Every Australian Theme Park's Next Coaster!

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Australia's collection of roller coasters has never been stronger with new roller coasters opening all around the country in 2024 it's a very exciting time for all of our theme parks but what comes next there's always room for more coasters and today we're going to discuss what roller coaster I think each of Australia's theme parks should realistically add next this is one roller coaster per Aussie theme park that I think would be a good next Edition for the park Aussie World a thrill coaster for me Aussie World needs a signature coaster dingo racer is fine but I'd currently argue that their signature attraction is probably SX 360 which is pretty sad when you consider that there are similar pendulum rides all over the country obviously Aussie World are not working with a huge budget but they do have space historically they haven't worked with any big manufacturers with previous coasters coming from revon and dpv rides and flat rides from manufacturers such as SPF visa for that reason I can see Zam pea being a potentially peeling manufacturer obviously Aussie World are familiar with working with Italian companies zampella are reasonably well known in the Australian market and they're making forward steps in their roller coaster game while it would be a bit of a risk to put a zampella prototype out there they're a company with a reasonably good reputation when it comes to the reliability of their products I'm going to say as aera Lightning coaster there are a few models in existence already to prove the rides reliability and while they've received mixed reviews it would be a unique coaster in the Australian market and certainly one that would capture a bit of attention they're not capacity monsters but Aussie World doesn't really draw the crowds for that to be a major problem zamper offer a 375 M model that would probably suit Aussie world's price range but I'd like to see them go for the 568 M model which has just a little more to offer in terms of the layout and also has the capability to run with a 24 person train instead of an 8 person car for those peak season crowds this layout stands 30 m tall with a vertical chain lift and fore inversions which would make it definitely the best attraction at the park in my opinion in terms of theming we all know Aussie World likes to stick with australiana and I think there's real potential in doing an Australian Cyclone theme coaster but doing it well we've seen a few attempts none of them particularly spectacular but Aussie World tend to bring a bit more of a backto Basics approach to theming that really works for them so I think it would be great to see them attempting things like storm debris and a cool Cyclone related theme dream world an airtime machine the kids area is done up all nice and fresh they've got a new family attraction on the way it's definitely time for dream world to bolster their thrill coaster lineup and to me they are lacking that number one coaster steel typen is fantastic but compared to something like DC Rivals it's fairly mediocre it just doesn't have the same wow factor that brings in Enthusiast from around the world it would make a great number two if it had something else being the poster girl what dream world really lacks overall is Airtime they've got inversions they've got launches with jungle Rush they'll have even more launches plus some great theming they've even got a family invert but there isn't a single decent airtime moment in the entire park normally I'd say it's time for a hyper but I feel like movie world have kind of pinned down the marketing game when it comes to the hyper coaster genre by literally naming theirs the hyper coaster a giga is probably outside the Realms of possibility so we need to think of something else now I know it's the most cliche suggestion of all time when it comes to these videos but I think dream world's answer should be that they are the ones to bring an RMC hybrid to Australian Shores it doesn't need to be the next zadra or iron guazi it can be fairly modest in size but something with an airtime stacked layout a good inversion or two wouldn't hurt just as long as it's mostly focused on that brilliant eject air time that we all know RMC can offer now RMC obviously do not have a history of working in Australia but when it comes to their dealings in Europe we know they have a history of working through voma for their distribution I believe that might have something to do with their relationship with Alan shiy and the fact that voma used to distribute for arrow in Europe I don't know if that's true but it's a neat coincidence at the very least now voma do have a history of working in Australia in fact they're working on dream worlds and new coaster right now so I definitely think it's not outside the Realms of possibility that we see dreamor get in contact with RMC personally I would remove motor coaster and place the ride on that plot of land also making use of the Old Rocky Hollow area to extend that footprint a little bit further stack it with crazy airtime give it a good Zerg stall and all of a sudden you've got a coaster that can compete with movie world and I'd say it could actually make dream world the best park in Australia indisputably