Evan. R.Lalthantluanga (Tluangtea) || Pathian thu awi hun || Sermon

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Avraham somebody's aunt Ratna tangelo cheering so the TransAm poinsettia unclear to ten men who Alvin Wong here maintain okapi unless Sewell came immediately to heed our mo le Sueur Karina cm2 Latif um Kim deulim Shannon can more in transient or omatsu on our hyun-seok in transient food of Absolution galatea Bhimashankar italian gazillion well at the opponents uncut italian-born you know to rinrin start so arm into a deal car so the two armed ingot hula boy honk Olajuwon Bangla tOSU blow Paula to conceal De Anza thong Mummenschanz Agassi as either conservative we had gone but here boy hoon they say confirmed Anya Samak devant orally from valve seal Isum but he had my tongue Shyam Lal pocket but he run me might do if a club who are doing all of my mouse on the loganing kimchi ala nadya coach and Jota Nemo sonic trowel attacks are condoms on sovereign long to inelegance oh yeah lockpick and partying miss alline Yamamoto it would serve evil eb abu in kingdom a local coma chromatic in the park and nana in poems fook-la speaker cuts are so american henna in xie na nearly insane the speaker in worsening in Missoula but here in Troy will need to be Bellini to toss a Donnelly can control of an imposition someone say got in Coleman Hawkins Lana born omelette school impunity Xiang Xiang Han appeal minor Harrison medium America even him deliver him now means Adam to Crystal swimming Hannah Candela I mean but enjoy hoon they say good keeping follow open even Citroen 0.03 Salman politely says a totem to hunt here Mar second came political zealot on a primo Syria but he a toy and hootenanny [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Indian bargain alone moon data but the other people say NJ conventional variety item to Konya humans and ravens and pour new la Poisson du nominee carving of a sudden intuitive a token here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the Selena sergeant Godot Annie Monahan oppa harp aliens may humor linda henning tongues 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lieu a box a lava dome on Iran man 1000 tosin Abasi Lowe many poram to eyeliner on gondola in Concord voila hello Helen kapa that they will be done to pay for poppers are two bars and needs were there hello by that Mugsy in it Oliver [Applause] she like motive any reason Allah Allah tabula rasa [Applause] no need in the car it's hardly irises are tell my words are dinner if you want me to cancel any see no hard hard Luke emergency huh uh norteño may see our environment our son katsu a pramana no ha ha [Applause] herim father insufficient loser son Enzo before new hobby he would pull my death on Jenny unconnected ani haba no only my own monkey [Applause] [Applause] the lava boom look at them Chillicothe Amazon email [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come in slow mo pardonable on school [Music] [Applause] [Applause] from Kahului souvenir been loggin in Atlanta living in concerns mobile personal boxy to say but in Zagreb and a salute to Newton like harmony is all him up Maya home who's available to sneaker harem in poor sports Udo hello didn't attend a machine had no points I don't turn about any rats integrity no but did not fall in love Maya put on bear this is real fart smell on she defended zoological Sierra played on 17 yeah I see illumise of a local event bizarre don't need uber columns in India lamomam Katia [Applause] [Applause] I look annoyed Jesse long come aboard or see lol my seal of Athena committed sin well polarity na ha [Applause] [Applause] in jeopardy I don't anytime a scene so Dramamine judoka injection and similes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] ha ha ha de narbon colonial bungalow ha ha ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] oh man come on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in Canaan ornament bah-bah-bah him he SWAT holy he suddenly so theater is not made in the traumatic at on the money to his was not 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Channel: MGN Chhungkua
Views: 443,640
Rating: 4.6632881 out of 5
Keywords: Rev, Evan, Lalthantluanga, R., Tluangtea, Mizo, Sermon, thar, lehlin, dubbing, dub, Gordon, Zrs, Chhimnau, Yungsouth, youngsouth
Id: TtfsDTsyhT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 26sec (5546 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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