Evan Peters dishes inside scoop on "American Horror Story: Asylum"

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Evan Peters should I be afraid of you I mean you play one of the some of the creepiest characters on TV now get oh oh go ahead try okay so I should I be afraid of you Evan Peters you play one of the creepiest guys on TV over and over whatever they change your character on American Horror Story I mean even this year if while you were a nice character instead of that serial killer of last year there's still something mysterious and and wonderfully odd about your characters they do great yeah I don't know I mean it's it's very cool thank you that's uh I think they're they're definitely fun characters to play I mean it's it's been a an honor to work with Ryan Murphy who creates these characters that are just so complex and difficult to get into but but as an actor that's what you want because it's just it's that's where it's most rewarding I think let's talk about how complex your character is because in the case of KITT this year I think one of the most surprising and and wonderful plot turns of the season is when a kid forgives sister Jude and gives her sanctuary at his home and all of a sudden this you know reaches a certain point of poignancy that were you surprised by that when you read the plot twists whoops we just lost Evan so we're gonna have to wait for him to sign back in here okay people in the chat room we were waiting for Evan to be to rejoin us he'll be here in a second he's sending back in people in the chat room can you give me real questions please instead of he's adorable and I'm crying and you are perfect and marry me we want we want some real questions please yes ritalin for people in the chatroom is a really good idea thank you yes we lost it there I don't know what happened I'm sorry you move it around here missus yeah I think this is a better location I'm pretty sure hopefully okay okay good sorry let's go let's go back to the topic of the complexity of your characters okay this year what I was really what I didn't see coming and I thought it was a terrific plot turn is when KITT decides to forgive sister Jude and even takes her into his home that that would that just added this dimension to his character that this nobility that was wonderful wasn't it uh say it again you said kid he decided to sister Jude takes her man what alright sigh I decided to watch Arjuna I miss that yeah when you when you forgive her at the end and you take sister Jude into your home yes and introduce her to your kids and the rest of it the audience of course is going why is he doing this why is he forgiving this monstrous woman for all of this when the reason of course is that KITT is just a decent guy right and he wants as he says you have some line of dialogue where you say there has to be closure through some but something like that somebody has to do something and I'm going to do this yeah I think well I mean the way Kate was written it was just he's a very compassionate guy and has a lot of empathy and you know very much the opposite of Tate last season so I was very uh it was very cool to play that and and I think yeah he needed some closure to you needed to oh my god but it doesn't seem to be working I'm sorry it like keeps coming in and out oh it does I think it's working okay the webcam I'm pretty sure it's okay at this ed don't work okay all right good but but but but take the first season had those moments of redemption to be as nasty as this guy was seriously I mean a serial killer multiple killer and all that there is the scene at the near the end of the miniseries where he says - it's violent right your girlfriend's name where he's where he reveals to violet very tenderly the fact that she had that he's been withholding the reality of her situation from her and there again you see some kind of tenderness in this character who is otherwise a monster all right yeah yeah I completely agree with that I think they have a very compassionate guy don't I don't understand I don't understand what you want me to say I don't know what if you have some additional thoughts on that when we interviewed Ryan Murphy last year and I asked him about specifically that storyline between between Tate and violet I asked him you know how much notice he gave you ahead of time in terms of what was gonna happen and he said that violet didn't know that she was dead until right before me in other words you guys got that script just a few days or a week or so before the show how much notice do you get of what's coming up whoops we lost him again okay there yeah I'm hoping that this is gonna work this time I I'm not really sure what's happening we're gonna give it another try what is this so the question is this how much advance warning do you get of these of what's gonna happen to your character Ryan Dungey had told me last year for example he did not let you and the violent character know that she was not dead up until like a week or two before shooting yeah yeah pretty much we get the script sometimes I mean at most a week in advance but sometimes a day before we start shooting it so it's it's pretty much by the you got to go with your gut you know you just kind of got a wing it really I mean because there's no time to prepare for it I mean they'd be awesome but this season we had for the first four episodes which is really good because we could you know work on that a little bit and decide you know make some more thought-out choices but but yeah I was a it's just very difficult getting the scripts tightly but it's kind of fun I mean it's it's it really does allow you to just make sure as you go along really it kind of improvised so it's cool right right yeah now what riot has been giving us some details about the next season we do know it involves witches we do know involve that that Jessica Lange it plays a kind of glamor cat he's he puts it and that you're paired up again with is it taste of the actress from the first season that much has been revealed right is there anything else you can tell us no there's not much that I know honestly I just know that I'll be working with theis again and Kathy Bates is gonna be in the season and just the Lang's back Sarah Paulsen's back I know it's American Horror Story coven so I assume it has a lot to do with that and it takes place in New Orleans so I'm excited I think it's gonna be really scary and much scarier than last season and it's gonna be fun it's gonna be really fun to she could like recharged and ready to go this this round Ryan has said that he wants his Romeo and Juliet back meaning you would taissa to be in this kind of that's how we defined your characters for the first season and while you had a wife and a love interest for the second season it didn't