Escape to the Country - Season 24 Episode 30 Full Episode 1080HD

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[Music] today's House Hunters are leaving their congested Northwest London suburb for space and the chance to earn some extra cash this year they're going to be taking home about £34,000 wow and although the dream is Big we've got plenty to offer that's right on target it's actually everything that we're looking for isn't ITT today I'm in Cornwell at pen Tilly Castle completed by Sir James Tilly in 1698 now Sir James was so convinced of his own immortality that his final wish was to be dressed in his best clothes and to be sat right at this very spot overlooking his estate to await Resurrection now his Faithful Servants carried out his request bringing his corpse fresh food and wine over two years now it was thought his remains were taken to a nearby church but just 3 years ago his body was discovered in a vault here at the musum still seated in the chair so in a way some 300 years after his death he managed to achieve a kind of Resurrection but not in the way he might have imagined Cornwell is a county that lies at the Far Western tip of England jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean this county is almost completely surrounded by sea with nearly 300 mil of spectacular Coastline sweeping Inland the craggy clifftops give way to vast sedes of Countryside dotted with remnants of its industrial past tin and copper mining peaked in the early 19th century boasting nearly 2,000 mes to the east of the county is bodman Moore 80 square miles of for boing yet beautiful landscape steeped in mystery and Legend dosary pool is one of the locations claimed to be the home of the Lady of the Lake it said that King Arthur rode out onto the pool's glasslike Waters and receed the sword Excalibur so with all these ancient legends and magnificent Landscapes tucked away in the corner of the country Cornwell is a county that really does feel like it's a whole world away Cornwell is made up of villages and towns each one within 25 miles of the sea but how spers beware as waterfront properties in the southwest can command a huge premium costing up to 75% more than those in land having said that the average price of a detached home here comes in at just under 278,000 now that's around £20,000 below the national figure but today's buyers may need to have Deep Pockets as it's the lure of the sea that's drawing them to this enchanting Coast County semi-retired Steve runs a show for business and met retail assistant gulin or goo at a party 7 years ago they've been living together in paa Northwest London for 5 years and they're soon to take their relationship to the next level we've got plans to get married next year and if we're in Coral by then I'm guessing we'll uh be getting married in Cornwall and it' be lovely to have a beach wedding I know that's what goo always wanted to do but before they TI the not there's another plan in place that involves a radical change of Lifestyle from the one they used to in London um I've always wanted to live by the coast U I used to Holiday a lot with my parents when I was younger down in the west country a lot of seaside beach holidays cple back in spay jobs and it's it's a dream I've always had I lived in Cypress for 11 years and ending up by the Sea it's something I was wanted to do so it's a great opportunity for us both to uh start a new VCH together for gulin the move to Cornwell means leaving the Suburban three-bedroom semi that has been her family home for 23 years p is a beautiful place to live in it's um a great place to bring up children but now the children are growing up it's got much busier and I believe it's time to get out so the timing is right to make the move and they know exactly where they want to be we looking at list card area and we love the West country in general but we've looked at a few houses in the lard area like the area the fact that it's in touch of both coasts we're in half an hour of the North or the South Coast and we want to move with the thought of running a business from home with a holiday leting uh and it's a great location hopefully attract the customers we want their prospective cantel aren't the only ones who will be taking advantage of the coastal location one of my Main Hobbies is sailing it's been a passion of mine from my school years my school had a Sailing Club which is where I learn to sale and I still s with that club now all these years later as well as space for boats and classic cars the new home needs enough room for Steven gul's beloved po to stretch her legs we have a wonderful dog called bu is an Alaskan malt we had her since she was 3 months old I can't wait to move to cor more so I can walk her as well at the moment cuz I'm busy working I rarely get the opportunity to take her out for walks with a focus on spending more quality time together this upcoming relocation Heralds an exciting new Venture for the couple this move means a lot to us both of us it it will be a house that we'll be buying together we'll be putting our stamp on it together and starting our our business together so I can't really wait and I know it will be just great hopefully [Music] Steve and gulan want easy access to both coastlines in the Eastern portion of Cornwall near liscard so we'll be focusing our search in the pretty Countryside surrounding the town but before we start looking at potential properties we're all meeting up to get a better understanding of the type of home they hope to find what a beautiful day Steven guling lovely to