Evaluating EVERY Class in League of Legends

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hey guys today we're going to do another rankings video but in a slightly different format than previous episodes one major yet equally valid criticism i got in my assassins runes admitted guidance videos was that it completely ignored the context of whether those entries were on the delivering or receiving end of a situation which looking back i definitely should have taken that into consideration for example when i put grasp of the and dying down in d tier for being a rune that was extremely generic unsatisfying and didn't really do anything i was evaluating it on the basis of what kind of situations or play styles it encouraged but after thinking about it more there are a lot of cases where repeated yet timely spaced attacks are in and of itself a playstyle much like how haloblades incentivizes you to play for quick bursts of auto attacks or face rushes for hit and run grasp of the undying encourages you to go for quick pokes a viable strategy to have when extended all-ins or even short trades are not a safe option although tearless as a topic encapsulates the notion of subjectivity i think i was looking at things a little too single-mindedly and i'd like to apologize to that to make up for it we're going to try something different going forward i want to make two separate to your list based on contrasting viewpoints on the subject so for today's topic we're going to go through each class in league of legends controller fighter mage marksman slayer tank specialist and of course their respective subclasses the two separate tier lists of this video will be how it feels to play a champion in that class and how it feels to play against them given that i'm doubling the amount of entries for a single video i'll be going through things more quickly hopefully it will still be detailed enough for you to see where i'm coming from i like to talk about classes a lot in my videos as i'm sure most of you are aware categorizing characters in video games makes it easy for people to recognize what the fundamental experience of playing them will be it's also a way to establish expectations for what the champion is capable of generally speaking when looking at a marksman you can make an educated guess that they're not the most evasive and are likely very easy to take down once you get your hands on them certain classes do perform very well against others adding an extra level of complexity when drafting team compositions for example tanks are good against mages on account of their engaged potential and high defense mages however are good against marksmen since their comparable or superior range and burst damage can decimate the latter marksmen are good against tanks due to their high sustained damage having enough firepower to eventually break through their massive health bars obviously people don't think about this from game to game they just play whatever they want and it's every man for themselves but it does play an important role in the game's overall structure that's also why i wanted to make two separate rankings one for how it feels to play them and play against them namely because the experiences we as players have of going up against one class or the other is surprisingly more or less universal despite all the stuff i just said the game has a tendency to subvert expectations nowadays as more and more overloaded champions are released it's starting to feel less like x-class beats y and more like everyone beats everyone thus giving rise to the meta we've been going through for the past couple of years where everyone plays 1v9 champs anyways let's not waste any more time and get started oh wait one more thing i have a straw poll in the video description that i'd like you to vote on after you watch this video so please remember to check that out when you're done i would say of all the classes fighters are one of the more balanced ones in raiding do they have a few outliers and bad actors of course but so does everyone else in terms of playing them i feel like you can never really go wrong with either a diver or a juggernaut both essentially take different aspects of their counterparts and put in a bit more physicality juggernauts closely resemble tanks in terms of durability but instead of crowd control they prefer to go raw power these guys are your textbook warrior or berserker class you see in mmos and there's a reason why they're such a popular convention anyone who plays juggernauts can swear by the sheer ego boost you get for being this gigantic raid boss that requires an entire team to take down but conversely they'd be the first ones to tell you how clunky and helpless they can feel against faster more elusive enemies who cut out their abysmal mobility divers are a mixture between tanks and assassins what they sacrifice an insta-kill faculty they make up for in durability and force these guys are the first ones in a fight and they don't stop fighting until they die or the enemy team does whichever comes first currently it's one of the most popular subclasses in the game as they possess equal parts playmaking potential and survivability so we can guess they feel very fun to play they have enough personal agency to make a difference in every game but run into a few instances where you wish they had just a little more as for playing against them it's a mixed bag which is why you put them smack dab in the middle fighters are the most forthright class in the game second to tanks so while you can rest assured they don't have nearly as much bs as other classes it can feel suffocating to go up against them if you don't have the specific tools required to beat them juggernauts are notorious for being stat checkers like gyaran mundo and nasus while divers are filled with early game dominating chants like lee sin renekton and pantheon their straightforward approach to the game is what makes them feel fair at times but unpleasant at others there's only so much you can do to outplay a garen who one shots you in a single qe alt kaba or a camille who hooks shots right into you locks you in place of their ult and then slices you in half with 1200 true damage that being said at least you know what to expect from them most of the time so it's highly unlikely they'll catch you by surprise onto mages given that they're the only class to date with three subclasses you have no shortage of choices regardless of which ones you go for the core focuses of a major damage and control using their long range and or good area coverage to gain control of team fights how they do so is where things differ artillery mages are the reigning champions in the neutral game they ironically function best when nothing is happening giving them as much time as possible to hammer long range fire into the enemy