Everest for Mountaineers: Episode 6 Death Zone Ultra HD

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previously Brendan Patrick and the summit climb team make it from their Chinese base camp to camp one atop of the North Col finishing their acclimatization rounds welcome back to Everest for Mountaineers Patrick is readying the GPS and getting ready to roll it's a gorgeous day supposedly they're up there fixing the ropes today just perfect tiny little bit of wind clear skies and we're about to head out to ibc the intermediate base camp and four or five hours so psyched to get this going we're just wearing on me sitting there Chinese base camp forever we're doing anything but eating drinking sleeping breathing and playing cards it's time to go we were all really anticipating this final push over the last month we had done to acclimatize ation rounds reached 7,000 20 meters and we had just spent four days down in tingri resting up now we pushed off one last time from CBC to get to the top of Everest man ridiculous view the sights were still breathtaking the terrain familiar the yak bells enchanting we do the pace we needed to conserve energy keep our heart rates low in SPO too high just finishing the flat part past Lake District speedy turtle and Ramstein now write it to turn uphill this is where you turn go Philip since we had arrived a month earlier the lakes and rivers will melt them we heard Rock Falls more often still cruising up there nice one bug glacier Patrick put headphones on and just blast it out of here it's taking a picture he's gone if you like this like trike off right in like top of my lungs I'm gonna have to come boot off get down it's just irritation from the cold air and the dust can really affect you up high for our careful tents ahoy there internment camp feels really good I feel like I know there's a couple pigtails to go but right now I feel great almost like coming down him I know crazy crazy melons whoosh is breeze just over this Ridge should be IB see yeah coop camp yakisoba noodle shop tea and noodles yeah the soup here at the yakisoba shop so good yeah it's like a ramen but then he puts like onions and like green onions and some carrots like magic magic throughout the afternoon other members of our team arrived before we knew it it was a dinner time this is our food at intermediate camp and is awesome it's a curry chicken dal bhat with rice some sort of potato croquettes Patrick was updating his blog posts with our GPS location using his Garmin in reach he could also send and receive text messages almost anywhere on the mountain I did a couple rounds of my wim HOF breathing before eventually falling asleep slide down tents at an angle with care doge a made our morning tea that got us up and moving just leave an IBC up one steep hill let's catch my breath already got some suntan lotion going on ahead to ABC angle the 10:00 last night soaked look ahead now if you haven't seen in the first or second rotation coming out of IVC there's a huge value got to go down it wasn't as bright and sunny as it had been our last two times here but with the pinnacles surrounding us and ever summit waiting for us it started out as an enjoyable hiding most of the team was in step we went through our motions although it was familiar by now it is still one of the most incredible places that I have ever been and I felt very fortunate to be there [Music] after a quick lunch we made our way through the melting glacier Grant caught up and Patrick and him sped off so after the lunch corner and Martin's Rock you got this huge miracle highway Oh just keeps going though I think it's nope got like two hours buddy get used to walk in get comfy do it Kenny went a little too fast beginning his last Hills Patrick and grant blasted up ahead all right stay positive step-by-step all that just rolls into camp his last two hours over not fun but it's 1:13 left it may be ten three hours that's crazy ABC three hours 15 minutes fish men cobblers high as well stuff these camp my heart rate to play around 110 so I want to come to down to my around a wim HOF let's see if that breath hold brings it down to where I want it also my spo2 is it like 79 so he can get that up by doing the breathing I was able to increase my spo2 from 79 to 87 and lower my heart rate from 104 to 65 that's impressive - my bad sleep last night took a little nap and I feel a lot better though just run into my tent to grab this camera group out of breath but Suns coming out over there but every still not so supposedly on the 19th it's gonna snow but we're hoping that it's like most of the time we're in the morning super sunny and the afternoon it snows so that way we can get up there 19th in the morning we leave 18th and night and do it tashi and Nobu were serving dinner most dinners were incredibly enjoyable and you always left the dining tent style when I did I went to sleep checking my spo2 the next morning I strolled up to the Chinese camp they showed me through a telescope that several of their climbers were summiting I ran back and tried to catch them on my camera here there are two Chinese climbers that you can see coming down right from the summit and then a bit later you can see three climbers atop the third step we all gathered in the mess tent for David's oxygen mask lottery in this lottery you either get a modern mask or a 1980s used Russian fighter plane mask Martin oh the winner the winner David demonstrates a loser mask the oxygen is coming through here [Music] so stuff you face in the vagina cities and that repeat David gave us a quick overview of the masks regulators and oxygen tank system we tested the oxygen at four is nice huh it was glorious we make our big move from ABC to get one so just chilling today should be good and then camp one camp 2 will be on oxygen camp one to camp 2 is gonna be a big day it's right like the highest part on camp - oh yeah next four days what's the plan today turn that off kind of attack is nice and slow and easy it's gonna be hot hot and Haven hotter on the slope going up to our camp one it's gonna take