meet you what is it about this County that really appeals Corel is a beautiful place I always wanted to move by the Sea and I believe this is where we're going to be very happy it's it's been a Wonder lust of mine for for many many years and we're now in a position to do it and we're both young enough to to form a new life down here and we're looking forward to it this move isn't just about the lifestyle is it you also want to have a business as well tell me a bit more about that we do neither of us have got a true pension so we're looking at a sort of semi-retirement that'll provide us with with an income um that won't involve 24-hour work now with this move different life different business different property because I'm sure your house in London isn't going to look like the one down here so all in your mind goo what does it look like how many bedrooms does this new home have at least three bedrooms to begin with that' be great lovely through Lounge big garden and fairs size kitchen is what I'm looking for no beams and modern looking and so tell me about the uh the business side the holiday lets BNB whatever it is you decide to do know ideally how big is that side going to be of the business um ideally I guess we'd like two or three holiday lets on on the property um run as a holiday let rather than a bed and breakfast I think it be more hands off already done or would you like the project and a little bit of what you said I'm open to a project I think guling would like an up and running business um but if something's got potential with more out buildings then yeah' be happy to to look at developing it well let's talk about your budget okay okay remind us what you've got to spend okay 750 Will Keep Us mortgage free um if we can find something that's got holiday L it'll provide the income to pay the mortgage we're happy to take on a mortgage um so give me that top budget then I guess $850 to 9 if we could absolutely push yourselves if the income ability was there or potential was there yeah well we do have some rather Splendid properties organized to show you so should we hit the road and get started come on in this way okay for an absolute top budget of £900,000 Steve and gulin are looking for a Cornish home that has modern living areas three bedrooms a kitchen Diner a large garden and out buildings to store cars and boats they also need an income from established holiday lets or the potential to create them we found some fantastic properties to tempt them with and at each one I'll be asking them to guess the price before I reveal it and finally we've got a mystery house which could put cash into their pockets sooner than they ever imagined so this business idea have you managed to do any research yet into you know how profitable holiday lets can be um yeah we got a fair idea um I think it depends very much on the property um just what sort of occupancy rates you can get but I think if we get it right it'll it'll work yeah and in your mind what percentage of the year do you think you can R it out um we to get 60% occupancy I think it be it' be okay our first destination is the village of quok around 5 mil away from the requested location of liscard the first known reference to the town was in the Doomsday Book in 1086 the liscard really found its Mark in the 19th century when nearby copper and Silver Mines made this place a wealthy settlement its streets offer a good selection of shops cafes and restaurants and just four miles away from all this is house number one right let us start hopefully on a high with our first property wow beautiful surprised yeah it's very nice yes it's very very nice cuz it does look rather large doesn't it does yes yes believe it or not it used to be an old cattle shed really okay yeah converted in the 1980 is it isn't one property in actual fact it's two oh so we're liking what we see yes very much so yeah the sort of style that I had in mind and what about the location because I've taken you away from the city and I've brought you to all the beautiful cornall countryside beautiful very nice very nice can hear is the birds it's just great yeah it's a it's a promising start isn't it let's hope it continues as we look around the house con constructed from Cornish Stone lying on a slope This Barn conversion is actually an upside down house with six bedrooms on the ground floor there are options to close off part of the property to create an integral twostory Annex up on the first floor the main living areas make the most of the views over the countryside so let's start off with our kitchen Diner wow what a lovely wonderful Aira room beautiful are we allowed beams in this room do you know what yes when they're not down here I think very high feeling so yes this I don't mind at all very nice cozy very cozy modern cozy it's actually everything that we're looking for isn't it totally I'm going to walk us along the corridor and show you the other sitting room stroke kitchen Diner where either you or again it could be the part of the business will be this huge vaulted kitchen Diner is sandwiched between a sitting room to one side and a cozy snug or study to the other but we're heading through a doorway in the far wing and into the annex reception rooms so this door divides up the property if you like it's a mirror so you've got one kitchen din on one side and then you've got the other one on this so two separate properties big wood burner there so you've got your sort of dining room stroke sitting room got mezzanine floor up there for storage nice so far so good yeah yeah the staircase takes