I'm really struggling. I'm working on my top 10 list for the last hour or so and I'm really struggling. I can't decide. How fantastic it is. It's not hard being us. It's really really difficult. No, I mean... I'm finding it very stressful and it's causing me physical consequences to my body. Why are you not supporting my feelings and my emotions? I'm agreeing with you. I'm allowing you. I'm... You're just mocking my emotions. I'm being a sarcastic bitch. I'm taking it very seriously the whole process and you're mocking it. I'm not. I'm just having fun. Oh, that's how it sounds to you. Fun. Fun, fun. Hello. Hiya. I'm Toy. I'm Goy. And where is Koy? Koy is still sleeping. And welcome to... Value the music. Let me check Mike. You say value the music? Yeah, you said value it. Value... Sign value the music. Beautiful. B in GCSE Music. Value the music is our Eurovision slogan. We would like to ask you to focus the music. Value the music and leave all the other noise outside of this competition. And the only noise we would like to hear is the Eurovision songs. The songs. The songs themselves and you guys cheering. Just cheering. Cheering. It's time for us to choose our top 10. I am struggling. Remember though, this is not like locked in for the rest of time. We can change our mind after this video. Once we do the video, that's it. You need to commit. Yeah, but that's not what we're going to vote for in the final. Because once the show starts, everything changes. We've assessed, we've evaluated, we've done a top 10. Things can change. That's even more complex. But anyway, we are going to reveal our top 10 for Eurovision 2024. starting after this. [Music] If this is your first time in our channel. Chlamydia can show no symptoms for months. Get tested. Do I need to know anything? Okay. Wow. Jesus. Just advice. Life advice. That's very serious. Someone might benefit from that. That's very, very serious what you just said. And welcome. Please consider subscribing to our channel if you haven't done so. And also thank you so much for all the views, likes, comments, the new subscribers, and of course our lovely, lovely veterans. They're all gorgeous. And I would like to ask you guys, if you already voted for our Eurovision grand finale. If you haven't voted, what are you waiting for? What the bloody hell is your problem? Cassi it's just waiting and waiting and waiting. But many votes so far came in. So thank you so much. I haven't done mine. Thank you so much for all of those that voted. But please do vote. They did. The link to the vote can be found in the first comment of this video. And it's important to say whatever we are saying here. We are sharing with your honest opinion. We do not wish to offend, hurt, insult or objectifying Neither the singer nor your nation, but most importantly, not anybody else. However... Sorry Mike. Are you hungry? If we are offending you, we are sorry. Before we are going to reveal our top 10, we have a little surprise. A little surprise. You all remember our lovely, lovely Karol that came to visit us and we saw him for the first time. And we filmed the Poland reaction with Carol and also the Poland reaction. Poland second. Two Polands. Two Poland reactions with lovely Karol. And Karol is coming to join us for Eurovision week. For Eurovision week, Friday week in Gran Canaria. I don't think he's ready for what we are going to make him experience on holiday with us. What are you planning? He's going to have a good time. He's going to have fun. Fun. That's, that's, I just like to have fun. I just want to have fun. I just like fun. I'm fun. I'm really fun. Fun, fun. We asked Karol to share with us his top 10. So we first going to react to Karol's top 10. And I hope it won't affect our selection because my, my top 10 selection. Why would someone else's opinion affect your opinion? Because you know what it is like. You watch someone and they are so important and they affect what you think. And no, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Karol we love you. Yes. Let's watch together. Carol's top 10 starting now. And there is a fly here. Well, that's, that's annoying, but that's good. That's a sign. Because that's a sign of warmer weather. Yes. And potential spring. Do you feel any warmer with the rain outside? Yes. Today I nearly didn't take my coat. And when I was out wearing it, I was like, gosh, that's very warm with it. That's very brave of you. Hello. Hiya. It's such an awkward. Okay. Okay. Why is it not getting bigger? You just need to be patient. Because it started to talk. Yes, but you can pause it and click and do it again. You just don't have to go to, oh, why's it got, oh, oh. Oh, it's not full screen. Let me try again. What's happening today? Is there anything we need to talk today to? I'm absolutely fine. I'm in a great mood today. Okay. My mental health is, is tipped off at the moment. Okay. Hello. Hiya.
