Escarole Stuffed Pizza Recipe - Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 875

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hi guys I'm Laura Vitale and on this episode of Laura in the kitchen I want to share with you a childhood favorite a real classic dish that I grew up eating and if you follow me on my vlog channel you'll know I made this on Christmas Eve because we usually eat this on Christmas Eve in our household and I had a lot of people ask if I could share the recipe and the recipe I'm talking about is my s Girl stuffed pizza I thought about doing this recipe here for awhile but it is a bit different than your traditional pizza like there's no cheese in it and it's using escarole which is kind of odd for a lot of people but I had so many of you asked for so I figured I might as well shirt with you and I know how much you guys love it when I share a childhood recipe that I grew up eating and that are very very near and dear to my heart and this is one of them the ingredients we'll need are kind of basic ones you'll need some escarole now I've got three bunches of escarole that I've chopped and I've washed really well and I have it all in this big bowl and got some kalamata olives that have pitted and I'm roughly chopped I've got some pine nuts garlic hot pepper flakes some salt and you'll also need some olive oil and of course pizza dough which I have in the fridge I don't need it just yet so I'm gonna leave it in there for now there's a few steps to this recipe the first step is you need to get a big pot of oil a big pot of water at a pinch of salt to bring that to a boil I need to partially cook my escarole so I'm gonna put this the whole bunch in my boiling water and I'm gonna let it cook for 3 minutes after 3 minutes I want you to rinse it into a colander and let it cool pretty much completely or until it's cool enough to handle so I'm gonna pop this in let it cook for 3 minutes drain it and then I meet back here I cooked my escarole for 2 minutes I didn't do 3 minutes because I cut mine into smaller pieces so I cooked a little bit faster now I haven't let it set aside to cool pretty much completely because I need to squeeze all the water out and I don't want to burn myself so let that sit for a few more minutes I've got a big skillet with a little bit of olive oil in here and in the skillet all at once I'm going to add my garlic and hot pepper flakes and some pine nuts you can use as many or as little as you want I happen to think that pine nuts and black olives but make this as good as it is so I like to add a full quarter cup or so but you know it's up to you and now you're gonna cook these together until the pine nuts and the garlic start to lightly Brown and in the meantime I'm gonna squeeze out my water from my ex-girl and I just take it ain't got a plate where's my plate aha I just take it like so and just squeeze it out you want as much liquid out of here as you possibly can otherwise it'll make your pizza soggy I'm just kind of put him back in and make a little spot I think so I know it looks confusing but I'm a confusing woman all you need to do is bring the water out of yes girl this looks perfect I'm gonna add my squeezed escarole get as much of that out as you can along with my islands now I don't need to add any additional salt because I did salt my water pretty well that he's the s for a boiled egg all I need to do now is let everything cook for just a few minutes so that the flavors can marry and then we are pretty much done with the filling and it's just it's it's my childhood in a pan now my mother would use absolutely she would add salted anchovies to this I don't because I find them to be a little fishy they're not the anchovies that come packed in oil they're literally salt tax anchovies and I don't prefer that so I leave them out when I was a child she used to make us a little one for me without the anchovies and then the rest of them all had any cheer because everybody loves it so I'm gonna give this a stir and let it cook for just a couple of minutes until the flavors kind of marry make sure your ovens bringing it to 400 degrees it's really important and once this has been cooking for a couple minutes we'll let it set aside until we've so that we can go on and proceed with a big dough okay time to start assembling now I've got one pound balls of pizza dough you can do one of a few things you can get my pizza dough recipe and Laura in the kitchen calm in my homemade pizza episode it makes that that recipe makes exactly two one-pound balls of dough so it's perfect you can go and I'm pre heated you can do the same thing I did but are you local grocery store my local grocery store makes their own homemade pizza dough and they sell it in the baking section bakery section so I just bought two bowls of that or you can go to your local pizza so you're looking pizza place get chummy with your butcher your pizza guy for the pizza place produce guys so he sets aside some really good local produce for you pays off and let me tell you pays off so that's what I've got here I've got two of them ready I also have a 10-inch metal pan that I've oiled now this is a pain I got from Italy and it makes for incredibly crust dough so like really crusty deep golden brown crispy it's just the best now ordinarily I would roll this by hand as you've seen me do a million times and you can see I'm trying to tap off as much of the flour as possible but I don't want this to have a border I need this to be all about the seen thickness so I'm just gonna roll it out with a rolling pin I need it to be let's see my pick my little pan here is about ten inches so I need this to be about 12 to 13 inches it needs to kind of come up the sides of course