old Rogues Gallery as Bruce gives ter advice on how to defeat villains he ends up doing so as it's all revealed to be a simulation where we then see Nelson as a nerdy kid named Howard comes up to him with some really goofy music he invited them to his place as he's going to have a beat party as Nelson says that he probably won't he then invites BL in Chelsea as well as he spoke to Nelson and a bunch of other people about it with Terry and Dana seeing how would do this he ends up inviting them both as they end up actually saying yes where they tell him that he doesn't need to invite everyone but sometimes the less is better he ends up letting Howard come with him as Terry's running an errand for Bruce to replace one of the robot heads in the simulation how over he a worker talking about a robot woman as he says that he wants a robot girlfriend but the worker makes a girl to his specifications the next day the woman he Creator shows up at school as Nelson tries to flirt with her she shrugs him off as they then go to Howard as he comes up with the name Cynthia for her as they leave later that day Nelson wants to try and put Howard in his place as Cynthia ends up nearly killing Nelson by pushing lockers onto him Dana Terry and a few others find out about what happened to Nelson as Cynthia seems suspicious where Howard pulls her away Terry thinks that she's suspicious as he goes to look at the boy's locker room he finds handprints as Max comes to look at it with him as the boys are coming into the locker room she hides in a locker we didn't see that Howard seems to be getting with popular people as even Chelsea hits on Howard and Cynthia seems to be getting jealous as he walks away Cynthia tries to make a sign fall on her where Terry confronts her she ends up punching Terry where he lands on the sign making her fall as he then manages to soften the fall Terry suits up as he knows that she's a robot so he ends up catching up to the worker that's been creating the robots he ends up sting some robots and Batman where he manages to take him out pretty easily and ties up the worker as he tells him to get a good lawyer then see Howard's party is both Dana and Chelsea hit on Howard as Cynthia knocks Chelsea over where Howard pulls Cynthia into a room to talk to her about how obsessive she is she ends up malfunctioning and going after Howard as tries to help him but as syth is about to throw a couch Batman comes in to stop her H tries to talk to her to say that they can still be friends where she ends up exploting as Batman gets Howard out in time as Howard seems to be some kind of legend for blowing up his own house the episode ends with his parents getting back as they're shitty with him so Terry Dino and Max leave this episode's all right honestly nothing too special it's just kind of forgettable but it's an all right episode and it doesn't take itself that seriously it's kind of funny that how becomes the cool guy just because he seems to have an attractive partner but I think that this episode goes above Joy R but below spes I witness starts with a truck delivery as Batman's watching over them Batman end up interrupting by taking most of them down until a few of them managed to drive away ended up actually being a sting operation as Barbara seems pissed at Batman for blowing their sting operation on the gangsters Barra talks to Bruce at Wayne Mana as barara tells Bruce about what happened and that this mistake better be his last we then see barar with Sam as he's going for district attorney again as mad Stan comes in exploting things and threatening them all bombs bman comes in and manages to stop his explosives and take off his bomb vest where he makes a run for it he ends up shooting a bunch of explosives at Batman and then manages to knock mad stand out where it seems like he's trying to kill him Barbara tells him to stop and oh [ __ ] he actually kills him but Batman ends up getting away the next day we see Terry as officers are questioning his mother on his whereabouts as she doesn't know where Terry is as he manages to avoid him we see Bruce at the back cave as Barbara says that Bruce needs to hand him in when Terry's back but as Barbara leaves Terry rings Terry says that he's confused as to why the place are after him as Bruce says that he killed someone where Terry's confused and says that all he did is knock him out with his elbow Bruce says that barar was an eyewitness to him killing mad Stan but says for Terry to tell him where he is he ends up saying that he's at Max's Place Bruce ends up finding the security footage of the parking garage but the murder took place at where it seems to stop as he grabs onto the barrel and then comes back as Barbara shooting at Batman Terry Waits at Max's place as Bruce Rings him telling him about the interference with the cameras as Bruce seems to believe Terry since it seems like too much of a coincidence Bruce is trying to fix the security footage as he says that he needs to examine madan's body he goes to the mor to find out that his body's not there been he something as he notices that the alarms were tripped where the police are on him he makes a run for it and eventually escapes after stealing a police car he ends up dumping the car and after another running with Barbara Bruce gets the footage back to see that someone was behind him making Barbara see something else as we see that Terry just dropped the barrel after stopping itman still fighting with the police as he then manages to see spellbinder behind him and takes him out as he hands him into the police and explains the things that barbar saw bar apologizes to Terry and talks to Bruce where the episode ends with mad stand in a simulation where he's blowing things up this episode [ __ ] I really like this episode a lot since the whole scenario of the police being after Batman's very similar to the new Batman Avengers episode over the edge instead with this episode Barbara sees Batman killed mad Stan and then orders the police after him as Batman has to prove his innocence and reveal that it was spellbinder and it's so well done even though it was kind of obvious that it was spellbinder the episode doesn't really focus on that mainly just focuses on the fact that teras to prove his innocent and prove that Batman didn't kill mad St now this is the best episode of the season so far I really wonder if any other episode in this season will Dethrone it right so this episode starts as a plane lands where men are replacing some part of the plane just so they can fly again as they are we see that kurar sneaking their way onto the plane and really did we really need to see kurar again I just don't think they're that interesting of a character like are they worthy of having another episode I don't think so so take off with the guy on the plane named Devon talks to someone on the phone as they're in Gotham but they say that deon's been on a plane for 3 months because he's worried that Kar is going to get him as he says that she ends up coming in as Deon has to fight her but we find out that he was a part of the Society of Assassins as well eventually she throws some acid on him and as she's about to chop his head off we see that he's already dead she makes her Escape as we then see that Devon's mind was apparently wiped yeah right that man looks dead I think it's just the case of the show being censored so we go to Batman as he's talking to Max where the guy that was on the phone tries to shoot Batman he fails as Batman comes up to him he says that he did it just to get his attention and that his name is mutro Botha also holy [ __ ] that's Tim Curry as he's apparently a part of the Society of Assassins as Batman is the reason for all this happening usually the society doesn't fail at killing their targets but carrer did so now she's been going after all the Society members and that he's the last one left and after she gets him she'll go after Batman Batman doesn't want to help but mro reveals that he planted a bomb in the city and it will detonate if he doesn't help obviously he has to help as he ends up telling Max about the situ ation as Bruce is gone for some business related thing but Terry tries to get Max to contact Bruce so B meets up with mro as he's using him for Bay to confront carrar but we see Max wandering around as she ends up looking through mro's apartment she doesn't find much in his hotel room as carar attacks her so bman rushes in and ends up seeing that she's okay since Kuro saw her and didn't attack he tells her to rush home when we see M being attacked by Kuro the figh as she ends up throwing the acid onto him which ends up wiping his memory you can't tell me that he doesn't look dead now big issue is that mutro can't stop the bomb since he his Minds wiped and now Batman has to sort out the bomb and they find out that the bomb's located at the Gotham Museum Terry ends up letting Max come with him as they end up searching the place of the bomb as they do carrari attacks Batman as he has to deal with it he gets maxed to look for the bomb where the device accident gets destroyed after a battle off of a tank Falls in error so as they're still fighting Max finds the bomb into display of a nuclear bomb as she ends up disarming it at the last second by pulling it out Batman beats Kari as they end up going back to her place as the episode ends with Max asking how he doesn't tell everyone about how he saves the world this episode it's all right but it is better than the first episode with kurar as you know I don't like carare as a carar since they aren't interesting at all but I like how she ends up being a big threat in this episode it's also surprisingly dark with how carare basically kills people but instead of Killing Them leaves them in a vegetated state and hly I think it's probably just as disturbing and I like it the episode really isn't anything too special but it goes above spli and below once [Music] burn the last resort starts with Batman as he talk talking to Max about school relationships where he sees some ship trying to evade the police manages to stop them by making them land as they find out that some guy from history class named Shawn Miller was on the ship we find out that they're in a mental institution as this guy named Dr David wheeler advertises his new mental facility as the next day at school Dana and Terry Bell Sone in class Chelsea mentions that it's wheel as facility as parents have become too scared for their child's safety and have been sending them to this facility Chelsea's voice is different it's Rachel Le cook and upsa enthusiasts would know exactly why I know that name after Chelsea messes with the principal over email we see that she's gone the next day as Terry dinner and Max eating lunch the three of them are wondering what's going on as the ranch seems to be a bit weird to admit somewhat normal school kids into a mental institution where people have actual mental issues Chelsea sees a guy named Adam that was known for his art skills as she sees that he's basically a vegetable since he's literally painting nothing but he thinks he's painting something they all have to go to class as we see Batman G to look at his facility he ends up listening into the class as Willer completely degrades them in class bman tells Bruce about this as he thinks that he's brainwashing all them since they have no sleep and are deprived of it bman accidentally trips the alarm as he manages to get away after a guard tries to shoot him down the next day Terry decides to go into the facility by saying that he's going to visit Chelsea guard doesn't let him in to visit her but he gets distracted when Terry sneaks his way in he manages to talk to Chelsea as she explains what's happening where she ends up crying damn this moment got me a bit but Terry ends up running into wheeler after having a little fight with sha as wheeler sends him to ISO wheeler ends up being suspicious of B Terry and makes the guard Pat him down where they find the recording device that shows the video of Chelsea he ends up sending Terry into a room overnight as Willow wants to wait and see if anyone comes for him and if they don't they'll possibly put it end to Terry we see Terry in his room as Shawn tells