Evangelizing Muslims - Evangelism Workshop

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Islam obviously has come a lot more into the worldwide spotlight since events like 911 and neck yeah that kind of thing and so Islam which may have been kind of obscure really in the Western world has become much more front and center in the last couple of decades now we're going to identify some of the errors of Islam but we're also going to kind of go into what Islam claims for itself and hopefully we can come up with a way here where a Christian can sit down with a Muslim and together open their scriptures and examine things and and you can show a Muslim who Jesus Christ is and why he needs him okay so as with any person you got to have a conversation with a Muslim to figure out what he really believes because not everybody of every religion is entirely completely a hundred percent Orthodox to that specific religion probably about 85 to 90 percent are the estimates in of Islam the probably about 85 to 90 percent worldwide of all Muslims that you meet are going to be Sunni Muslims and so that some of this stuff all this stuff applies to Sunni Islam and sand with other groups there's some other differences and stuff like that but the majority of the people you run into are going to be Sunnis so let's get started Islam is one of the three major monotheistic religions obviously Judaism Christianity and then Islam three monotheistic religions and Islam is specifically defined in a large part by the five pillars of Islam okay so the five pillars of Islam the first one is Shahada which is a testifying of God's oneness ok so the oneness of God monotheism is a huge foundation for the entire superstructure of Islam ok so but they are monotheistic Unitarian so one God and that God is one person much like the trova witness version of God and this is called tawheed the indivisible oneness of Allah and now there's all these Arabic terms that really if you are going to even converse with the Muslim you got to at least kind of have a bit of understanding I mean I'm sure that they'll be generous enough to explain them to you if you ask about them but so Johanna is testifying of God's oneness Tauheed is the doctrine of the indivisible oneness of Allah okay so they believe in Jesus Christ but they believe that he was a prophet that he was sinless that he was born of a virgin but they deny that he was crucified and in fact they deny that he ever died at all but that he's alive now in heaven and will return at Armageddon okay they obviously deny the Trinity because they see the Trinity it's really good that we had a good description of the Trinity in the previous session because we'll see some of the errors in this that that Muslims make when they think about the Trinity and it's because of what the Quran teaches about the Trinity okay because the Quran teaches about Christianity which is an excellent doorway to a root full hopefully conversation with a Muslim salt they see the Trinity as three gods and so they see that the Buddha the Trinity as committing the sin of shirk which if you die in the state of affirming shirk you can't you will not be forgiven by Allah for that okay and so shirk is the attributing of partners to Allah okay so when you say that there's more than one God or when you say that that that God had some kind of a partner that's shirk okay and that's what they believe the doctrine of the Trinity is so understand that when you're talking to a Muslim and you're inviting them to to trust Christ they believe that you are inviting them to commit the one on part absolutely unpardonable sin okay unpardonable if you die in that state okay so they misunderstand the concept of Jesus being the Son of God and many believe because the Quran teaches this and we'll look at this later that the Trinity is the Father the Son and Mary okay so the second pillar that's Shahada okay that's the the oneness of God that's the first of the five pillars the second one is prayer salat so that's five times a day they pray communally facing Mecca alright the third is zakat or giving charity so this is a compulsory given giving based on your your wages your your annual income it's often given to needy Muslims or other religious religious causes some is I think that's how you pronounce it is the fast so that's fasting during the month of Ramadan and Islam is on a lunar calendar so the month of Ramadan they fast the whole month and that is that they do not they do not consume food or drink water during daylight hours okay and because they're on a lunar calendar Ramadan falls at different times of the year seasonally speaking and so sometimes it might be in the dead heat of july in arabia you know and so they they sometimes will make in special circumstances they might say you can drink water okay apparently last year in pakistan 12,500 people died during ramadan because they didn't drink water and it was thinking hot so and then the fifth pillar is hajj or the pilgrimage to mecca so every Muslim who is able economically and physically to travel to Mecca is required to do so now it's impossible to do that it so this is something that you're supposed to do once in your lifetime it's actually impossible to do it because Saudi Arabia doesn't let