EVE Echoes - Bane Lancer Dreadnought PvP/PvE Fitting Guide - FINALLY I CAN FLY THEM PROPERLY ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’€

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so it is time to take a closer look at the L or dreadnots they have been fixed the siege mode works now and the other stats of the ship are fully functional so it will be time to dive deep into the lancers and let's see what they can do now I will start with the Bane since uh when they have been launched a couple months ago this is the land that I started with so let's first take a look at the trade descriptional they have a extender and a plate hit point bonus as well as the capital emergency Hall Energizer activation time plus 50% for the extenders and plus 120 seconds duration time on the capital damage control which is decent now now the interesting thing about the Bane is that it can use missiles and lasers as well as it has the same armor res balls and on top of that it has a plus 5% armor per skill of balls so the the Lancer in this case the Bane does uh come with a very unique weapon TR I mean if you have missiles you can use missiles if you have lasers you can use lasers I really do like that and that's very ACC accurate to what we have on the Eve online version of the Bane now tank wise this is primarily a armor tank but in a different video I will be doing a troll build with uh the well with the pulse Crystal and with the shield boosters because that apparently works really well now onto the build it does have the capital pulse slers this case installed then there is the doomsday device that I'll be taking a look at and will be uh blunch to it sometime down the road in the video just to see how the effect looks as I mentioned before you can use lasers you can use missiles uh I usually leave the weapon choice to the play since I know some of you have missiles some of you have lasers and in this case you can use either missiles or lasers so you don't have to worry much about that but I feel like if I were to be doing a a super tank build I think I would personally go with missiles since the missiles don't use capacitor and that means the capacitor can be used for the armor repairs a lot more so when it comes to the build depending on what you need from the ship I guess if you want more cap time then definitely go with missiles it's again very situational the Divine punishment em analor deals 36,000 damage and this is basically the armar Doomsday uh there is four of them and every doomsday deals a different damage type and here you can take a look at the full stats of the of the Dooms Day it has a lot of e War capability which is very nice a little fun fact you cannot use this in low SEC and in high SEC this only works in NSE which is kind of funny uh we will be testing that out down Ro in this video but yeah uh that is the Doomsday end does have some of course drawbacks makes your ship unable to cloak cannot be fitted if you have a cloaking device as for the medium slots I have the classic web build and in the medium slots I would actually prefer to have some neutralizers on on the ship but again depending on the use and depending on what you're doing with the ship you have a wide variety of mules available you can even use the grappler if you like and in the low SLS I have the good old super trunk build very similar to what I used on the Revelation a long time ago although the only difference is I actually had a battery only one single battery to to keep the repairs running it worked really well and this kind of build is good if you are worried about thead hot drops because a build like this gives you a lot of tank speaking of tank let's go to the rigs now this is a trunk build trunk setup although the Bane can do a DPS build or a balance build between tank and DPS again depending on what purpose you want to assign the ship for you can choose between tank or DPS again uh each build has its purpose of course I mean there is the The Shield tank build which is kind of funny uh because technically uh it's it's very good very very very tanky we I'll show you uh how that works in a different video since I will have to completely rework the ship for that and here you can take a look at the stats 1.2 million in armor is actually really good and as for the nanocore you cannot use the Revelation nanocore on the Bane only the new Nano cores can be used in this case you only have like one Nano core which is the the dragon TR core but you can use the ship even without an core it's not a big deal and as for for the implants now since you can use missiles and lasers you have a wide range of implants available I'll be trying this out with the thermal circulation implant just because this is a tanky build and I want to show you how much tank you can basically get out of this ship and speaking of tank uh I did not forget the super Capital versus Lancer thead not video idea that I had we be doing that as well because I want to show you how tanky these things can be and will allow me to to show you a lot of different uh weird and odd builds that end up working really well for ships that should not be Shield tank kind of funny how that works but but yeah uh we'll come to that I did not forget don't