him the news about how they both gone to ISO in the morning where Terry tries to tell Shawn to follow along with his plans as it might be a chance for Shawn to rehabilitate himself that morning they both get to the iso rooms where Terry and Shawn fight the guards they end up doing so after Adam helped knock one out they end up letting everyone out as Sha makes a run for the exit as Terry finds his bag and Suits up he ends up fighting one of the guards as he knocks him out sha ends up getting wheer as he's going to throw him off the building as Batman saves Willer and sha gets sent away Willer gets taken to the police as the episode ends with Bruce and Terry as Terry says that he wishes that we didn't need places like this as Bruce says that he knows there are some things that are really like about this episode but as an overall package it's all right I feel like this episode should have had more of a focus on how it's affecting all the kids being locked up since their parents sent them there but we only got a little bit of that the little bit we got with Chelsea was great since it showed how much they're actually struggling in a situation like this but you know what this wasn't the episode we would have got if it wasn't for one particular thing this was the one main episode in the show that was affected because of the cabine high school massacre which happened on the 20th of April in 1999 so originally this episode was meant to be inspired by the event of the massacre which was all about a prison that actually showed more of how rough and greedy the the prison itself is it's still somewhat in vain of what the original episode was but it was heavily censored since it was going to show more of what I wanted to see from this episode seeing how the facility really affects characters and actually seeing how bad it is this was the main episode that was affected by the Coline effect which basically meant that a lot of kids in Teenage media would end up being censored in many different ways either way I still like the episode itself I just think that Willer isn't that interesting and that they could have been more of a focus on the struggle of kids being in a mental institute goes above hidden agenda but below lost salid at a private party for Jared as we see that he gets a new Carrey's birthday as Max tering and Dana at the party Dana ask Terry to go and dance as we see Jared's stepdad named Jim getting let go from his job as he seems pissed off since he built his division up from nothing Jim tells his son and wife about the news as he tries to find himself a new job to no luck until he gets an opportunity to make a prototype of an anti-tank Weapon by stealing some specs and then making it he ends up stealing them by suiting up as a person named Armory and as he's driving away the police chase him where he easily gets rid of them Batman comes in stop him as they fight for a while as he ends up getting away where Batman's hand stuck to a wall and makes the pen in his car change color Jim meets a guy named heger Dash as he's given a taxfree card as his payment and he says that he was close to being taken down by Batman Jim back at his place ends up getting shitty at his wife as we see Max and Terry at the record store as Jared walks by she walks away as Terry asks what's wrong with Jared as he seems to be acting strange because his stepdad is acting strange and barely spends time with him anymore when Jared leaves Max comes back where Terry explains the coincidences with jarro's Dad since not long after he got let go from Wayne Powers it gets robbed for top secret files that night Terry ends up following Jim as he suits up and ends up robbing Gotham industrial Electronics where the police arrive Armory manages to deal with them by taking their power out as Batman comes in to deal with Armory Armory manages to hit Batman as he's flying knocking his electronics out and then he tries to run Batman over after failing he then results to shooting Batman but misses as Batman seems to have run away as Armory leaves the police cars go a blaze as Batman manages to put out the fire by using a giant truck full of sand to stop most of it and save the police Jared ends up finding out a code that lets him into Gym's secret facility where he sees what his dad's been up to and that he stole the tech from Wayne Powers his dad comes back with hegesh and as he's looking through the room he hides Jared finds out that his dad is Armory and accidentally gets himself exposed after a spider crawls onto him Jared explains that him and his mom are worried about him as his mother finds out to Jimmy explains himself as Jared's mom and Jared thinks that he shouldn't have done this and that it wasn't okay as they arguing Batman comes in to stop them as heges uses the weapon against Batman heesh ends up getting Batman caught under some Rubble as Jim uses his weapons against hegesh where they end up fighting Batman stops him as the episode ends with Terry Jared and Max at school as the court gave Jim a light sentence this episode's okay honestly just don't find it that interesting but it's honestly just a very run-of-the-mill episode nothing particularly memorable at all but it's still not bad like don't really care about Jared and his family that much since they only showed up in one or two episodes and in those episodes they're in it for like 2 seconds they were mainly in Spellbound but they just because Jared's mom got affected by spellbinder and that's it goes above Joy R but below Terry's friend dates a robot let's see what this sneak peeks about hey starts with a show called the inside Peak as a reporter named Ian Peak as he basically exposes people throughout Gotham for doing certain things such as Jamie splashing herself as he then reveals news about Paxton he reveals that he's flirting with women and as Terry's watching it his mother turns it off as she makes a great point you wouldn't find it so entertaining if you were on the receiving end the show ends for the night as we then go to two men walk into a private room as we see some figure which is probably Ian walk through the walls and follow them into a room as they end up talking to the DA Sam the guy named Mr Ling spills the beans about the tong as Ian records what Ling's saying as Sam thinks that someone's watching them Ian leaves as Sam tries to see if anyone's watching where Sam could find him Ian knocks out an officer as he ends up escaping through the wall as Batman gets alerted Batman runs into Ian as he doesn't have any luck catch him since he's basically un touchable where Ian kicks his ass he ends up leaving those he lights a place up where Terry gets knocked out from an explosion Ian ends up turning off the belt as he escapes at science class the next day Terry ends up asking the teacher about how solids can move through other solid objects by vibrating a certain way Terry talks to Bruce at the back cave as a previous employee of his was doing tests on this and developed a theory called Vibra space but he died in a fire with his research we then see Ian on his program sh the video of Ling as the program ends he seems to be having stomach issues as he swallows tablets bman comes in and talks about how him or one of his employees figured out how to move through walls where Mr Ling attacks Ian they come in guns blazing as Ian escapes and hides near the Batmobile as Batman deals with linging his thugs Batman ends up leaving after tying them down as Batman talks to Bruce where we see that Ian planted a camera on the Batman bill as he sees Bruce and even sees that Terry is Batman Terry wakes up the next morning as Matt tells him that Batman's on TV where Ian says that he's going to reveal Batman's identity and his accomplice tonight on his show Bruce Rings him as he tells Terry that Ian planted a camera on the Batman Bill and destroys it as he knew it would be revealed someday but he annoyed that someone like Ian was able to do it speaking of Ian Batman pays him a visit as he tells Ian he doesn't care what he does to him but doesn't want Batman's Legacy ruined later that day Terry sees his mom and Matt making popcorn as they're going to watch the inside Peak and Terry almost exposes himself at this line aren't you the one who didn't want us watching this you said I wouldn't find it so entertaining if I was on the receiving end just before the program starts we see that Ian's stomach is really sore as he sees that the effects of the belt starting to permanently affect him as it's growing on his stomach but before the program starts Terry tells Matt and his momed at his Batman as they just laugh at him but lucky for Terry the program ended up being postponed so Terry Rings Bruce and he doesn't answer we see that Bruce got called in to see Ian and his body's tearing itself apart as he was the last person to see taka as he stole his research and the belt from him it's revealed that Ian actually killed taka and he's trying to ask Bruce for help Bruce say NOS Ian tries to fight Bruce and even tries to throw him off the building as Batman comes in Ian has a gun on them both but starts to fall through the ground as his whole body is Untouchable [ __ ] that is a dark fate for a character the episode ends of Bruce explaining what will happen to Ian since he just keeps falling through the Earth [ __ ] that ending is awesome and it overshadows the rest of the episode I'm surprised with how dark of an ending this episode has with him just folding through the ground to eventually die when it gets too hot it's honestly awesome in a disturbing way the rest of the episode's still good though especially when Ian ends up getting dirt on Terry and Bruce as Ian actually becomes a massive threat and could potentially blow the cover if the belt didn't end up affecting him I really like this episode a lot and it's one of the best in this season so far goes above hooked up but below eyewitness what a weird title for an episode I hope that we get to see an actual Egg Baby like Humpty Dumpty in this episode so it starts with two men and a woman as they break into someone's house the one named M Mayhem tells him to do what she says and he won't get hurt where they end up making him show them where the safe is also is this guy voiced by Andy Dick holy [ __ ] it is only recognize the voice because of Boo and Hood wi so they end up getting into the safe where M Mayhem just takes a ruby ring Bruce then talks to Terry about what's going on as they only seem to be taking ruby rings Terry runs into a family studies class as they have to take care of egg babies for a week and they get given one and pair of two Terry gets blade as a partner where he basically has to take care of it even when he suits up to deal with M he ends up getting spotted as the egg baby cries but has to take one of them on as he's getting shot at they end up getting away and after seeing students deal with their egg babies Terry talks to Bruce at the back cave as they find out where Ma's going to hit next and Terry ends up taking the baby with him again since it's asleep Batman leaves it on the roof as he goes to deal with Mars they all fight Batman they end up making a run for it as Batman finds out where he placed the baby was actually in their getaway car disguises event so end us to find the egg babyy and take down M as they end up finding them after tracking the Cries From The Egg Baby they end up following it as M orders KY to throw it as Batman manages to save the Egg Baby as M and the other two shoot at Batman they go to make a run for it as Batman catches up to them and eventually Batman cuts the powers of the car as he confronts them on the rooftop he manages to knock the two guys out as he has to fight M until Batman makes her handbag drop off the side of the building where she goes after it as Batman saves her the episode ends with Terry in family studies class as he ends up getting the best grade out of any of them in the class you know what the episode wasn't serious at all but I kind of like it because of that it's just a silly fun episode where Terry has to take care of a fake baby even when he's Batman and it definitely does well at doing that it's just nothing amazing but it's still an enjoyable