in terms of how I would theme this ride what I love about dream world currently is that they seem to be wanting to revisit their Heritage and revive certain parts of the Park's old identity the return to the original logo design jungle Rush's Mountain being very reminiscent of the old Avalanche it's starting to feel like the goal of the current management is to make dreamor an updated version of the original dreamor Vision the only thing I wouldn't touch is gold rush in anyway I think from a PR standpoint the less said about that area of the park the better which is a shame because I do think a Revival of Eureka Mountain could have been fun but instead I'd like them to revive the rocky Hollow story with this coaster given That Old australiana Timber industry kind of theme and that also gives them room to expand on the area in the future and potentially add something like a flume ride which I think the park also sorely needs Warner Brothers movie World inversions well I think it's definitely up for debate whether movie world is currently Australia's best park there's no denying they have the most stacked coaster lineup but there are two things they don't have they don't have any significant inverting coasters and they don't have room to expand whatever comes next is going to have to replace something else just wait until you hear the idea I've come up with for this one recently doomsday Destroyer has gone down for maintenance and its reopening date has been completely removed from the website we all know that ride is terribly unreliable and if you ask me the entire DC Villains area of the park was completely misguided in the first place so here's what I would do remove doomsday Destroyer relocate the fun theming elements of the DC villains area to the precinct outside the entrance to DC Rivals that would centralize all the DC Comics related theming into one area stretching from DC Rivals Justice League Green Lantern across to Superman and Flash speed force and that gives you room for a new area where doomsday used to stand for me there is one very obvious franchise missing from the movie World lineup and it's Mad Max we have an Australian theme park that has a licensing agreement with the studio behind the Mad Max movies and for some reason we've never used that that's an utter joke we need a Mad Max land with a Mad Max themed coaster but as I mentioned there's not a lot of area for movie world to work with now looking at Google Earth you can see that if we take the Doomsday area Annex a little bit of the Wild West area which is currently very underutilized and could blend nicely into a madmax area and stretch a little of the backstage areas in as well and you get about 1.25 acres to work with that's only about a quarter of of an acre short of the area occupied by the layout and entrance area of ride to happiness I'm just saying if movie world are willing to rework that long entrance area into Wild West Falls potentially redesign the facades to fit things like a launch track maybe relocate or move around a couple of the games and shops in that space there is room for a modest compact Mark extreme spinner themed to madmax in fact madmax Works nicely with the wild west theming anyway so I don't see any reason why they couldn't completely redesigned that entire wild west entranceway to be much more efficient in its use of space and fit in a coaster like a mark extreme spitter it would require significant reimagining of the area but if it happened movie world would become a world-class Park in my books that would be potentially two of the best coasters ever constructed by Mark rides in one Park plus a much more diverse mix of theming ips and a madmax area which honestly should have been common sense for a Warner Brothers movie Park in Australia any anyway seriously how do they not have a Mad Max ride Mark extreme spinner hopefully with at least four inversions theme the cars to the crazy mechanical vehicles that you see in Fury Road give it a well-designed station and maybe even a pre-show and we've got ourselves one of the best ghosts in the world simple as Wet n Wild Gold Coast something to stand out with Surf Rider now officially relocated to Movie World Wet n Wild actually no longer has a coaster and to be honest it's kind of of missing a lot of things that used to make it stand out as more than your average water park the zipline has been SPN for God knows how long their giant swing Tower is no longer advertised on their website really the only thing that Wet n Wild has that dream world doesn't is the Flow Rider and that's only because Dre World removed theirs even aqualoop is gone now which as someone who does not like water slides that was pretty much the only slide I went for Wet n Wild has tragically gone down the path of just being another big water park and I would consider it less and less as one of the theme parks on the Gold Coast simply because it seems to be treated as one of Village Road shows smaller attractions like paradise country or Outback spectacular it seems to be an accessory to movie world and I'd like to see them get a big nonwater slide attraction to help them really regain that upper hand over White Water World now this doesn't have to be a coaster but this video is about coasters so we're going to pick one something that