enough people in every year and so and there's other reasons why it might be impossible for certain Muslims to do it and so it they they'll accept if you really desire to in your heart but your hindered in some way and it's a legitimate hindrance and but you really really desire to do it then that's according to the sources that I that I have apparently that's adequate okay so the rest of this document here that I have given you guys is not fill in the blank stuff but I thought it was really important to give you guys the actual cron sirs and verses that we're going to talk about here because it's really interesting to see what the Quran says okay so the Quran is believed to be sent down by allah it is not being the same idea of inspiration as Christians have but it's basically a copy of the heavenly Quran which is on a tablet in heaven in arabic so arabic is really central to Islamic faith the Shahada is something that you on the first the first pillar I was talking about the Shahada is saying there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet in Arabic and that's by saying it's kind of like a sinner's prayer type of thing but you have to say it in Arabic to become a Muslim now the majority of Muslims are not fluent in Arabic and so they all have to be walked through it even maybe syllable by syllable to say that but they have to say it in Arabic for it to be valid okay and of course these are all all of these things aren't going to be absolutely specific to every single person that you talked to who is a Muslim but these are general as a general rule ok so the Quran itself isn't is only the Quran in Arabic also all right so a translation of the Quran not real is not really considered to actually be the Quran because it's not in Arabic so when you're reading if you decide to pick up and read the Quran it's not written in chronological order it's written in the surahs are arranged in order generally from longest to shortest okay so but you can go online and find lots of people have done research and and figured out you know what order they think that it should go in chronologically if you're going to read it which you should probably read it if you're going to be having conversations with Muslims go online and find that information and it'll really help you it'll add a lot more context and stuff to what you're reading now here's the interesting part about the Quran okay it alleges to be a continuation of revelation from the same God that inspired the Torah the Psalms and the Gospels okay so the first verse that I shared with you here you'll see the second half of it says we believe in that which has been revealed unto us and revealed unto you our god and your God is one and unto Him we surrender okay and then it goes on with these other verses to specifically named which what what allah has revealed beforehand so the torah they say we gave moses the book the Psalms it says we gave David the Psalms and the Gospels it says we sent down the law of Moses and the gospel of Jesus so it claims the Quran itself claims that that the Quran is just a continuation of revelation from the from the same God now if you're thinking in an evangelistic way you're thinking okay this is it this is a great open door really to be able to sit down with a with a Muslim with open scriptures with an open Bible and an open Quran and we can start comparing things and seeing you know this is this is a great way to start out not only that but Jews and Christians are sorted to judge the Quran based on the revelation that they already possess okay so if you think about that when the quran was written I mean it was revealed in the seventh century okay that's when Muhammad lived and so in the seventh century to put this in a historical context the Quran says let the people of the gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein we mean they're in welling the gospel if any do fail to judge by the light of what Allah hath revealed they are no better than those who rebel to thee the people of the gospel we sent the scripture in truth confirming the scripture that came before it and guarding it and safety so judge between them by what Allah hath River revealed so that sounds to me like the Quran is addressing Christians in the 7th century and and if its eternal like the the Sunni teaching is that the Quran is eternal then it's addressing us as Christians today too alright and so this is a direct challenge issued by the Quran itself for us to examine it in light of the Bible and what it says to see if it's compatible alright so the Quran is inviting this this comparison so this is an open invitation from the Muslim to sit down with our scriptures open but here's the thing if we compare the Bible to the Quran are we going to find that the Quran is true if the Bible is in authority over it no we're not so we're going to talk about this a little bit more but basically comes down to this if the Quran is true if what the Quran says about the Bible is true then the Bible is true but if the Bible is true then the Quran is false so this is a dilemma that that the Muslim is put in when he really wants to take what his Quran says seriously he has to basically if the Quran is true the Quran is fall isn't a good position okay and so we