episode which I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would I think it's because the episode doesn't try and take itself seriously at all is why a weird idea for an episode like this works the only weak point is the villains since they aren't interesting besides from finding out that one of them is Boingo goes above final cover below once burn so does this episode have anything to do with the Z project so we'll find out Zeta starts with the class as they're talking about human behaviors and if it's possibly determined by beforehand by biological or environmental influences we then see Terry and Max walking out of classes they think something's weird about the teacher herself Miss Mar tellers we then see that there's something or someone called Zeta as people are after them the men are chasing after Zeta in a car chase as Batman suits up and sees that Zeta manages to break out through the roof of her car after it crashed they come out guns blazing as they end up being revealed to be a sentient robot that can disguise itself to be anyone at anything later that day we fly barar she ends up talking to one of the guys chasing after Zod named Bennett as he explained what's going on to barara as Batman listens in after explaining what Z it is Bennett leaves as barara talks to Batman about how she doesn't like how Bennett's Waging War on the streets at the school max somehow got access to secret government files on zetar that we just saw and as she's looking at the files Dana walks in after that we see Max as we realize that it's actually Zeta since they're using Max as a disguise and we then see that Max is tied up Zeta ends up going to the school as Terry talks to them Terry realizes that Max isn't actually Max as they act Stranger than usual so Terry decides to go and watch where they're going Zeta ends up going to a factory as Max is trying to escape but Zeta gives their food and ends up explaining why they had to kidnap Max they explain what they're up to is they want to be free and don't want to destroy anything since they were made to do that to prove to Max that they don't want to kill Zeta ends up throwing their guns in the bin Batman breaks in in start to fight Zeta as Max tries to stop them both from fighting each other the government men come in to stop Zeta after Zeta saved Batman from dying in the end of their fight they fly back as Batman ends up taking Max and zeter away they hide in an abandoned train as Max attaches a disrupted as Zeta where Zeta explains everything we already knew and that they went to the school just to get the electronics to make the disruptor Zeta ends up creating a completely unique disguise as Batman wants to make sure they get out of town but Zeta ends up blowing the cover at a train station as they make a run for it the men Chase off Zeta as Batman stops some of them from chasing Zeta they take them out and as Zeta gets Bennett they going to shoot him until he ends up destroying the gun and walking away Bennett and some of the men start to fire at Zeta as they end up falling off the railing and as Batman goes to get them when on the ground Zeta disguises himself to seem like that they're all broken and then puts on on a new disguise and runs away before the men catch up the episode ends with Z going on the monor rail and escaping Gotham as Batman flies away I also like this episode more than I thought I would I like the idea that a government weapon went rogue and wants to not be a weapon anymore and just wants to be free It's actually an interesting story but the weakest part of the episode is Bennett and the government men going up to Zeta the stereotypical government men which it works for what it is but it just isn't interesting also why is zeta's design completely different in this episode compared to what it ends up being in the show it's honestly quite strange but for some reason I kind of like this design more both designs aren't great anyway but I prefer this one the episode goes above splices but below the final [Music] cut this episode starts with Terry Dana and Chelsea at an airport as they're waiting for someone to arrive as Nelson gets stopped when getting off they find some random oo in his bag as a guard takes it and gives it to some hooded man named Cobra one at the back Nelson gets them as they're walking out of the airport when they do they see the stalker as he takes Nelson and asks for the Ooze thing Nelson tells him that he handed it into Customs as he disappears after dropping him Terry suits up to deal with the stalker as he explains himself they fight for a bit until Bennett comes in and tells Batman exactly what's happening as stalker is working with them to hunt down Cobra before they release a deadly virus did we really need to see Bennett back also they had to call it Cobra GI Joe's going to sue but after explaining that they're hunting down Cobra before they released the virus and Gotham City as it could wipe out everyone in the city they're trying to find the leader named false face who was the airport worker as Bruce finds out that they might be at the muscle City sweatsh shot so they waste no time going there they get in as they manag to get into the secret room as they then see men putting hazmat suits on as Batman tries to sneak around as he is stalker blows their cover by just jumping in to fight them the stalker manages to knock them all out as Batman gets shitty since they can't ask any of them to find out where false face is luckily for them they managed to find a disc that shows a floor plan for the Gotham Plastics building as they then make their move to get there before they do as they're heading over there we see false face as he breaks in security and lets him C man in as Cobra one says that they're going to put the virus in the credit cards Batman and stalker get there as they fight them and they try to get the virus off them they managed to type KOB run as they get the virus where they interrogate him to find out what else he's up to he reveals that false face has also been infected with the virus as a plan B if their first plan didn't work or if the government wouldn't comply with their demands so they managed to chase down false face as he ends up tasering stalker as Batman keeps on chasing him Batman ends up fighting false face as false face ends up liing the place on fire eventually Batman ends up being stuck under event as the virus starts to affect him ends up running into the fire as stalker comes out and saves Batman from burning to death as they escape the facility they end up seeing false face outside as he's nearly dead and the episode ends with stalker saying that it wasn't his time to die he will only die from his hands it's all right I don't really find this episode that interesting at all besides from how stalker and Batman have to work together that's the best part of this episode everything else is just Bland and forgettable especially the Cobra cult which totally isn't Cobra from GI Joe some of the animation's cool especially when false paace is being punched and his face is warping around but there isn't really anything worth noting about this episode just forgettable goes above Terry's friend dates a robot but below [Music] splices Moon starts with a few men as they seem to have robotic enhancements as they break into a jewelry store they go for the vault as Batman shows up he starts to fight them as Batman ends up getting knocked down after kicking their asses for a bit they leave as the police arrive where one of them left something behind we then see an old man as someone's banging on the door we see that the group of four men as they budge their way in to get themselves fixed which was apparently not a part of their deal Terry and Bruce look into the device as they find out that a doctor named Peter coo creates these devices for people that have lost limbs we see that Peter wants something else besides the Jews that they stall as the men leave Batman then pays Peter a visit as he ends up knocking Batman out with an injection as he then wakes up the next morning as he's moved his lab elsewhere Terry talks to Max about how he screwed up when she ends up ringing Peter she lies to get him to come to them by saying that he needs to replace someone's legs since they were amputated Peter arrives as Batman interrogates him where he reveals that his help helping the guys out just because they're going to kill his wife if they don't help him his wife is April Moon as he then talks about how much she really means to him as he met her when she became his new nurse Peter met one of them named Harold as he ended up wanting more than just his armor replace as he wants to be enhanced later on he found out that Harold and his men kidnapped April and they said that they'll kill her if they don't do what they ask of him Peter reveals that he put a fail safe in all of them and after he gets April he's going to use it on all of them to stop them from hurting people they end up walking in as Batman has to fight them all he has tossed around for a bit until flying out the window as a of them think that the city's there since Batman flew away they leave as Batman ends up following them as they figure out that the fail safe is voice activated and that it would be a phrase that only Peter would say Batman sees them as Peter's approaching knowing that Batman wouldn't just leave that he doesn't want Batman trying to stop them as he doesn't want April hurt as he's talking about it April comes out as she seems to be cheating on Peter with Harold Peter starts to cry as Harold and his men see them and starts to fight Batman he ends up saying April moon to one of the men as it seems to work and completely deactivates their upgrades so Batman then says it to them he gets through three of them but Harold gets away as Terry tells Bruce about what happened as the episode ends with Peter putting Harold to sleep as he turns on a drill I like the episode quite a lot I think it has a good balance of being serious when it needs to be and being not so serious when it wants to be the whole Arc of April ending up cheating on Peter is some serious stuff but there's also some other things in the episode such as the way that they beat the bad guys which is honestly kind of goofy it was actually a surprising twist that April was cheating on Peter but honestly the worst part about this episode is Harold and his other men they just aren't interested the slightest goes in between Zeta and Final [Music] [Applause] Cut the longest episode title yet we're going to have to see if it's any good starts with some alien planet as we see that it's some kind of video games since Terry and Max are in the game fighting against ships they end up destroying the ships if we see that the game's called the same name of the episode the guy playing with them named Cory got the best Squad out of anyone in the game as Cory accidentally knocked into Nelson where he ended up walking away someone dressed up like the video game character is watching over Cory and back at school Cory gets an email from the creator of the game as he invites Cory to his place Cory goes as he then sees a few other people in his place with a bunch of replicas of ships in the game Mr Harper walks out and talks to these guys as he welcomes them to the sanctum of centuries the three of them have the highest scores in Gotham as he shows that they can actually become real sentries we then see Batman as he goes to the Hall of Records where he sees that centries are trying to steal things as Batman goes in to stop them the centes managed to get away after making gas leak as the building's blowing up Batman manages to escape Terry tells Max about what he saw she mentions that Cory might possibly be one of the centries they try to talk to him before he leaves but Cory just gives him no response Batman then not sneaks into Mr Harper's place as he knows that Cory's hiding something since he would definitely talk about all the replicas and stuff in Mr AR's house Batman has to fight some drones that come out and then he runs into Mr Harper Batman confronts him about the centuries breaking into the whole of Records where he says he has no idea about it Batman leaves but he leaves a