stuck out to me as a concept was the new intim shuttle water coaster concept but I feel that might be too similar to flash speed force I also thought of the idea of a mark power Splash and to be honest I don't think that's necessarily the worst idea Village have worked with Mark rides plenty in the past it would fit in the park in terms of area and it's a capacity guzzler for those hot summer days When Wet n Wild does tend to get very busy so that's the answer I'm going to go with I can't see Wet n Wild looking to invest in a proper fullscale water coaster that's just not the identity of the park but a power Splash is cheap compact off the-shelf from a proven manufacturer and it fits in as a ride designed to get both Riders and bystanders absolutely soaked it had cement them back on the map is definitely Australia's best water park and it would probably be enough of a draw card to make them an attraction in their own right I've been on a power Splash before and they're excellent they're loads of fun they're very forceful I think it would be nice to see Wet n Wild give the ride a theme perhaps something to do with a Hawaiian volcano or a title wave or something like that to really fit in with the tropical beach feel of certain parts of the park the major criticism I always had of Surf Rider was that it was so out of place and it felt that way because it they never bothered with trying to make it fit in SeaWorld a coaster for Thrill Seekers SeaWorld has never been about the rides completely so it's understandable that their coaster lineup is a little short compared to the other parks with Leviathan they've built the beginnings of something great for a park of that size you've got a kitty coaster a nice simple family thrill coaster with storm a more intense family thrill coaster with jet rescue and then the current headliner with Leviathan now I'd say that one more coaster could really top it all off and I think it has to be something to draw The Thrill Seekers to the park don't get me wrong Leviathan is thrilling but to a member of the general public who is looking for big scary rides it doesn't quite fit the bill at first glance particularly compared to movie world or dream world so so I'd say SeaWorld needs a big headlining coaster probably something with inversions and I think voma are the manufacturer to go with villagers seem to have a working relationship going with voma now so it's honestly surprising that we haven't seen anything of significant scale in terms of their new generation thrill coasters yet I'm going with something along the lines of a aoma Bermuda Blitz like Le coaster at legendia by all accounts this coaster is super intense with some great elements and I certainly think it fits the Billet SeaWorld even the model name just screams SeaWorld this would really put SeaWorld back on the map with some quality inversions a fast ride layout probably stacks of air time as well it can fit a fairly compact footprint I think I'd be looking towards the former SE Viper site as a place for an entry pre-nc around this ride and I would theme it to something like a great white shark you could have a lot of fun with the train design maybe theme the station to a fishing charter or a dock and have the theme be a shark attack somewhat like a a scene from Jaws it could really be excellent the big banana an affordable family coaster the big banana works as a small budget fun park and they soon intend to install an Alpine Coaster to complement their collection of water slides and their alpine slide the park itself is rather dispersed and it doesn't have a lot of room to expand so if they were looking to install a roller coaster it would have to be something relatively Compact and definitely affordable to work with their budget I can't see them installing anything massive but I think a kitty coaster also doesn't quite suit the collection of rides they already have and I think they'd benefit more from a family coaster that would become one of the park signature attractions while it might be at the higher end of their price range one family coaster manufacturer that I've been pretty impressed with lately is zero I've been working at Emerald Park where I've become quite familiar with their Zer Force named flight school and I've been following the construction of the dueling family shuttle coaster at Legoland Windsor they seem like reliable affordable and well-designed family coasters with slightly unique layouts compared to other manufacturers that Australians might be more familiar with like voma I would go with a family shuttle coaster for the big banana something that can weave around the park slightly and work with a narrow compact footprint these coasters can have trains of up to 20 to 24 Riders although I'm not sure the big banana would need to make theirs quite so large this would definitely be one of their most popular attractions but the crowds at this park are never particularly large in terms of theming a banana themed train would just be too much f come on as if you wouldn't ride a coaster with a train themed to a banana don't lie you love that idea Green Valley Farm a small Kitty coaster let's be honest Green Valley Farm are not going to add very much they don't really operate with the same ethos as your standard amusement park and they are of