it easy gonna take this off I'm gonna look at the enjoyable scenery and possibly the bomb of anyone who's in front of me we said goodbye to the kitchen boys and we were on our way we were coming up on metallic alley one of my favorite parts of the walk from advanced base camp the base paths at this advanced base camp to crampon point with the fresh snow there was more danger of falling in a crevasse but the big ones were still marked and easy to see what kind of nicer has been some snow over the last couple days so the final push to crampon point is all snow paths and they don't worry about tripping over rocks come relax enjoy the view a little bit more [Music] he's walked sporting Dom David Franz and Martin were pulling up the back martin a very experienced Mountaineer got his gear on quickly decided to head up with me we're coming up to the wall it's so hot feels like you're in a desert the solar radiation bouncing off the snow the north call beautiful steep dangerous and today hot the heat was zapping us but we had done this before and all knew what it would take slow movement lots of water and suntan lotion our way up all nice and easy the fixed lines on Everest are not endless in fact there are about 50 meters long at the end of those 50 meters you must change over to a new rope it seems like a simple task you'll end clip your carabiner from the old rope and clip it to the new rope then you unclip your jumar from the old rope and clip it to the new rope however digging your crampons into the snow positioning your ice axe bending over and going through those motions wears on you having different barrels down at points ABC first let's put left both in there and unfortunately someone has stolen his his harness I met the leader of the Chinese team and he's very kindly gonna donate his harness to bright side we will sleep last night on it we are a little over halfway up the North call trying to do it in my head to say that I think I have a longer way to go you guys just blew it for me we're just barely over halfway just started the North Col feel pretty good and I was hot this morning which is absolute your energy but slowly slowly we're going up here and some deep-breathing some wim hof as we got going again there was two-way traffic on the safety ropes some descending climbers were too tired to clip in at all you're good summit other climbers were delirious in the combination of lack of oxygen and exhaustion they were on a short tether to one or two Sherpas this is called being short roped as demonstrated by the person in red what's actually going on here people passing short rope and people summit is coming down somebody's coming down douche bag with the camera just talking a little thing huge many people calm down fix nests of there you got this final slope right here for us get up to have one towards that last deep pitch you have to be careful not to pull on the rope in a way that will send your teammate flying off in this situation if I was to continue I would be pulling grant off of the north call yeah I was finally really enjoying the climb being healthy fit and full of energy I was pumped I could tell Patrick was feeling rough nobody got it again the loads the Sherpas were hauling were impressive we were just coming up to camp one last time our camp was on the far side Seward is this time supposedly they moved it to a better place hey take it out of here but again gorgeous view crazy day yet the first time I looked awesome behind you that's crazy let's do this like a game of 52-card pick up Sherpas and climbers who had come down from higher were sprawled out all over the camp I on the other hand was annoyingly chipper in both English and Chinese yeah woman going Donna Patrick was so beat that he gave himself a timeout after all those times chasing him up the wrong book Valley straining to keep up with him doubting my own strength and fortitude it was welcoming to finally see him show that he was human being the good climbing partner as he had done for me in the past and made sure I did the majority of the housekeeping I know how much it helps you get here you've got to start going on the water so thirsty and hot we have no water so boil time oh yeah unlike the last time when our vestibule and our booths were filled with snow I wanted to make this a solid for ya I'm gonna go get a tent bag fill it with snow in the front of the trip today yeah it was good except it was so hot body loss okay hope to stay strong for tomorrow lots of people coming down like their summit though they look pretty tired when you're tired jeonbu and several Sherpas had just arrived from setting up camp - and some of them came back from stashing oxygen bottles above camp three we were not that tough everything's set up things looking good though and I'll time to get in the tents my sunburn today strips down good all right so boil snow at camp water what we're doing is got big garbage bag next to John he'll get big chunks like this put that in here I bet it boils so you do that about a billion times know your water bottles and your soups [Music] I was able to get my spo2 up to 75 but my heart rate was still high this morning camp 1 and our tent the inside of it was covered in frost she's now dripping we're trying to get organized for today but we got this boiling in the middle I Patrick had a good sleep last night yeah just getting ready to camp one make our way up snow ramp most of the yellow band today for the majority of us this was the first time we were climbing with oxygen David gave us a reminder of what to do if the exit valves froze as they often do we decided to make sure everyone was set and their oxygen was flowing before we took off looking up at the snow slope and a round of your teammates you can't help but be a bit apprehensive about what lies ahead one thing was for sure on Poisson even with that pack on could run circles around any of us we started up the snow slope Dom in the yellow sue was in front of me little did I know but the pace that he said and his attitude that day would be helping me just as much as a