microphone in his place as Mr Harper tells the centuries about a dark one named alen Michaels as he tells his centuries that centuries of the last Cosmos isn't the game but they user game to recruit the new centries this episode is literally just the movie the last star fighter the only difference is that the recruiter is the villain so Batman goes to find Elden as he ends up getting shot by him Elden keeps shooting until Batman knocks the gun out of his hands but we find out that Elden is voiced by Paton noswal as he explains that Mr Harper stole his ideas from him Cent is coming to fight them as he end up taking Alden and Batman manages to have the file that proves that it was all alden's ID the centuries bring Elden to Mr Harper as he electrocutes Elden for trying to take him to court fman comes as he proves through a few centuries that alen actually worked on the game and created the idea for it as Simon took the profits bman ends up beating Simon as we then see Bruce talking to ter as is filling with one of the swords the episode ends as we see Elden with the three centuries give alen the original script as they want some answers for Story related things as they call him the wise one so Elden ends up explaining everything to them this episode's okay besides from it being a copy of the last star fighter there are some pretty neat things such as the villain actually being the one that stole the idea for the game and took all the profits for his own benefit I really don't know much else to say since the episode's honestly quite forgettable as well goes above Joy rber below [Music] Armory PB starts with a guy named Drew leaving his workplace as his boss named Warren asked him to work overtime he ends up doing so as some figure comes in named payback and goes after Warren as he tells Drew to stay where he is and that he'll be safe payback attacks Warren for how he treats his workers as Batman comes in to stop him but he ends up getting away Terry goes to the B cave as they try to find a connection to potentially find out who paid back is but only found out that two kids that got attacked by payback are connected to a youth center we see Terry as he goes to the Gotham youth Counseling Center where he talks to Dr Stan as he takes him around the place Stan introduces Terry to his son and this guy named Howard as Stan has some kind of emergency where Terry ends up connecting the back computer to his as he's transferring the files but he gets knocked out he wakes up to see Howard and Stan as Stan seems to be a little suspicious about Terry after that Terry's with Bruce at the back cave as Terry knows that Howard would possibly be payback the Terry s up and finds a weapon of payack paybacks as Howard attacks him they fight for a bit as he then finds out that Howard isn't payback as payback's attacking a family on the news Batman goes in to stop him as they're attacking a couple in their car where Batman manages to save them just before they crash into the water below Batman goes off to payback as they fight in the woods after fighting for a little bit the woods start to light up as bman has to stop the fire where payback gets away back at the back cave Bruce gets shitty at Terry for just going with his gut instinct since he attacked an innocent man and that from now on Terry's doing things his way Terry ends up going to the youth centers everyone else says that he should confront Bruce as later we then see Terry take Bruce to a party at the party payback goes off to Bruce in the elevator where Batman comes in to save him as the elevator is about to fall Batman's about to fight payback but the dumbass knocks down a support beam and Batman has to save him as he's falling Batman then finds out that payback is St sun in a robot suit as Stan blames himself for how his son HED up since he didn't give his son enough time the episode ends as Terry says that he's screwed up twice as Bruce tells him to learn from it and then inquires about what Terry said to make his son so mad at Bruce I surprisingly enjoyed this episode more than I thought I would I do have one main grip out and it's that payback could have been a much cooler and more menacing villain the design of the character is cool but there just needed to be a bit more to make you believe that it could actually really take out Batman at any time I think that's what would have made the character work but besides from that solid overall I'm glad that they didn't go for the predictable approach where payback was Howard since he was the most likely suspect this episode goes above Final Cup but below the egg [Music] baby well where is Terry why don't we find out as the episode starts with Terry Dana Howard and Max as they leave the movies Terry ends up leaving after kissing Dana as he then goes on the train he sees some suspicious person in a trench coat as he follows him Terry ends up seeing him as he hops on the tracks and he goes to follow the next day Terry seems to be gone as his mom and Matt don't see him at home and he doesn't even shop to school as Dan know and Max talk about it even Bruce is trying to contact Terry but with no luck as he drives to go talk to Max as she tells him where she last Saw Terry Max ends up following along as we then see that Terry's actually stuck under some Rubble in his bat suit as some kid talks to him to help him out we then see that the person in the trench coat is Stak sidekick Donnie as Shri suits up he confirms that he was the one that knocked the rubble over as he then tries to hit him again with the rubble falling on them Batman and the kid escaped the falling Rubble as he tries to contact Bruce but with no luck as they're so far underground Bruce and Maxi Terry's bag on a thug which is a part of the tea gang as Bruce follows them he ends up knocking at the door where Bruce says that he'll pay a fair price for the bag and as he's going to pay for it they jump Bruce Batman's still with the kid named Dak he says that he wishes that he was someone like spellbinder what they end up finding a way out is there's still some Rubble on the roof and they end up making a small hole only Dak can fit through so Batman sends him through to hopefully help Batman but Shri finds Dak we then go back to Bruce as Max managers to spray two in the eyes as Bruce gets up and hits the rest of them as he manages to find out where he got the bag after interrogating one of them Shri tries to find out where Batman is by trying to persuade Dak to tell him where he is but with no luck but as Bruce and Max are trying to find Terry Bruce baits Max into distracting the workers where Bruce can sneak past them Dak ends up showing them where Batman is as shriek knocks the wall down but it's actually a wall that connects to the river as the place starts the flood Batman gets out and ends up saving Dak after he's about to fall to his death where Shri confronts him but Bruce manages to knock Shri down they get handed into the place as the episode ends with Terry going home after talking to Bruce where he has to get ready for school as he's about to go to bed and sleep I don't know I really just wasn't a fan of this episode I kind of wish that this was an actual mystery to where Terry went that he was gone for longer than in a day or two it would have been really interesting if he was actually gone for a good while even to the point where the authorities are involved it would have been really good but no this episode's honestly quite small in scale and honestly really forgettable not the worst episode but it goes above centries of the last Cosmos but below Armory Ace in the Hole starts with Terry walking Ace as Bruce goes into a building Ace ends up seeing someone running away as Ace goes after them Terry tries to stop Ace as a man pulls a gun on Ace where Ace bites them eventually the man gets in away in the car as Bruce and Terry try to find out why Ace went after this man as Ace is still missing they search on the back computer to find out who the man he chase after was as they find out that it's a guy named Ronnie boxer they find out that Ronnie boxer is a man that's a part of a legal dog spots as Terry leaves after talking to Bruce we go to a flashback as we see Ronnie pick up Ace from the pound as a pup where he got raised to be a fire where Ronnie abuses Ace you see Ace being put into a fight as police raid the fight and try to take the dogs but Ace runs into the snow as Bruce has gone to visit Crime Alley Bruce runs into Ace as he puts flowers down where his parents were murdered as Ace jumps onto a clown that tries to jump Bruce Bruce ends up taking Ace in as he seems hurt as we come back to see Bruce say that he won't let anyone hurt him again we see Ace on the run as someone's trying to take them into the pound to where we see Terry undercover as he gets a number that would be a potential lead Ace sniffs something and knows that Terry's around as the guy working for the pound manages to get Ace and put him to sleep Batman goes to look around Ronnie's place as Ronnie ends up coming out to try and shoot Batman to where he manages to accidentally blow the place up Batman stops the fire by knocking a water tower down onto the building as Ronnie gets away we see Ronnie as he runs into the man working for the pound as he recognizes that it's Ace and that he might actually have a use for him Bruce finds out where tonight's fight is as Batman sneaks his way in he ends up walking to a trap as Ronnie has Batman on the stage to where he releases a mutant dog on him Batman ends up tting the dog up as Ace escapes and chases after Ronnie and throws him overboard as the dog escapes and Ace comes back to help Batman they end up knocking the dog out as we see Ronnie hanging off the end of the boat by a thread as Ace and Terry return to Wayne Mansion what a great episode to finish the season off on I'm glad that we got this backstory for Ace as it makes you really feel for Ace and actually explains the how he's useful to both Bruce and Batman I like this episode a lot as it makes a silly character like Ace the bat Hound into a character that you actually care about and that's really hard to do goes above hooked up by below sneak peek the season is honestly mixed but it's still good overall you go from having the worst episodes so far in the series such as rats and joy rod on the other hand you also have the best episodes in the whole series such as sneak peek and eyewitness before watching this season again I saw a lot of people saying that season 2 is much weaker than season 1 but after I've watched it again I don't really think that's the case but there are definitely some interesting episodes such as the Egg Baby and hidden agenda that I quite like a lot I was also surprised that only one episode of this season was affected by the Coline effect since this season dropped right around the time where everything was being affected by it so it's honestly good that the show was barely affected by it season one is noticeably darker overall but you still have some really dark moments in this season but you have some episodes in this season that are a lot lighter in tone and that isn't particularly a bad thing I'm still really enjoying this show and season 2 was a slam dunk so I got to see how this show finishes off with its final season we going to start off with he starts season 3 with the museum as the Royal Flush Gang are breaking in without 10 they accidentally set off the alarm as they managed to run into Batman where they end up fighting in the fight we get to see that Ace is potentially a robot as his robot arms exposed as they end up taking the statue and making a run for it Batman chases after them as the police arrive where Batman knocks Jack out he gets taken into police custody where barara interrogates him while Batman's listening in asking who they work for as they say they aren't working for anybody but both barara and Batman know that isn't true we see King as he talks to Paxton Powers God that's someone we haven't seen in a long time but King gives Paxton the Jaguar that they stole Paxton doesn't accept it since it was damaged in their encounter with Batman as king gets shitty eventually Paxton's assistant or partner named Miss Thorp