European excess deaths

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hello and welcome to today's talk Friday the 14th of July now I make no apology at all today for returning to the topic of excess deaths the last week that we have data for in the United Kingdom deaths were 8.8 percent higher than we would expect for the time of year this is just an ongoing issue in the United Kingdom and indeed around the world and today I want to be looking at some European data and seeing what we can learn from this is still greeted by a deafening Silence from government from Health authorities and pretty well universally from mainstream media but we're going to keep on with it because there are some ideas I've got another video coming out probably later today or tomorrow where we talk about some research from Denmark as well which might help but let's just look at briefly what's going on at the moment weekending the 30th of July this week 26 2023 10 373 deaths were registered in England and Wales now interestingly they're saying 129 of these mentioned uh Coronavirus so this number's way down and of course not all of these were from Coronavirus well we could argue about the proportion but but it's a 1.2 of all deaths the official data is saying that the 129 deaths involved with covid-19 61.279 said this recorded as the underlying cause not always uh sure about that I think very often it's so wrapped up with comorbidities in old age it's really quite difficult pretty well impossible to tell it's a rather subjective medical opinion but what we can say for sure is that the covet deaths are way way down uh probably well under 1.2 percent of all all deaths at the moment number of deaths was above the five-year average private homes 22.9 so we see a lot of people are dying at home now you could argue that this is good it's always better to die at home than die in hospital but it's still higher than we would expect hospitals at 6.1 Care Homes it's 3.7 number of deaths registered in the UK as a whole not just England and Wales 11 763 8.8 above the five-year average this is persisting now let's look at the um useful graphic published by the office for National statistics that we've looked at for some time now this is the latest updated version uh the black line of course is the deaths we would expect and for example we see that throughout 2022 which we'll be looking at again in a minute the the deaths were higher than we would have expected during the pandemic waves of course the blue covered deaths there less surprising but the deaths carrying on now in excess levels these are the most recent figures that we have and we see that they are consistently high so this represents here this line here represents 8.8 percent so we can see it was a little higher the week before a little higher the week before now um I'm going to go on and look at some graphics from European data in a minute but I just want to give you some figures from the European data first of all now um this is the data it's from eurostat it's it's well collected data the the European Union area are good at collecting data they're all fairly Advanced countries with pretty well pretty established data collecting methodologies so pretty happy with this quality of data excess mortality in the European Union between January 2020 and may 2023. now it followed the covered waves in 2020 and 2021 although as we'll see not really there was no excess deaths in Finland Norway and Denmark in in 2020 so the Scandinavian countries were a bit different um more on why that might be uh later um anyway the following data was based on the 2016-2019 that we would expect in the pre the pre- pandemic years so compared to 2016 to 2019 EU data for a whole as a whole January 2022 it was up by 8.1 February 8.3 March it was up by 6.7 April it was up by 12 percent may it was up by eight June it was up by 8.4 July it was up by 17.4 now these are high increases 2022 is when Omicron was around way less pathogenic caused much less severe disease we can't attribute any well we contributive some of these deaths to covert obviously but but the majority not these are none directly covered related deaths they're due to other factor or factors and obviously I think it's going to be factors several factors now 558 000 additional deaths in the European Union in July so this July figure here this 17.1 percent represents 58 000 deaths this is absolutely uh astronomical levels of excess deaths ongoing a bit particularly so in 2022 when we wouldn't have expected it 2.8 percent in July 2020 so in July 2020 in the pandemic year July 2020 before any uh before any vaccination of course it was 2.8 percent so when the vaccination program had been rolled out when Omicron was there when there been lots of herd immunity the excess death was 17.1 in July 2020 at the height of the pandemic it was a 2.8 percent so we see that there are other factors here going on this is not just the no one's saying that covert's not a dangerous disease of course it is um um but it's not accounting for most of these excess deaths it was 5.7 higher in July 2021 uh that that represents uh 19 700 deaths so higher in 2021 lower in lower in uh 20. 20 but much higher in uh 20 22. August uh 2022 the excess deaths was uh 13.9 so pretty high again compared to 7.6 in August 2022 but even that represented 27 300 deaths and uh even in 2021 it was only 9.1 so again in 2022 in 2022 we see it's high this is 20 22 data apart from the fact of it's about August wrong but please excuse me for that September anyway September 2022 10.3 October 11.6 more excess deaths November December a huge 20 now of course this is not just because it's winter this is higher than we would expect for Decembers uh that and that represented 92 500 additional deaths in December 2022 in the European Union 2022 was not a good year how are we doing in 2023 the answer is slightly better um January it was 3.9 what we would expect February is the first time in several years it was actually 1.4 below now we would expect it to be low all the time because the people that were vulnerable and were about to die would have been uh would have succumbed to covid typically shortly before they were going to die anyway so in other words covert would expect to filter out if you like the weaker more vulnerable members of society so we'd actually expect death rates to be lower but it's not what we're seeing apart from this one month March it's gone up to plus 0.9 percent April 2023 3.3 percent higher than we would expect and even that represents 11 900 additional deaths May it's uh 2.9 above what we would expect so persisting if not quite at the high numbers of 2022 altogether January 2020 to May 2023 1.765 million additional deaths compared with the average numbers for 16 to 19. so pandemic and the effects that go with the pandemic one million 765 000 additional deaths the deaths higher than the five-year average were 11.8 percent higher in 2020 somewhat expected because of the pandemic 2021 14 higher somewhat expected because of the pandemic 2022 11.1 higher not what we would expect can't be attributed to covert and the first five months of 2023 average out at 1.9 percent but what we do see in 2022 is a big variation between countries as well so Romania for example somewhat great country but somewhat less sophisticated lower vaccine vaccination rates for