It's such an awkward feeling to not have you on my side. And it's my very first time recording anything. I guess I need to close the door because my neighbor is. What's he drinking? What is he drinking? So, uh, oh, it's so nervous. Yeah. One more time. Hiya. My name is Karol. I hope you both, uh, one more time. I hope you all remember me from the reaction of Polish entry and the reaction for Very nice to see you again and to have a possibility to present my points in this this year's contest. It was a bit hard to choose. I know the feeling, Karol. To choose all of them, but I have it. I was actually the one who was in the beginning. Saying this is the most boring year which ever, ever, ever happened. You did say that. I made it. There were some ups and downs in, in between among all these past weeks. There were songs which I did like from the beginning, then I disliked and from the other other way as well. That's called mental health. So yeah, I will let you know what is my current top 10. current. Current. So again, it's gonna change. Things can change. Maybe now use this time as your prediction. So he wants us to predict? Predict. No, we're not going to predict. Poland's definitely in there. Do you think? Yeah. So Poland is there. Italy is there. Yes. I don't think Malta, Cyprus or Luxembourg will be there. You don't think he likes? He likes. He doesn't like Malta. But he didn't like Malta, but maybe now he likes. Maybe now he likes. Because he gave you a hint, things changed since we last saw him. So maybe UK's top for him. Ah, UK. I'm sure UK 12 points. Yes, Karol, UK 12 points. Let's see. Let's see.
Let's see. Before announcing the country, I will give you like little background, which journey I had with that song or what is my approach, what I do. It's going to be like a therapy session now. We have no time for that, Karol. Can you get on with this? This is my very first one point. And this is the song which actually we had this type of song for many, many times. But anytime I hear the bop like this, I'm absolutely... Bop. Cyprus. Bop.
Beginning, Malta. And I hope there will be an amazing dance break during this. So my very first point, go to... Oh, sorry, Mike. Cyprus, of course. Yes. I absolutely adore this song. Okay, first point to Cyprus. Okay. So my second point is going to the song which at the beginning I was like, there, I was missing something, but actually after listening to the studio version, I absolutely like it. It's something different, something unique. Two points. Two points. Come on, Karol. Two points. Oh, Lithuania. Lithuania, of course it's Lithuania. Something you can dance to. Yes. We need to see Karol's moves. Right. My three points are going to... I had a journey. In the beginning I was like, nice. I guess live is going to be amazing, perfect, but so basic, like very repetitive. You okay? Then after a few listening... UK? I'm loving that song. UK? So, so much. No, let's see. And this song is... Belgium. Oh, yeah. I don't know what this is. I agree with that. This song is kind of... I agree with that... I absolutely like this song.
Yeah. This is going to be, I think the staging is going to be amazing. I hope so, because I think the video clip is not showing the full potential of the song. So, I think life is going to be something very, very, very extra overdue. It's going to be something very, very, very extraordinary. Okay, the atmosphere, the tension is really high, so I needed to... Oh, he's got the bloody wine! Is that the wine already? Cheers. And... It's early in the morning. Many of you will be surprised. Four points is going to the country, which I think not many of you will understand. And I do have a guilty pleasure on that list. Spain. But that song is not a guilty pleasure. Adore this song. This is like my vibe. I really like it. I listen to this song a lot. That might be a surprise. Four points goes to... Germany. Oh. It's absolute fine. It's fine. It's absolutely fine. This song is amazing. And I... It's very, very good. It's a good song. That's the thing. Fuck all the haters. Honestly, this song is amazing. Karol! You can't say the F word. To be fair, this song is absolutely great. I love it. Five points are going to the country. With this song, I had a journey as well. Yeah, you had a lot of journeys. I... You went hiking all this season. Boring. And so we had so many songs like this. But now, when we have all of the other songs, and I listen to this, it's just his voice stands out so, so, so much from the others. That's good. Yeah, obviously my five points are going to... Oh. Wow. It's the first one I'm Meh. About. Bless him. It'll be amazing. His voice is just out of this world. And I... I understand what he says. It's amazing. But again. For me, Eurovision is something new or exciting or... I love this song. I think life is going to be something like... Voila vibe, if they will work with camera. As long as it doesn't spit everywhere. Seven points. My seven points. I'm going to... My seven? Yeah. If we skip the six. Yeah, if you skip the six. Hold on a second. What's happening here, Karol? he said five points. Yeah, gave five and then we're going to seven points. But the reason... Where is the six points? Maybe drank too much wine. Yeah. I like ballads, but I was like, what's going on? But then I saw the live version, like from beginning to the end. Serbia. Yeah. Serbia. Serbia. Serbia. Serbia. Serbia. Yeah, there was just something out of this world. So my seven points are going to... I completely agree. I completely agree.
