Escaping a SUPERMAX Prison - Teardown Mods Gameplay

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I have escaped tear down prison many times before but they're on to me because they've built a super max prison so now it's going to be extra difficult for me to escape so yeah check it out not only are we underground right now you know the walls are solid I definitely can't go through that way I got my own little shower though so that's kind of nice and a bed uh there's no mattress on it so it's very uncomfortable but I still plan on getting out of here and as you can see I don't exactly have the strength to open the doors come on and I can't use the sled oh did I do a little bit of damage there no nothing but I do have a trick up my sleeve if you look in the top left super strength is now enabled so essentially I should now be able to break out I've just become the Hulk essentially so I should be able to open my door it's working yes I'm so strong ah Freedom yeah oh oh no I've gotten myself stuck in between hang on this fight oh wow look how much damage I've done oh there's a God take him down use my strike yeah all right and you know what while I'm here oh I was going to go ahead and open everyone else's cell doors but it looks like it broke the buttons did I just I open one and it was my it was my own cell door then again I could use my own strength is anyone in this one nope but actually there is another thing I can do if you look in the top left again static body grabbing is now enabled so essentially I should be able to rip the doors off yes look at this we don't need the titanium gaunlets to help me out then again I could just you know press the button anyone in here hello no is it just me in this super max prison are you kidding me why is it only me hello oh here's someone finally you're free to go go be free anyone else around here the door off come on oh there is another one oh thank goodness it's not just me oh no oh oh we got caught the door I'm sorry buddy I didn't mean for that to happen oh dear let's just uh let's just ignore that excuse me I'm making sure that everyone gets out of this place oh I think there's another prison in here yes there is hang on buddy I'm going to get you out of this super max prison okay they thought it would be impossible for us to get out that's it this way come on whoopsies okay never mind is this guy okay he's stuck in the floor let me help him okie dokie uh last cell surely there's someone in this one all right well I guess it's just me getting out of here I have left a real mess behind okay you know what let's open this up shall we actually I could just use the door that makes sense right there we go God whoops I don't know why I'm saying whoops that's actually kind of a good thing that we did there right and I do actually have another weapon and I'm pretty sure this is pretty powerful I know it's just a knife but I think yeah it can get through stuff even metal what kind of knife is this uh I guess I could just do that so I could use this to escape can I get through wall it can look just one tiny block at a time so it's not exactly ideal so maybe we should just stick with the sledgehammer oh there's a guard here okay and surprise that got him okay where do we go segregation nope uh now we could we could actually go down wait is this an elevator oh it is can I destroy it I just destroyed the elevator you know we don't need it but that could have drawn more attention to us now I know we want to escape prison and I'm guessing I should really go up to do that however maybe I can take some other inmates with me laundry room hello fellas I'm here to get you out of here let me open the door that's it this way go go go go go come on I can get us all out of here in fact you know what we could do I could hide you guys in this oh whoops I Really Don't Know My Own Strength yet yeah if you just get in there that's it I just realized it's a shame we actually broke the elevator is it actually Broken Oh I went through the floor whoops all right forget it you know what you guys can just use the stairs right here use the stairs and you'll be good wait why to this other oh that's the guard oh thank goodness I thought it was the prisoner right we're all good oh I fell again all right fine they can just make their own way out what is this this is the other prison down here hey buddy you want to have your own Freedom here come on don't even need to break the door right you're lucky we're just going to let you out there's probably more down there where's the guards interesting I wonder if anything is going on over here oh no they're going to kill him I'll save you buddy hang in there right let's go I saved you Freedom open the door you're free oh are you okay injured hm I'm sure he will be okay this way okay what do we got here okay more inmates right everyone to the stairs and let's get out of here go go go excuse me coming through what are you pointing at what is it what have you is there something through here is he all right what is it what are you pointing at I can't get through there man all right just use the stairs come on we've all got to go right now before the guards clock onto us even more and we're a long way down okay further up keep on going where are we now I I don't know I don't recognize this place do we do we keep going up guess so uh-oh I hear the alarm I think they're officially on to us the guards we might have gone the wrong way go go go oh we have armed guards okay going in ah got him got another dorm authorized personnel only I'm going in yeah oh it's the stairs again okay maybe we should go this way instead oh being shot oh no okay do we uh do we keep going up and then down the other stairs maybe or do I take them on because you know I am super strong now you know I can take them use my sledgehammer come on oh oh no oh no no no no a I'm almost dead oh hang on a minute I've just had an idea I can surprise attack them from my pit here we go surprise attack yes it worked did I get them all I did it that's so good I can just