kind of follow the doomed love of their Romeo and Juliet analogy of season one so he has said publicly that he wants you guys to return to that formula so that much we know right yeah yeah I think that's a good thing fans seem to like that that whole aspect of forbidden love I guess and maybe there'll be something like again this year I'm not really sure I haven't read anything but I hope it's something like that that was that was a that was very fun to shoot and entices a sweetheart so it's it's easy to work with that we have a live chat room on our home page people are asking you questions like Alaska wants to know with what your favorite characters other than your own what favorite characters from season one and two have you liked on the American Horror Story on C on both season one and two yeah I think I liked I don't know I think I liked Zachary Quintos character in the first season I thought that was that was very very funny and very kind of scary and an interesting that there were just these these people just living in the house they were that were dead and they'd been there for so long and pretty much all the ghosts in the house like every time a new one would pop up you'd be like oh my god that bridges with this long living there and what the hell have they been doing and I thought that was pretty interesting to think about and then in the second season I really liked that's okay I really liked the see like the most I thought the aliens were really cool I really did I wanted more from the aliens but I thought that overall like the whole idea was just very cool and just very strange like just it just to bring that out in a television show and in one is you know because the first season was about ghosts and hauntings and stuff like that and like the second season it's kind of had that ghostly aspect thrown in there just kind of left field but I thought it was it was really cool sorry do you believe in the supernatural in any aspects of it um I want to I mean yeah I always I always try to like you know if I'm in like a haunted place you know I've been to New Orleans a couple times and I go on those haunted tours and I'm like I really wanna like see a ghost or hear one or few one you know the chill on your neck or something I just want that and and it never happens to me I don't know why I mean the people who have it happen to them say don't you know call that stuff out because it's really spooky and you know it can create bad demons and stuff like that so I I don't know but all I know is that I really want to see when I really do want to believe in one cuz I don't know I'd like to believe in an afterlife that'd be cool are you able to follow all the plot twists on American Horror Story for example this past season it was a little confusing with the aliens and your girlfriend and your wife and all of a sudden your what your dead wife comes back and then you're like watching this going what but I realize when you're finished watching the season and you start deconstructing the storyline a lot of it makes sense and it's okay but at the time it seems a little confusing right yeah are you able to channel all that what knows it's very difficult because I would get a script and and and it would that episode where where Alma comes back she's like in the bedroom I was joking around with Alfonso he was directing I was like what if I just like fainted you know where when I saw her like just passed out or something cuz it was so like I don't know to me it was crazy like I just didn't understand I was like I can't believe that she would like be coming back now after all these have I like I've been trying so hard to find her and like really you know save her and all this stuff and then boom he or she is back in my house and it was kind of a roundabout but but it was I mean yeah it's it's hard to process all that stuff like especially when you're getting it a day or two before you're doing it but but it's fun I mean it's it's really fun and it is after all a scary story I mean it's a horror story so like there could be incredible twists and turns and you just got to believe them and go with them because I mean what what choice do you have other than to tell the story some when I asked Ryan this is a year ago now he and I were talking about season one and I said there's one thing I just don't understand about the plot Ryan you got to explain this to me why is it in the in the haunted house that Jessica Lange who is a real person enters that house with no fear and we know that the ghosts can kill people right they there's the one where Dylan McDermott girlfriend kills someone else this guy she's making love to in the basement there are some scenes where where the ghosts can kill people so why isn't she afraid when she goes to the house his answer to that question was I don't know yeah so then I asked Jessica Lange the question and she said I know the answer to that question she says because um whatever character's name is I forget has lost all reason to live so she's fearless about anything she just doesn't care so she's she's going in there and she's fearless and so she said that's what drives her and that probably is the right answer but what I thought was fascinating about the exchange back and forth is that Ryan didn't have an answer Jessica had a very good answer and sometimes as you to the point you just made you just have to let it go up to your imagination and just go with the scary stuff of it all right yeah exactly I mean my answer to that question would be that her character is a badass like she just I mean she's just totally nuts I mean and and to me was one of the most evil characters in the whole show I mean Kate was was definitely evil but I feel like she's the one that drove them to be that way so I don't know but you're absolutely right the whole the whole imagination of it all like is where you want to go with it you just want to like tell a story and be entertaining and try to send across a good message which i think was there definitely was in the second season civil rights move in and a whole deal which was which is awesome to be a part of like honestly that was very cool to have a great message inside of this this scary entertaining story so that was cool they want to know the chat room if you have favourite scenes from the first and second seasons one of my favorite scenes in the first season was when tight taesik faces character violet is uh she's overdosing and then I have to I jump to drag her down the hallway and take her into the bathtub and she's dying and I'm like trying to just keep her from dying and it was so intense but it was really cool the way we shot it because I don't know just the whole dragging of the camera and that whole deal it was just it was just so cool and very