want to expose this in love with our Muslim neighbors and point them to Christ based on this so here are some objections that that the Muslim is going to throw at you obviously I mean even though the Quran teaches in the tour and the gospel that that that sorry the Quran teaches that the Torah and the gospel in Muhammad's day so in the seventh century was not corrupted the Muslim oftentimes today especially in the Western world where they have to deal with Christians a lot will probably say that the words of the Bible have been corrupted okay what that ate at one time was consistent with Quranic revelation so first of all there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that that was ever the case alright if we keep in mind that Mahad lived in the seventh century that's when these things were revealed we have manuscripts of the Scriptures almost complete manuscripts Vaticanus is nearly a complete Bible from the 4th century that means the 300s and it does not it it is very close to the scriptures that we have today in the in our Bibles and it certainly does not affirm the Quran okay so there's no evidence in the manuscript record whatsoever that that the Bible has been corrupted since the time of the Quran and keep this in mind that that the Bible would have had to have been corrupted after the 7th century some time for the for the Quranic view it for the for the Muslim to be able to say okay well the Bible's been corrupted so if we challenge the Muslim to produce evidence that Christians during the 7th century did not believe in the Trinity denied that Christ was God denied that Christ was crucified etc or that there was a Bible in existence that denied all these things at the Quran denies we need to challenge our Muslim friends to produce evidence that that Bible ever existed okay and they're not going to be able to do that all right the Quran teaches that the Torah and the gospel in Muhammad's day was not corrupted okay so I have that I have a couple verses that were all one verse for that there so those who follow the messenger the prophet who can neither read nor write whom they find described in a tour in the gospel which are with them so they were teaching that that these that in the tour and the gospel that the Christians of their day had with them that they spoke about Muhammad okay and there's different ways that Muslims will try to squeeze Muhammad into those texts but it really is impossible so the important point is that during that time the Quran the author of the Quran believed that the Bible had not been corrupted the Quran itself says that it's actually impossible to change God's words to corrupt God's words ok so there's none that can alter the words and decrees of Allah says the one verse there none can change his words and says the word of thy Lord of fit find its fulfillment in truth and injustice none can change his words for he is the one who hear us and knoweth all for them are glad tidings in the life of the present and in the hereafter none are I don't know if that's what's say no one or none can change no change sorry can there be in the words of Allah this is indeed the Supreme Felicity so so as you see the Muslim arguments against the Bible are going to start falling apart not based on what we believe about the Bible but based on what the Quran says about the Bible okay so there are certain areas that we want to challenge if we're able to sit down and open up the scriptures with the with the Muslim okay number one is the Trinity which Taylor very very capably taught we're talking about Jehovah's Witnesses so the Quran teaches about the Trinity kind of it's very strange because it's obvious that the author of the Quran did not really understand these doctrines but had some kind of knowledge of them without it without a good understanding so the Quran says say how then can you be so bewitched we have revealed to them the truth but they are liars all never has God begotten a son nor is there any other God besides him were this otherwise each God would govern his own creation each holding himself above the other exalted be God above their falsehoods so this is true obviously teaching that Christians think that there are two gods at least two God's right which is not the Trinity that's not what we've ever believed okay there's no evidence that there were Christians in that time that believed this and behold Allah will say oh Jesus the Son of Mary this is interesting this is what I mentioned before oh jesus son of mary did you say unto men take me and my mother for two gods besides Allah so the author of the Quran here clearly thinks that when Christians are talking about the Trinity we're talking about God the Father God the Son and God the mother right that's clearly what what the his impression is the author of the Quran ok so the trainer's misrepresent is being three gods and Christians have never believed this this is evidence that the author of the Quran was not familiar with Christian teaching and would not Allah have known being all knowing at least even if what Christians believed was false wouldn't he at least know what it was right so this is a serious challenge to to the supposed authorship of the Quran from directly from the hand of Allah ok and so we can we can