because it's a deep stuffed pizza I really can't figure it out how to do it with a rolling pin so I'm just gonna do it by hands and if I make a border I make a border we'll figure it out we'll fix it it's just what I'm most comfortable with but by all means use a rolling pin and my dad always kind of taught me to use your hands as well to kind of stretch it you might need to use a little bit of flour but before you put it in the pan and make sure you shake it off because that could kind of mess up your krispity krunch going on at the bottom of the pan okay lay your pizza and pizza dough in there the bottom crust don't worry if it falls that's what our hands are for that's why we're going to pinch and pull it and that's just where it's gonna happen do not panic if you panic don't worry about you now set that aside do not worry about it cuz you'll see things just come together when you cook it's nothing to fret about I am gonna do the same thing to the top I want it to be about the same size so I'm just gonna roll this a little bit with this and a little bit with my hands okay now take your filling pop that right in there I know what you're thinking where's the cheese what have you done to me woman traditionally this has no cheese now if you want to add cheese Kenya I got a serious question but it won't be the traditional escarole stuffing - I grew up eating so I'm not gonna add any but of course you can add pizza cheese tree pizza you can add cheese to chocolate mousse but I like here I mean for me the gooey cheese works on anything in there spread this out like so and what I like to do is I like to take a little bit of oil this is just some olive oil run it across along like that because this is what we're pretty much going to attach our second crust to and you want it to be you wanted to stick well remember I didn't I didn't flour this the side has absolutely like no flour in it whatsoever underneath of it I should say and then you're just going to take let's see I can cut some of this off save this to make garlic knots I mean why not right take off the excess you don't need all that overhanging stuff but I'll show you how I tuck it pinch the bottom and top piece together like that and this is gonna puff up as it bakes as you know like so if it opens up a little honey that is fine fine fine and then I don't know if you can really see it's so funny when I make something that I kind of like grew up making just watching my mother and my grandma because they have their way of doing things that I probably don't even know how to explain but you see you take the top and you kind of just do it like that you need to tuck it tuck the top in on the side it's weird you should really call my mother and ask her why she came up with this but she did hey this is her method of like crimping and pinching things together she's always done it this way even if she doesn't do it in a pan in fact if you don't have a pan you can do this you know freeform it might open up so you have to be careful with that but it's fine if it opens up on the side who cares it's still gonna be delicious make a couple slits on the very top so that the steam can escape like that and now I'm going to just add a little bit of olive oil on the top to give me a beautiful golden-brown crust I'm going to pop this into my oven that I have preheated at 400 and this is gonna be in there for about 25 minutes or but the half hour I'd say if in about a half hour you don't feel like your crust is getting as much color as you want it to it should be a really lovely dark golden brown color turn the oven up to 425 it's fine it'll be perfect I'm gonna pop this in and I'll show you what it looks like when it's done my pizza was in the oven for around 40 minutes and it looks absolutely perfect I have let this cool for about 20 minutes because it was and now it literally comes right out this thing is like the best tin in the world that's so gorgeous I love it and I'm gonna cut into I mean it's just beautiful I made this is slightly smaller than the one I made the bottom is gonna be really crispy then the one I made for Christmas Christmas anybody'd say because the one I made for Christmas II was freeform I kind of just formed it on to my pizza pan oh that is the escarole pizza of my childhood it smells just like it my mouth is salivating its now which I know what that means but I don't care ha well it's money so good the pine nuts are so nutty the black law the black owls are salty and a little bit brining the escarole is perfectly cooked that pizza dough is just absolute perfection it's just it's heaven go to Laura in the kitchen I come to get the written recipe I hope that you give this one a try it really is just if you grew up eating this you know what I'm talking about it totally brings you back to being a kid right inhaling slices of this I hope you enjoy spending time with me again the recipe will be on Laura in the kitchen calm I'll see you guys soon bye you if you really thought I wasn't gonna make more girl some garlic knots from the leftover dough I don't think you're not I'm friends it's like you don't know me like that just yet make them got it
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 162,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, escarole recipes, pizza recipes, stuffed pizza recipes, italian pizza recipes, italian pizza, homemade pizza, homemade stuffed pizza, best stuffed pizza, easy pizza recipes, how to make stuffed pizza, how to make pizza, how to make homemade pizza, cooking, kitchen, recipes, food, how to make the best pizza, best pizza, easy pizza, restaurant, cook
Id: ny-LnrmREII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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