team is a dream come true for them i think i speak for everyone when i say it feels great to have one on your team in the mid to late game they have enough firepower in their kids to easily one shot enemy squishies without having to put themselves at risk whatsoever battle mages have nowhere near the same reach as artillery but they do have damage output that even rivals marksmen not to mention a huge amount of zone control to boot their abilities can easily take up an entire lane or choke point in the jungle making it difficult for the enemy team to do anything without taking them down first they're basically the closest thing we can get to a magic damage ad carry then we have burst mages instead of repeatedly pressuring the enemy team like battle mages first mages like to pick one or sometimes multiple members of the enemy team and blow them up all at once most of them have at least one form of hard crowd control allowing them to lock down a priority target and unload their entire combo on them during that time when it comes to playing them i'd say all three are equally effective in their own right because they have access to a wide variety of items and flexible play styles they're much more enjoyable as a class on the other hand facing them as an opponent is where things start to get pretty dicey against artillery mages nothing is more frustrating than not being able to walk up even two steps without losing half your health while you can't do anything to respond because you're constantly being pelted on by attacks the moment you see an enemy xerath velka's ziggs or lux and aram you're gonna be up a creek without a paddle in the late game battle mages are just annoying in general for their zoning properties it's kinda hard to walk through an anivia glacial storm casio miasma or rumble equalizer without losing your entire health bar finally burst mages players aren't a fan of melee one-shot combos let alone ranged one-shot combos their unique selection of items can also be aggravating to deal with as they have a lot of ways to add onto their play style that most classes do not rocket belt everfrost leandries zhonyas rylai's crown etc though in their defense they're not as impressive as they used to be up next is marksman to all my adc means don't worry i got you this class is booty cheeks to play there is a reason we had adc and 20 xx memes for years though they're not useless the notion that you get destroyed by every other class for the first 20 minutes of a game is why adc mains have the biggest chip on their shoulder out of top jungle mid bot in support i don't blame them in the early game you get one shotted by leona's support you get five men dove bot with everyone teleporting on your ass in the mid game you get run over by just about every fighter and slayer to ever exist and even if you get through all that finally you pick up your three to four item power spike and are ready to carry your pathetic excuse of a team the enemy annie predator flash halts you and there goes your self-esteem your hopes and dreams your child custody and your will to live okay maybe that was a bit extreme season 11 did breathe new life into the role by giving marksman earlier power spikes thanks to immortal shield bow kraken's lair and gale force but the experience of playing a marksman is like trying to find the hay in a needle stack spain without the s for every one game you pop off in 1v9 pentakill there's at least three games where you're just a free back of gold for the enemy jungler it's no exaggeration to say of all the classes marksmen individually have the worst overall experience as champions whether it's the result of the class itself or the circumstances they're put in is left up to interpretation what about playing against them i'd say they're a lot like fighters most of the time if you fail to exploit their weak points they have the upper hand on you but if you do manage to then you win i actually was thinking about raiding playing against them as a because i genuinely believe 80 carry is the only class where players don't feel any personal grudge against them if it wasn't for some of the new ones akshan samira sena and potentially zeri they put a bit of a blemish i mean even vayne isn't all that bad contrary to what the top means try to tell you she's the definition of a duelist marksman so everything she has makes complete sense logically speaking let's go over tanks next the rating might surprise you but hear me out tanks are for the most part the least played class in the game and the few times they are played it's not very pleasant going up against them either i think we can agree on that as mentioned before they're meaty bulky have a lot of area disruption crowd control and lockdown vanguards are offensive tanks these guys are exactly like divers in that they're usually the first ones in a fight wardens are your defensive tanks by no means are they as unpleasant as marksman but people aren't a fan of playing tanks outside of support because they're almost exclusively a team-centric class thus giving them virtually zero carry potential without backup you can have the cleanest five-man alistar headbutt pulverize but if no one is there to capitalize your game-winning play goes up in smoke their clunky skills and animations also hurt when dealing with the mobility creep going around right now fortunately there are a few occasions where tanks reign supreme we've all had those games where our team was a disorganized assortment of five random carry champions while the enemy team had a triple ultra front line of oran top zak jungle and leona's support premise cc blocking all of us while we couldn't do anything about it so they're not nearly as helpless as mark's been however playing against them isn't that much fun either the ultimate goal of a tank is to prevent you from doing anything they have a lot of area disruption so you can't walk past them to get to your priority targets they have a lot of crowd control to lock you in place so you can't move or attack they have a lot of health and defense which means if they decide to you might spend an entire laning phase not being able to really do anything other than afk farm for 20 minutes the only champions that do actually enjoy going up against tanks are tank busters but they represent a very small portion of all champions in the game few have a positive opinion on them i have seen adc players souls leave their bodies when the enemy jungler installs rammus believe me it's kinda hard to watch controllers are the most enigmatic class as no one really uses the term the way they do tank major markson but putting it simply it's the support class consisting of the two subclasses catchers and enchanters the latter many are no doubt aware of catchers consists of champions who specialize in making picks like morgana thresh pike