Nice. Nice.
So my eight points is just my guilty pleasure. Spain. When I heard that... Spain? No, Poland. I was like, this is disgusting. She cannot sing. This is Spain. How in Spain? Spain? You gave eight points to Spain, Karol. I don't know, I just wanted to dance and I don't care what's going on. And I have to be able to bring that vibe. So that's just my guilty pleasure. So yeah, eight points are going to Spain. And you are going to hear this song so much. You're hearing loads in Gran Canaria. In Gran Canaria. So much. That's just amazing. He loves it. But she cannot sing at all In this song, the voice just doesn't matter. What matters is... The life story. The lyrics. Everything. Yeah. My second place, 10 points are going to my winner for like a month or longer. You tell him. I just love that song. She is absolutely amazing. You tell him like, wow, wow, wow. Perfection. Perfection. I have like no other words. This is... [Music] This is going to be everything. I'm not stopping now. [Laughter] [Music] No, this is just amazing. That's just perfection. Perfection. Perfection. And now, my 12 points. [Music] Oh, Poland. No, it can't be [Music] I don't want to listen to it. It's just so irritating. No.
UK Ireland. Ireland. I was actually avoiding this on YouTube because I'm like, no, this is that annoying one. This moment during that song, which I'm pretty sure is gonna... I think it can win Eurovision and it grown me so much... And this act is... [Music] Wait for that. This moment. [Music] Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. I think this is gonna be the moment. Like, you know, like, Loreen had one last year when she was doing this, this, like, things and then she had that amazing vocal. don't compare Nemo to Loreen, please. Don't do that. Nemo brings something new. Yes. Something fresh. No, Luna is not in my top 10 and I have not, and I haven't sent like, plenty of emails or anything and I'm not that crazy Polish Fan, he's gonna like that. That's it. That was my top 10. I hope you liked it and Toy & Goy, We are going to Grand Canaria Yes.
Yes. We are. Yes, we are. We are going to get a whew whew whew. That's it from my side. Bye. Oh, Karol. Karol, Karol, Karol. Karol, listen. You gorgeous, gorgeous beaut. We just messaged Karol after we filmed the reaction. He said, "Karol, what happened? What happened? You missed the 6 points." And he said, "No way! It's there, it's recorded." I said, "Karol, probably you didn't send me the video." So apparently he gave six points to Israel. Wow. I see. He's boycotting. He's one of those. Maybe it's what's up boycotting Israel. I know. Oh, it's such. They're blocking it. Such a funny moment. So six points from Karol. Go to Israel. Oh, Karol, you are a gem. You're a gem and we can't wait. Such a lovely video. Can't wait. Can't wait to be with you. In Grand Canine, I'm sure we are going to have fun. And you need to promise us one thing. We want to see you dance. We want to see you dance. We want to see you dance. Watch him. Watch him. We'll share with you guys. Of course, his dance moves and some photos. Maybe by singing. And you're singing. And you need to learn your dance routine for Malta. Right. So it was a very long video. It's time for us to shine now. It's time for us. And I have to say. It was extremely difficult. I downloaded all the songs last week. And then I went through it. I was like, I'll remove the ones that I obviously don't like. And there were so few that I removed. And I was then thinking, now I'm going to wheel it down to 10 and order them. And even in the end of the world. My top was obvious. My top few were obvious. And then there were like many that I was thinking, well, I want to give these points, but I only have seven or eight spaces to order and put these on. I have 15 songs in my list that I had to decide. I had to decide. Okay, I'm moving it out. And thank God we can vote more than 10 times on the night. And also, and also our top 10 is not the top 10
