ETF'er vs Investeringsforeninger | Bedste aktiefonde på Nordnets Månedsopsparing? (Skat medregnet)
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Channel: Økonomichefen
Views: 20,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etf vs investeringsforening, etf, investeringsforening, etf investering, etf aktiesparekonto, etf skat, etf 2021, etf nordnet, etf aktier, nordnets månedsopsparing, nordnet, månedsopsparing, etfer, investeringsforeninger vs etf, investeringsforeninger top 10, investeringsforeninger udbytte, investeringsforeninger, aktiefond, aktiefonde, sparindex, ishares etf, sparindex djsi world, sparindex djsi, sparindex djsi world udbytte, aktier, investering, aktieskat, passiv investering, skat, penge
Id: nrGx6SMVYOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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