ETERNALS: How the Ending Sets Up Namor for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever | Marvel Theory Explained

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spoilers for the eternals are ahead [Music] welcome back to screen crush i'm ryan airy imperius rex that's neymar's war cry and it's probably what he's shouting right now at the top of his lungs after what went down in the eternals a celestial just rose from the ocean piercing earth's surface that must have resulted in devastation all around the world especially everything under the sea and that is where atlantis is located is expected to be the villain in wakanda forever and we might see atlantis going to war with wakanda and after the eternals i have a good idea how this conflict will begin on top of that tiamat's existence gives us answers to what happened to atlantis and why the ancient kingdom sank under the ocean but before all that we have to talk about one of the most complicated anti-heroes in all of comics neymar and why wakanda forever is the perfect movie to introduce him into the mcu i care not for the affairs of others neither human nor inhuman your people are unwelcome intruders i suggest you take this opportunity to remove yourselves from my territory well you still have the chance so there are rumors that tay no cuerta from narcos mexico is the mcu's namer and that he will be the villain of wakanda forever and while there's nothing official yet it's probably all but confirmed neymar is a fascinating character he's an anti-hero at times he's a borderline villain for him it's atlanta's first the rest of the world's second except for sue storm am i right he's volatile and hot-headed so he might help you but at the same time he might also kill you neymar has a long and rich history in the comics he's been around longer than most superheroes the fans know that neymar is amazing and for those who don't here's how i'll explain it he's not like aquaman especially not the jason momoa version i guess the best way to explain neymar is this he's basically what if black adam was greta thunderberg how dare you how dare you so neymar has an uphill battle in the eyes of fans because it's inevitable that he will be compared to aquaman i told you i'm not aquaman i am the submariner wow a real superhero i i have little wings on my feet yeah and this is just it's over but that might not be such a bad thing with the right direction neymar could actually be a far more interesting character than arthur especially because of the direction that warner brothers went with their aquaman not that there's anything wrong with aqua bro mamoa did great work and his personality fit perfectly for the tone of the movie it's just that aquaman has a very different personality in the comics but things worked out well for aquaman since it's the most successful dc movie ever but as much as i like aqua bro i much prefer a complicated anti-hero like namer and with such a dense personality namer could easily become one of the most iconic characters in the mcu we have many heroes but you can really count the anti-heroes on one hand and we always love them now that's the tl dr version of namer i could talk about his comic escapades all day but for this video let's focus on how it will play out in the marvel cinematic universe and yes i will be using aquaman footage from time to time while talking about namer and i hope that's not too insulting but there's barely any footage of namer and to keep this whole video visually interesting i don't want to use just still frames good for you dude and so let's dive into the fictional history of the marvel world and see how neymar and atlantis connect to all of this at some point in ancient history arisham chose earth to be the host planet for tiamat now it's unclear when that meteor crashed into earth i assume it happened about a million years ago because every million years a new celestial must be born but tiamat's seed might have arrived only a few thousand years ago so the tsunami that the impact unleashed might have been what sank atlantis but in case it wasn't i have another idea also i don't think it was the same meteor that hit wakanda that one definitely hit earth millions of years ago millions of years ago a meteorite made a vibranium struck the continent of africa in the comics atlantis emerged about 10 000 years ago and that's probably what's going to happen in the mcu a few thousand years give or take before the kingdom sank it was the center of the world atlantis was an empire a utopia a place of commerce and trade it birthed the most advanced civilization on the planet but you know how the story of atlantis goes it's the same in the myth as it is in dc and marvel the city sank and its people adapted to living underwater so there are a couple possibilities for why atlantis went down under the first and most likely one is tiamat so the emergence in the eternal signified the birth of tiamat and it meant destructive earthquakes all around the world that explains the earthquake akoyo spoke about in endgame it was a mild subduction under the african plate something we were all sure was connected to atlantis until now our world's history is filled with countless cataclysmic earthquakes volcanoes erupting massive tsunamis swallowing whole lands what if many of these events happen because of tiamet the celestial's body grew in earth's core over millions of years and as he got bigger he needed more space for his giant body that surely sent destructive ripples across the planet sort of like baby kicks in a mother's womb only these kicks shake the whole planet so thousands of years ago one of these baby kicks happened causing a massive earthquake that's the great cataclysm that sank atlantis thematically this makes the most sense t-mut is the cause for atlantis going under the sea and now the celestial is also the reason why atlantis is revealed to the world it's like poetry so if they rhyme but atlantis fall might not have been an act of god but a deliberate