Essential Stained Glass Tools

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hi there I'm Millie Frances from everything stained glass and I'd like to welcome you to my studio today what I'm going to talk about is tools but first of all I'd like to ask you a question do you know what that are the essential tools you need for stained glass some people when they haven't done any before they think that you need really enormous complicated machinery but really it's very small handheld tools that you need so I'll take you through them all now and you'll see all the essential tools you need ok what do you think number one is the most and best thing of all number one gorgeous glass if I had to try and guess what had drawn you to stained glass I would say three things color light and texture it's just absolutely exciting when you go into a shop and see the huge display of different types of glass so you can get transparent ones like this one and opalescence like this one that's the two main categories but within that there's thousand well probably hundreds of variations and which makes your palette so exciting what about number two number two comfortable cutter cutters are a really really important part of your kit so you want to get a nice one that's comfortable for you this is a pistol grip cutter and it's got a swivel head as does this pencil grip cutter here both have a reservoir for oil and both have detachable heads in a little tiny wheel at the end there this little screw is what you unscrew when you want to replace the head and this tiny little one makes a carbide wheel makes a scratch on the glass which is then broken off with the pliers and number three great grows a Breakers I love grows our breakers and I think they're really underrated these are special type of pliers for stained glass and they've got a serrated jaw and a nice little spring there so that their handles go backwards and forwards and without any effort if you have a closer look at those jaws you can see that they're a bit like a file which is what they do they nibble away the glass there's a round and a flat jaw and the inside of the round one is also serrated this is the breaking bit of the growth of breakers you put the flat jaw on top along the score line and just break it off and this is the grossing part of the growth of breakers where you're nibbling the glass off to make it tidy magic what about number four round running pliers these are absolutely brilliant pliers for breaking or running a score you've got a rounded cushioned jaw which applies pressure on either side of the score line and a little screw for adjusting the width of the jaws I've already done a score line here and if you line up the middle of the jaws with that and press the handles together it runs the score in your glasses apart numero five safe sides stone I really have trouble saying that or sometimes known as a sharpening stone if you don't yet have a tabletop grinder you can use one of these carborundum stones to make your glass safe and grind it a little bit make sure you wet it first and six coated copper foil this is a roll of sticky copper tape that goes around the edges of your glass for the solder to stick to it comes in different widths and with different color backings this one here is a copper colored backing and you can see from that it's a little bit sticky and what about number seven sizzling soldering iron along with your cutter you're sizzling soldiering iron is the other import really really important part of that your kit that you can't afford to scrimp on this one is a temperature-controlled one and the tip is at the end but the whole bit there upfront to the blue bit gets hot and you hold it like a club they all come with a supplied stand and this one comes straight and you just bend the edges over and then you just pop your soldering iron on top number number eight secure solder it's not the most exciting of materials but you do need it to melt along your copper foiled seams to keep your stained glass together it either comes in spools or sticks and the best one for copper foil is 60/40 which relates to the fluidity and it means it's composed of 60% 10 and 40 percent lead 5050 you sometimes see and that's good for a lead came number nine flowing flux so what is the flux for it's for cleaning the copper foil and it's for making the solder flow along your copper foiled lines you can buy in liquid paste or gel form number 10 polished pattern ER copper patina changes the color of your silver solder lines to a lovely copper color so if you want to keep them silver you don't strictly need pattern ER nearly there number 11 hanging hooks and wire of course you're going to have to have something to hang your amazing stained glass up with so you're going to need some hooks and you can get some different types of chain from DIY stores and last but definitely not least number 12 sensible safety items it goes without saying that you need all of this whenever you make stained glass you need some form of ventilation and a mask a dump of a dustpan and brush safety glasses are an absolute must and the gloves for when you're dealing with chemicals and a basic first-aid kit so this is actually all you need to make stained glass it's not so much is it I wouldn't recommend trying to hold it all together like this but I just wanted to show you that it really does pretty much fit into your hands
Channel: Everything Stained Glass
Views: 75,456
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Keywords: Stained Glass (Collection Category), stained glass tutorial, stained glass art, make stained glass, how to make stained glass, stained glass, stained glass tips, everything stained glass, stained glass tools, stained glass supplies, stained glass soldering iron, stained glass copper foil, stained glass pliers, stained glass flux, stained glass materials, copper foil, stained glass diy, stained glass for beginners, stained glass instruction, making stained glass
Id: tg7Heii2cyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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