Evan Le on FOX 11 Good Day LA (7 years 1month)

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welcome back to go daily now 7 year old Evan Leigh is here and he is a piano prodigy good morning Evan good morning oh now how long have you been playing piano since it was three and a half excellent and tell us about what is it about piano that you love so much Evan like oh it's like every time I play music I just get these different feelings like what feelings like happy or sad or excited you really feel the music yeah yeah I can ask you a question at what point did you know you were good at this um when my parents told me that I had a child okay you ready you ready to show us at 1000 that's Talent okay come with me ready here we go this is your piano you brought this right when you're gonna sit here we don't have the budget for this kind of Vienna watch this kid here we go Evan take it away [Music] [Applause] that's Mozart was that Mozart not just about how do you practice what's your routine like um I would prac practice one hour in a day and one hour in the afternoon that's it well well first of all they'll eat breakfast I'll do my first practice then I would like study order go to my classes um then I would eat lunch and then I would have my second practice that is free for another day playing with friends well the good thing is I know your regular seven year old kid my seven year old can't play this and now you made me wish we both took piano lessons and we didn't give it up Evan you're pretty spectacular your girls have somebody to aspire to be like okay here we go the music Teachers Association of California is hosting a free concert this weekend through Monday they'll be at the Hyatt Regency in Garden Grove all the details on their website MTA see org slash Convention - events Evan can you play some more whatever you want freestyle would give us some go for it [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Evan Le Music
Views: 1,644,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t01tRG2Y2Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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