act of a cosmic god atlantis was the most advanced civilization on earth leaps and bounds beyond anything that was possible at the time this technological advancement threatened arisham's timeline for earth because it wasn't just atlanta civilizations influenced each other so the more advanced atlantis got so did the others either by trade or wars humanity was never meant to evolve so rapidly they only existed to reproduce and grow their population so that tiamat will feed on their life's energy and grow bigger so the celestials balance the scales they engineered the catastrophe that sank atlantis when the earth starts to settle god throws a stone at it and believe me he's winding up so basically the celestials being gods punished atlantis with a flood so a combination of these two will serve as a good explanation for atlantis fall we only saw tiamat's golden noggin and fingers but those are attached to the rest of his body all of it piercing earth's crust all the way down to the core i just hope team up was coming out head first otherwise his toes might be poking out of florida [Laughter] but when something that massive comes out of the core that just messes with the world team rose in the indian ocean but because of how tectonic plates work these events must have messed things up under the ocean causing devastating earthquakes and tsunamis that reach the atlantic ocean and atlantis felt the worst of it because it sits right on earth's surface so i'm pretty sure that anyone who's standing next to the ocean right now might be hearing thunderous screams that sound like imperious yeah i'm pretty sure neymar was not happy about any of this in the comics atlantis is located somewhere in the atlantic ocean and that seems to be the case in the mcu as well atlantis was teased way back in iron man 2. on shield's map we can see two important marked points the one in africa is wakanda and the one in the atlantic is probably atlantis not sure how shield knew about a secret underwater kingdom but i chuck it up to it being the early days of marvel studios where they shoved easter eggs into everything like that fake infinity gauntlet fake now the atlantic ocean is a logical location for atlantis it's sort of the center of the world reflecting how atlantis used to be the center of the world in ancient times the other option is that atlantis is actually located in the indian ocean bringing it closer to ground zero where tiamat was rising but honestly it doesn't really matter atlantis might as well be in the pacific simply because it's the biggest ocean on the planet does size count at all i like them when they're really big and i think it's better when they're enormous when a freaking celestial breaks out of the earth's core atlantis will feel the devastation no matter where it's located on the map what is important is how this event introduces namer and atlantis to the mcu and this is the perfect place to set up the atlantis and wakanda conflict so here's how i think it should play out after the events of the eternals wakanda sends an expedition to investigate tiamat when the wakandans arrive they encounter hostile atlanteans neymar and his people are there to find out what the hell just rose out of the bottom of the ocean and brought devastation to atlantis so both people converge in the same place for the first time in thousands of years and things will get bloody i think shuri should be there as the top scientist of wakanda she will try to reason with namer but neymar's angry and the wakandans are in the wrong place in the worst time so it's imperious rex time he attacks the wakandan expedition because of how volatile neymar is the conflict quickly spirals into a war between the two most powerful super nations on earth and since wakanda is so advanced neymar must have been preparing for a conflict with them for decades and the best way to raise the scales is if atlantis possesses weapons that can oppose vibranium how badass would it be if neymar's trident can cut through vibranium like thanos's sword through cap shield that creates escalation for the sequel where the black panther suit is suddenly not as indestructible as it was in the first film also neymar could point the finger at wakanda for failing to protect the world wakanda is advanced very similar to how atlantis used to be in ancient times yet the wakandans hid their gifts from the world for millions of years in contrast to atlantis back when it was the center of the world atlantis used to be the perfect utopia before it sank so there's always going to be the question of how much better would the world have been if atlanta still ruled the world so neymar directs his fury at wakanda setting an example for the rest of the world i think that the best direction marvel can take with neymar is the same one dc sort of took with orm in aquaman orum had legitimate grief with humanity blaming them for their crimes against the oceans because for a century they have polluted our waters and poisoned our children the problem there was that the movie didn't dive into those dense themes because aquaman wanted to stay a mostly fun adventure movie but with namer marvel can explore the devastating impact humanity has had on the environment exploring how climate change and global warming affect neymar and atlantis is the perfect story neymar ages very slowly he's been around for a hundred years so over the century he saw this drastic shift in humanity's relationship with the environment and the careless mistreatment of his oceans because everything under the ocean belongs to neymar and from his point of view every oil drill every dead fish every pollution every melting ice cap is an unforgivable crime against atlantis i mean you know the saying it's not what the world can do for you but what you can do for the world well for neymar it's what you must do for atlantis but after what happened with tiamat neymar is done playing nice with the surface world you can't really blame a celestial on the humans well if someone can it's