ESL grammar teaching tips

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hello my name is Java from simply Java comm and today I would like to share some grammar teaching tips with you I know that grammar is difficult for a lot of ESL students and sometimes the teachers do not know how to teach it or are bored with teaching so I made a little PowerPoint presentation that shares a few tips and tricks and resources and I'm sharing the screen with you so that you can see it too alright so here it is grammar teaching tips for ESL teachers by me yeah Merciless so today we will review a few things first of all we're gonna talk about what is inductive versus deductive grammar teaching then the second topic will be the context the third one is all skills approach how to teach grammar holistically the fourth one is activities and the fifth one is games as they say the best for last so I am going to dive in right away into inductive versus deductive teaching what does it mean inductive teaching allows the students to discover grammar rules by themselves okay for example the teacher would give you give them a reading passage and ask them to pay attention to certain words or structures and see if the students can discover the pattern this kind of teaching can be done with any kind of tenses with any kind of adjectives with any kind of grammatical structure in general now when they also can notice of word formation for example for present simple tense third-person singular has an S at the end of the word also comparative and superlative adjectives basically the whole point is is that the students try to figure it out and see the pattern for themselves with leading by the teacher as opposed to the deductive teaching which is more standard and with which we are all much more familiar I think deductive teaching means that the teacher goes over the rules the teacher gives the examples and the students do the worksheets where they are they apply the rules it does have its advantages because some grammatical structures do not lend themselves very well to inductive teaching however when it is it is teacher centered students may not perceive the value in learning it and it may take much longer for them to internalize the rules the next tip for teaching grammar is providing context so when you teach rules in isolation they don't give much meaning and teaching rules or grammar in context is much much more effective what do I mean by context you can take any songs movies or videos you can take short stories cartoons anything that has content and see if you can dissect the grammatical structure within those activities or resources you can also do many grammar lessons in your other type of lesson okay so for example if you have to read social studies text and the main goal of the lesson is to find out the reasons or causes of a certain revolution and the students keep not understanding a concept you can jump right in and do a little mini grammar lesson for them to clarify that way it will stick much more than just taking a pure grammar concept and plugging it it's somewhere where it doesn't mean anything to them so here are some grammatical structures that you can cover with the activities okay so you can do any kind of tense you know past present you can do prefixes and suffixes which is a you know more morphology but they also especially when it comes to tennis formation morphology is important articles phrasal verbs and many many more another important thing to do when teaching grammar is to incorporate all skills what I mean is that we have four domains of language listening speaking reading and writing it in order for us to internalize the grammatical structure or form we have to practice it in different modalities we have to hear it we have to be able to say it correctly when we read we need to recognize it and when we write we have to apply it in our own work so here's an example of how you can use this okay so if you take a song and you can incorporate listening reading and writing with songs first of all you pick a song that is appropriate for your students then you want to identify the target grammar that you want them to learn do a basic gap-fill exercise remove the words or phrases that are examples of the grammar pattern and then when students are listening you can have them fill it in of course you can have a classroom discussion before and after review the vocabulary and take as much time as you need to do and the students depending on their level might need to listen more than once another activity that you can do with songs is speaking and writing you can have a discussion about the song some of them have topics that lend themselves easily to discussions and the students can also work in groups and respond to the song or rewrite it but this would be more for higher level proficiencies other activities that you can do with grammar would be watching movie clips sometimes watching a full movie is not very feasible in the classroom so taking a small scene a small clip allows you to tailor grammar instruction to your students the students can create dialogues with target grammar also you can give the students a script and have them discuss the grammar pattern used in the script the students can also a comic strip based on the movie clip and they in the speech bubbles they would use the target grammar structure short stories are super super fun and a lot of students regardless of age love a story stories allow them to incorporate reading and vocabulary and to deconstruct the grammar you can use the stories for discussion of the grammar you can have the students to create new products with the grammar such as alternative endings to stories I know that this is an activity that my students love very much and finally games who doesn't love a game and games can be incorporated in teaching grammar as well first of all I already talked about this in my other blog posts and the beach ball toss can be used for any review including grammar so here's how it goes with a marker you write down the tasks or sentences with the target grammar toss the ball to student and ask them to read the task on the ball that is under the thumb or any other finger that you decide that they should use the student either explains the structure or uses an own sentence or whatever task you want the student to perform with the target grammar structure you should he or she should do that this is like I mentioned this very good for review including grammar the next game that I highly recommend is I have who has this is adaptable to any age group which is amazing and so here's if you haven't played it before here's but you need one set of cards and on those cards you can review and you can have written a particular grammatical structure each card should connect to the neck connect to the next card so on the first card you would have a topic I have for example present perfect and who has the sentence that uses the perfect so each student should get at least one card but if you have more cards than students it's okay for students to have to the game continues until until you know you reach the very first card again and also if you have a discussion you can have a discussion if a mistake occurs and this leads to more internalizing of grammar like I mentioned this is a more inductive way of learning ground finally we have slap this is the game that I learned about quite recently when I went to a workshop and it is so much fun especially to review grammar so you will need to fly swatters you will need papers with target grammatical structures and those papers can be either so on sticky notes or you can put them in a bag and attach magnet but the point is is that you can stick those papers either on a whiteboard or on a wall then you split the classroom into two teams each team lines up in the person in front gets the flyswatter you can ask a question and the answer to the question should be stuck on the board on the wall students raised to slap the correct answer the first person to slap it correctly wins a point and if nobody slaps anything correctly they don't get a point but if you slap a word or a phrase or a grammatical structure that is incorrect your team loses a point and then the game continues until there are no more questions left here are some resources that I mentioned in terms of songs short stories and the next slide will show you the movies another day in paradise by Phil Collins allows you to teach present simple tense and also it lends itself to a great discussion all of me by John Legend has a really nice lyrics to it and it's easy to follow also it has phrasal verbs don't give up by Bruno Mars again simple present short stories that students enjoy generate from generation is Gift of the Magi and lamb to the slaughter cartoon makers I mentioned in one of the slides that you can make cartoons with the grammatical structure so storyboard that and makes beliefs comix calm provide you with the tools that you can have to make the comics and the movies that I've used successfully are Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory again it goes across generations holes and pay it forward so now your turn I hope you found this presentation useful and I would like you to take a few steps first of all I would love it if you subscribe to my youtube channel also go to simply Emma calm and check out the ideas I have provided there if you haven't signed up for my free resource library feel free to do that because I have that all of my lesson plan on phrasal verbs right there and finally follow me on social media Facebook page Facebook group or Instagram I hope that you found this presentation useful and if you have any questions you know where to find me again I will link the links to that I mentioned in this video below and I am hoping that you will come back and see me for my next video thanks for watching
Channel: Simply Ieva ESL
Views: 15,908
Rating: 4.9450803 out of 5
Keywords: ESL, ELL, English grammar, ESL grammar teaching tips, How to teach ESL grammar, ESL teaching, teaching tips, ESL grammar games, ESL grammar resources
Id: EsDsWYzp0dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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