attacks them as she manages to knock him down Paxton still gives him some money as they end up leaving but we then see the Royal Flush Gang are hiding out in an abandoned Casino after that we see Paxton as a Royal Flush Gang attack him and manag to tie Paxton up as he's tied up he says that he will give them anything they want after Batman tries to talk to Melanie we then see Paxton tied up in the Royal Flush gang's hideout as they're demanding 20 million but he can't give it to them as His money's tied up in Investments they ring Bruce as he says no to giving them 20 million as the policy they AG greated on denies them from giving terrorists $20 million as King's about to kill Paxton he says that he has a crown that's worth twice what they're asking as king Rings Bruce again to make him go get it for him Terry and Bru could get the crown from Paxton's office as they notice the Jagger in there as well as they take the crown but as king lets Paxton free he doesn't seem too happy about it since Bruce Will expose him for his ties to the game Paxton ends up proposing a deal to the gang to kill Wayne as we then see Bruce getting ready to give the crown to the gang as Batman's watching from afar but Ace sneaks up behind him they fight but eventually Batman comes in and destroys Ace by throwing him in the water and ends up cuffing the queen as king gets away with the crown back at the Hout we see that King was actually hooking up with Miss Thorp as Queen manages to come in and fights King as Mrs th makes a run for but Batman stops her then goes in to stop both king and queen as we then see Jack being bailed out of prison as Melanie gets him out and offers him a job at the restaurant she works at we didn't see Paxton being taken into prison as Melanie and Jack leave yeah these Royal Flush Gang episodes are all right they're never that interesting but they aren't that bad either it's actually good to see that melan's turned her life around and she tries to make jack turn his life around as well besides that the rest of the episode's just average nothing too special to it since in my opinion the only interesting Ro flush gang member was 10 but since she isn't in the gang anymore it's just not interesting yo I would be happy if it was just K 2002 album Untouchables but no this episode starts at some person with some kind of electrical power breaks into some kind of facility where no one's even able to touch him because of his electrical field Batman tries to stop him but gets his ass handed to him as he manages to steal a vial from a boiling hot liquid to where Batman tries to stop him but has no luck at all as he accidentally knocks a billboard down back of the back cave Bruce tells us that the vial is something called beta sterium which is the only one to exist and it's very unstable and that's why it's stored in boiling hot water the next day Bruce and Terry go to Wayne Po's research facility as a scientist named Dr Suzuki shows off a belt that does the same kind of effect that we saw from the that stole the vial Bruce ends up seeing the files after asking Dr Suzuki as Dr blades tells him that no one's allowed to have access to them besides the people in the facility Bruce then tells Dr blade that the belt could be a weapon if the overload problems were addressed Dr blades basically tells him to get lost as he ends up leaving then go to these two people is the same person at the start comes out of the hot water as he gives them the vial and he gets paid for the job they then explain that they need a gamma isotope as he tells them that he'll go and get it and if he sees the bat he'll kill him after that Terry talks to Dana she gets shitty at Terry for talking about the girl named Irene that had the B on since she lived in the facility her whole life that's one thing I've never understood about the show is that Dana hasn't even been loyal herself so like she's one to talk arene ends up ringing Terry as data ends up leaving saying that she's lost and that she escaped from the facility as they end up meeting on the beach as Sim headed off a bit as she then has to run back to the lab since she only has 20 minutes of power left as they run into Dr blades he gets annoyed as he bans Terry from the facility and he tells her that she can't use the belt again at the back cave Bruce shows that another isotope was stolen as they figure out that the two isotopes with another is otop can make a very dangerous bomb as they have to stop the person from getting the third isotope Arian ends up ringing Terry's Place as Matt anwers to hear her say that she wants to meet Terry on the beach as they can get more of the iso rings but Batman's busy trying to stop the person from stealing into isotope they fight for a bit as he then manages to throw Batman off a cliff and throw some Rubble on top of him he manages to escape as Batman manages to get out as we then see Irene and she's trying to get access to a belt as the person stealing the isos walking we see that the person's Dr Suzuki under the suit as he attacks Irene and Dr blades whilst Bruce and Batman find out that it could be one of the doctors at the facility Dr Suzuki attacks Dr blades and then Irene as Batman comes in to stop them they fight for a while but eventually Batman activates the turbines in the room as he then manages to knock out Dr Suzuki with the turbines as the belt turns off and he's able to save him just before he gets crushed the episode end Terry talking ARA she already reveals that she has a spouse named Larry as they end up going on a roller coaster together as Terry leaves with Bruce this honestly could have been a lot better I think it would have been a bit better if they showed more of Irene and how she's been isolated her whole life that stuff was honestly the most interesting part of the whole episode I think the twist that Dr Suzuki was the bad guy was pretty obvious but I wish the villain was more of a threat also what happened with the whole Isotopes thing it seems like they ditched that whole plot point halfway through the episode just to focus on taking down Dr Suzuki which honestly kind of sucks he could have became a massive threat if they actually got all three Isotopes and we see him try to use it against Gotham I think that would have been great but this episode does go above the last one [Music] inkling starts at a Space Center as they're launching a rocket where ink comes in and starts destroying it as Batman comes in to stop her they fight for a while until she manages to make the ship fall over and gets away as the rocket starts to activate the rocket causes a lot of damage to the facility until it blows up Bruce is out on a business trip so ter talks to Max to try and find out who potentially hired Inc where we then see her go to a man named winshall the CEO of a company called Shimano Industries ink goes to get paid for her work as winshall turns on ink as she manages to get away after getting shot with some kind of gun that weakens her powers we then see some girl named Diana as her cars better to get impounded where she ends up paying for her car to not get impounded she goes back inside as Inc approaches her she shits herself as Inc ask for her help saying that she's her mother she ends up explaining that she had to leave her birth as she was really young when she had her and that she was on the run after seeing Terry talk to Max about how Inc may have been at shiman Industries and that wichild might have hired her we then see ink as she's resting ink tries to get Diana to steal mutagen for her as she ends up convincing her to do so as they come up with a plan to do it we go to Batman as he investigates Winchell's place and finds out that Inc was there as Winchell walks in and Batman interrogates him he ends up pressing a button that brings guards in as he manages to take them down when he does he chases after windchill as he pulls the gun out that weakened ink Batman knocks him out and holds him over a building to get information about Ink's whereabouts after Max looks into her bank transfers she finds out that she's been transferring to Diana clay as we then see Batman get ink as Diana gets back with the muten ink ends up using it as she manages to toss Batman around for a bit until she starts to Bubble Up and M she's about to kill Batman d double crossed her by messing with the mutagen so she can get all of her money as ink completely dissolves and melts away the episode ends with Batman talking to Diana as he thinks that ink will probably come back as she seems to be scared for her safety but ink seems to be in the shadows yeah I like this episode quite a bit it's definitely nothing amazing but I feel like every episode with have Inc is solid just seems weird to randomly bring in a character that's Ink's daughter in the third episode she appears in but I actually like the twist where Diana double crossed ink and especially the end where Batman tells her that she could come back honestly goes at the top for the season we start this episode off with the delivery van going to Wayne Powers as the truck passes by as it manages to grab the van and pull it into the truck when inside the driver comes out with a gun as they rob the van and throw the people inside out of the truck as Batman goes in to stop the truck Batman ends up fighting them until some radioactive waste starts to spill as they then release the trailer on the truck as the two of them get away Bruce then explains what the chemical is as it's a plant growth hormone named serone and it could potentially make farming much easier but as Terry's on the phone some guys being a bit too touchy with Dana Terry pulls him out and then recognizes him as big time but his name is Charlie where he calls Terry TT since they apparently used to be friends or something as they walk off together and talk to each other since big time has been locked up until recently Charlie tells Terry something lined up with some big people but Terry says no since he has a life now and that he shouldn't do it either since he just got out he asks who would hire him since he wants to go straight but Terry thinks that he could potentially get him a job under Wayne Powers is he ends up persuading Bruce to give him a job as Terry tells charie about this we then see one of the guys in the truck he seems to be using Terry to get into Wayne pal to get to the chemical as we then see him working the overnight shift he retrieves a dis after getting a worker which ends up being the captain to help him get it since they had to move something back at the Batcave Bruce is still looking at Charlie as he has connections with one of the people we saw at his place named Richie as he's telling Terry that he needs to keep his eyes open since he's suspicious about Charlie they end up finding out that Charlie's probably going to help criminals with attacking away Powers as we see Richie and caros create a glove of the captain's handprint as ch's going to break in and steal some agrim for them Terry ends up talking to ch as he leaves a building saying that he knows what ch's planning as charie tells Terry that this will be his big break but Charlie ends up getting away as Terry puts a tracker on his briefcase that night we see Charlie breaking into Wayne Powers as he gets to the Agra Cam and lets caros and two other men in as they're taking barrels full of it until Batman comes in to stop them they start shooting at him as they end up fighting but as Charlie grabs a barrel he gets chemicals all over him as he just brushes it off and grabs another one Carol ends up getting Batman stuck under a massive pile of sand as they get away but at their Hideout Chie gets to blame for Batman stopping their plans then see Terry at school as Charli's waiting for him as Terry talks to him he explains that he needs to pay them off since they said Charlie needs to pay them for his stuff up as he then ends up in pain and runs away that night Terry ends up explaining what happened to them is Max Terry got 90 days of juvie but charie got 3 years of prison but Terry feels bad about how if he doesn't help him he'll die Batman ends up recording what the two guys are saying as they admit to what they did but Charlie comes in all mutated