worry I will be uh doing the dreadn versus super Capital video very very soon probably already working on it so uh let's take a look at the let's take look at the Active stats of the ship so by default this ship should have about 25 to 50% more armor than the Revelation based on the skills and based on the overall bonuses that we get that you get on the ship 134.4 million hit points night 93 92 and 91% armor resistance which is pretty decent and that is definitely pretty tanky of course you have the siege mode and with the siege mode you uh enhance the armor repairs but the siege mode on the Lancers is a little bit different besides having everything else exactly the same as the normal dreads you do get a doomsday bonus on The Siege mode on the lancers and here you can just take a look at the armor repair that you can get on the ship or definitely uh can be much better but you know that is uh with the current appears 72,000 damage em damage with the Doomsday now that's because the siege mod does give you a plus 100% bonus on the damage of The Siege mode which is actually a very significant amount now 72,000 should be enough to destroy up to a cruiser maybe in some cases a battle cruiser so overall it does do some some interesting damage for sure and here you can take a look at the siege mode stats of the of the Lancer here and The Siege mode basically is the same for all the Lancers so it's going to be the same on the karura will be the same on the hubis and of course will be the same on the valver but of course they all have different doomsdays of course that's one thing that you have to remember every every every Lancer has its own Dooms you can use any but I usually like to keep the the nation specific doomsday on the ship now uh of course I will be eating this ship at a laboratory but still haven't really covered all the builds yet so uh we'll we'll dock in a second to to change the build and basically to show you some more ideas docking request accepted that you can basically utilize on this ship so that was uh kind of a fullon tank build you can do a battery build on the ship if you like battery builds always work but if you do a battery build you will sacrifice some of the resistance now the ship does have a bonus on Armor plates and shield extenders in let's say a big fit if you have logistic ships if you have for exies you can actually go and do a plate build on the banee and that technically you can also combine plates with armor repairs on the ship but I personally was never really a fan of that I just keep either passive or active never combining both but on the ship it might actually work in this case uh I will be doing a full on passive armor build since he does have a bonus on plates and the plates can be good if you are in a fleet big Fleet when you when you don't want to spend your past on repairs where you can maximize the overall resistance and hit points and rely for repairs on your Fleet and that's basically the idea behind something like this 7.6 million hit points now this should be pretty tanky definitely will have a lot more hit points than with the ordinary repairs but you will not be able to repair your armor on your own of course that's the largest drawback I mean it's a passive tank so no big surprise there I guess but let's see the stats 9 18.4 million 19932 and 91% resistance which is pretty decent and of course you have the damage all which will give you 89.7 million hit points which is actually I would say pretty decent 98 and 99% resistance on the armor so basically 15 seconds of immortality or if you have the Energizer the cap damage which only affects the whole by the way with the capital Dam damage control the passive resistance is definitely slightly higher so you can definitely get a lot more tank out of the ship now that was a build with two plates you can do a build with uh three plates in some cases even four plates more than four module of the same type it's kind of uh not recommended to be used because of the penality so 34 is basically the upper limit and of course you can use a diameter to along sides and this is kind of a very very very chunky ship now 9.4 million hit points in station that's not bad of course uh this type of build is not for solo this is more for a fleet and for big well technically for big fets where you have armor Guardians and Link modules technically 100% resistance across the board if you are flying this type of build into a uh proper armor Fleet which can be fun uh I I would say armor is definitely much more much more multi-purpose nowadays than it used to be definitely armor is what players prefer the most on their ship I mean most of my ships are actually most of my ships nowadays are kind of passively Tanked Shield or armor so yeah I guess I kind of do fall under the under that category anyway Let's uh quickly take a look at the Active resistance Prof profile 19.9 mlion hit points 88 93 92 and 91 slightly lower resistance but overall in general it's about the same and with the damage control active you have 97 million hit points which is pretty good definitely not a ship that will get destroy that easily 2.2 million armor hit points which is really nice but at the same time using plates on dreadnots can be I