Everest Base Camp Trek: No guides, no porters — Adventure Brothers

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[Music] [Music] we got here very excited because we finally finished the several dozen hours we got here we got our tickets very excited she says so fortunately we wait until we can take a helicopter $450 okay this way the helicopter might get the other other half so we think we're gonna take a helicopter to Everest we die this is the last you'll ever hear is this your first time cooking yeah do you think you're gonna make it up there [Music] we paid the man they've given me the short crap scores count apply it what's going to happen is they'll take off we're going to see the weather when we get there and if it's that or else and if that's that because that were else it that's bad for this one come back Keter TV who's this guy sitting next to kisses my classes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi I'm Hank blue cart and I'm a writer producer and creator of the online travel log without baggage calm and I'm here with my brother I'm Bryan Luke arts scientist and chemical engineer I'm also an avid rock climber and experienced backpacker we live on opposite sides of the u.s. so every year we meet up to tackle a new adventure together this year after our father passed away we wanted to spend some extra time together and go on the adventure of a lifetime we've decided to travel to the Himalayan mountains in Nepal to make the long trek to everest base camp and summit a nearby mountain Calicut our most people do this trek using porters and guides but we've decided to do it alone by ourselves carrying everything we need on our backs though ever sit self stands at 29,029 feet we won't be traveling all the way to the top starting in the small mountain village of Lula we'll trek up to Everest base camp which stands at seventeen thousand seven hundred feet Danny guy take a fast look but there wasn't no little expected that was a great rider than less and now we're going to find their way over that well we call it we call this a hill [Music] [Applause] [Music] today we've been walking across a lot of suspension bridges these are seen all throughout the Himalayas and they're a little rickety and your footing is never quite as good as you'd like and they sway around and they seem to go on forever there is if before the trekkers they are for the yaks across them these bridges are super rolling members you didn't see in a prayer flag nepali Buddhists often attach prayer flags along suspension bridges like these as a way to request safe passage from the gods as they cross the rickety constructions we're walking across the bay suspension bridge lined with metal slats and I miss stepped and I sprained my ankle that is very bad as we have about that's a fake it it took some bad pill and Mabel take on it we'll see how that goes it's one of the scariest things I can happen I can't hike on the sprained ankle ruins the trip in a pretty big way well here we are Lukla it's almost like as you can see these Starbucks coffee lukla is right up ahead now I don't have any idea early this morning heard of all half the x4 coming towards me and suddenly of nowhere one charge is straight at me and I had to dive out of the way to my right and it Dover right past me and I look back and every one of the streets running in all directions that crazy people believe it or not when the biggest hazards on his track is trains of yaks they're also nuisance because they cause big traffic jams as you can see yeah it says up here making pair to go to pass or take it there's two kinds of yaks that we see here bull yaks which received the lower altitudes which can both pull and carry supplies and then normally acts which we see at higher altitudes which can only carry supplies the key with these yaks is to stay away from the cliff side when you pass them otherwise they'll nudge you to your death people asked or nothin things like this I think behind me and pretty good example of why as you can see the mountains are beautiful in this particular hike unlike anything we've ever seen in any of our hikes and on this particular bike as well we have many many yes and the locals are very very kind and nice and that's it so we're here in Nam tubes are which is one of the biggest villages in the Khumbu it used to be a very important trading post near near the pass over to Tibet today it's more important just for trekkers and it's filled with everything a tracker can possibly one as we look through the market here you can see there's gifts for anyone you want to you don't want to buy gifts for there's warm clothes there's prayer wheels Jack yet fills there's nothing you can't find an options are today we will go from Phnom cheetahs are on our acclimatization date on the side trip to tell me Tommy and it's supposed to be one of the most exciting day trips that you can take from namche bazaar we're gonna take yaki yeah Machiko yak up to tell me with us and it's gonna be a great adventure no no it's not about Everest a few people die every year while trekking Nepal usually because a hiker didn't take enough time to acclimate before climbing to high altitude so our hiking plan includes mandatory rest and acclimatization days to give our bodies time to adjust to the lack of oxygen but because of our jobs we have to stick to our schedule we only have 14 hiking days to get to Everest base camp today we're hiking to tame to acclimate ourselves we're actually gonna come right back to notch a bizarre but going up and then down is one of the best ways to get your body used to thin air [Music] here we are