and kicks the [ __ ] out of Batman and caros as he grabs Richie ready to throw him off the building Batman comes back as he fights Charlie and caros and at the same time caros accidentally makes himself fall off as Batman ends up beating Charlie the episode ends with Terry talking to Dana and Max and she tells him that he's glad that Terry didn't end up getting mixed into Charlie stuff yeah this episode's solid I do like the dynamic that Charlie and Terry have and it's interesting that we get to see someone that was involved with Terry's life before he ended up changing it for the better as they're still the same person as they were before the rest of the episode's all right but it's really just their Dynamic that makes it better than what the rest of the episode actually is since Side characters like caros or Richie aren't interesting in the slightest goes above Untouchable but below inkling oh yeah I'm excited to watch this episode again so it starts with a musical about Batman and honestly what a weird way to start the episode but I kind of like it as we see Bruce and Terry watching the theater show as it's Bruce's birthday Bruce hates it as he ends up leaving during the show to go back to the Batcave as he looks at photos of his previous flings such as zatana Louis Lane Selena Kyle and even Barbara the one thing I will always hate is shipping Barbara with Bruce it's like getting with your teacher that shit's weird as he's doing that talel ghoul comes in and says happy birthday and gives him food and tells Bruce that he can use the Lazarus Pit Terry goes back as Bruce introduces Terry to Talia as they both seem to know a bit about each other and apparently Talia helped Bruce back in9 to have one last fight against re tella then tells Bruce to consider it as he has until tomorrow night to accept it or not as Terry ends up discussing it with Max is he knows that Bruce would want to be Batman again but it's not worth a risk Bruce ends up going after he fail to s a woman from uncling traffic and being thrown onto the road by some thugs but Batman came in to save them both Bruce sees Talia she ends up persuading Bruce to go to the Lazarus Pit as Terry goes with him on T his private plane they end up in Cuba where a residence is as Bruce is preparing to go into the Lazarus Pit as he ends up being dipped into the pit and when he gets out he looks at least 20 years younger but seems to be going crazy as Talia makes him go to sleep as he's about to punch Terry Bruce wakes up to see himself in the mirror as he then goes to test his strength as he seems to be much stronger but he gets pissed and says that it's a cheat and that if he stays he'll end up weaker than ever they try to leave as a few of talia's men Tred to stop them as they manag to keep the [ __ ] out of them and then end up finding Talia as she reveals herself to be R in talia's body where the two get knocked out two guards go to throw Terry into alligator infested waters as he wakes up and takes them out as he then goes back for Bruce speaking about him we see that R Used T's body's a sacrifice so he could take over her body in the last encounter since his body was too weak and now R wants to put his conscience into Bruce's Body since he has a peak human physique all of the guards are after Terry as he manages to sneak in and take out the main guard with his bat suit as R starts the to transfer but Batman comes in to stop R they fight Batman until he manages to knock R out after a sord hits an electronic device as the place lights up on Fire Bruce and Batman try to leave a r but they go back for the computer as the place blows up with r inside as the episode then ends with Bruce looking over photos with him and Talia as he tells her to rest well yeah this episode kicks ass such a good idea to look into what Bruce would do feels offered to be young again after not being Batman for 20 years that he actually went to use the pit is a surprise but it's believable then after using it Bruce rejecting it makes a lot of sense but the twist here that talia's R is honestly quite disturbing since he basically killed her just to take over her body it's a character stuff like this that happens with Bruce that's just so good and makes for a great episode goes for the top of this season without a doubt speaking of evil start to someone in an Alleyway as they're being chased down by two guys but we see that it's actually a gorilla we then see Terry Dana Max and Howard as they hear the same girl screaming whilst at the Museum the Terry manages to use an excuse to go SU up and deal with the gorilla as he then has to chase it down the gorilla ends up getting away in the train as two zoologists were're also trying to chase them as they call it its name which is fingers they explain to Batman that they're looking after fingers Batman then ends up looking through the zoology lab to find a v chemicals that may help but the two zoologist walk in as he finds it he goes invisible and hears them talking as he interrupts them by saying what they're doing is illegal since the chemical they were using is illegal they were using it on the gorilla to make it smarter as it seems to be getting smarter and smarter by the minute fingers is still running around the city even passing by the zoo as Batman then catches up to fingers as it climbs some scaffolding Batman tries to get fingers but it starts to talk as it doesn't want to go back into a cage as it explains that their mother got taken because of someone named Van dial an animal poacher that took her and her babies as they were separated from there bman says that they'll try and stop him but fingers just wants to find his mother as he ends up agreeing to Batman's terms but gives him until dawn to find vanile and have him behind bars otherwise he'll go to Van's animal conservation facility himself Batman ends up going there as he sees that half the animals are chained up as Batman finds out that they've been putting radio transmitters in the animals as Batman snooping around Vandal sees Batman and tasers him as he gets the evidence from him well that's happening we see fingers as they move around the city as he then manages to catch a cab because the driver thinks he's in a suit apparently we see that vendal threw Batman in with the Lions as they're watching him struggle with them as fingers manages to come in and save Batman they fight vanal and his goons for a while until Barbera manages to come in and tell vanal about they call their God about the transmitters they use as fingers tells his start of the story he makes a run for it but fingers slaps him around and ask him for his mother as he doesn't know where she is fingers is about to kill him as Batman manages to convince him to stop as the episode then ends with fingers being let free into the wild as Bruce and terer there with him as they were going to make him back to normal fingers says no to it as he wants to still be as smart as a human to potentially stop poaches from coming in the future you know what I was surprised that I really enjoyed this episode since I thought it was just going to be really silly it's a bit silly to start with a wild gorilla running around Gotham but it's surprising gets a little serious with the whole plot point of Van poaching animals from the wild it works for this episode and that stuff makes the episode better in my opinion I will say though vile is just a typical evil person that takes animals for their own benefit but the episode's still very solid overall so it goes above King's Ransom but below [Music] Untouchable all right I'm extremely ke to watch this awesome two-part starts in Metropolis as we see a family looking at the Justice League Watchtower as we see one of the members named Micron who's the Adam successor training inside they end up beating the robot and damn their lips look [ __ ] up and Al gets set off as they see that a monreal's got haywire and just keeps speeding up as Micron goes in to save them as they end up saving the driver and makes the monal go off track as they seem to be badly wounded the go back to Gotham is Batman's chasing after Inc in a ship as someone looking suspicious as watching from afar so the ending and inkling actually happened where she was in the shadows of her daughter's place always just thought that was a representation of her daughter's fears apparently not ink crashes as Batman approaches their own foot as they fight and eventually the suspicious looking person comes out as ink wraps around them they end up spinning ink off as they reveal that they're Superman as they stop ink they then go to the B cave as Bruce talks to Clark and Superman sounds different in this is voiced by Christopher McDonald instead of Tim Daly but he did voice jell and estaz and Kent mansley the villain and The Iron Giant also he shooted McGavin from Happy Gilmore but Clark says that he wants Batman to join the Justice League as he's proved himself to be a worthy member of the Justice League they go to the watchtowers the rest of the members aren't too happy about Batman joining the league Superman takes Batman and mic to see that he's in bad shape but he's healing as he thinks that someone deliberately caused Micon to get hurt the way he did Superman wants Batman to spy on them as he isn't sure that one of them might be behind micron's injuries as Batman looks through their files aqua girl approaches Batman as she tells him to give it time as everyone's been on edge since Micron got injured Batman has the cameras up to all the members rooms after aqua girl leaves and when she goes in her room after swimming for a little bit the camera feet Cuts as Batman goes to her room she ends up passing out as Batman manages to get Aqua Girl Out by stealing big Bar's weapon and shooting the wall B and warh cracked the [ __ ] to Batman as they didn't contact him over the intercom but instead took action as they end up leaving later that day Batman and Superman have a look at the tank Batman finds out that one of the chips are fried as Superman thinks for certain that there's a traitor in their league we then see the league as they go save a bunch of people in the city as the whole city seems to be under attack as they split up and deal with different things such as a ship sinking and buildings collapsing Batman ends up coming in as Superman tells him to help war hawk with saving people Warhawk heard a coal in their frequency but no one else heard it as he goes for it but since Superman told Batman to stay with him Batman decides to follow War Haw ends up stopping a missile but it ends up blowing out Warhawk as Batman gets blamed for it where Bruce and Terry decide to look over the explosion they noticed that someone made it blow up is that someone is Superman as Bruce gives Terry a piece of kryptonite to stop him and that's how the first part ends how cool is that I love this episode it's honestly believable that Terry would be accepted into the league but for the twist to be that Superman was the one trying to kill off the League members is actually really well done I think you start to notice that something odds going on with one of the members when Aqua girls attacked as the chip was fried since Superman could have done that the only real grp I have is that we need to get to know the members of the Justice League since you don't really care about them at all because they're just CT versions of their counterparts goes at the top though yeah straight into the second part as it starts with Batman showing all the news that he found out to the rest of the league as B doesn't believe it and believes that he possibly fabricated it B tries to throw hands with Batman after he calls her pakhe headed for not thinking straight as Green Lantern stops her but Warhawk walks in telling to calm down he explains that he remote controlled his armor to deal with the rocket as he seems suspicious that only he got the call about the rocket but Warhawk seems to be happy about what Batman did is they're going to go and try and interrogate Superman speaking about him we see him fiddle with micron's life support as they end up talking to Superman but he starts to believe that all of them were Traders against him as a girl approaches