guess useful on Lancers at least it can be useful on the normal dads I wouldn't really using a passive tank since there is no plate bonus on the on the other classic DS now there's a question well can you actually do a classic DPS build honestly you can and in again in a decent Fleet where you have a lot of logistics and where you have Guardians and of course armor link modules and stuff like that you can actually afford to make a DPS Lancer since your resistance will be pretty high with minimal adaptiv and with minimal tanking mostly because all the stats will come from the fleet and most of the resistance will come from the fet so technically you can do a a glass build which would work really well again uh kind of a fleet oriented idea not something I would do solo but again you can fight a lance or solo I guess but not really recommended to do that and for a for a DPS build I would actually do the classic theps build that that we usually see on M ships of course not uh like there's not only like one specific way to do this you can go with full adapters you can put all sorts of different modules uh in the low slots this is basically just what I usually have fitted on my older ships now as for the for the rigs while if you're going with atps build you can actually keep one defensive brick one defensive integration just you know just just to be there since it can be helpful for extra resistance but the other two rigs can easily be focused on uh DPS and I would use two burst laser rigs or if you like missiles at the hydraulic Bay launchers the Deep the missile rig that increases the TR to fire basically that's what you would use if you were to use missiles as for the implants as I mentioned before if you're using missiles tactical missiles workit charge if you if you use lasers pulse Crystal and focus Crystal the pulse crystal is actually really good the pulse crystal in some cases does give you a much higher DPS output and focus Crystal the best I guess benefit from pulse crystal is the instant DPS you get the DPS basically instantly when you click on the button which for a Lancer is actually pretty nice they have a lot of capacitor and again in a fleet uh this does look like it could be ideal although at the same time you can use the forest Crystal as well both work so if you have the forest crystal that's fine if if you have the focus C that's also fine 7.2 million hit points actually not bad still has plenty of fit points there 10,000 DPS with the implant active let's Siege up this is going to have a lot of DPS by the way 42,000 DPS we are approaching super Capital territory now 48,000 54,000 this is now 58 8,000 and with the fourth one we have 60,4 39.67 DPS on the Bane which is actually really close to Lancers or pretty close to Super capitals of course this is like the I would say the lowest possible estimate that you can have since I'm not really using anything out of the ordinary uh but if you have like anal core for it if you have like better weapons better modules better General units you can definitely push about 80 to 100,000 DPS on the Bane with a with a build like this and this build also does have some tank attached to it in a fleet you have you would have very nice DPS and you would have very nice tank so you get the best of both worlds now can you use the ship for PVE well obviously the answer is yes as they can still enter HEC until the 27th or 28th of April so yeah just uh about 10 days left of and then they will be forbidden from entering high but this is basically the the Lancer SL classic dreadnut build that I would use for PVE high angle weapons definitely the way to go and for the implant Focus Crystal or pulse Crystal I'll leave that up to uh up to the player since I know not everyone has like every implant so if you have the pulse Cal that's fine if you have the for Cal that's fine both will get the job done but this build is very much inspired by the previous high angle weapon buildt Lancers that the D I made since you know you will be fighting with Sub sub CES you want to track them and for that purpose the high angle weapon are just perfect so that's basically what I would do warp drive active basically what I would use on them now I have two tracking computers in case something fast approaches T computers are kind of a must have if you want to use the ships for PVE since you definitely need every single bit of tracking that you can get after all don't don't forget these ships are big ships uh they're CBL and they don't move while sieged up and unfortunately I landed right at the top of the station the hitbox of the station kind of sucks are you serious like the developers really need to rork the hit box of uh of this object right here because I mean it's basically the station that has this s hit box right even in some other people activities like exploration I usually avoid the exploration site with this anomal with this like object with the stationing because you can get stuck very easily and you cannot get out that easily when you get stuck but for a but for a couple seconds here this is definitely the fastest lenser ever was able to hit like 3 Kil per seconds which is impressive faster than those Elite ships chasing me and the moment which is when you