Estas Tonne & Friends || Art is aLive - Live street stream (synched video)

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uh just kind of uh as a reminder that we are all still here no matter what's happening in the world and we all know what's happening in the world madness is happening in the world and uh the madness has all kind of qualities as good ones as the negative ones and no matter what happens the nature says it all right we were coming here during the snowflaking moment and then it was very clear and then we are starting right now again it's now falling so we just have to improvise with life every time no matter what's happening so this is not a political statement this is more like a statement of people who who are alive of many cultures because we come from all over the world and we just kind of want to share a bit of sound with all of you and to warm up our hearts with all of you with all of us with all of those watching us a little poetry is coming out so enjoy the ride stay in your heart this is just a reminder that we are all alive no matter what happens thank you thank you thank you for joining this [Music] morning [Music] um [Music] well let's warm up a little bit because we're going to freeze here [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] ego [Music] you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] it's kind of symbolic you know that we're playing next to the school bus because some would say that we come here on earth to learn i would say we kind of come more here to remember because i would say if all of us really remembered what the all of us are doing here on this planet then we will take it easy a little bit this crazy rights we are on but we don't nobody gave us instructions and those instructions that we receive from the official organizations so to say schools and universities quite often there based on the man my man mind creation and what's the difference between the grown-up man and the child quite often is in the spontaneity because the grown-up man says i know the way just do as i do and the childhoods would like to explore and find new pathways in life because that's how we all of us children of many ages operate we cannot be placed in some sort of a structure for long periods of time so we have have to find uh new pathways to be new pathways to be with ourselves new pathways to be on this planet and this goes beyond nationalities and passports and countries and this man-made stuff right but it's it's a game it's a setting some would uh fight it and some would find a way how to dance with it because it's a dance it's a beautiful dance we don't remember but we all kind of wanted to be part of this dance especially in this kind of times this is where everything comes on the surface this is where we find ourselves lost and desperate and lonely and we have to find a new way to be because if we will follow the grown-up man and there are grown-ups men that trying to lead everyone if they don't know where they're going then we are lost in this great jungle of life we have no idea what are we doing here so the more people know what are they doing here then this guy who who is in front mostly it's a guy not that many women out there for some reason i would like to see more women out there who are leading the way but for the moment there is this guy of many colors leading the way and quite often it's really distorted because he has no idea where he leads people and when everyone get in to understand and remember what we are here to create in the midst of the weather in the midst of madness in the midst of pandemi or whatever is happening in the world if we know that there is no one man trying to lead everyone then it's a console that's then it's a circle then it's really sharing it's not just blindly following this is just a few thoughts improvised by a little kid sitting here under the snow under the beautiful uh umbrella full of leaves here kind of gives us an impression that we are during the summer somewhere so we just continue playing and maybe these words will inspire someone to think to feel more to reflect more who knows this is not prepared this is not structured this is spontaneity speaks [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] here [Music] one no [Music] oh [Music] wow that's been a while this thunder comes back around why not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] doctor [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] i wow [Laughter] [Music] yo [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] for some time already for already second year right globally we're experiencing a phenomenon which i don't want to call by its name but we all know this phenomenon and it seems that in the nearest times for all of us you would have to kind of as it looks like to make a choice what to do because for many of us for us to do something we would have to make some sort of a decision but that's the trick actually because if you really look into the decision making into the choice making between a and b between black and white between green and yellow actually there is no choice there is no making choices there is no choosing something because when we know in our heart what is true we cannot make choices there is no choice it's not a choice it's a way of being and so it would be very interesting for all of us those who would love to go travel those who would love to go get some jobs so those who all of us who would love to study we would have to make some sort of a choice we would kind of have to make a decision what to do so to say we will be free and there's a question is there something that can make us more free probably probably if inside of cells we don't have battles if you don't wrestle with our minds if you don't wrestle with those that we love if we don't wrestle with everything around us then there is no battle and when there is no battle nobody can come and tell anyone what to do because then it's not a choice you just know no it's like somebody come and bring you some soup and you don't feel like eating it it doesn't smell good you don't say yes maybe you don't need to be nice no no not all of us need to be nice people we need to be true more open-hearted people not nice people [Music] right so when we are faced in front of this position when we have to make a choice [Music] i wonder really if there is a choice if there is a choice at all [Music] it's not about fighting anyone trying to prove to anyone not trying to manifest to protest anyone this is just mind games we are playing with ourselves all over the world all over the world i just wonder when this war will be over when there is nobody to fight for nobody to fight against nobody to fight at all [Music] hello [Music] [Music] no hello [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] yes [Music] i'd like to give thanks to the city of graz for letting us do this today i would love to give thanks to all of these beautiful people joining here mulham from syria conrado from an argentina aramis from austria and many places oh benjamin from who knows where he is with his yellow beautiful bus all of this crew of these beautiful people filming it and doing the sound for all of us gathering here uh in spite regardless of the weather and actually i'd like to make kind of to emphasize this that what brings us all together is that something that we call a heart you know when ja people they would say one love right i would say this is the place when we share this space of one heart one love man so it's it's this quality which it goes beyond beyond this uh separation that we all have inside our mind it's not about nations inside of us we have these splits so i wish for all of us to get in more and more in this undivided heart soul place where we don't have bottles inside and we know what to do where to go how to be how to share how to love and how to be loved thank you all for being thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] great thanks to esther stonehenge when we say thank you when we say art is alive we kind of think of artists being specific people who play music who dance who paint the but if you really look at life everything is art so either we can destroy it which means either we can destroy ourselves or once we see it we create something beautiful potentially we can thank you all for being thank you see you next round about thank you can again oh foreign all the time okay you
Channel: Estas Tonne
Views: 185,682
Rating: 4.9675541 out of 5
Keywords: estas tonne, the song of the golden dragon, internal flight, guitar, usa, planet earth, meditation, awareness, consciousness, europe, peaceful music, peace, golden dragon, troubadour, internal flight experience, ancient memories
Id: 7tJ-fq5l-4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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