literally go through the ceiling right showers NOP sea sea block do we uh help other prisoners Escape oh boy it's like a maze around here okay let's go to Sea block hey prisoners you're free to go come on oh more gods um all right if I just wait right here when they turn the corner that's when I pounce are they on their way there's one left I think they've been shooting each other by accident yeah I got him all right everyone come on you're free to go let's disable the alarm there we go and now the guards will probably think everything is back to nor am I locked in here let me out there we go inmates you're free to go what what are you doing is he okay uh who killed this man was it you anyway you guys are all free to go okay oh wait you hear that there's a vehicle outside I wonder if I can steal that vehicle to escape let me open this up can I get through here yes I can there's the yard I'm sorry whoever's toilet this is all right here we are I don't see any guards and there's a vehicle going around as well okay let's go through here hello inmates you're all free to go oh there's the patrol vehicle hey buddy I just escaped supermax prison let's get you over here shall we actually I'll put a hole right here okay now go be free uh-oh we got guards we got guards on the way run I know they this seems a little strange but I am actually going back into prison because I'm going to hide in here see now I'm just a regular inmate no one knows now I do have other tricks on my sleeve such as this flamethrower yes surprise attack are they even out here you can hear them there fire yes it's working burn down the prison yeah now you guys really do want to get out here oh yeah I just realized everything in prison is pretty much made out of metal and stone and things right so we can't exactly burn this place to the ground and in here it's just cloes so that makes sense but then again I haven't destroyed the water tower of course it has to be done every single time I'm in tear down prison I have to destroy this Tower right here oh here we go wait can I oh my goodness this just shows how strong I really am I am lifting the entire Tower right now um can I throw it in the air what the I've never done that before that's insane he's coming back down and on top of the prison yes nice all right we probably ripped a good hole in the side of the prison there so the people in those cells can likely Escape now I would imagine can I destroy the lights wow that's actually giv me an idea I want to be able to pick up like an entire house or something just like this this is exactly what I was after can I throw on top of the prison wa I am just so strong now that is absolutely crazy now you see escaping te down prison isn't just about escaping it's also about destroying as much of it as you can so for example this piece in the middle here destroy it now I'm back in the yard because I've just had another idea I'm going to sneak through this part that I made earlier hello prisoner sorry about that and I'm going to see if I can throw one of the watchtowers just need to go around destroy it using my super strength oh we got it okay and now throw it at the prison W nice okay that works pretty pretty well so much damage yeah destroy it nice so I do of course have another trick up my sleeve and that is the lightsaber this has been very useful in the past for escaping prison so I think it's now time rusing out of it so I actually don't know why I'm killing the inmates um at first I wanted to help them Escape but I guess not anymore this way go oh being shot being shot okay use the force yes lift the guards in the sky and then drop them did they actually die from there I'm not sure oh look there's the vehicle the patrol vehicle Force lightning yes I see you over there buddy can I lift it up who yes and then slamming into the ground or on the prison oh so close right up you go again that's it and I would say that is it destroyed impaled onto the fence any more guards around the answer is yes I think I can hear something over here oh yep I'm seeing shots whoa there's a lot of guards okay use the force again and lightning at the same time and you know what you can throw the lightsaber come on we got him and also would you look at that we have escaped the prison how do I get my lightsaber back it's just doing a lot of damage right now um I got it yes but we have escaped prison we are now out now I'm actually heading in this direction because I'm pretty sure there are some Vehicles over here that I can take uhoh slight issue please helicopter oh no no no no I might have to get back in the prison to take cover hurry hurry hurry hurry let me in let me in let me in come on all right I'm back you know what we might actually need the lightsaber to take this thing down so let's head on back out and with this it should be nice and easy to take it down where is it there throw it yes come on oh I got it all right let's get out of here let's go escaping a super max prison where are all the cars please tell me there's something here ow I didn't mean to do that yes there's a car and God throw the lightsaber die yeah all right if you sped to say we got him looks like we are good to go Freedom ah I keep accidentally doing loads of damage to stuff go go go go go I am out of here I have my freedom so make sure to like And subscribe for more tear down goodbye
Channel: Fudgy
Views: 392,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fudgy, teardown, teardown mods, teardown gameplay, teardown game, teardown funny moments, teardown mod tutorial, teardown city map, teardown fire, teardown destruction, teardown sandbox, voxel, voxel game, voxel sandbox, teardown fire physics, teardown fudgy, teardown mods tutorial, teardown walkthrough, teardown plane crash, ragdolls, crash, plane crash, sandbox, mods, simulator, tdmp, gameplay, mod, new, ragdoll, memes, rp, ai, npc, survival, prison break, jailbreak, supermax, supermax prison
Id: hsbNiN2b6PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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