going to be neymar we have been hiding long enough the time has come for atlantis to rise again now i do have to talk about a very sensitive matter and that's t'challa at this point we don't know what marvel's plans for black panther are i really hate to speculate about this but i assume that t'challa isn't going to be in wakanda forever that much i'm sure his presence will be felt but he won't have an active role meaning someone else will have to take the throne and the black panther mantle and here the story can become even more complicated when neymar attacks wakanda will need strong leadership otherwise the nation will fall as the future queen shuri will have to deal with this crisis and she might not be ready for that responsibility this corset is really uncomfortable so could we all just wrap it up and go home i mean she's still pretty young and she seems to be more into creating new tech instead of actually rolling wakanda so that gives us a fascinating arc for shuri where she must step into her brother's shoes and deal with wakanda's biggest crisis she might try to find a peaceful resolution and attempt to solve things with diplomacy something that doesn't work with namer this will put her at odds with someone like mbaku who would react to neymar's rage with his own rage also let's not forget that mbaku helped t'challa because it served him he might not show the same respect to shuri saying that wakanda cannot be led by someone who's so young and inexperienced and during wartime they need strong leadership so this war between wakanda and atlantis isn't going to be so simple shuri won't just deal with neymar's attack but also the complicated politics of her own nation and that's really perfect for escalation and the story but there's also the question of who becomes black panther now i'm not sure that shuri should be black panther what at least not yet wakanda forever should explore her evolution and growth in a difficult time as she learns how to lead the nation as well as protect it most people will say that okoye should be black panther and while i agree that would be awesome i think the best option is nokia the first film established nakia as someone who envisions what wakanda should be how it must come out of the shadows and help the rest of the world share what we have we could provide aid and access to technology and refuge to those who need it she refused to stand down while killmonger took the throne she was willing to fight even when believing that t'challa died she stands for what is right and not what's best for wakanda and that makes her the perfect black panther after t'challa and that's in contrast to namer who always does what's best for atlantis first so this gives us a fascinating ideological conflict for this movie what is your responsibility to your nation versus the rest of the world and how can we all make the world a better place without killing each other but how do you make neymar chill out well unless sue's storm's going to show up we will need a shocking twist you're going to need a bigger boat what if atlantis wasn't as extraordinary as the legends say the shocking truth is that the ancient kingdom wasn't this perfect utopia that helped the world in advanced humanity in reality atlantis enslaved the rest of the world with its advanced tech and weapons it ruled with violence and fear wiping out whole civilizations who dared stand in its way you didn't see that coming when atlanta sank it wasn't a tragedy for the rest of the world it was a cause for celebration a liberation from an oppressive empire neymar and his people believed in this lie for thousands of years glorifying their alleged greatness believing that they would have done better and that's something either shuri or nakia will discover when entering the spirit realm learning the truth from the kings of wakanda who ruled during atlantis time and once neymar discovers that he believed in a terrible lie that will be the reason why he stops the war understanding that his actions could lead to atlantis becoming that oppressive empire once again that's the coolest story i've ever heard my entire life that's insane so in the end neymar will vow to do better but because it's still namer he's not going to do a full 180 and suddenly become the ultimate good guy but it doesn't mean that he can't find a better way to protect his kingdom and help the world for him atlantis will always come first and humanity's crimes will never be forgotten and he'll always bounce between the heroes and the villains and that's just a delicious recipe for a great anti-hero so in the future he could fight alongside the avengers but he could also team up with doctor doom and try to conquer the world simply because he believes the world would be a better place under his rule speaking of doctor doom i wouldn't be too surprised if he's involved in wakanda forever in some capacity it's the perfect opportunity to introduce him to the mcu i agree but look don't get me started on doctor doom because this video might end up being three hours long so staying on namer i think that having the events of the eternals establish neymar and atlantis in this way will be good for wakanda forever and the mcu an event like that must have everlasting consequences and the reveal of atlantis the war with wakanda and the introduction of neymar is a great payoff for all of that so what do you think could this theory work who should be black panther shuri or someone else let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 310,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternals easter eggs, eternals breakdown, eternals movie explained, what was the eternals about, marvel conenctions in the eternals, was ikarus right, will there be an eternals sequel, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, mcu eternals, the eternals sucked, the eternals was great, namor, wakanda forever, black panther 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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