him after B do we see that something's moving around his chest as he starts to attack and [ __ ] yeah his ass is being controlled by staro Micron ends up getting out to help them as Batman tries to get his Kryptonite after dropping it Micron gets knocked out as Batman gets the Kryptonite as Superman gets knocked out of the building he leaves as the members talk about how Superman possibly went to the Fortress of Solitude as hopefully Bruce knows where it is since none of the League members know where it is they end up using a boom TR to arrive in the Fortress and after looking for Superman they end up having a fight robot versions of Superman they end up running into the real one as Batman knocks him out with Kryptonite as they see staro wrapped around his chest aqual ends up finding out what staro is after touching it since it ended up leaving its Planet but not by choice as it was adopted from its planet and AO this connects to Superman the animated series but it ended up ES escaping after Superman took star into the Fortress by using Superman to escape and it's been on him for years as he wants to take over the whole planet as they then find a [ __ ] ton of staros in the Fortress they end up attaching themselves to The League members besides Batman as he then makes a run for it Superman chases after him as Batman tells Bruce about what happened and honestly this shot of Superman going after Batman so goofy just looks like a PNG growing in size but Superman takes out the Batmobile as Batman then manag to get staro off Superman by electrocuting it Superman and Batman then go after the rest of the League members as they manag to get the star's off of them and block the Stars off from escaping The Fortress after saving aqua girl the episode then ends as they send stars back to their planets as all of them ask if Batman want to be a part of the league as they say it will be a oneup from the original Batman since he was part time Batman then says that maybe has something in common with him after all this episode is even better bringing s into all this makes a lot of sense as to why Superman was doing what he was in the first part and it's also great to seeing this episode connect back to Superman the animated series where we saw star and the main man 2ar seeing star come back after all this time satisfying and I'm glad that they ended up becoming a villain in one of the DC shows this episode is just a great way to finish off the twar and honestly I think this part's just a little bit better than the first part goes at the top the trail starts with two men in a van as the truck has completely blocked the road ahead of them one of them gets out with the guns to go look at it as Charlie attacks him and gets out he then grabs the van as the guy inside tries to drive off as Batman goes in to stop him Charlie grabs a bag off them as the police arrive where he manages to the police out as Batman comes in to stop him as Batman has Charlie restrained someone hijacks the police vehicle and shoots Batman then picks up Charlie as they escape after Terry talks to Bruce at the back cave we see Charlie with his accomplice named Major at his hotel as Charlie seems to be a little annoyed about him just being the muscle Terry tells Max about how he had a run in with Charlie as men jump Terry and end up taking him in the car as Max ends up ringing Bruce and tells him that Terry got abducted but Max has his suit so Bruce is going to pick it up as soon as possible Terry then gets his blindfold taken off where he sees Charlie Terry's is reasonably pissed off about being kidnapped but Charlie tries to make Terry's new partner Terry obviously says no as Charlie gets shitty but he just starts breaking stuff until major walks in he ends up getting angry with major as Terry tries to escape the building where his men notice and chase after him major tells charie to end him or Charlie and his business is finished so as Terry's making a run for it hopping onto a truck Charlie chases after him eventually Charlie gets him as he can't kill Terry Terry tells Charlie that he just needs to go to the police and even though he'll be in jail they'll have doctors that will work on a cure for him they end up compromis in with him saying that if he gets Mages first he will stay and wait where they are at the moment and then hand himself in after his dealt with so as Mages is leaving the hotel police surround them as Mages and his men try to shoot their way out of it as Mages tries to crawl away but barara stops him after taking them in Terry and barara go to find Charlie where he was but he isn't there but Terry runs into him as he says that he was never going to hand himself into the police Andy did what he said to get Mages off of him and that Terry could easily join him now but he lied about wanting to be cured and that he didn't have it in him to kill Terry so Bruce comes in and hits Charlie with his car as he gives Terry his backpack as he suits up and takes down Charlie he ends up doing so after he accidentally falls off the bridge as the episode ends with Bruce saying that he knows how it feels to go up against a friend did we really need to see another episode with Charlie I personally don't think so but this episode's all right just didn't really interest me that much at all and the tweets that Charlie was playing Terry to make him do what he wants is pretty predictable I really don't know much to say about this episode it was just quite forgettable goes above King's rantom but below speak no evil [Music] Cobra's back really and this time it's a two-parter as well uh anywh who the episode starts with the delivery of Isotopes but the person in the truck seems to be a part of cobra with a tattoo on the back of his hand Cobra one and two other goons are in the truck as they go in and take the thermal bomb but Batman comes in to stop them driver whips out some electrical nunchucks and knocks Batman down as they escape Terry's really doubting himself back at the Batcave as Bruce recommends an old friend of his as she owns a fish market Terry mentions that that Bruce sentiment as she takes him out the back to a dojo as two men fight Terry and knock him down she comes back out as that Sensei saying that he laes discipline she then introduces herself as Kari tanaga and that she studied with Bruce under the same Sensei and shows Terry around the dojo as Terry wants to be taught her ways she ends up teaching him about balance but he goes to get some air as three of the students go out into a car looking suspicious Terry tells Bruce about this as a man accidentally runs into him as two Cobra goons are shooting at him they end up getting a man and put him to sleep as they steal the vial from him so back at the back cave they find out who the person was and that they worked at a natural history museum so Terry and Max go there they walk around the museum as they then sneak into a Clos off display as Max distracts one of the workers there as Terry sneaks into paar's office he was researching DNA and now they're trying to find the connection as Terry goes back to train at the dojo and is still being beaten he ends up going for a dinner break as he takes Xander to a pizza place as Max comes with him and offers to take Xander to play centries of the last Cosmos where Max beats him they end up getting pizzza as Xander says that he can't lose when the Joker could steal the pizzza off him but Xander kicks the [ __ ] out of them the other two people Xander was with the night before come up to him and tell him that he can't leave without an escort as they make him leave the next day Xander isn't at the dojo as he finds out from kyi that his Guardians didn't want him coming to the classes anymore that night Cobra runs doing test in three of his men as we see that Xander is the Cobra Commander well no that would get him sued instead he's just the master the three men being tested on transform into human animal hybrids and as Max is talking to Terry she gets kicked off the line from Bruce as she gets off someone Rings a door as she sees that it's Xander as he tells her that he needs to come with her now she says no as he ends up kicking the door down and just before being taken she manages to get back on the line to alert them Batman ends up getting to Maxes just as they're flying off so he tries to chase after them but nunchuck man comes out and fights him as they end up falling down Batman's Wings get ripped off as Xander and his men manag to lose Batman you know what this first part was actually better than I expected the whole dojo and Xander being the master of Cobra cult is actually some really cool stuff it makes sense that the best student in Kyrie's class is the leader of Cobra so I'm actually interested to see where the second part goes goes above big time but below [Music] inkling this part starts with ter the back cave as he has a few broken ribs from his fall as Bruce ends up paying Kyrie a visit Bruce tells her that Xander kidnaps someone as she says that he's in some kind of cult but she doesn't know which one since he's going to be their leader Bruce gets a phone number for her as he ends up leaving where they find out that Xander is actually the leader of Cobra Terry decides to suit up even though he's injured to go and save Max but we then see her she wakes up in a bed where she has two servants of xanders talk to her about how her master wants to see Max she fights the two servants that makes a run for it as some human dinosaur hybrid comes up and stops her from escaping where they take her to Xander we see him in his full leader get up as he ends up explaining who he is and that he was artificially raised by the cult to be the perfect leader for Cobra but means out at night where he ends up sneaking into kba's facility as someone's following him but as that's going on Zander explains to Max that his plan is to make dinosaur human hybrids Xander shows Max the process where three other men get transformed as he then explains that he's going to use a thermal bomb to increase the temperature of the planet for them to survive Xander leaves to go sort out the bomb as he orders Cobra one to splice Max but Batman over hears Xander and the doctor talking about Max and how they're going to splice her bman walks in to stop Cobra one from splicing her as he tries to escape with her but struggles since his ribs are still broken when escaping the whole facility starts to fly as it's a giant ship but as Max mentions the bomb the unchuck man and the Goon approach where they take him out Batman makes Max stay in the cell to make sure that she's safe as he's going to go stop the bomb and asander is about to drop it Batman comes in to stop him Zander ends up splicing himself as he now has to fight a dinosaur hybrid asander gets knocked around for a bit until we see that the figure that we saw earlier ends up being Kyrie she helps Batman by fighting Xander and as they're fighting the ship starts to blow up so some men Escape as well as Max but as Batman is trying to find Max we see that Kyrie struggling to escape but she sacrifices herself to let Batman and Max Escape before the ship completely blows up the episode ends with Terry Max and and Bruce at Dojo as they say they goodbyes damn this episode's even better Xander's plan's pretty basic to basically wipe out normal humans in favor for dinosaur human hybrids since they're cold blooded like reptiles but I do like the stuff where Xander was basically born and raised to lead them and end up actually being a big threat it's just a surprise that I actually enjoyed episodes featuring the Cobra cult since I never liked them before but I think Xander is the most interesting thing about them since he actually has a character goes above the first part countdown starts of the conference as mad Stan comes in to blow [ __ ] up like usual wasn't he in a simulation last time we saw him why didn't you just keep him there probably explained in some comic or something I don't know any who he keeps on blowing things up until Batman comes in to stop him and mad stand ends up escaping as Batman has to save some people with then see Zeta in disguise with row as they're trying to find a scientist named Eli salig