ESMALTE PERMANENTE | Material necesario
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Channel: aNails
Views: 65,471
Rating: 4.922946 out of 5
Keywords: uñas, gel, acrilico, acrilicas, esmalte, permanente, semipermanente, shellac, polish, lacquer, cnd, nded, manicura24, bc24, economic, nails, xgel, fantasy, tutorial, paso, acrylic, facil, semilac, aliexpress, amazon, eBay, compra, art, born, pretty, beauty, principiante, hacer, acrigel, dipping, Peggy, sage, manicura, polygel, sunuv, abody, lámpara, efecto, madam glam, soak, off, led, Crystal, Thuya, organic, Ruronails, makear, canni, elite99, Harmony, venalisa, emi, luxio, lafemme, inocos, Nika nagel, hispanails, Andreia, como hacer
Id: IpEviBzMNJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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