ESPN 30 for 30 "Catholics vs Convicts"

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you couldn't look on he'll walk on the buses and everyone's wearing their t-shirts convex versus Catholics I kind of got a kick out of it we got it I mean we have earned that reputation some of our past possessions before our pregame and usually if a team does they run around on the sidelines and they go Tom you know it's all good our stadium it's one tunnel when we end the way out you had to go completely around the entire group in order to get to the dressing room to get to the tunnel we go around her to go through culture they didn't respect us and they just ran through some bunkers that I get out of our way this is our field Notre Dame wasn't going to allow that to happen I was in the press box and you heard the crowd react first everybody in the stands said hell yeah it wasn't a shoving match it was a humble it was a bar fight we had schools we'll begin each other with punch the man thrown helmet be ripped off we tried to break it up couldn't break it up I looked at level is that this thing may never end I'll get a few moments down there this goes on for minutes then it seems like forever that was about as intense as the locker room can get the emotions were running very high guys are upset there's a lot of screaming in the element loose in a tough situation few minutes pass and who comes out if anybody shows anything with great sportsmanship during this game you will not play the rest of the year none of that you won't play the rest year career here he didn't scold us for the for the shoving match he said represent our school it wasn't what we thought coach then just turns on a dime and said now after the game they went to fight in the parking lot hell yeah they did fine and he says but I will tell you you got an afternoon to play in a lifetime can remember but you didn't want to pity's sake Jane Johnson's ass for me game over game over he's fired up we have to be fired there was no doubt that whose no when they gave we let that lack room we were going to get the W game over
Channel: TheTotalpackage28
Views: 64,643
Rating: 4.7462687 out of 5
Id: p1cQ0QdzX9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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