Yes. from our Eurovision edition. But let's remind you again, you know, you chose your qualifiers. Now you chose your qualifiers. Vote for your final vote for your winner. Cassie is waiting. So please link in the first comment for this video. Let's rank. Let's share. What? Let's rank. Let's share our top 10 for Eurovision 2024. Starting. I'm sure our list. They're going to be very different this year. They're going to be very different. Very different. Very, very different. And I'm looking at the list. And I am not convinced. I literally changed some of mine. I'm not convinced. Five minutes before we started to record. I'm giving. Okay, we need to lock 10 points. Now, things will change. That's it. So for now, for today, my first point goes to Luxembourg. We've just seen the revamp version. Did that change anything for you? Because Luxembourg was on the border for me. So I kind of, okay, I'm pushing something out and then putting it in. And, and you know, I'm like, and right, my one point goes to Azerbaijan. I just, I've listened. I listened to it driving the other day and I was like, it's so gorgeously grown up and sophisticated and authentic. My two points go to Portugal. Yeah, I heard this studio version on yesterday when I was driving. I think this performance, the live performance has more power than the song itself as a studio. But still, I'm sure that after we see the live performance in Eurovision, I will look at the song again in a different way. So at the moment, Portugal is two points. My two points go to Moldova. Well done. Yeah, I just really, really enjoy it. I know it's going nowhere, but I really enjoy it. It doesn't matter. You enjoy it. It fills you with happiness. It's the vibe, the strings, the Eurovision sound. Oh, so you. Yes. My three points go to Malta. That's high for you. I didn't think it would be in. Malta is great song. I think she will pull it out and in the live performance, it will be great. Can't wait. My three points go to Luxembourg. Just really enjoy it. Very unique sound, like classic and modern at the same time. Luxembourg's back and she's a babe. What more can I say? She's a babe. I want her to be in the final. I really want Luxembourg in the finals. So make it happen, guys. Four points. Ah, this song made me feel so much in reaction to it. And I can't even express, explain what happened there. And I'm talking about Serbia. Something in this tone of her voice, something in that kind of, it was small, but it was big at the same time. Right. Fragile. Oh, it was lovely, Serbia. Teya Dora, you gave me such a great feeling. Thank you so much. I love it. Four points to Serbia. My four points go to Greece. Just so unique, so bold, and it's a banger. It's just a banger. And it's a banger. And it's the first time we've heard Greek for years and years and years. And I love that. Five points go to Ukraine. Something in the song, in the way it's kind of the sound and the music, you get into it. And if you're in the right mood, it's really can chill you out. Chill you out. Relax, relax. It gives me some sort of a nice and I'm happy to put Ukraine in my top 10. Ukraine was not in my top 10. It's an excellent song this year. Ukraine was not in my top 10 in the last two years. No way. And I'm so glad Ukraine is back into my top 10. Well deserved, well deserved to be there. My five points go to Georgia. I just, it's an absolute mess, but it's so epic and so over the top. And so I will expose Georgia was on the border for me to get into the top 10. When you went for Luxembourg, did you? Well, no, it was. I've listened to Georgia a lot. And again, I won't be mad if it will finish in the top 10. I think. I'm not agreeing with everything you're saying, but I'm not going like, "No, no, no, that shouldn't be there." It's like, yeah, fine. Literally, 20 of the songs could be in the top 10. I wouldn't be mad if Georgia is making it to the top 10. It's great. Six points. My six points go again to the song that took me a real by a surprise in the reaction. And I just loved it from the first moment I heard it. And I think it's a very unique sound and what they bring. And I'm talking about Azerbaijan. So high. Again, I'm happy to put Azerbaijan back into my top 10. Well deserved, because I think again, something in the motion of the song makes you want to hear more and more. And by all means, thank you so much, Azerbaijan. Six points. My six points go to Italy. I'm loving the Italy sent a Woman. I'm loving the Italy sent something that isn't a ballad. I'm loving the sound. The production of the Italy song is unreal. When you listen to it properly, like every eight bars, something changes and happens and it's exquisitely produced and live. She's flawless. So the only reason it's not higher for me is because there are songs that are more my taste. Yeah, I completely get it. I completely understand. But from the moment we heard Italy, I was like, this is a different caliber in terms of song. My seven points go to the dice. Zari. Greece. I think Greece is bringing something new, something unique, something special. I'm hoping, I'm hoping the plan for