ESP NOW Range Test with ESP 01

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hello everyone I've been using ESP cr1 as a Wi-Fi shoe for my paja lately and the last way I have idea of replacing this rusty toe bell with a pair of ESP zero run running ESP now protocol yes be now is a communication protocol / expresses its utilized two point 4G Wi-Fi channels but instead of connecting to a Wi-Fi router and DHCP server you allow peer-to-peer communication between the two ESP module without going through the router ESP now can send a payload up to 255 and depends on the configurations up to 20 peers can be connected together while working on the doorbell project I'm thinking why not do a range test ESPC or one with the ESPN app protocols now on the internet there are some real kind done there before and the CN low actually text the a pair of ESP 12s and achieve a range of more than one kilometers result and this guy's did a similar tests with a pair of ESP 32 we've extended antenna and crane of 480 feets rich but so far nobody done a range test with this tiny little ESPC or one module to see how far this module can go the sound is simple one ESP is your one is used as a yes B now receiver sitting on my balcony the stm32 bot that you see on the picture is actually only used as a power source to provide the power to the US peace you know one more you another ESP co1 acts as a yeah yes been on controller or transmitter is connected I'm ready to my computer through a USB TTL adapters this allow me to who monitoring this transmission status on my computer tyranny in front of my apartment there's this empty carpet rooftop that is a good test environment so I done a test at this location and the distance is about sixty ninety meters and the results very good after than the first test I noticed that there is actually a platform that tool I go below the Python there was testing the tweener testing and I actually didn't know this platform is this because it's from my apartment I can't really see this platform so I did the test there they're slightly poking because I can see cannot see me my apartments balcony and I also got pretty good results at the distance of 103 meters by in this location because it's actually a little bit broken so if I move to the right side by 1 meter the the reception will change actually with about 10 for 20% failures this is as far as I can go from my apartment with open space I need a longer open space to do further tests here's the first piece I'm thinking about testing it from here to the way all the way to the bridge there it's about 500 600 meters and here's a small branch of tree a commander the ESP say one to it and I will write to the other side to see how they resolve it here is a ESP Co one receivers south and I was out they just needed to see the Racine transmission before I start to writing to the other side okay the ESP zero one transmitter is up running and you can see the it take where shot round trips around below 500 microsecond usually to trust me and received a knowledge pad and so far is 100% successful and I will start driving to the other side to see you whatever I saw is going to be okay let's go to the other side you okay here's a bridge that previously talked about not exactly at the bridge yet about 50 meter away maybe and on the other side you see on the end of the curve there over the river over the water that will be our the transmitter okay so now the show that is most of the time is fail but occasionally you get success return so probably this is not reliable result I think there's only about 10% on 20% success story at this distance so I'm going to drive back and step by step maybe away 50 meters away to see where I can get about 100 percent such or maybe 80 percenters history okay I move about 50 meters away from the bridge and also that's about 50 meter closer to the receiving pond and so from here there's no parking not at all except the water and I don't know what where the water will affect the publication of the radio way or not we see so from here is about the way I see is about maybe 60 70 success theory and it definitely improve a little bit and maybe I should move away from the water see any impact caused by the water so this time ample was same distance as the previous test and previous times I was here just like the pipe location the man walking there and but now I'm moving away from the water and move on to the rope and next to everything obviously whether the signal gain any difference or not okay the result here actually human force is get 100% earlier compared with you know at by the water so guess how the tree and branch and the building does you know in pedal result so have to move closer to the trunk receiving points they see whether I can get a better result over here like probably a football field away from the testing point and I'm going to test this here and also when we aim into the road which has a lot of tree branch so as you can see there's a lot of tree here rocking the testing pond a little bit and this point I still see about hundred percent failure interesting as soon as I move away from the white wing that is talking by other tree to the water site I got 100% success rate to be honest after seeing all the YouTube videos I was expecting further distance but well I think about this is a chief fire there's tiny ESP cr1 modules that cost less than $2 ish I'm happy with the result my final video editing I realized there's a big gap between 250 and 420 meters at the 420 meter I got 60 to 70 percent success rate at the open space well I got 250 meters with 100% success rate um what I should do actually is to move backwards to out of 400 meter directions see where the automatic distance is going to be where the package start to fail well by no means this is a comprehensive test maybe next time I would do better I hope you enjoy this video bye
Channel: E-Tinkers
Views: 3,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, iot, esp-01, esp-8266, arduino, esp-now, e-tinkers
Id: lOZpjhM_94c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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