course only running the park for operating costs and don't really turn a profit so the margin for reinvestment into new attractions is practically non-existent but I'm going to put myself in in the shoes of The Operators of Green Valley Farm and imagine that I was given a government grant or something let's think about what I would do with it aside from fascinated coaster enthusiasts Green Valley Farm's biggest Market is by far the locals who see it as their unique little local watering hole for summer getaways birthday parties family get togethers and just general days out during the summer school holidays are where Green Valley Farm will gain the vast majority of its visitors and most of them will be families with small kids coming along for the playgrounds and the water slides if any roller coaster is going to help increase that appeal it's a little kitty coaster something that I think would really fit the vibe of Green Valley Farm is to buy a secondhand enf Miler Little Dipper coaster they have the same homebuilt aesthetic as the rides in green Valley's playgrounds they would be perfect for the Target demographic and a secondhand model would be quite affordable if the park happened to get a bit of grant money or some extra cash flow to spend for some reason it doesn't have to be themed in any extra special way it could be placed alongside the Park's already existing Carousel as another mechanical ride that only operates during Peak summer season even possibly for an extra charge to help pay for operating costs I think it would be a nice addition and I'm finding myself wishing it would actually happen they deserve something nice Luna Park Sydney something extremely compact out of all the parks on this list Luna Park Sydney has the least room to move and the least attractions that I think they can sacrifice for a new Coast all of their rides are either relatively new very popular or Heritage protected and even the ones that aren't necessarily any of the above don't have a huge footprint of land it's really difficult to try and find land in Luna Park for a new coaster so I've had to think outside the box for this one if any ride was going to be removed from Luna Park my only guess would be the Dodge Ms and that offers us nothing at all in terms of footprint since they exist indoors underneath the Big Dipper station it would be incredibly difficult to squeeze even a small coaster into that space so I've had to come up with something a little more creative and it's a model that we're seeing more and more of nowadays the Rees roller ball well it's not the most appealing ride designed to coaster enthusiasts I think it suits Luna Park's quirky atmosphere and would become a unique and relatively popular family ride and since it occupies such a narrow plot of land they could possibly fit one with a little bit of wiggling around Luna Park also has height restrictions to work with but both of rs's small and medium models would be underneath the height limit at 22 and 27 M respectively one possible location could be adjacent to the hair Razer although this would likely disrupt the drop Towers view of the Harbor Bridge so my preference would be for the ride to be located in the space between the ferris wheel and the Crystal Palace which could be done with minimal Interruption of the picnic table areas in between given the ride's narrow footprint in terms of theming Luna Park do like to look into the archives and find classic ride names from the original Luna Park to reuse in modern day attraction actions the Helter Skelter is certainly a name that could fit as well as the tumble buug or gono I think gono suits the best given that tumble buug might clash with bug and the Helter Skelter is already the name of the Park's Food Outlet jamboroo Action Park an Alpine Coaster in 2024 we're seeing threadb and potentially the big banana introduced Australia's first Alpine coasters from vand and they're set to become intriguing new attractions for visitors to those parks in my opinion they're going to be much smoother and much better experience than the alpine slides which we already have several of around Australia including at janaro there's definitely room for janaro to capitalize on that new trend they're far enough away from both of the two parks already introducing Alpine coasters that there won't be a huge clash and it would fit nicely with the attractions that they already have being not too demanding when it comes to Staffing and capacity and being able to make use of the hillside that already accommodates their alpine slide I doubt they would do much with theming and I don't think a lot is necessary a vegan Alpine Coaster would be an excellent addition for jamboroo and I think it's the best match for the park in terms of them being more of a family water park with additional dry attractions rather than a theme park Magic Mountain marimbula anything better than a cyclon if you ask me this is the worst theme park that I've been to in Australia but it's not entirely Magic Mountain's fault being so far from a major City servicing a small tourist town on the New South Wales South Coast Magic Mountain really is The Last Remnant of the old family Run Regional amusement park left in Australia and that means they're running probably on very narrow margins I can't recall