and bard they're known for being good at starting fights preferably only against one or two people at most unlike vanguards or divers who want full-blown 5v5s that they can help it and changes are your lulu's sonas yumi's sorakas and so on they're the staple healers buffer class playing controllers are often thought of as hit or miss much like tanks your impact is only as high as the teammates are setting up what places them in a higher rating is how they set up their team apart from blitzcrank everyone else in the subclass can safely search for enemy targets to pick without having to commit to an all-in if you throw a morgana binding against the nunu or sejuani maybe they're not the best choice so simply walk away can't really do that for someone like leona who gets all up in their face as such they have more relative safety enchantress as well sure they're only as good as whoever they're buffing and healing but as long as their teammates have even one brain cell that may be enough most of them can juice up their allies so much to the point where even if they are stupid it doesn't matter going up against them is also more or less the same every once in a while you run into those situations where they have an unstoppable carry backed up by an ivan shield every three seconds but in a similar fashion to fighters they're very straightforward with how they apply their pressure barring umi controllers have to put themselves in harm's way to be able to support their teammates giving you the freedom to decide if you want to focus them down or whoever they're helping out though it can feel like a nuisance if your team isn't equipped to power through the master shields and heals they supply to their allies you guys were waiting for this one weren't you let's talk about slayers arguably the most despised class by just about every other class in the entire game while markson and mages host all the ranged carries slayers feature all the melees champions with single target burst damage and or dueling potential equipped with a wide arsenal of playmaking potential through mechanics such as stealth and target ability when it comes to single combat no one is better than slayers and lately both subclasses have been drastically increasing in size far be it for me to deny the fact that slayers are probably the most enjoyable class in the game to play they are the 1v9s after all assassins and skirmishers do not care about who's on their teams or the enemies they'll destroy them all the same given that they have the highest mobility and outplay potential across the board it also means there's a lot you can do with them that fighters mages and marksmen aren't able to when you have equal parts flashy gameplay and high carry potential it's no wonder everyone loves to play slayers that however comes at the cost of the other team's enjoyment specifically their adc i don't think i need to explain why they're the most infuriating class to go up against these champions are able to dispatch you off the map in the blink of an eye sometimes with no feasible way to stop them assassins in particular thrive on discourse making them feel a lot more dangerous than they actually are in solo queue the lack of communication is an advantage to those who single out isolated targets that's why in pro play you don't really see zed evelyn cosby's katarina tryndamere master yi and such they're much easier to shut down if your team is coordinated and vigilant but they're very popular in solo queue where it's every man for themselves i'm pretty sure no one disagrees with the ratings i give to slayers it's almost unanimous now we arrive at specialists and uh yeah i can't really give them a rating because this is the i have no idea what i am class no seriously there's very little we can still see it between them but i'll try my best specialists are the wild card champions those who according to the wiki don't fit into a neat little box these are champions who have playstyles so unique that they can be multiple other classes put together for example azir could be considered a mage a marksman he can even be a diver with azir suck cho'gath can be considered a burst mage a warden a battle mage or a juggernaut cannon can be an assassin a diver a burst mage or in some cases a marksman that being said the specialist class used to be called zoners champions capable of rendering large areas inaccessible or dangerous due to their persistent pressure and that can very aptly describe a lot of them heimerdinger's turrets teemo's mushrooms singers poisons aliens time bombs azir soldiers game planes barrels then there's another subset of champions with super ultimates like fiddlesticks cannon and gnar so while i can't accurately determine how it feels to play them i think i might be able to give them a rating for how it feels to play against them it sucks a lot of specialists are really annoying to deal with and often resort to cheesy or degenerate strategies to gain the upper hand if you take a look at the list i don't think any of these champions are held in a positive light by the community except zillion he's cool just about everyone else is really gimmicky or hard to work with you're forced to approach the matchup much less conventionally than other classes sure one might say that makes them quirky to play but playing against them is another matter entirely anyways that covers every class now comes the big question which is the best that comes down to you as a reminder i have a straw poll in the video description that i like for you to vote on of the seven classes which one do you believe has the best balance between being enjoyable to play and being reasonable to play against let me know also please leave your feedback on how this rankings video went if you think it was better or worse than my previous ones aside from that if you enjoyed it a rating would be much appreciated subscribe to the channel for more content like this don't forget to follow me on twitter join my discord server and check out my previous ranking videos if you haven't yet for now though thanks so much for watching and i look forward to seeing you again in the next episode take care [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Vars
Views: 183,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends pro guides, proguides, league of legends massive changes 12.3, league of legends guide, lol classes, lol tier list, lol ranking, best class league of legends, lol strongest class, lol slayer, lol fighter, lol marksman, lol tank, lol specialist, lol controller, lol mage, vars league of legends, why no one plays, lol discussion, vars classes, varsverum, enemy, msi, arcane, tyler1, kda, bel'veth, bel'veth abilities, new champion
Id: i8CSApzAcf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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