gently point these things out and lovingly point these things out to our Muslim friends and also have an opportunity to open the scriptures and show them look this is what the Trinity is look this is who Jesus Christ really was the incarnation the Quran rages against the idea of God having a son but it clearly misunderstands what that means there's a number of scriptures here and and every time it talks about Jesus being the Son of God and refutes it it says things like this they say Allah has begotten a son glory be to him this is that he is what the heavens and the earth contain his is what the heavens and the earth can I don't know why I can't read right now but his is what the heavens and the earth contain all things are obedient to him creator of the heavens and the earth when he decrees a thing he need only say be and it is then it goes on to talk about wonderful originator of the heavens and the earth how can he have a son when he has no consort he created all things and he has full knowledge of all things surely they lie when they declare Allah has begotten children so it seems to be a position what they think the Trinity is is almost like a position like what the Muslims hold where God actually comes down from heaven and has physical sexual relations with a woman and conceives children by that what that's the month that's the Mormon view right and it seems like that's what the author of the crime thinks too and so and there's a couple other ones there from the Quran but here's another opportunity where we can open up the scriptures with our with our Muslim friends and say look Jesus being the Son of God does not mean that he's a son in a biological hereditary sense he's of the same essence of the Father the same God okay as we as we spoke about earlier ok so the relationship or father to son does not indicate that that that's who he came from in that sense you know it's not a hereditary thing this father/son language indicates the intimacy of their relationship to one another okay so and even when the Bible when a lot of English Bible say only begotten the Greek term is monigan a switch actually more accurately means unique one of a kind ok so the Incarnation is an essential truth to the Chris to the Christian gospel and we need to be able to explain from the scriptures to our Muslim friends that that Christ first of all they think that it's horrifying that Christ Jesus would have died on a cross because they revere him so much and that is a shameful way to die that no profit would ever suffer that's what they believe okay and so in conjunction with that and their belief about the Incarnation their belief about the Trinity we need to be able to explain to them that Jesus Christ in love voluntarily stepped off his throne in heaven and took on flesh out of love for his people and and entirely voluntarily and gave his own life as a ransom for those who would come to him for for for forgiveness and rose from the dead and ascended into heaven displaying his power okay this is an excellent springboard to get into a gospel conversation with a Muslim okay and then one final thing that you can talk to them about is the resurrection because obviously they deny that Christ died on the cross so they deny the resurrection as well well what the Quran teaches and I didn't put these scriptures off these Quranic verses on there but what the Quran teaches is that it was made to look like Jesus died to the people who were there but he didn't actually die and some people say oh they it was actually Judas made to look like Jesus and some people just say I don't know how exactly it works but it was it wasn't Jesus it was just made to look like Jesus had died on the cross and if that is the case then it's it's only a logical conclusion then that Allah by doing that started Christianity a religion that that by its very nature commits shirk constantly and that Allah must have started that religion by accident because he's the one who made it look like Christ died and his apostle saw him die and claimed that they saw him resurrect and and the entire Christian faith is based on that one historical event and so if that was all just a sham and that was all just a figment of imagination or some kind of an illusion then Christianity was started by accident by Allah Himself which is a problematic position for Islam also and so I hope that these these just kind of informing you on what the Quran actually says about you and me as Christians and what it says about what we believe and what it says about our scriptures and that they are authoritative and from god I hope that that gives you a little bit of food for thought you can do a little more research on your own and next time that you are in a conversation with a Muslim maybe you can use these things as kind of a springboard to get to the gospel in a hurry with them and talk to them about the authority of Jesus Christ the lordship of Jesus Christ and their need for him as a savior thanks
Channel: Trinity Bible Chapel
Views: 547
Rating: 3.4000001 out of 5
Keywords: evangelsim, evangelizingmuslims, gospel, religion, truth, peace, evangelizingislam, christianity
Id: qs-oOsdMTp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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