them adding anything besides a few small Kitty flat rides between my first visit in 2008 and my most recent visit in 2023 it's unlikely we'll see anything added Magic Mountain's current coaster is a pinf firing cyclon installed in 1994 and while it's certainly not awful it does show its age this coaster is even outperformed by traveling cyclon and I have a low opinion of those as well it's a bit of a rough and painful experience and according to the operators it's the last manually operated roller coaster in Australia although I'm not sure that's true especially since Scenic Railway exists to me it's about time Magic Mountain got a roller coaster to replace the sapphire Speedster I'm sorry but even for a park of this size this coaster just isn't it they would be better served by plenty of other coaster models that are much more reliable much less painful and much less janky and for their budget I'm going to suggest a spinning Mouse either from zamp Pea or revon the newer revon spinning Mouse coasters are great dingo racer is serving Aussie World well and there are a couple on the traveling circuit as well they're generally very smooth and while I'm not a huge fan of certain things about them such as the restraints and the unpredictable forces that are hard to brace for it would be perfect for Magic Mountain and certainly better than a zyclone even for a park like Magic Mountain zyons are just not it anymore they're going out of fashion and rightly so they still hold Merit as transportable coasters but I just think Magic Mountain would draw a lot more guests who are visiting on holidays if they had a better coaster to brag and a wild mouse or a spinning Mouse fits the build nicely without breaking the bank fun Fields a quality family coaster funfields to me is one of the most exciting parks in Australia to watch right now because they have been growing so rapidly and the recent success of gbio world may put a little bit of pressure on them to continue that growth currently the park isn't home to any roller coasters but if any park in Australia is going to announce their first one soon my money would definitely be on funfields it's a little hard to tell how much money funfields have to play with they are predominantly a water park with a few flat rides that they've picked up on the cheap here and there but some of their water slides lately have been significant Investments so I think the money could certainly be there for a modes siiz roller coaster to me the biggest thing they have to compete with is TNT while project zero might have the stats to brag TNT is the best family ride in Victoria by far and if there are families who want to buy season tickets and become regular guests gbio world is probably the choice of Park for that reason I can't see funfields immediately investing in something like that from voma in fact I think gbo world only managed it because of discount prices in the first place but I do have a suggestion buying motor coaster from Dreamworld and retro fitting it with new trains from intimin I know it's a bold strategy to literally copy gbaya world and take secondhand coasters from dreamor but I think it seems to have worked for gbaya and motoc coaster might be a nice fit for another Victorian Park it would require some work particularly replacing those trains with normal straddle trains and I still think it wouldn't be a great ride just due to its poorly designed layout but by Melbourne standards it would be a ride that puts funfields on the map they seem to have room for it although with the hilly terrain it might require some work to find a footprint for it but if dream world did follow my advice and remove motor coaster with the intent of putting in a new coaster I can see no reason why a park like funfields couldn't be looking to pick it up for a cheap price and hopefully put just a little bit of money into improving the ride experience particularly with those trains in terms of theming unlike at dream world I think a racing theme would actually fit at funfields they've done it a little bit already with their racing water slide so I could see a motorbike racing theme working well for the park it lends itself to the ride model which I think is what dream world noticed but I think something of motoc Coaster's theming standards would actually be seen as a relative success at a park like funfields unlike dream world where it comes across as lazy and actually a bit of an eyes saw Luna Park Melbourne a compact family coaster like at sister Park in Sydney Luna Park Melbourne has absolutely no room to expand the entire footprint of the park is surrounded by the iconic Scenic Railway and the park is already densely packed with rides buildings and attractions there's little chance of Luna Park adding any new rides least of all a coaster without removing something first when you look at Luna Park's coaster lineup they have the Scenic Railway which is difficult to categorize as a thrill coaster but it is the Park's signature attraction due to its Heritage and the Speedy Beetle a small SPF spinner for the little kids while I definitely think the park could use an extreme coaster I can see a family coaster being the far more likely investment for the park in this case I think there is potential for Luna Park to take a leaf out of the Sydney