in a tea house and our waiter Tommy from Nam Shi Bazaar this is what cool Atlantis Isaac is a convenience a party we also having lunch here so we ordered the cheese sandwich and word of the egg sandwich when we ordered these sandwiches to go the person who worked was to make the sandwich I said oh no no no no sandwiches do not have bread we do not want to take this to go and ever since then we've been perplexed and curious what aim egg sandwich or cheese sandwich is so Hanks came out he had ordered the egg sandwich and what it was was an omelet with cheese and he ate it and then we were sitting here well if that's an egg sandwich what is a cheese sandwich and then mine came out and it was two fried eggs it turns the hurts but she's sandwich is a cheese omelet and the egg sandwich is to Friday [Music] which way we're going I don't know it looks kind of like the right goes up to a weird house on the left goes to the trail turns us around the wrong direction I think we may have gotten off the main trail we're in a situation where we only have now about the times over lost the more than an hour after sunset and is never good especially around here it seems to rain after sunset pretty regularly [Applause] [Music] why are we doing this some trail that's clearly not a trail and now we're having to walk through the farming fields of some yak herders again to get back to the trail to tame it's about a I don't know a 300 meter elevation day there was some essentially a maze of stone walls that I can only suppose differentiates yak herders land from others land and it surely works well for them but it doesn't work well when you're trying to climb up a mountain [Music] [Applause] whether [Applause] so it's day five and we just left numpce bazaar and we're on our way to Tim Boetsch a which we expect to take about four hours but a lot of its gonna be uphill and we're exhausted from our side trip to tame yesterday which took us over about seven hours of hiking so we're really tired we're taking it really slow of the scenery is absolutely spectacular out here so we're gonna just keep on pushing and see how far we can get we're standing here in come June a village above namche a bazaar and right behind me here is a statue of Sir Edmund Hillary who of course was the first man to summit Everest along with Tenzing Norgay after summoning Everest Sir Edmund Hillary dedicated his life to the nepal himalaya and the Khumbu region he made sure that a school was built here in kujan he spent a lot of money and much of his time making sure that this region continued to be developed over the last sixty years there's a lot of reasons that I love going on treks like this of course one of the obvious ones it's just a stay fit but also I love to challenge myself and see what what limits I can I can pass through number come and I also just love the beauty of nature out here I love getting to see parts of the world that I've never seen before and things that we never get to see in the United States it's very important to me to force myself out of my comfort zone I think people get used to life being a certain way and I think one of the most wonderful things about traveling and especially coming on a trip like this Everest base camp trip is that it puts you way outside where you're comfortable or you're sleeping in in cold rooms that are heated and you're you're forced to hike thousands of meters upwards a day and you're also forced to confront a culture and a language that you're not used to and you don't know and you have to figure out how to navigate through that and I think those are essential skills for anyone and I also think that once you've done those things sometimes it can be difficult in India it makes life a lot of fun yep you just have to get here and then that's it there's this tango show just kidding you have to go there so I'm standing outside of the tea house that we're staying at called Hotel Himalaya and we're gonna take a look inside to see what these things are like but first I just want to take a quick look around to see what it's like at the top of tango Shea over here you see mountains over here this is where we came from we came down from the bottom of this valley to climb all the way up to tango Shea and you see these amazing mountain peaks over here and then as we continue on you see the the monastery in tango Shea so we're hearing at the top of the the stairs of the third floor of our tea house and you can tell I'm tired just from walking up the stairs because it's such a high elevation so now we're gonna take a look at what Brian and I call the plywood box which is essentially what almost every room in the tea houses in on the Everest inspector looked like so as you can see we called this apply wood box because it is quite literally a plywood box with two beds and two blankets no toilet no shower and a single light in the ceiling and that's and that's everything you get that for 200 rupees which is about three dollars if you want a shower it will cost you an extra 300 rupees and this is a particularly nice plywood box because it has three windows most our completely dark but this plywood box has a view of Mount Everest mount load C and mount ama Dhokla right from the window and believe it or not that is our first view of everest nighttime at the hotel Himalaya the tea house we were saying is an interesting time the hotel common room comes alive flurry of activity and they turn on the boiler this is a treat and I'll tell you why this hotel is not heated at all right now in our hotel room and where I'm standing it is about 30 degrees freezing literally so we're going to go inside