EVACUATION Again?! Another Wildfire Blazes Toward Our Home!

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it's read look out because smoke it's seriously getting worse you can see the fires really really bright now okay guys I'm not joking right now this is crazy we were just having family dinner and I got a phone call there's a fire outside there seriously the biggest fire [Music] you can see there's the helicopter right there with the bucket of water he's actually going to fill up his bucket right now there's a reservoir up there on the hillside [Music] look at this fire you guys [Music] last year around this exact time right around CVX Laurie evacuated from our house because we had a fire that's really close and he's like I can see flames from where I'm at right now yeah seriously it's new [Music] it just filled up the water bucket it's gonna go dump it I guess [Music] you can almost see the flames okay get the first where did it go where's it going towards this way I bet you can see it there's helicopters with buckets right everywhere right here at the reservoir almost yeah that's what they're filling in is that flames so friends up there you can see the flames up there through the smoke except for it's from the helicopters right just on the other side of that hill right there you can still see the helicopter oh it's red look how big that smoke clouds are the hacker started the mountain on fire [Music] it's super black wonders like electric stuff over there I wonder if the hacker I'd made it yeah there's flight you can see flames on the hillside of the red red flames all over the hillside [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's crazy is just watching the smoke rise it's so dark it's gonna press that mountain any second Jen I cannot believe see the exes is cursed it's carried by fire and flames you see [Music] if well it's out of control I don't know how they can floor that down it's back to fill up its bucket again so what's up you think we might get evacuated again to put some stuff in the RV and in case we get evacuate just in case here's the thing though I don't think the fire could like even if I made it all the way down I don't think there's enough trees here to burn our house down our field might burn that would suck smoke is not down here yet there's no smoke down here going right over the top of us and I had no idea about it and then I got a phone call from Jake Alvey [Music] I wonder if there's people down there at the reservoir filling it up see that I don't think you see it but there's an airplane in the fog do you see that airplane flying right now I wonder why maybe they're just getting pictures or something I was actually get your drone we could get really good for it and I was like that's against the law yeah this is way bigger than last fire then we saw our house well wait closer yes yes much closer but wonder how long has been going on we just didn't even know what this is this is crazy if you didn't know last year almost exactly around the same time we had a horrible fire right next to our house it was right next to our house I can see flames now it was right during CVX live and somehow we pulled through and made a whole bunch of sets and stuff for our escape room and our booth and it was awesome they're so close do you hear that helicopter it's literally just picking up buckets out of there right now just right there sticking its bucket down in the water and pulling it up and then going again it makes me so grateful for firefighters and people who are first responders to this type of stuff so I just honestly can't even believe that this is happening the exact same situation it's the exact same situation exact same time of year the smoke is starting to come this way Michael look at that look at that it's hot it's coming down the mountain and I can think I can see flames now if it was darker I think I would see orange right there's the block whatever the fire that's where it's coming down closer [Music] I can't believe that but you see flames there flames right there I can see flames popping up over the top of the mountain oh wow yep I can see it I can see it Oh Michael look there's so many more flames now right there right there fire the flames are coming down so we're gonna probably get back through there in a minute so yeah you just look outside you'll see the fire yeah you'll get we're gonna get everything packed up and loaded up into the RV because I think we might be leaving here in a sec oh my gosh it just keeps coming okay I gotta go it's perfect that we have the RV and most of our stuff is actually already in the RV because we just got back from a trip yeah so let's just get close let's get let's get some food it's gonna load it up this is really scary when uh yeah this is so much closer than the other fire and you're miles away this is a much closest probably what like two miles away from us we check actually I think I can tell [Music] oh it's going over the whole Ridge now over it's maybe one mile away maybe maybe less even if the wind changed it's filling up the whole mountainside a mile away one mile away you know we might not be in their database - phone call in case of an evacuation because we've moved recently they might not have our new address so they we might get evacuate because they might come to our door okay let's go pack up right now James all the kids all you can tell you Charlie come inside I want everybody get shoes and socks on I want you