Parks book and invest in a family Boomerang style coaster that could weave in between several attractions either Gau or voma offer great ride models that could really work for this and I could probably see Luna Park going with G La just like the Sydney Park did they're fairly tame rides but they're smooth and fun little family attractions I would place the station in the area behind the Luna palace with a layout that weaves out towards the pharaoh's curse and the entrance to the scenic rail way I think this would be a simple yet nice addition for the park and it would really complete a basic full coaster lineup in terms of theming I'd like Luna Park to stick with their Heritage just like the Sydney Park and I think a great name would be the Switchback Railway a tribute to the first roller coasters and the history that Luna Park played its own part in it's a cool little salute to the history of roller coasters and amusement parks in general gbaya World a family thrill coaster gbaya world is in a really exciting place right now they've got investors they've managed to pick up two big attractions within a cheap price range and now they're reaping the benefits they're definitely the best small theme park in Australia right now so their next coaster probably needs to be something to cement their position as a real Contender as possibly Victoria's best theme park and is a real theme park destination I don't think it's realistic yet for them to be building anything of the scale that movie world and dream world are but as I mentioned they do have investors and they're probably earning some decent money back after the investment in to project zero and TNT both of which came at a discounted price tag for me their next coaster needs to be somewhat of a thrilled coaster to bridge the gap between TNT and project zero and in my mind something that would do that perfectly and really stand out is a small gravity group Woody some of gravity group's family wooden coasters such as rosauro Oscar's wacky taxi and wood Express are renowned as absolute airtime machines they're not huge stats-wise and therefore would not be a huge investment but similarly to T and project zero the return on investment is likely to be excellent since it would be a unique attraction for Victoria and actually potentially one of the best coasters in Australia if the layout is executed well maintaining a woody is a big challenge but I think G world are up for it they've shown a real desire to grow and to turn this park into a proper Resort destination I'm very impressed with the effort they put into the new rides and how they've presented the park in general and I think a modes siiz wooden coaster would be a great attraction to round out that coaster lineup as for theming I think gbaya world should lean into the australiana thing they have going already perhaps a Victorian Gold Rush theme or even a bush Ranger theme would be a really cool addition to the park that I also think would suit the more rustic aesthetic of a wooden coaster and I would trust them to do a damn good job of it as well Adventure Park jalong a budget family coaster unlike some of the other predominantly water parks in Australia Adventure Park doesn't have a large Hill to benefit from so Alpine coasters and alpine slides are unfortunately out of the question however the park does have room to work with so new attractions could certainly be added if the park is looking to expand and grow however Adventure Park are also in the awkward position of being by far the weakest of the four major Parks competing with each other in the Melbourne area the park is pretty much kept afloat by the jalong market alone and if they want to be able to grow they need to tempt more visitors from Melbourne and from further a field so how does a small park with practically no budget attempt visitors from Melbourne to make the drive to jalong instead of sticking around and going to funfields or Luna Park we'll check this coaster model out Italian manufacturer SPF Visa has commenced production of their brand new family launch coaster model with the first two installations currently being installed at Germany's Skyline Park and trip fals Park Skyline Park have released some renderings and it looks like a fun compact little layout with an uphill Tire propelled launch SPF are known as affordable yet somewhat reliable as a manufacturer and Adventure Park have of course worked with them before I definitely think the appeal of a family launch coaster could be enough to Peak the interest of some locals and bring more attendance to the park it's nothing special but it certainly would do more for the park attendance than water slides or an SPF spinner both of which already exist in Melbourne I guess we'll see later this year when Skyline Parks Edition opens to the public exactly how good this model is but it definitely screams a good option for Parks looking for a stand out family coaster on a budget I would definitely like to see Adventure Park put a little more thought into the theming of this ride than they usually do many of their rides are completely without a theme the perfect example is crazy coaster which is just dropped onto a concrete slab and has the most uncreative name for an SP SPF spinner of all time they have a few Wild West themed water slides