think about it kind of funny but I need to stop the ship I need to stop the ship so I can actually start shooting but I got bumped so hard I will have to warp off and warp back in now I mentioned uh on the start of the video that you can't use the the Doomsday in low and HEC well we're about to test that out I mean it it makes sense that you cannot use it in HEK although I wish that you could use it in HEK if if we could use that in HEK ye would have been on fire uh that's just what I'm saying you can bet that if we could use doomsday in HEK that ye would have been a war zone would be definitely a lot of dead a lot of dead uh Lancers but they would be is positive the the thought of that is pretty much hilarious when you when you think about it but let's uh test out the theory can you launch Dooms Day in HEC well maybe you can maybe you can't we about to find out I was waiting for this moment for a very long time um I was kind of sad that the teser was bucked for so long they fixed this like the the day they fixed this that's when I hopped on and I started to to record and I did promise that I will cover all the lancers and I'm covering them obviously I just wish I could cover them on day one properly I mean I I technically did cover them but I wasn't really happy with with the output because because at the end I didn't really do much besides a build didn't fly the ship and I usually like to fly the ship just so I can show you what you can expect from the from the ship now the doomsday device can only be activated uh when your ship is basically stationary below 5 m/ Second so it is a very tactical module and the Doomsday does have it it use and yeah you cannot use the doomday HEC it's prohibited okay well kind of expected that or else we would see doomsday devices being used all over ye by now kind of what I expected to to happen which is a good thing and a bad thing a bad thing because it definitely would be hilarious to just see doomsdays popping all over all over High bad and the good thing is well I guess you don't have to worry about accidentally firing the Doomsday at at Concord that would be fun but yeah uh the pulse Crystal or the the pulse Crystal definitely does have a very good Ki to it honestly when I saw the DPS output on this thing I was kind of impressed with the current builds it does push about 25,000 DPS which is not obviously not bad uh very I would say it's a little bit better than the DPS output on the Navy apocalypse with about the same type of build I would say technically the high angle weapons are large weapons kind of large weapons so you can expect about the same DPS same performance as we have seen on the large weapon when I say large weapons I'm referring to long range weapons that's basically the closest uh reference point for the high angle dreadnut weapons that we have definitely not as much tracking as the Clos range large weapons but definitely not as bad as you know it it looks they definitely have decent trackon and of course I do have tracking computers so I am not worried about tracking issues at all and actually I would say if you want to to fly a properly fitted high angle weapon built thread your tracking computers should be using the tracking script since range isn't usually a big problem uh but tracking is uh usually usually a problem so tracking is very important and besides tracking Grappler can be useful and capital neutralizers can also be useful I don't have them because I don't really need them I'm doing PVE but if you are in Al sec in Al SEC couple neutralizers are definitely very handy since those neutralizers have a very good effect on sub capitals basically we under ATT one or two cycle of Capal brothers and you can empty the capter of a larger ship of a large ship like a battleship for example anything below a battleship its Capac gets instantly capped and it's basically what we used to to use that's what I used to to have on my Revelation my Revelation was basically a kind of like a big Bor of course obviously it's not an actual like Bor or not trush but the idea is about the same and I use Capital neutral on the relation to basically delete capacitors and to disable the tanks of of some specific ships that we have engaged in the past of course with uh with very high with a very high success rate I usually I think I used like three capital neutralizers and honestly that was pretty wild but felt really good and you can do the same thing with the with the Lancer works the same way actually you can break you can easily break like camps with laners you can do Solo versus Fleet stuff with Lancers with high angle weapons I mean I used to solo fleets with the Revelation that were thrown at at my ship and that's one of the most fun I've ever had in the game that was with and without implants by the way with the implants made tanking much easier for my ship because I I could just enhance the tank and modules a lot more if there's anything I miss about the Revelation I miss smashing fleets with it that was my one of my favorite activities with the ship and I was very good at as well but the Revelation remains I think it's like still my most success successful ship ever I don't think many ships were able to outperform my Revelation that thing was