they really tried to make people watch The Zeta Project by make it the second last episode of the show be about zeter again so of course since zeta's back agent Bennett's back as they find zeter at a train station so now they have to escape Bennett as they're making a run for it one of the agents manages to knock zeter out but mad Stan out of anyone helps him since he hates the government mad Stan takes Zeta back to his Hideout as he reveals himself to be a robot and now zeta's design is the same as the shows probably because the show came out the same year as this episode m San thinks it's a conspiracy as Ro tries to ring the authorities for Batman as for some reason Bruce is listening the worker on the phone tells her that it's illegal to make fake phone calls to the authorities so she hangs up as a few Jokers come up to her they spray her with some spray paint and she tries to make a run for it but fails as Batman then comes in to save her as the Jokers leave Ro explains that they both know Zeta and that Zeta got taken by mad Stan speaking about him he ends up putting a bomb on Zeta as he gives him an address to go to where roow apparently is B then manages to get into mad st's place as it seems too quiet he finds out that mad stand's fast asleep after taking sleeping pills his dog comes in with a DVD as Batman puts it in the DVD player to see mad stand explaining his plan with Zeta he explains that he's using him to blow up a place at midnight and that he'll wake up after it all happens Batman gives robot device where she can contact Batman if she finds Zeta so Batman tries to get Bennett to help find Zeta but he doesn't care if the robot blows up his aom ends up putting a tracker on the bat as Batman leaves where Bennett's tracking him to potentially find Zeta speaking of Zeta we see him as jok is trying to take him down where he literally just throws them all around as Batman accidentally catches one of the Jokers he finds out from him that Zade is headed towards the department of Health but Batman gets there 1 minute before midnight as he quickly gets Zeta and throws the bomb out of the building just before it explodes Batman explains to Zeta what happened as Bennett and his men suround the building Zeta tells Batman to leave as he ends up reluctantly doing so but we find out that it was actually Zeta in the Batman bu disguising himself as Batman Terry ends up escaping as Bennett's men find a normal guy that isn't zet in Disguise which ends up being Terry in Disguise Batman meets up with zet as he explains how Bennett put a tracker on the batm bile AO and Rory say their goodbyes to Batman and go their own ways this is one of the weird episodes in the show because I feel like nothing really happens in the episode the only real threat in this episode is mad stands playing to use Zeta as a walking Time Bomb but besides from that it was extremely obvious that Bennett wouldn't get Zeta and that they would all Escape but they kind of ended up escaping way too easily the episode's all right but I'm hoping that the last episode's better goes above Untouchable but below big time all right here we go last episode of the show it starts with Max at school as Terry comes out to it as we see one of Nash's friends make a joke about how Batman's at the school more than Terry Terry finds out that Max made the joke before is Terry gets shitty about it since it could potentially expose his identity as Batman Max doesn't get the deal with keeping it a massive secret where he ends up telling the story about how a kid ended up finding out his identity a kid named Miguel obviously not that one as he's playing with two action figures he has his mother tells him to play with other kids but he doesn't want to as he then wanders off to a building while playing with his action figures we then see Cobra breaking into a place as Batman comes in to stop them they get into a ship as Batman chases them into Batmobile they shoot at Batman but one of the Rockets lands at the building that the kid's playing at where Batman has to go and save them ends up going to get him off the roof where the kid's scared of Batman so to make the kid not scared after running away from him he takes his mask off to show that he's just a guy under the mask when Terry does that he ends up saving Miguel and taking him to his mother the story stops for a moment as Max says that it proves a point but Terry continues on with his story he says that Cobra wasn't happy about what happened but they used a device on a goon that was a part of the operation where they find out that he told a family member about their operation they throw him into a pit of snakes as they find out that Miguel saw a Batman's face as he tells news reporters on the news that he saw his face so that news spread like wildfire as Bruce got extremely angry at Terry since the boy will be a Target to criminals that want to know Batman's identity as Miguel's walking home Cobra's goons come in to try and take the kid but Batman comes in to stop them after fighting with him the police come in and take the kid into protective custody Terry thought that Bruce contacted barara about taking the kid into protective custody but he tells her that he didn't as Batman handed him into cobber in Disguise so Batman ends up finding out the number of the cop carard to find two cobun as they ditch the car and then go for the base as Batman follows them c one puts the device on Miguel's head to try and get Batman's identity but they try to convince him to make him remember what Batman looks like they end up getting a face and as they were about to make the kid go into a snake pit Batman comes in to fight them he manages to take them all out as Cobra one tells Batman that they know what he looks like and then jumps into the pit as we see the face on the computer doesn't look like Terry at all but it looks like his action figure the episode ends with Terry still talking to Max as he gives G's ball back and mentions that the kid that he just get the ball to was him and that he never noticed that he was Batman yeah this episode's still good even now this is the best Cobra episode they aren't even the focus it's probably because the whole plot point of Batman's identity being potentially exposed is a really good idea I like how they don't even get a good visual of what Batman looks like since the kid was only like 11 and kids memories with faces that they only Sol like a second wouldn't be very good definitely a good episode to end the show off on goes above inkling but below out of the past honestly if you ask me this season probably the best out of the three there was only one episode I wasn't really a fan of at all and that was King's Ransom but you also have at least five pretty good episodes which is honestly very good for a 13 episode season I noticed that this season wasn't as dark as the past two seasons but that's not a bad thing really good episodes in this season still have serious plots but can still be silly at times and I think that works most of the time I will still never understand why some fans disregard season 2 and 3 season 3 is my personal favorite but there are still things I don't like about the season overall such as having so many episodes with Cobra and having Big Time Charlie come back after the episode big time we really didn't need those things and lastly I don't think we needed the Zeta episode I like how the episode Zeta ended and it was a good setup to the show well I finished Batman Beyond and Batman Beyond is a certified Banger I feel like with this show it's actually really consistent overall even more consistent than Batman in the Animated Series but I will say that that show has much higher highs than this one does sure there were some episodes in the show that I'm not a fan of such as rats Joy Ride and centuries of the last Cosmos but there are also some episodes that I love such as the coold Tarter out of the past eyewitness and meltdown I'm really glad that I went back to watch this show since I loved it when I was younger and I still love it now I will say that this show honestly deserves to be as remembered as Batman the Animated Series does I know that bz has had more of an influence over superhero animated works and animation in general but the fact that the creators of the show were able to create a whole new Gotham with the new Batman to face off against new villain so well is a [ __ ] achievement especially considering that this was kind of forced onto the beaz crew since Kids WB wanted a teenage Batman it's honestly insane how well they did with the show but it's time to rank every single episode in the show and we're starting off with rats Joy Ride centuries of the last Cosmos where's Terry The Winning Edge Armory Terry's friend dates a robot plague King's Ransom blackout Spellbound Heroes aach of carrar betrayal splicers Zeta speak no evil April Moon Untouchable countdown shriek Final Cut Big Time payback the curs of Cobra part one the curs of Cobra part two the Egg Baby Ascension once burned Revenant hidden agenda inkling The Last Resort lost soul Blood Sport disappearing ink babble games rebirth part two Golem dead man's hand unmasked earth mover hooked up Ace in the hall rebirth part one sneak peek eyewitness out of the past the co part one the call part two and lastly the best episode of Batman Beyond is meltdown I'm so glad that this show started off really strongly the rebirth Tarter just telling the story and how Bruce retired and how Terry became Batman 20 years later even after that Blackout's a solid episode I really liked gold goem and then you get to my favorite episode of the show being meltdown we didn't need Mr free in this show but you know what it ended up being the best episode so I'm definitely happy to see Mr freze back since most episodes with him are usually slam dunks then from season one it's just up and down and I noticed that it's kind of a pattern throughout the rest of the show you'll have like one or two really good episodes and you'll have one week episode not every episode in this show is going to be amazing that's okay some ideas just work better than others but I am still impressed even now with how good the show is after time when scripting this video I just wanted to sit there and watch the episodes instead of writing notes they are that good I just wish that we had more Batman Beyond content but unfortunately that's just the world we live in anyways if you enjoyed the video please give it a like please make sure to subscribe if you enjoy this kind of content let me know your thoughts Down Below in the comments about Batman Beyond any kind of support would be much appreciated cuz these videos take a very long time to make especially whilst I'm making content on the side as well it's really hard to get enough time to make these massive videos so if you do really want to support me please consider supporting my patreon and my Channel memberships helps me out of heaps speaking about that though let's just get into the shout outs all right massive shout out to Ash Crimson for supporting my channel licens te massive thanks to Fatima Victoria Huntley and samam 1994 for supporting my big boss T if you want to find out you can get your name end of my videos please make sure to click the little patreon logo on the screen at the moment or click the little join button next to the Subscribe button on my YouTube channel anyways I'll see you on the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Zach R
Views: 13,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zach R, Zach R Ranking, Zach R Ranking every episode, Zach R Ranking Batman, Zach R Ranking Batman Animated, Batman, Batman Animated, Every Batman, Every Batman Episode, Batman Review, Batman Animated Review, Batman Animated Series Review, Bruce Wayne, Wayne, DC, Zach R Ranking Batman Beyond, Every Batman Beyond Episode Ranked, Batman Beyond, Terry, Terry McGinnis, Mr Freeze, Inque, Derek Powers, Blight, Kobra, Kobra cult, Spellbinder, Batman Beyond Ranked, Batman Beyond Series
Id: 4po4AYOPiCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 21sec (8841 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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