ESP32 CAM with Python OpenCV Yolo V3 for object detection and Identification, Image Processing

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this video is brought to you by ultim365. in this video I'm going to use esp32 camera Mario with python opencv YOLO V3 for object detection and identification I'm only using esp32 camera module for the live video streaming various for the image processing I'm using YOLO V3 I will test it on three different machines and you will be amazed with the end results first I will test it using the raspberry pi 4 and it has 8 GB Ram then I will test it on core I3 laptop and finally I will test it on my MSI Intel Core i7 with Nvidia g416gb GPU and 16GB Ram I specially purchased this laptop for video editing and image processing anyway after performing initial test then I will share with you the final code which can be used for the detection and identification of specific objects let's say you want to send an alert message when a specific object is detected in my case I send an alert message when a bird and gate are detected both at the same time while all the other objects are totally ignored we have a long list of the objects that we can detect so after watching this video you will be able to detect all these objects at the same time or you can select one or multiple objects of your choice and this way you can build amazing image processing based projects so without any further delay let's get started [Music] first we will install Python and for this simply copy this link and paste it in the internet browser scroll down and download the Windows x86-64 executable installer [Music] double-click to install the python and make sure you check this box now to check if the python is installed simply open the CMD type python Double Dash version as you can see python 3.6.1 has been installed next we are going to install opencv open the CMD command prompt and type this command [Music] as you can see I have already installed it there is nothing complicated it's just a simple installation process now we will install YOLO for this copy this link paste it in the browser scroll down and download the weights and CFG files of the YOLO v3-320 [Music] foreign J files next we will copy the coco.names for this copy this link and paste it in the browser copy all the names [Music] notepad and paste these names save it with the name Coco dot names [Music] remove the dot txt extension keep the cocoa dot names YOLO v3.cfg and YOLO v3.weights files in the same folder with the main programming file the kit in bird detection dot Pi is the main programming file next we are going to start with the esp32 camera module you will need to upload this program into esp32 camera module for the live video streaming you can download this code from our website but first you will need to download this library but this go to GitHub and download the esp32 game zip [Music] then go back to Arduino IDE click on sketch menu then include Library and click on library then browse to the location and select the zip folder [Music] as you can see I have already added the library for uploading the program I'm using the esp32 camera development board this way I don't need to use Arduino but if you don't have this development board then you can use the Arduino Uno for uploading the program for this you can watch my getting started video on the esp32 camera Mario simply insert the esp32 camera module into the development board and connect it to your laptop or computer get your LTM 365 workspace activated because ultim 365 provides a useful solution in cases when you are facing difficulties with your PCB design and unsure of your next step you can share your project and ultimate designer or on the web with any user in just a few clicks you will have full control over who you want to give freed only access for let's say comments and design inspections and who you want to give read write access to allow full Global collaboration by a geographically dispersed team with editing performed through ultim designer let me show you how to share your project simply right click on the project name and select share write the user's email select read or write permissions from the drop down menu on the right and click on the share button it's just that simple I've added links to the ultim designer Altium 365 and octopod the world's fastest component search engine now let's get back to our project select the esp32 game board [Music] then check the communication port and then finally click on the upload button [Music] you can see the program has been uploaded after uploading the program restart your esp32 camera module then open the serial monitor wait for the esp32 camera module to connect copy this IP address [Music] you will need this python opencv code you can download it from a website paste this IP address again go back to serial monitor [Music] different image resolutions low high end mid use the one as per your needs but I'm going to start with low resolution [Music] next to the IP address and make sure there are no spaces otherwise it will give you an error remove the Extra Spaces and run the program as you can see we can do the live video streaming but as I'm using low image resolution that's why the image isn't good let's try High image resolution [Music] it [Music] it's working so the esp32 camera module is ready for the object detection and identification using YOLO V3 let me tell you we are only using esp32 camera module for the live video streaming we are not doing image processing on the sp32 camera module the image processing object detection and identification will be done on a laptop or Raspberry Pi so let's go ahead and do it so first let's go ahead and check this test code written for the detection of all the objects by all objects I mean only those objects which are available in the coco.names list and make sure you keep the cocoa dot names YOLO v3.cfg and YOLO v3.weights file in the same folder with the main programming file so first let's start with the Raspberry Pi so guys this is the smallest Raspberry Pi for PC and it has 8 GB Ram I got it from Sun Founder The reason I'm doing this test just to let you know that is it powerful enough to handle image processing using python opencv YOLO V3 I already have a camera connected to my Raspberry Pi so I'm going to use this camera [Music] Raspberry Pi 4 is perfectly detecting all the objects but it's really slow so Raspberry Pi 4 isn't good for image processing although the 8GB variant of the Raspberry Pi 4 is quite popular you can even play games with it but when it comes to high-end image processing it fails unless you ate some kind of external hardware to it next I'm going to test this using core I3 laptop [Music] image processing on core I3 laptop is better than the Raspberry Pi 4 but still it's slow anyway if you have a core I3 laptop then this is what you can expect next I'm going to test it on my MSI Intel Core i7 9th generation gaming laptop [Music] image processing on this machine is quite impressive although it's not very fast but still it's acceptable for me I can use it in my future image processing based projects [Music] now let's check this final code written only for the detection and identification of birds and Gates it will ignore all the other objects but the line by line explanation read my article available on my designed 5 volt and 3m's power supply and my created 4 is lithium ion battery makes the esp32 camera module completely portable foreign [Music] [Music] as you can see it can detect birds and kids flawlessly when both a bird and a kid are detected at the same time it generates an alert now you might be wondering why birds and kids well in our house this particular area is a favorite spot for birds and there are nests in those trees so when a gate comes the birds start chirping and making noise my idea is that when birds are eating and during daytime a cake comes I should receive an alert I can send the alert to myself your email and I can also use Arduino and GSM to send an SMS to myself once the alert is generated we can take any necessary action you can use the same technique for any other object you can create a high level security system you can use it in more than a million ways in my upcoming video I will explain how to train your own object that is not available in the coco.names list so that's all for now support me on patreon for more videos I hope you liked today's episode like and share this video with your friends see you in next episode and thanks for watching
Channel: Electronic Clinic
Views: 16,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32 cam, esp32 camera, python, yolo v3, yolov3, opencv, opencv python, python yolo, python yolo v3, opencv python yolo v3, esp32 cam python, esp32 cam opencv, image processing using esp32 cam, image processing project, esp32 cam and yolo v3, esp32 camera module, electronic clinic, object detection and identification, esp32 cam object detection and identification, esp32 cam alert, esp32 cam with yolo v3 for image processing, esp32 camera and python opencv, python installation
Id: npJsmbFZiMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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