Eve Online - How To Use The Directional Scanner

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been a lot of confusion about D scan in Eve online so I figured I'd make a video dedicated to how to operate it how to adjust the settings and how to best make use of it for your survivability I do highly recommend using it for pretty much anything you do whether it be in high SEC low-sec or Null Sec and if you've never used dscan before then I'll help you figuring out where it's at but we'll go and get started with the basics down here on your HUD over here there's a button over here scanners you're going to want to go over here to what says directional scanner this is what it's going to look like if you've never opened up DCM before you have the actual window here and then you have the solar system map right here I do recommend that you take this little box right here it says open a separate window I do recommend that you have this on your overview somewhere at some point but what we're going to do here is I'm going to show you exactly these different settings here and how they kind of affect what you can see on D scan this is going to be your angle right here you can go all the way up to 360 so it'll show you everything around you in 360 degrees and then this other slider right here is going to be your distance your astronomical units your au it'll go out to 14 3 and then it'll also go down to 10 down to five and then down to one and as you can see here it'll uh changed depending on whatever you do now for the purpose of illustrating this video and how dscan Works we're going to go down to a simple uh 90 degree or actually we'll go a little bit tighter just to give a little bit more yeah we'll go like 30 degrees and then we're gonna go all the way out to 14au as you can see it gives us a cone right and so if we hit V for Victor they activate your D scan as you see nothing is showing up we have to actually move our camera around our ship so we're here with move our camera around our ship to change the actual cone erection and then whenever you get a Celestial body in kind of that cone area it'll show up in green then we had V again we'll see everything in that cone there's another thing you do too is you can hit this box over here this is a line solar system um map with on camera this allows you to actually move the d-scan camera and what we're doing is we're basically trying to put our celestial bodies kind of in the center kind of like a targeting reticle it's kind of moving our uh our in-game camera around as well this might be a little bit easier if you're not moving too much every time you warp you're gonna have to kind of realign this it works when you're kind of standing still the best way but that's exactly how you'd use it if you're just kind of traveling and doing dscan as normal then chances are you're gonna have most of the time you're gonna have a 360 degree at a 14.3 Au and this will give you an idea of everything that's around you if you're getting ready to get through a gate if you're about ready to go through a gate you can align to that gate and then kind of just uh get if you're close enough you with 360 you can see it but with this gate here we're not exactly uh in range of it so we'd have to get a little bit closer we wanted to actually Scout that gate if we were going to see if there's anybody kind of chilling there but most of the time whenever you're just normally moving around 360 degrees at 14.3 and just you know hitting V which you can rebind the scan key as well but uh you can also do uh V click you can actually do you hold on V and click here and it'll actually scan towards that area and so like for instance we want to go look around we'll see this movement over here V click over there we can scan towards that area and we'll illustrate that with the cone I'm going to bring back down to another uh 30 degrees again and then we're just going to go over here and that Moon over here and that Moon and as you see as we're moving our camera around it's already kind of doing it for us the direction change but uh you can also do it on the uh the solar system map as well we're v-clicking and scanning in the different directions and this is going to help you kind of figure out where everybody is and everything like that all right the last thing I'm going to show you is how to set up a preset 4D scan this will allow you to kind of filter out a lot of you know so that you don't really care about showing up on dscan so what we're gonna do is we're gonna open up overview settings a view of the filter tab you can actually go to any of these you can wait I usually just like grab one and then as you can give us a basis and then I'll end up you know saving it as something new or whatever but you also I just kind of use it off of my PVP tab so if you have a PVP tab or something that you can uh collect filters for then you can do it as well but for my ships and PVP filter I essentially have just um charges drones Fighters NPCs and then all 46 uh ship types there's some other stuff I have in here too like you know Sino field generators or um you know engineering complexes or whatever just you know random stuff that have you know added you know over the years but with this piece ships and PVP filter is set up in my overview that actually allows me to select it in this drop down or D scan and it'll meet what that means is only what's in this only what's selected in this filter will show up if it's caught on dscan so this allows me to just kind of like only look for ships or only looking for certain types of things which can be uh can be really Nifty there and a really quick way to actually just create one of these is you can just kind of make a new tab call it PVP and then you can um will have like a um a general all tab then you can go over here and you can actually just save it as a new one and everything so we can actually like so if we made changes to this we go save as and change it we should say like you know PVP uh D scan right so now I'd show up as pvpd scan and then we can actually go over here and we can select pvpd scan right there you can actually just have your own separate preset for filtering directional scan as well but hope you enjoyed this video and I hope this offers some clarification on how to use directional scan any online and when used correctly it is a great tool for knowing your environment knowing your surroundings and also um you know making good decisions based off as much information as you have so hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and I will see you in the next one peace out
Channel: JAKEL33T
Views: 1,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eve online, eve online d scanner, eve online directional scanning tutorial, eve online directional scanner, eve online d-scan tool, eve online how to use d scan, eve online dscan tutorial, eve online dscan guide, eve online dscan tool, eve online scanning, eve online scanning tutorial 2023, eve online how to, eve online scanning basics, eve online how to scan, eve online d scan, eve online dscan, eve online directional scan, eve online guide 2023, eve online survival
Id: bd9hGO30LAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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