supplemental oxygen the snow slope was much steeper longer and more exposed than it appeared from camp one it seemed as if there was no good place to stop the steep angle of the snow slope never led up there was no place to just sit and relax I finally found a spot that was relatively flat we decided to take a break another half leader would be good it's bad our oxygen bottles were set to deliver us a dose of half a liter a minute we had control of this and we trusted not to run out before we made it to our tents down there no snow on these rocks was a telltale sign that this wind was persistent Dom at the yellow suit who had been in front of me all day continued his outward positive attitude which at this point was a challenge we had just got to the beginning of camp 2 and the rumor was we had another hour or so to go before reaching for tennis Golding stock shrimp caught a sunset over chunk sea and cholo you the fifth highest mountain in the world then we called it a night good morning for camp - doesn't look far it's not but up there that oxygen seven thousand seven meters what's not easy in there holy moly I decided to make the early morning rounds and see how everyone was doing house sleep last night down good good move in yesterday you in front of me kept me going yeah you did awesome beautiful huh look how far down camp one is crazy camp two was packing up David greeted us with his tag line that we had all become very fond of yesterday clear down there all right we're leaving cap two for Camp three now put in the morning gorgeous day unbelievable straight out of camp two it was steep we took it slow as we adjusted our gear and could see the summit just out of reach I didn't notice at the time but I caught a couple of climbers coming down from the summit just above the third step [Music] [Music] a little break here grouping everybody together that he's really good amazing water taking it nice and slow hold on the leaders gonna pause very good David was right the views were worth the price of admission already we could even see all the way to intermediate camp and the pinnacles each year the Chinese Tibetan mountaineering team fixes all the ropes to the mountain however they don't take any down years of ropes become crumpled heaps some have even become single strands that stick like a spider's web to your suit backpack and crampons other times you just don't know which rope to choose Patrick and I were cruising along we pulled ahead of the group for a bit and then had to stop as Chinese base camp came into view we could even make out our little black Tibetan teahouse we just came around the corner and Everest decided to bring the pain this slow don't allow me that's 8,000 meters right here we had officially entered the Death Zone the area where humans cannot survive long without oxygen and where most of the deaths on Everest have occurred Oh tip when you see the tents don't think over there there's usually like another hour and you get there your tents like if I'm fired anybody else's Camp three was coming up over the ridge camp one looked as if we tripped we would land there and the summit only a stone's throw away because of the supplemental oxygen my head was as clear as the dark blue skies above me and I was feeling great I remember thinking that this was one of the absolute best hiking days I had ever had in my life and if the Sun at night is anything like this it's gonna be a blast headed to cup three place is a mess it's like a tornado came through here which what happens everything and stuff all beat up we were all scratching our heads we don't know what stats ours none of the ten logos look like the ones we'd been using we had also beat all the Sherpas here not even David knew which tents were ours all we could do was sit wait and take in the views it was a beautiful day up here but signs of disaster were all around us up until this camp the mountain had been relatively clean this was embarrassing and unsettling the rest of our Sherpas showed up and they also didn't know where our tents were then jeonbu arrived and it still wasn't clear where our tents were now it was a bit worrisome [Music] as it turns out the Sherpas from different teams make deals with each other for tents at camp 3 one Sherpa team will leave the tents up there for your team as long as your team carries them down we then were staying in other people's tents 3:30 now to Devas tent that was abandoned and now just relax David had also found his tent high above the clouds at eight thousand three hundred metres camp 3 is the highest camp in the world with a slope of about 15 degrees laying in our bar sitting in recliners there's an attic off it's not a cold so at camp 3 both feeling awesome over to the summit tonight if it's anything like today both stoked stoked and we're trying to figure out how we can drink be on oxygen at the same time that was the goal drink rest relax you should sleep if you can but we were both way too excited we listen to music enjoy the views innate I just saw a jumbo eating soup at this David John boo and all of the other Sherpas were busy boiling water checking oxygen bottles and coordinating everyone for the night's climb late that afternoon Patrick and I got news that we would start our summit bid at 11:00 p.m. we were also informed that according to new Chinese law we had been assigned to Sherpa so that we wouldn't defect into Nepal it was Gail Jay the first Sherpa I met a month ago LJ was strong focused and we knew he would set a fast pace the Sun was going down over 200 you and setting on the summit soon it would be dark in our summit knife would begin [Music]
Channel: In Deep Films
Views: 1,135,006
Rating: 4.7174678 out of 5
Keywords: Everest, Mount Everest, China, Tibet, 2018, SummitClimb, summit climb, training, wim hof, qingdao, Hypoxico, hypoxic training, spo2, saturated oxygen, seven summits, chinese base camp, how to, iPhone X Sony FDR-AX53, GoPro Session 5, DJI Mavic Pro, 4k, hd, northeast ridge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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