here it's gonna be warm that's why everybody's in there people have ordered their food they're drinking their tea they're about to sit down to a nice meal preps deck steaks or potato chips which are potatoes and they're gonna have a good time so let's see [Music] gotta love these yeah done with powered boilers I guess it's time to join these checkers and maybe have a yak steak Brian and I have a grand tradition of caring and playing board games on these trikes some people laugh at us for carrying all the way but it's a great way to relax after a long day and it also helps us meet people on this trip we brought a buddhist themed game called sendou which uses crazy pyramids called ice house pieces that attracts people to us all the time and lets us get to know all the people in the tea houses that were staying so we're sitting here with Janelle Australia and we've been sitting in the warm tea house restaurant of our tea house and we learned that Janelle is doing Everest base camp by herself no guide no heart and no one with her and she's on our way down tell us was it cold up there so we kind of look up to Janelle because she's one of the only other people we've met on the trek that is doing the truck without guides of quarters but on top of that she's not doing it with her brother or sister so we're very impressed with her and we hope that we make it just like she did so it's day six and we're at the top of a mountain in the town of tango Shea at twelve thousand six hundred feet in the air and it's darn cold up here also there's a monastery up here it looks ancient though it actually hasn't been around for as long as it looks it was built in 1916 and it burned down due to electrical fire in 1989 and it was only a rebuilt and restored since then so it's almost brand new and we're gonna take a look inside and see what the monks are up to [Music] the religious history of the Himalaya is rich but complicated in the lower Hills Hinduism is more prevalent whereas in the upper mountains Buddhism is more prevalent this would be simple enough except that often Buddhism and Hinduism are combined into a hybrid spread of religion and on top of that the ancient animist religions also still exist which means that you meet people who believe in many many different types of religions all [Music] here we have it for you turn it clockwise when you turn it all the prayers millions of them are released [Music] behind me is one of the more ancient examples of the street bug a stupa is a shrine that traditionally derives from Buddha's tone but has now come to represent existence itself on the base is a white dome that signifies water and moving up from there we have some spire that represents fire the spire is often ornamented with a human Crescent and a disc representing air and space these structures typically guard the towns and villages throughout Buddhist Himalaya this particular stupa has the eyes on it a sacred symbol of Buddhism itself often called the sacred Isles devotees of Buddhism desire to attain the ideals of himself and Buddha saw the world was made up of pain and suffering and thought that that pain and suffering stemmed from desire so by ridding yourself of possessions and desires one seeks to attain enlightenment so as for giving up desire and giving up possessions interestingly these checking trips are the closest thing that that I come to that in my life I have electronic gadgets I have a comfortable home I have a job that gives me a lot of stress but here I carry the bare minimum that is needed for survival and I'm here to see what there is to see in the world and see what my body and mind can do see where my limits are and I think that's the closest that I have ever come to the ideals of Buddhism [Music] so we're in the middle of day seven and we're about halfway between Tang Boucher and parichay which is where we're planning to stop for tonight and the altitude is really starting to get to us we're out here kind of on this strange barren landscape it's very quiet and the ground is very flat and dusty and as a strange underbrush and and we're just very very exhausted and fatigued it feels like we kind of are sick then we just don't have enough energy to move even though we know that we're mostly healthy and so we're just not getting enough oxygen things are getting tough we've already run into a couple guys who had to have a helicopter evacuation due to altitude sickness and we're so far from civilization that even small hiking injuries can ruin an entire trip but we're just gonna carry on - per each a but with every step it's just lots and lots of gasping for air here in for each day you are seeing one of the first major Everest memorials memorializing those who have fallen trying to ascend Mount Everest this one and not the artist but this one in particular seems to represent Everest itself and it's also split right down the middle and the names of the dead are right there in the center of the mountain as though the mountain itself so there's some very interesting names in here if you've ever read into thin air or know anything about this large 1996 disaster Rob Hall from New Zealand Scott Fischer from America they died in that disaster also interesting is that as recently as last year four people died on Mount Everest and in 2007 seven people died trying to summit the mountain so Everest continues to be dangerous to this day taking lives [Music] I'm here with Jenny why don't you tell us where you're from [Music] [Music] this really hit a chord for me because I sprained my ankle on the second day of our trip and had this very deep fear that I wouldn't be able