the live performance and what they're trying to do there will work because they did try to be clever with Stefania. Yeah. And it didn't work. It didn't work when they put those morph suits and mood suits. It didn't work. And if you squinted, it worked fine. Yeah, but it's not again, it's not like I was obsessed with the song or was enjoying the song as much, but it didn't work because this song is special. Yes. It's special. Yes. And you need to nail it, the performance, because otherwise it could be a car crash. No, I don't think it'd be a car crash. I think it just could be underwhelming if the staging's not bang on. My seven points go to Israel. Wow. Thank you. Thank you. No. It's the song. The most, and I don't mean this, normal ballad. It's a very normal standard song. And ordinarily it wouldn't stand out, but I think it does stand out because of how normal it is compared to some of the madness and the epicness and the, the strangeness. Something, you know, I can't ignore the fact you and us and our linked to Israel. So people are saying I'm not biased, but I just remember that weekend when I had an emotional meltdown, mental breakdown and I woke up and the bridge of that song was stuck in my head and like, okay, I'm ignoring the noise, but these words are hitting me and it's great fun to sing along to. So my eight points go to Israel. Probably it's because of how I feel in the last few months. but at the same time Israel could have sent something completely else and I would hate it, but they came up with, with all the drama before, of October rain and changing to Hurricane and all of that and that's in the past, but the version we have at the moment is stunning, stunning. And I know when we are reacted to this song for the first time, I was overwhelmed and I didn't know how to the clip, the sound and all of that. And suddenly it hit me and it's a grower and it hit me so hard. My worry is that on that first listen, it doesn't impact the way it does on like fourth, fifth listen. Like it was, it's a quick grower, but first time I remember just being like, yes, lovely, it's very good, but now I'm like, I think the power of the live performance, they can do it, something stunning around it, it can work and again, I want Israel in the final. That's what I want. where it is going to end in the final. I don't care. I just want Eden there to walk proudly in the flag parade and show to the world, Israel is existing and AM ISRAEL CHAI simple. My eight points go to complete change of tone now, Austria. We will rave. I am in love with it and I'm also loving that it seems to be doing well. People are loving it as well and the odds are giving it credit because it's transporting me back to my teenage years, but it's also very good. It's a love letter to dance music. It's very, very good. And if what people are saying about her performance abilities as a dancer are true, I think it could be epic, but this is one that if it's not good, it will be a car crash. Because dance music is really hard to translate to television. I think Kaleen comes across as someone with more experience and confidence. Then the DJ and that lady... Oh yes, when they had the big round thing. Yes, because the clip, we love that song and it was great. Love that song and they're live. I can't remember their name. Tia, Tia, Pia, Pia Maria, Pia, Pia, Tia. And even last year, I loved Austria song last year. I think "Who the Hell is Edgar?" is a great song, but when they went to the live performance, it was just underwhelming. I'm loving Austria right now. I'm hoping that only gets bigger in the live. I read an article somewhere and she said it's gonna be three minutes of a dance break. And I think you will love it. I think it's gonna be really, really good. Now when we come to the 10 and 12, I am sorry, I cannot decide. Oh my, my, my. There is no, I can't, I'm taking those two songs together and I just... Come on, it must be, there's one for you that... No. I know what your two are and... You go with the 10 first and I will show my 10 first. My 10 is Cyprus. You are a liar. Cyprus again was a very, very close on the border. No, Cyprus is my kind of song. I actually think it's better than the song I put in first place because it is a little bit more mature. There's an actual message to Cyprus' song. Female empowerment, calling out liars. I'm not saying it's the most deep song, but I just love it. And the bridge is phenomenal and I just can't wait to see it live. Cyprus knows what to do with Eurovision... And I've been listening to it a lot