guys to grab a backpack and put some shirts and some underwear and some pants and some extra socks because if we get if we get a vacuum in and we have to leave we might be gone for several days so I want you guys to get packed up right now okay go go go go go go yeah okay everybody's packing up okay good this carbon humpin it good job fucking fix for helping charlie you get some clothes to put back away James good job Corbin is that everything for you okay you're still got some more stuff you need it's going over the ridge it's growing yes but look at cars you're short you show up all along people are just curious you think I don't know if it's maybe just wind change from up there it's kind of blowing a little smoke this way if there's some fire right here good idea and okay good you can really see it up there on that mountainside right now okay we got the backpack right here hey go grab one for my closet Cortland this is Corbin's backpack [Music] yeah look at those flames over there and then did you guys see the flames on this mountain it's hard to see because it's kind of light out let me see if I can [Music] if you can see the fire now [Music] [Music] that point to that point is on fire and that's right above its really really clearing right there [Music] the [Music] seriously getting worse you can see the fire really really bright now on the mountainside I think all the kids are packed up now so let's make sure we've got everything you said you've got everything packed okay everything okay are you packed up Rebecca Corbin you're all packed are you all packed up two bags okay good where's Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie does anybody know where charlie is go check Becca do you know where charlie is Charlie where were you I was coming for you don't hide from me when I'm calling for you hey get your shoes and socks out we're leaving Corbin here put your backpack in the RV and then help Charlie find some shoes quick wait there's your shoes Charlie get those shoes on get him on get him on get him on get him on we gotta go it's really good [Music] okay guys this is getting pretty serious that's right so everybody's packed up we're all loaded up oh my gosh look how big those flames are look at those flames right there that's huge so we're gonna be leaving here I think in just a few minutes we haven't officially been evacuated yet but at the rate that it's coming down this mountainside I think they're gonna be here any second there's a few cars coming up the road right now is everybody ready we're getting out of here right now Jennifer just copy just found out that the fire is zero percent contained 100% watch motor oil another thing that it's not contained at all [Music] okay so there was just a car back and it drove past and said everybody needs to leave so we're being evacuated officially Wow look at that mountain geez look how much it's covered already now it's just growing like crazy so come on guys I know everyone's being evacuated so we got to get out of here and look at that look at a fire on the mountain behind me that's just crazy how close it is the smokes coming - look at that look at that fire you guys seriously that's crazy okay let's get everybody loaded up in the RV and then we're getting out of here it got dark fast Jen's got it good job [Music] batteries are really love [Music] we turn off the lights so everybody yeah [Music] okay everyone get buckle delicate buckle I'm gonna get the RV turned off so you can get some power in here seriously look it up mountains right out the windows are so big it's coming this way [Music] okay there's some lights coming your way there we go [Music] is everybody back up baekho you buckled up and everybody get buckled [Music] you can see it coming down on that edge down there it's like all you can see is a little bit of red but it's kind of separate from the other parts and it's coming down on it just worse than we thought okay I know it's really dark but we're just getting away from this fire it is all over the mountainside you can really see a lot more as you go as we're going down further into the valley just how MIT how much fire that actually is covering this entire mountain we were just reading about it 0% contained right now an estimated 700 acres take a look look at all that yeah the camera really does not do it justice at all it's really terrifying but we've got some friends we're gonna go stay in their yard just go camp out for the night [Music] [Music] okay so we are finally a binocular our baby's tired and cranky miles is really tired and I think we've got a safe place to stay and everything's fine and we're back tomorrow and if you don't hear anything crazy then it's good most likely I bet everything will be fine we're just being safe rather than sorry so anyways pause the game [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 530,345
Rating: 4.8063865 out of 5
Keywords: evacuation, evacuate, wildfire, fire, fire evacuation, forced evacuation, mountain is on fire, wild fire, the beach house, beach house vlogs, beach family, treasure family, beach house evacuation, evac, fire is coming, forest fire, utah fire, fire fighter, pre evacuation, natural disaster, real fire, fire threat, there is a fire, fire coming, smoke, lots of smoke, smoky air, burning, when adventure calls, we have to leave, disaster, run away
Id: V46XPRwvuko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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