to make a Deborah's Space Camp and seeing that she had turned around I really brought that back and it was a little scary but fortunately I'm on the mend my ankle feels a little better every day a little bit of pain but I can still hike on it and I'm confident for the future what does it mean to you that you've made it this far in the track [Music] [Music] the sleeping rooms are never heated so I always go to sleep with my full coat gloves and a hat on knowing that probably during the night I'll warm up a little bit but it's safest to go to bed with all the warm clothing on the your hatchet Oh and the reason I'm wearing that headlamp is because the lights and all of these teahouse rooms are usually too gym to accomplish any task whatsoever that's that safe with a lot of electricity because much of the electricity is provided by solar power so that explains why it looks like I am about to shovel snow in bed discovered during our travels in the Kouga region of Nepal that most restaurants have pretty much the same menu with a combination of American and these foods but we also found that unless you order local foods like dal bhat which is rice and potatoes then mostly the American foods aren't really going to be up to par however at this particular place we noticed that there's sandwich section had a parenthetical and said grilled we ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and for the first time on the entire we received a grilled cheese sandwich and it was amazing we've tried to go even a little bit more adventurous and we ordered from the same section of the menu a grilled a fried egg sandwich where we which we're gonna try now no normally we would expect this to be an a total disaster with dry bread or no bread at all and just a fried egg on a plate but we're gonna see what happens here with this amazing fried egg sandwich as cheese wow this looks like it has butter looks like it was grilled no no it's pretty close to something you get in the United States [Music] perfect exactly how I would make it the Himalayan lodge they know exactly what they're doing I may even try the French toast when we arrived last night I had a pretty bad headache this little worried that we wouldn't be able to hike any more than I say fortunately today is a rest day so we're just gonna take a short hike to ding Boucher and then we'll sleep there tonight which is only a short gain in elevation which will be good for us to continue acclimatizing to the higher altitude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you smelling right now I'm smelling burning yak dung how do you like it it's the worst smell that's ever been created it's somewhat sweet but mostly pungent and makes me unable to breathe but is how they eat all of the common rooms of all the places we say it so there's a smoke sack back there and what's coming out of the smokestack is the smoke of burning yak dung and it makes your trip sounds great so the place we stayed last night mercifully had hot showers not only does that mean we get to clean ourselves but we also get to do laundry in the shower the procedure is this you wash the clothes you rinse the clothes and you find some way of drying them that means either you just put them outside you put them near the boiler that heats the common room this time we chose to put them outside thinking that it would be sunny in the morning and they would be drying however that didn't happen so we woke up some of them right back dry miraculously dry some of them are frosty like this one almost dry very close and then we have the socks our socks are frozen solid I don't know what to do so it's day 9 here in the den Boucher and as you can see it's snowing and very cold we have all of our layers on we spent yesterday uh kind of taking a little bit of a rest stay here we visited some stupa we played some board game and now we're on our way to Dukla and then to local Shay for Lihue Shay it's only one more day to gorak shep which is going to be the launching point that we're going to use to get to call it guitar and finally ever space gin so we're not that far the excitement's building and it is cold and snowy but we're getting uh we're just thrilled and we're so close to our destination [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're hiking up from do block to go BuChE hi we're hiking up a very very steep mountain pass and we are exhausted this is probably people running the highest marathon in the world these people are crazy every two years in November participants spent two weeks trekking to train for the 26 mile four-hour marathon from the gorak shep always an option this morning we did eliminate a she said we are mad to call this mad that these people are mad [Music] how you feeling about water other than that total lack of basic needs notably oxygen it's not enough around I think it's over there we can't catch our breath no matter what we do we sit for 10 minutes to try to catch our breath anything we start moving a second we're just not getting any oxygen up there there's just it feels like there's always no oxygen and in here above BuChE only two days away from ever space camp and only one day of the way from Calicut our which is supposed to be one of the highlights of the trip behind me you can see your first glimpse of the Khumbu Icefall which is the first major obstacles the technical climbers need to cross when they try to climb to Everest so it seems like they're almost close enough to Everest that we can taste it except we wouldn't because our tongue would get stuck to the ice [Music] this Ridge the public we shake has a 360-degree view of mountains