and it's very good to sing along to as well. 12 points. And my 12 points are Malta, of course. Because it's everything for me, everything. I do want Malta to qualify. I really want Malta to qualify. I do want Malta to qualify. Just give me a babe owning her sexuality, being a boss, dancing like a queen and the song, the break dance. The triple bridge, the outro. Yeah, lyrically it's vapid as hell, but it feeds me. It feeds me everything I need. I love how cute you are My top two, everyone's gonna be like, "Oh, you're just basic." And like, "Yeah? So what? I don't care what you guys like. I know what I like." And I like these women. But you saw Karol and how when he hears those songs it made him feel with this feeling of dance and move and happiness. And that's what it's all about, you know? And that's what music is doing to us. But when it comes to Eurovision, because it's a competition, so there is like a different drive here of, "Oh, you like this and you don't like that." You know, but at the end of the day, this... We're all different. We're all different. We all like different things. But it's amazing how this competition and for us, the Eurovision Fandom makes us so happy. Yes. It feels passionate. And it's... That there's many songs that I didn't put in my top 10. And there are! That if they were in someone's top 10, I'd be like, "Amazing." Like, I wouldn't put a ballad in my top 10 apart from Israel because my top 10 is rated on, "What am I going to listen to the most and what am I most excited to hear for the contest?" Listen, Lithuania is out of my list and it's fantastic and it's out of your list as well. I didn't put Serbia, I didn't put Portugal, I love them both. Love them both. And how lucky we are. So, my 10 and 12 are, of course, Italy and Switzerland. Now, when I look at them both, I think Italy is perfection in terms of the production of the song, her character when we saw her live. I know they are preparing with dancers, so it's going to be a bit even more special in that. I hope so. I really like the fact that she was kind of improvising. Yeah, there was a very authentic sincere feel to her San Remo performance. I hope they want kind of damage. Make it too clinical. Yes. And when it comes to Nemo, I mean, Nemo, thank you for finding us. Bringing something completely different to Eurovision and that's what all Eurovision is about. And you said it the other day, Nimo has a really good chance to win this competition because he will get the support from both juries and public. I think it's going to be equal. Like, you know, talking about Croatia, talking about the Netherlands. Croatia and Netherlands are not going to do well in the juries. Nimo could be both, Italy could be both.
No. Yeah, so. And Nimo is not in my top 10 purely because I would rather listen to these babes that make me dance. If it comes down to one of those two countries winning, I would be so happy, but I couldn't pick. Oh, I would pick Italy, I think. So, yeah, so when I came to this list, the way I put my list, I put Switzerland at 10 and Italy at 12. I think that's... Am I completely in agreement with this decision? No. And I think the live performance will make me decide. I know, I think the live performance is going to make it even more difficult for those two because they're both going to be perfect. So this is our top 10. Let us know in the comments below what's your top 10 and how you feel about the coming competition. And of course, vote. Vote. Vote.
Vote. Vote. Please. Get your top 10 into the top 10 of our final. Well, it will be difficult if they have some of the qualifiers. But in the countries, but at the same time, we want to know our fans base winner and Cassie as always, is waiting and so excited to share it with us. If you like this video, thumbs up. Please consider subscribing to our channel if you haven't done so. Follow us on Facebook, send us messages. If you'd like to join our helpers team, send us an email too. or find us on Instagram. Are you going to tag Karol's Instagram again? Because remember he said last time he was inundated with friend requests. So of course always. Show him the love, guys. Show him the love. Show the love. You love Karol. We love Karol. And we are going to Gran Canaria with Karol. And the next time, see you guys very, very soon. Bye! How many did we share in our top 10? Only like three. Malta is in yours? Yes. him Israel Yes. Italy? Yes. Luxembourg? Yes. Oh, and Azerbaijan? Yes. Oh, five. More than I thought. Oh, okay. But vastly different orders. (laughing)