that thing was wild so uh let me go and attempt to launch the Doomsday in low SEC we have tested out obviously the doomsday device doesn't work in highsec but does it work in low SEC now based on my memory it should not be working in low SEC but again we will be testing that out and the Down Road in a different video which I'll be working on I will be testing out doomsday devices on Drive active on super capitals because I'm actually very curious to see how it would affect a super car I'm fairly sure it can kill the fighters the Doomsday can kill the fighters so could potentially be uh a interesting little test those these things can super super cares if they are organized in a good fet and of course if the ships are built properly it is not impossible to tank super carries it's actually fairly easy to do so if of course you have a if you have a good Fleet and a good coordination a good Fleet and good coordination is like 90% of of work of effort we're under attack so let me lock on the ships again you cannot launch the device unless your ship is almost stationary so take a while for me to actually stop this thing and prevent it from moving and of course I have to Siege up so that so that I can get most effect after the Doomsday still slowing down still slowing down but SI mod will be up now in a minute or two I actually thought that the implants would enhance the Doomsday in a way but they don't thankfully it would be fun if the if the let's say if be funny if implants actually enhance the Doomsday imagine a laner doomsday that does like 200,000 damage will be fun and yeah the Doomsday doesn't work in low SEC which is something that personally I did expect again based on my memory I actually I think I remember that this does not work in in little sick and it doesn't which is again a good thing and a bad thing good thing you don't have to worry about doomsdays being placed on you in in LC a bad thing well maybe a bit of fun is lost but but can you launch doomsday in no sec I'm fairly sure you can and that's the next thing that uh I'll be that I'll be doing after all after all we need to see that doomsday effect it's it is definit it should def to be glorious so and I honestly cannot wait for Titan doomsday oh man that's going to be those are the the big doomsday right that's going to be fun okay so uh let me let me go to the station and let me eat the the Doomsday at the station I think that's going to be quite funny but how do I feel about the Bane honestly it's a good ship definitely definitely has more hit points than the Revelation but it is not a navy terot and the developers confirmed a couple weeks ago that or months ago that the Navy TRS are not planned so unfortunately the super super tanky Theos are not going to be added not going to be added soon I mean they're focusing on small stuff which is fine I guess but I kind of was excited about those I was really excited about those Navy D I would actually buy a Navy Revelation but I guess maybe different time if you do like tank though the the pain doesn't disappoint with tank it has a good amount of tank attached to it and fairly tanky fairly good DPS as well so they're good ships they're definitely definitely good ships so let's lock on the station of course you have to uh have your ship in aligned in the general direction of Target since that's a directional weapon I have to lock the Target and you have to shoot uh basically in front of your ship that's how the that's how the land works so ship is stopped Siege is up and doomsday is firing while it works very glad that I actually see this work this is the the spool up I guess it's charging up and I do like the effect it looks it looks awesome really and it's firing yikes now this looks scary not going to lie yeah I definitely do not want to be on the receiving end of that also has a nice little blue effect it's beautiful definitely beautiful for sure and the station that's the Death Star can you imagine that this is the deatha just eating doomsday yeah well I mean Doom it's not eating doomsday but you you you probably understand what I'm trying to say here and well that was the divine doomsday for the Revelation and here you can take a look at the consequences of using it cannot move cannot jump cannot cloak for a couple minutes which is I guess a fair fair drawback but with that being said that would be it for the Bane at least for today this is a very interesting ship I like it and overall I'm very excited to see and test out the the other the other lers but with that being I hope you guys enjoyed if you would like to support me feel free to like And subscribe and with that being said stay safe Play Safe And as always I'll see you next time
Channel: VirtualP:G:E
Views: 736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EVE Online, EVE Echoes, Anomaly, Destroyer, Open Beta, Test, Catalyst, High Sec, Low Sec, Advanced, Mission, PvP, Talwar, Hunt, Miner, Ships, Space, Open World, Open Space, Professional, Missile, Capsule, Capsuleer, Faction, Skill, High Tier, Anomalies, Scout, Inquisitor, Open, Beta, Final, Surviv, Tactics, Combat, Frigate, Pirate, Prophecy, Myrmidon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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