all around which is stunning but also unexpectedly a stunning are the Karen's scattered all around the ridge each rock placed here by someone who psyched up here to signify the faith danger begins the place a peaceful feel it also gives you a feeling of camaraderie that so many people have been here before you came here to see what you wanted to see and now finally you're here to see it yourself [Music] the bathroom ear smells so horrible I can't go in that laughter ever again it's gonna every time I go in I just wanna vomit up everything I've ever loved [Music] so it's day 10 and we've just woken up we're two days from base camp and I'm not feeling as well as I would like I think I have a case of traveler's diarrhea which certainly not uncommon but we have been very careful to be filtering our water and eat the right things no raw vegetables but nevertheless I'm not feeling that great so we're gonna try to solve this problem I'm gonna be taking some broad-spectrum antibiotic and you start with some cipro my blanket here says so happy everyday so I'm going to take that mantra and strive see if the other the cipro or the mantra can clear up my travelers diarrhea we can make a better space get ya this morning and lo Boucher and we are going to take the two-hour hike up about two hundred meters in altitude to gorak shep this is the jumping-off point to call it Bhutan and every space camp itself we're very excited however sometimes you don't feel so great we're at a pretty high altitude and that can cause dehydration dehydration is very common in the wilderness weather because of overexertion dry air from high altitude or perhaps travelers diarrhea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a counter for in the original schedule so we're gonna burn this rest day this does make it a little more urgent that we try not supportin ship with the other rest days because it makes it that we really have to get there I feel very disappointed that we're not gonna make it to Gordon Shedden today but I just I don't think I can I don't think I can make it there I don't think I can make it there today it's hard to blame us with food poisoning altitude cold yaks it's just too hard truck okay so the axe are coming right now I don't think they care enough sue not step in the camera so we're gonna cut this shorten it up a sack a video oh yeah click alright oh my god yesterday thanks that the day in the bed sleeping it off I slept 24 hours in a room without ever leaving almost I still didn't have any appetite so I didn't feel a hundred percent either but Hank and then last thing we went to bed again after having a very small dinner no no neither of us had very much of an appetite and what happened when we woke up this morning this morning we thought we'd have the most unoffensive breakfast possible the pancake and sprite we thought that could possibly be a problem and we're finished that I took forever to finish it Hank went to filter water I went to change my clothes and that's when I threw up in Brian's defense the pancake didn't taste like glue it was terrible bad luck it was whack the rope I just think it was the food poisoning that came a day later than nice so now Brian is food poisoning I'm feeling a bit better but we've decided to spend another day here at la vache in the same teahouse and we're hoping that tomorrow we'll be able to get to gotcha in the past three days I've probably eaten about four meals five meals yesterday evening this morning we've were in better shape we still don't feel perfect but it's I think it's time that head up to gorak shep which is a launching point for our trips at Calicut our and Everest base camp which are the crowning achievements of our trip we think we're gonna make it but we're a little shaky so we'll see what happens now that we're above parichay were in very high altitude and because the food poisoning has not allowed us to eat anything pretty much this entire hike up here feels like some crazy fever dream are you awake no neither am i I'm asleep I'm dead asleep let's get to the top today I can't claim it I was up all night going to the bathroom food poisoning how are you I threw up last night No today's the day we go to base camp yes we have to it has to be have any more time to waste there's no oxygen up here I can't breathe it all this smells like yak down Oh God that's not like yak dung burning yak dung oh geez [Applause] how long will it take us to get to base camp and back six hours I can walk 20 minutes before we need to go to the bathroom again right I'm not gonna make it it's also it's freezing in here it's it's it's it's 38 degrees in this room it's 38 degrees we're not getting out of bed to sleep good night so it's morning and gorak shep and i'm standing next to one of the stranger things that we've seen on this trip which is a beach / sand volleyball court here in the high Himalaya in one of the most remote places on earth we haven't seen anyone play yet but we're gonna see if we could find a volleyball but the real warning is that we're going in for Space Camp this is the grand finale of our journey yesterday we weren't sure we'd even be able to get out of bed any time soon let alone hike the six hours to one of the farthest reaches of the earth but we're here now we know that we won't see anyone at base camp because no one's summits Everest this time of year but we'll be standing in a place where legends have passed before us we're talking about Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay the first two guys who ever summited the mountain we're talking about people like Jon Krakauer around during the 1996 Everest