so perhaps a bucking bronco theme or if they want to go for something more Australian a soaring wedg tailed eagle theme would be pretty cool as well the beach house an indoor Kitty coaster the beach house is the closest thing South Australia currently has to an amusement park unless you want to count the monar Adventure Playground located on the former side of Luna Park Glenelg it's more of a family Amusement center with arcade games water slides mini golf and small attractions it has maintained the tradition of amusement parks on the Glenelg Waterfront with Luna Park and Magic Mountain existing on this site before it as well as the indoor attractions the beach house has previously been home to a few outdoor attractions including an old ferris wheel but today I believe the property is limited to the building that it resides in so if a coaster was to be added to the property it would have to fit indoors so it will of course likely be a kitty coaster personally I think the kitty coaster manufacturers go with is SF Visa as much as they might be perceived as cheap or tacky their Kitty coasters are high quality and pretty reliable personally an SPF spinner or a race coaster similar to mining racer coaster at gumb world would probably fit the bill at the beach house mining racer coaster is my favorite Kitty coaster in Australia it's packed with a lot of lateral force and some surprising moments and if the beach house can theme it with the same quaint effort and attention to detail it would be a great little attraction for the kids my favorite part of the beach house was the mini golf course where they put a lot of thought and attention into every detail of the course's presentation so my only request for the theming would be to do the same what sets the beach house aside from other small entertainment centers I visited is that attention to the presentation of their attractions so it's important that any additions continue that tradition and finally Adventure World a decent family thrill coaster we finally Head West to Adventure World this is a park known for adding new attractions semi-regularly and it's now been over a decade since their last coaster they currently brag a gersau Euro Fighter and a kitty coaster so the clear Gap in their lineup is a family or family thr coaster and knowing the owners of this park they won't settle for something cheap and easy they'll want to invest in a ride that they think is the right fit for the park now looking at the manufacturers they've worked with recently it could be anyone Abyss was a huge success so gersau are definitely on the table and Goliath has been met with rave reviews as well so Inman could also be on the cards I initially thought of a g spinner however knowing abyss' operations I think they might be looking for something with a little more capacity to help keep the cues short interman does offer a family spinner with extended trains but they have been known to have serious issues including a fire on objective Mars at France's futuros scope so I probably wouldn't recommend that ride model until we see it operate a little more effectively I would go with an intimate multi-dimension coaster for a few reasons number one it finally gives Adventure World the chance to put those creative skills to work on an actual ride storyline they're very good at coming up with Back stories for their rides so I'd love to see them have a crack at an actual themed ride with an immersive storyline two I genuinely believe they have the space if they're willing to part with it Wildlife section which has been quite neglected and honestly I think the park wants to forget about it that area of the park has so many possibilities it's absolutely huge now my theming pick might be slightly controversial but I would like to see Adventure World take on some Consultants from the local indigenous community and write a storyline about a piece of local Aboriginal folklore or mythology there are so many dream time stories myths and legends that have gone completely untouched when it comes to theming in Australian parks and I think Adventure World could do an absolutely fantastic job with an immersive multi-dimension coaster that tells one of those stories that could potentially be one of the best coasters in Australia absolutely what do you think of these right ideas and do you have any ideas of your own let me know in the comments below while you're there please click the like button to help out against the YouTube algorithm and consider subscribing and clicking the Bell icon to be notified when I next upload in the meantime thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Maloney's Coasters
Views: 4,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roller coasters, theme parks, new roller coaster, theme park predictions, aussie world, dreamworld, movie world, wet'n'wild, sea world, big banana, green valley farm, luna park sydney, jamberoo, magic mountain, funfields, luna park melbourne, gumbuya world, adventure park, the beachouse, adventure world, vekoma, mack rides, intamin, zierer, e&f miler, sbf visa, zamperla, new rides australia, new roller coasters australia, best roller coasters in australia, australia
Id: apdEkOZhep4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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