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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the European integration course we will begin with chapter 1 integration theories in the European Union politics in this chapter we will firstly talk about the meaning of integration then early integration theories and lastly contemporary integration theories let's begin with the meaning of integration one of the fundamental events in world politics during the twentieth century has been the creation of the european community and its evolution into the european union today the european union is composed of 28 member states while waiting for the end result of brexit process as the most successful example of regional integration in the world many scholars have sought to explain the genesis and development of european integration as a generic definition the European integration refers to the process of political legal economic industrial social and cultural integration of states holy or partially in Europe integration may take place in a political sense or the political integration to the Social Sciences in a broader sense and narrowly to the political and economic senses the meaning of political integration refers to uniting unifying and organizing a group of two or more units the political integration in building a political community with the political units as its contents through establishing the same frame of rules creating common institutions with the power of decision making and projecting an identity of the integrated community the main point in this integrating activity is the process of delegating the autonomy of the political units the newly formed political community as for the European integration we can explain integration as a process whereby political actors in several distinct national settings are persuaded to shift their loyalties expectations and political activities toward a new center whose institutions possess or demand jurisdiction over existing national states in fact states have not always been integrated by voluntary agreements in order to understand the process of integration we can list the variety of reasons making states integrate with each other first states may be brought together by force as they were in Europe by Napoleon and Hitler second they may become together out of the need for security in the face of a common external threat as the members of the NATO did during the Cold War third they may share common values and goals and agree to cooperate or share resources in selected areas as the Nordic states on transport education and passports have fourth they may decide that they can promote peace and improve their quality of life successfully by working together rather than separately as the members of the United Nations now let's look into the early integration theories early integration theories such as federalism functionalism and transactional ISM took an account of their origin and nature of integration the contemporary integration theories such as neo functionalism intergovernmentalism and liberal inter-governmental ism have sought to analyze how and why the EU emerged and how it works on a daily basis for many intellectuals and politicians of the first part of the 20th century the civilized mind needed to turn itself to the avoidance of war therefore Federalists contemplated the ways in which states could engineer some sort of mutual constitutional settlement that involved the delegation of power upwards to a higher form of government thereby securing peace federalism focuses strongly on major issues of violence and political order it is interested in unification believing that this will tackle international anarchy and the conflicts which arise from them functionalism emerged as an alternative to Federalist designs about the organization of the international system the classic functionalist approach to world order is based on the assumption that states can create a peaceful world society through gradualist and pragmatic cooperation with one another in technical and economic sectors of activity functionalism offers an alternative model of the international order to the power politics approach to international relations which is the characteristic of realism the idea is to eliminate nationalism which is seen as a root cause of any war by attacking national sovereignty transactional ism differs from federalism and functionalism as it does not presume the need to establish federal bodies or functional agencies in order to ensure peace between nations transactional ism seeks to ensure sufficient integration at a social level to make conflict unthinkable therefore in contrast to federalism the transactional issed approach does not presuppose a specific legal and institutional framework transactional ism views integration as a process of cultural assimilation leading to the formation of international security communities in which peoples are linked in bonds of mutual trust and identification and in which wars are no longer considered possible our last topic for today is contemporary integration theories neo functionalism is a popular theory of the European integration in the 1950s and 1960s focused Spur ticularly upon the integration project in Europe it sought to explain what was happening in Europe and to provide a conceptual framework within which developments in Europe could be understood neo functionalists conceptualized the state as an arena in which societal actors operate to realize their interests so rather than explaining international politics as a game among states near functionalists consider international relations as the interplay of societal actors intergovernmental lists view the European integration from the TenPoint of in national states searching for mutually advantageous bargains whereas new functionalism explains integration as the outcome of cooperation and competition among societal actors intergovernmentalism explains integration as the outcome of cooperation and competition among national governments accordingly if neo functionalism represents international relations liberalism in the European integration debate intergovernmentalism certainly constitutes its realists counterpart at the highest level of abstraction liberal intergovernmentalism is a variant of rationalist approach in international relations theory specifically tailored to explain European integration on the other hand liberal intergovernmentalism is more rigorous than its antecedents incorporating within both realist and neoliberal elements and dealing explicitly with the interface between domestic and international politics in other words liberal intergovernmentalism is a synthetic approach that derives from both realist liberal elements and domestic international politics so this is the end of our program for Chapter one of the European integration course good bye and see you in our next program Chapter two [Music] you
Channel: Açıköğretim Sistemi - Anadolu Üniversitesi
Views: 8,998
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Keywords: Anadolu Üniversitesi, Açıköğretim Fakültesi, AÖF, AÖFAnadolum, E-Kampüs, AnadolumAÖF
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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