disaster not to mention John Wayne Tenzing Norgay Tenzing Norgay son Rob Hall the New Zealand ever summon guy who famously died during that 1996 expedition and all the other people that have summited Everest had succeeded and failed this is the place where all of them have passed try to get to highest mountain on earth Everest it's quite something compared to all the places in the world I think historical aspect to this place every step we take today feels like an arduous chore and it seems like there's no way we'll ever make hiking with food poisoning without having eaten in two days is like hiking through molasses with a meat grinder in your stomach but sometimes when you have a goal like that you just stick to it and you keep going and we just kept trudging them [Music] [Music] that Everest base camp [Music] 17300 feet this is a very very long journey all the way from from Sookie to lukla to here and it's amazing it was was great doing it with you very good my favorite part of this trip and every other trick that we've been on in the past five years has just been the fact that I get to do this with my brother and I think he would agree that neither of us would make these by ourselves some days I am motivating Hank and sometimes Hank is motivating me that's what that really gets us to to where we need to be eventually and that's being able to spend that time with my brother even though we live on opposite coasts my favorite part of this trip of course was getting to spend all this great time with my brother our father passed away this year which was very sad for both of us but he had a very rich and full life and we strived we have the same kind of rich and full life that he did and I think that we are kind of living in his footsteps by doing wonderful time Everest base camp itself is steeped in history Sir Edmund Hillary Tenzing Norgay the first to ascend Mount Everest have all stepped foot at Everest base camp because Veszprem must start you're going to get to the top of Everest unfortunately you can't actually see Mount Everest from Everest base camp you can see the Kubo ice fall which is the first obstacle you must pass to get to Everest but you can't see the peak of Everest itself in contrast this unassuming brown mound behind me is known as kala pitar from the top of Col at guitar you have an unobstructed 360 degree panoramic view of the Giants that surround us in the Himalayas including Mount Everest load C nuptse and several other of the largest mountains in the world this is where we are going today and we're very excited to get to see it Calem guitar may not look like much but it's 18,000 471 feet is the highest point we'll reach on our trip and it's a grueling climb hiking an altitude is one thing but hiking with food poisoning and without having eaten for two days with altitude is a whole other ballgame it's like hiking in a haze and you barely know what's going the air we're breathing up here has about half as much oxygen as at sea level and we can feel it we can barely breathe gasping for air [Music] [Music] with a look at the beauty victory it's sunset kala pathar at sunset this were the absolute highlights of the trip you can see the shadow creeping up Mount Everest and you see behind me Mount Everest is further in the distance than oopsy and from this angle actually the newpsie looks a little bit higher than Everest but don't worry Everest is still the tallest mountain in the world the hike up here was incredibly difficult previous to today we spent three days holed up in lo Boucher with some of the worst food poisoning I've ever had this is the biggest achievement that we will achieve on this truck from here you can see that wrist right over my head we can also see Everest base camp from here we can see the Khun blue ice fault that many people have tried to cross to climb Mount Everest and have died then we can see part of the route to get to the top of Everest it's really just an amazing moment to be here would have been up here with me so that's great that we get to do these things every year and [Music] that appears neither of us can complete our interviews other than your success without tears [Music] so I urge anyone has the gumption in the will to leave their warm house to travel around the world at the end of the day you're gonna be budget death [Music] [Music] money been there [Music] [Music] I'm a all even [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] last time you saw us we had just first call guitar and ever Space Camp that was the end of our trip we've made it congratulations to us except that was actually not the end of our trip since we made a Denver Space Camp we've still been hiking we have to hike for four more days all the way from ever space get back to where we started one of the funnest things about going down the mountain this way is that we're getting to see all the people climbing up and we get to cheer them on and then see how they're feeling as we go down and they go toward Everest base camp s everyone we see coming up is completely exhausted out of breath because they have not gonna climatized oxygen for them forever so we're having a great time we wish them all the best of luck and we hope you enjoyed watching us because this is now really the [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hank Leukart
Views: 181,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everest base camp, ebc, trekking, trek, hike, hiking, backpack, backpacking, nepal, lukla, namche bazaar, kala patthar
Id: YZWik8shZjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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