Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Analysis & Review

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when you ask someone about their favorite movie it can often tell you a lot about the person and in some ways who they are and what they value my all-time favorite movie without a doubt is and I think will forever be Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind to try and summarize this movie to its full extent in a short amount of time would be nearly impossible but in an effort to make this video as structured as possible I'm going to try directed by Michel Gondry and written by Charlie Kaufman maternal sunshine of the spotless mind follows a couple in their process of removing each other from their memories it tells the story of two people that are simultaneously meant to be whilst destined to just as quickly fall apart eternal sunshine indulges in its own melancholy and is an emotional roller coaster that will leave you feeling nostalgic of memories you've since locked away Jim Carrey does a beyond extraordinary job at portraying the introverted and reserved Joel barish if I'm being honest Jim Carrey is the last person I'd expect to play a role such as this but he did it with such ease and exceeded my and I'm sure many others expectations when this masterpiece came out in 2004 Kate Winslet is perfect as always her portrayal of the extroverted and eccentric Clementine both clashes and pairs oh so beautifully with Jim Carrey's Joel we should be a happy Valentine's Day when you call that'd be nice I genuinely can't find a single aspect of this film that I don't like the soundtrack primarily composed by John Bryan is perfect he also composed the OST for Lady Bird and that was phenomenal as well so are we really surprised the cinematography is also astounding especially the library transition that still gives me chills to this day [Music] using clementines hair as a plot device to specify the time in which we're watching the story develop is genius and the writing oh my god the writing a lot of the lines that really sat with me were the ones that were being built up the whole movie just to at the end be told so directly and in such a simple way no big explanation needed with little words we already know everything that needed to be said has been set connected with emotion rather than extensive dialogue [Music] what do we do Eternal Sunshine tends to play on sci-fi and almost black mirror-like themes demonstrating the good and bad of being given the ability in technology to tap into our minds and remove what we see isn't fit delving into philosophical questions of happiness and growth are we truly better without the haunting memories of the past this movie proves to us that no matter how hard we try to get rid of these memories fragments remain and it is crucial for them to in order to live a life with growth and change this is especially seen in the final scenes where the to discover their tapes but I'll get more into that later more than technological aspects however something avid Watchers tend to debate over is whether or not Clem and Joel were really meant for each other I'm gonna try and look at both sides I have a hard time not pulling comparisons from this love story to that of Damion chisels masterpiece la-la-land chasing a love strictly based on the initial spark and less on compatibility at least in its complete form both couples struggle over different issues but the reason they stay it remains the same their immense love for one another is that of the soulmate type both lovers and best friends when they're at their highest of moments they are at their happiest the childlike Wonder and imagination is what brings these couples close but unfortunately in reality is never what determines longevity if the two are incapable of learning to agree to disagree make sacrifices for one another learn to work and adapt and change the connection will eventually fall through the cracks but can people work through these obstacles and learn to grow of course and we're sort of alluded to that ending and eternal sunshine and less in la-la land but I could make a whole other video about that movie and why the ending is perfect like if you want to see that [Music] now I'm not gonna sit here and claim that Joel and Clem are perfectly compatible personality-wise they complement each other because they in many ways weigh each other out Clem is outgoing Joel is not Joel is not much of the adventurous type while Clem is but this also sees itself as a huge obstacle because they're unwilling to understand each other side and change in some way to get along Clem is unwilling to change her irresponsible often erratic behaviors and drinking problems such as staying out till 3:00 a.m. drunk carelessly wrecking Joel's car Joel is seen unable to properly communicate his emotions as well as really communicate anything according to climate least tell you everything every damned embarrassing thing he also never seems to truly understand Clem for who she is jaded with what seems to be an infatuation of some sort he outright states this in the audio that was recorded before the memory removal unhealthy habits are seen in both counterparts and neither of them try to fix them ultimately leading to their separation however this is where the ending comes into play and mix these things up of it after listening to each other's tapes it's clear that this creates a divide stating what they dislike about one another in gruesome detail the apologetic smile that sort of wounded puppy [ __ ] he does you know what are you doing I don't do that I wouldn't think about you because I don't know but even after the memory removal of each other they feel this spiritual and emotional Thai specifically on jolson coercing him to call for Clem to stay [Music] she lays it out on the table for him full honesty no beating around the bush with you and because that's what happens with me and in this moment joel puts all his insecurities aside for what seems like the first time ever and just willingly and wholeheartedly accepts it okay it's a moment of vulnerability that would pull it anyone's heartstrings accepting the eventual hurt then willing to go through it because at the end of the day the good memories are what made it enjoyable relishing in the present and less on what the future holds this is the final message to take home many have speculated the final scene was put on repeat to show that they continue this loop after the tapes were released but others have hope because they have been given the tapes realized what didn't work and it would be presumed that lacunae shut down after the expose giving them time to reflect on their past and grow whether stuck in the loop or not we really don't know what's in store for them and that's what makes the ending so impactful relationships aren't simple they're messy and confusing but have the potential to change your life for the better if you're willing to open your heart to any and all possibilities change your heart [Music]
Channel: HeyitsHannah
Views: 62,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eternal sunshine, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, film review, film analysis, movie analysis, movie essay, movie review
Id: g9cnbKhfd88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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