Etihad First Class (Apartments) - Sydney to Abu Dhabi (EY 455) - Airbus A380-800
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Channel: Eddie Khoo
Views: 6,384,338
Rating: 4.5326285 out of 5
Keywords: Etihad, Etihad Airways, Etihad First class, First class, First class Apartments, Apartment, Sydney, Abu Dhabi, First Class Lounge, First class bed, First class shower, First class food, airplane food, airplane bed, airplane shower, EY 455, Airplane lounge, Airplane suite, First Class Suite, Airbus, A380, Airbus A380-800, A380-800, IFE, airplane internet, in-flight internet
Id: k8ifqah9VuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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'Super first class' would be 'The Residence' a bit further left as you board.
I think I'd cope in there with a tube of Pringles and an hour on Tetris before keeping everyone awake with my snoring.
For fuck's sakes you philistines, A MARTINI IS MADE WITH GIN!
why does the super first class flight take the same amount of time as everyone else? not worth it.
"There's little to no benefit of the First-Class lounge....let's look at the buffet spread"
Doesn't have enough babies screaming
Meanwhile, this is how the rest of us fly
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Blah airlines for me. (yes, I watched the ENTIRE thing)
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