emotional and very intense that I'd never shot anything like that my life I've never had go to that place before ever so that was that was amazing for me to do also where I got shot in the first season that was cool that was like they would I think it was like 32 squibs or something like that something crazy like that just it was amazing for like Sonny Corleone is so cool the second season the most challenging scene by far was the the torture scene where my eyelids are like this and I'm on a alien slab and it's like intercut between maybe shot all the torture stuff in one day and it was like it was really a huge milestone for me because I've never been tortured all day long and I'd never I thought for sure we were gonna split those up like Kat will do one torture scene on Monday maybe one on Wednesday I kind of span it out but no it's like all one day boom you're getting tortured and it was it was a nightmare it was truly a nightmare and it was it was amazing to shoot because it was I don't know I just felt really you know like after you work out or something like that you just feel good it just it just felt good to be done with that I'm like wow man I can't believe I just frickin did that I was insane and probably really unhealthy but I went for it so that was cool though that was great yeah look at through the chat room here for some other questions this is a great question dawn Willoughby wants to know did playing take in any way affect you psychologically psychologically why I am well done I am I put up I put up guards like I I would make sure that I would hang out with friends or talk to my family and like just keep her and also on set just like joking around with people the makeup and hair people are amazing and they're really fun to hang out with them and tons of people on the set are so it it's just you just make sure that you're that you know that it's make believe that it's pretend it's it's it's a television show and sometimes people is myself included can get so wrapped up in and and and and take it so seriously that like it starts to affect your own life but the truth is is that it's it's entertainment it's it's a movie it's the television show it's a it's it's it's I mean hopefully he's taking a message but at the end of the day I mean it's it's for people to watch when they come home after a long day at work I mean that's ultimately what it is so it's like you kind of just put up that wall and kind of say you know what that's what this is I'm just gonna play around with it when I'm there and then when I'm done with it I'm gonna leave it there and then go home and do my own thing and watch my own television show is her own movie so so yeah I mean it it it could have definitely because Tate's crazy but it it fortunately didn't I'm prepared for that because I was very scared I'll bet so wait when do you go into production for the next season because that airs in October right yes why believe ago July 18th or July 21st July mid July I'm pretty sure we're gonna go out to New Orleans and start shooting that puppy alright yeah excited scary but I'm excited I'm sure you're scared because you know you don't know what those writers are cook enough for you right yeah exactly how many but shots and we're gonna have to do this season no that's right they do they do take our take your clothes off quite a bit in this show don't they're at least they put you in these skimpy little things whitey tighties all day long yeah but at least you got a dance scene this year that was kind of fun right no that was season yeah that was definitely a highlight as well I forgot about that that was um that was incredibly refreshing to do and it was also cool just to see how the Glee people work because they have to learn that stuff in in a day or two like it's not like how quickly they have to learn that and and then shoot it the following day was it was insane but it was really fun and it was kind of like lightened up the whole set like everything's very dark around there so like everything was much lighter and much happier it was nice there's nice to see the playful side of all the actors outside of their dark characters so that was cool it was great the way that the scene worked the fact that that they they had the confidence the writers and the producers to go there and then just to let it go because part of the fun of that scene of course is seeing when the camera goes to the various oddball characters and seeing them gradually surrendering to the music boogying letting it go but you see sister you know it's sister Jude Swain it was really hilarious to watch yeah I know it was it was awesome that Welling that's the genius arrived Murphy it's like we all thought we were jumping the shark but the way he did it was so smart because it was a way to show and entertain people in a great way but also to integrate it into the show so well that it just it makes sense and it's like oh this is cool I can watch this and not feel weird about watching them doing a dance number in the middle of the show because it's really her insanity it's a form of of her brain it's should insight into her mind so I thought that was very very cool very smart to do okay last question my scared my scariest thing in season two is the nun who's possessed by the devil but some people would say that this scariest thing that they experience is the doctor who's the scary or the bloody face I guess would win that contest of scariest character right but yeah yeah blurryface is definitely the the sickest one on the show but I change cromoz character was nuts just I mean especially with all that power inside that asylum mean you get trapped in the asylum that is not somebody you want to be working there I mean he's absolutely insane and as serious issues with nuns so but he gets a redemptive moment at the end Evan come on that was pretty cool wasn't it when he when he climbs climbs on Satan and goes for the ride into the oven it was like yeah hey yeah yes it was good it was good I definitely liked the ending for his character but that was another thing I didn't know he was I had nobody doing it was I and that was another like out of left field type deal I came on there which is very cool for us as well as the audience I think hope okay well good luck up at the Emmys that you guys would be certainly the running there again and he will catch on the red carpet Thanks thank you I appreciate
Channel: GoldDerby / Gold Derby
Views: 127,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa, american horror story, american horror story: asylum, evan peters, ahs, fx, emmys, primetime emmys, Emmy Award (Award), entertainment, television, syndication
Id: nCbJ90oMxfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2013
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