example in Romania um 3.4 additional deaths in 2022 Sweden with a completely different set of policies as regards lockdown 3.9 deaths higher than you would expect in 2022 Hungary again somewhat um less advanced in some ways 5.2 percent but Cyprus Malta in Finland all very high excess deaths in 2022 so a fair variation between countries that that's true quite a big variation between countries we need to look at those factors and see how that's explained in the first five months of uh 2023 excess deaths in Bulgaria are down good excess deaths in Romania are down the Baltic Lithuania excess deaths are down less quite a bit less than we would expect this is what which respect everywhere but in Ireland excess deaths for 2023 are 10.2 above what we would expect Netherlands 9.5 in Austria 9.3 percent above what we would expect so we are seeing um excess deaths in quite a few countries much higher than we would expect lower only in a few countries and where it's lower is more that Eastern European countries now let me just show you a few more Graphics that illustrate that this is uh Belgium now this is the zero percent line here so we see that Belgium again has been above for quite a lot of the time now only going back up to about zero so so far so good for 2023 in Belgium um but has been really quite high for long periods of time this is Denmark interesting the excess deaths in Denmark didn't go um really that much higher until about May yeah that's about May 2020 this started going up there was a small Peak before that probably covered related but as we see that's the zero line there for 2021 2022 high and now we see Denmark has increased again so that's January February March April so higher death rates in uh Belgium in April and that line there is the uh plus 10 line so about nine percent excess deaths in uh Denmark this is Finland again uh excess tests didn't go up that much there's the zero percent line into up until into 2020 but 2020 one 2022 really quite High and now we can see in Finland the latest data is well above that's the 10 line well above 10 above what we would expect but bear in mind that this is the zero line here so if I just bring this can I bring this down to the zero line um yeah that's the zero line is there so everything there that you can see is well above is excess deaths through 2020 2020 2020 um or 2021 2022 and now peaked again in uh April April May 2023 uh this is France again similar pattern well above the zero line for a lot of the time when we wouldn't expect it uh that one's Germany again that's the zero line there so again we see above average for a lot of 2022. when we wouldn't expect it uh Ireland as we've seen quite high at the moment well above what we would expect for 2022 again Italy Italy is thankfully low at the moment so that's so that's maintained but it's been high for 2021 2022. that one's Netherlands again higher during long periods of time now here I've put in Romania with the European average so European average is the and this is what epidemiologists should be doing a lot of these sort of comparative studies because this is quite this is quite interesting this one so we've got um European Union in dark blue and Romania in light blue so what we see is the Peaks during the pandemic peaks in Romania were higher than the European Union they do have a lower vaccination rate in Romania but then we see that all throughout 2022 the death rates in Romania were consistently lower than in the European Union is there anything to be learned from that is an interesting question that one is Spain again that's the zero percent line there so Spain we see is higher in 2021 and 20 22. and this last one here is Sweden with a different lockdown approach so what we see in Sweden despite the limo okay it was higher there but despite the Limited lockdowns well they weren't locked down really it was just advisory we see the death rates were much higher in the European Union and indeed the death rates have stayed much higher in the European Union average in dark blue compared to Sweden in the uh in the orangey color there so Sweden in many ways has done has done much better so variety of factors that we can discuss um and there's some factors that we we can't openly discuss unfortunately lockdown factors of course people not accessing access accessing Healthcare the the isolation the depression the lack of social contact all of these are going to be big factors pharmaceutical interventions that weren't given during the pandemic and possibly pharmaceutical interventions that were given during the pandemic that weren't normally given we're not we're not trying to make any point here we're just saying we need to be able to account for everything so that's all I want to say in this video on a completely separate topic these are the YouTube Community guidelines on vaccine safety a Content alerting that vaccines cause chronic side effects outside of the rare side effects that are recognized by the health authorities Flames about cloven 19 vaccines that contradict expert consensus from local Health authorities or the World Health Organization we can't contradict the World Health Organization mustn't contradict the World Health Organization and mustn't get mad about it either um claims that approve covered vaccine will cause so we can't say An approved covered vaccine will cause that or that or that we're not saying it does cause all these and be nice to be able to talk about it we can't talk about these things not allowed to talk about those of course I've got one strike recently and that's kind of still hanging over me so and on the say on the same page um we're also not allowed to make claims about magnetism bizarre that things that could be legitimately talked about are put on with things that are clearly Looney Tune nonsense um but but that's the constraints we're currently working under so I'm not trying to make any particular point I'm just pleading for a free and open discussion because it's multifactorial but people are dying I mean read the comments of some of the videos they're just heartbreaking people have been lost recently and uh very little work being done about it um now next video we are going to be talking to Dr Vivica manika who is working on this front from Denmark so tune in for the next uh the next video really quite uh interesting and uh I might give you so I might give you some feedback from other videos as well but some of the feedback on these videos really is quite quite moving and um if there's any academics out there really you could take any one of these videos and do a qualitative analysis on the feedback of them and it would be quite quite enlightening because between all of the people that are making comments there's a lot of wisdom but there's a lot of data as well so please keep leaving the comments and please keep please keep reading them they are very informative but that's us for now um these graphs do need to be explained uh but I'll leave it there and thank you for watching we will continue to monitor these excess deaths still 8.8 percent in the UK it's um it's high numbers thank you for watching
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 457,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: ovyI17TYaP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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