Eshay VS Police

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foreign [Music] [Music] that is freshland my best piece yet oh [ __ ] [Music] oh why'd you hit me four lag you know that just so you ran into me mate no I didn't buy you full stuck your arm out loud why were you running I was doing exercise is that so yeah what am I not allowed to exercise there have been multiple reports of vandalism within the area you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would ya nah okay well a few Witnesses have come forward and described an individual that closely resembles your appearance are you saying that I'm going around tagging stuff I'm just going off the information that's been provided well it looks like someone's been giving you the wrong info because I've done nothing wrong well if that's the case you wouldn't mind me searching through your bag would you get [ __ ] lad you're not going anywhere anymore bag is that because you're hiding something no it's because I don't want some copper dog coming through my private stuff plus don't you need a warrant for that like you can't just go searching around for your own pleasure you freak I've got a reasonable suspicion that you or someone you may know have been vandalizing the wars on this private property bro looking around these walls all these tags suck so they can't be mine look I only spray Picasso type [ __ ] so what you're saying is that you have vandalized in the past is that right honestly say that stop putting words in my mouth it's quite a serious offense mate your face is a serious offense hey look at you standing all day like you've got to stick up your ass but you enjoy like harassing people is that like you're fetish or something lad I'm just doing my job mate how about you go find a better job you Gronk all right mate you've just gotta relax okay how about you relax this in your mouth your dog all right mate I'm not gonna ask you again could you please hand over your bag for me otherwise I'm gonna put you under arrest I told you bar you're not going through my stuff so piss off right well if that's going to be the case then so be it what are you gonna do with that bra shove it up Josh oh what the hell bruh that's police brutality you dog you know I'm only 16 years old bro so you just forehead a minor lad it's called discipline mate something your parents should have taught you I don't need discipline Brian now give me my bag back move away you think your little dildo scares me bruh eh well let's go then bar let's have a crack hey swing that thing again and see what happens ah let's go lad I hey hey that's what I fought by you're a scared little rat bro you know what I'm actually gonna full record your lad you're gonna end up on a current affair and full lose your job after everyone sees what you're doing lad give me a second here bar give me a second here lads have a look at this copper Dog Bar hey he's full searching me for no reason but I've got nothing to hide lad and he's full harassing me he full hit me as well bruh have a look at him lad have a look at me I'll show you his name bro what's his name you give me a second lad have a look at that bro what's his name what's his name Constable bong juice bar have a good look at him bro look at him lad what are you going to say bro what are you going to say hey nothing that's what I thought lad you got nothing to say now but it's full quiet ladies full quiet he's still searching my bag look at him barful searching it you said you weren't vandalizing mate that's not mine lad well then who's is it I don't know you probably put that in there to frame me you dog all right mate well at this stage you're under arrest for vandalizing and for carrying your weapon that's not mine bruh oh he's full framing me again lad have a look at that if we'll put a knife in my bag bro all right mate well I'm gonna have to ask you to get against the wall there and put your hands behind your back for me all right I'm good lad you can have this though radio mate there's no need for that come here get out of here later hey dogs land they can't cash me lead because I'm asked one already [Music] thank you
Channel: ShakTV
Views: 211,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shaktv, comedy, sydney, australia, funny, lebo, aussie, straya, impressions, standup, aus, acting, actor, film, tvshow, eshay, lebos, esh, adlay, shak, lads, tns, eetswa, skit, sketch, junkie, bogan, bogans, wogs, tradie, eshays, insta, comedian, centrelink, lad, shaq, sharktv, ntays, entays, essay, police, esha
Id: dhX4kXEucco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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