us down to the ground floor and into a long hallway with access to all the bedrooms so you have a very very long Corridor with six bedrooms storage family bathrooms all along here all on the one level let's take a look at this bedroom it's beautifully done love the decor colors perfect very nice what's going through your mind Steve yeah that is great great can't fault it yeah yeah be aren't that low I wouldn't have to dark well let's uh have a wand and head outside as well cuz there's still more to show you Steve and gulin are spoiled for Choice when it comes to bedrooms with this house at one end of the property is the first of two family bathrooms but like the first floor by closing a door in the hallway two of the six bedrooms become part of the annex accommodation and one of those bedrooms has an on Suite the annex would also have the second bathroom outside the near 1 acre of grounds are landscaped with Lawns a large feature Pond a summerhouse and even a swimming pool what's more there's this a recently converted self-contained holiday Le apartment so there's a lot B on offer here for Steven gul's prospective business plans if the price is right so what are we thinking then you've had the tour what's our first house currently on the market for I'm going to say 790790 800 plus 800 plus M you're both out the asking price is under oh really if you buy this property you too will be mortgage free the asking price is £750,000 wow wow that's impressive yeah shocked and surprised definitely pleasantly surprised go and have another look on your own this time okay why don't you start off with the other holiday left potential and then I'll come and find you when you're ready okay thank you thank you [Music] you at £750,000 this be beautiful house offers everything Steve and gulan want for their new Cornish life with six bedrooms and a range of reception rooms there's potential to divide the property for paying guests as well as a separate Annex to grow the business all wrapped up in just under one acre of land so I mean it's good as done isn't it we just need to add some finish and touches nice pictures cooker H absolutely don't need much at all this is absolutely great for us I wanted something already up and running but the fact that it's already been decorated it's ready to go we just have to do a little bit which doesn't put me off at all it's going to be a great uh business opportunity for us I think the the left hand half is uh going to be an ideal holiday lit and the right half yeah goo's very happy with the kitchen Diner so it's a winner right have you seen enough you two yes yes we have did you love that swimming pool love the swimming pool absolutely loved it I could be your first guest you see why not let's go [Music] okay the beautiful County of Cornwall has a strong tradition in sailing its 300M Coastline offers everyone from fisherman to am enthusiasts the challenge of the Open Sea and one particular maker craft has well established Cornish Roots the Redwing dinghy has been a fixture here for over 70 years and with Steve a keen sailor we've arranged for him and gulin to meet 91-year-old boat maker Cliff Adams how many Red Wings have you made about half the total Fleet okay and that being about 20 30 40 boats wow that's quite a number but not all by myself with others working yeah so where does the passion come from well it's automatic I think really you live beside the sea and I I I like working wood at school that's about the only thing I was good at so I suppose there that's what the passion came from back at his Workshop our couple are getting a rare glimpse of Cliff's latest Redwing project the design of these elegant vessels hasn't changed for decades but over time Cliffs had to adapt his boats to the materials that are available today in the' 40s uh The Firm that I worked for then we were building the boat in sicka Spruce yeah and uh that is getting in very short supply these days right and also very very expensive so we go to different materials yeah and we use now African mahogany along with the remainder of the boat in Brazilian Cedar yeah and the ribs English Oak wow okay the deck of mahogany plywood and that's the only four materials used in the boting it can take over 3 months to carefully craft a red wing drilling gluing and nailing every single piece into position by hand but it's all worth the wait when varnished and the Sails are fitted they are a sight to behold it's a cliff 91 years old still building boats where on Earth do you get the energy no idea good health all through my life I think and that's just it I get close to our AG i' still got the playing with boatsy man it's a good record yeah very good record indeed heading back to the search It's my job to make Steven gulen's house hunting plain sailing our second property stop takes takes us to North Hill at the edge of bodmin Mo just a 10-minute drive from the village of minions at nearly 1,000 ft above sea level The Village lays claim to being the highest in Cornwall facilities here include a general store and post office two te- rooms and a pub with bed and breakfast our second house is just over 2 miles from the heart of the community nestled on the fringes of the Granite Morland well we've certainly started off well here in Cornwall and may that theme continue with our next property okay I've got silence talk to me both of you tell me what you're thinking this is very nice it's like Cottage isn't it cottagey looking I'm interested to see inside inside yes cuz it looks quite small from outside but I suspect it's not there's more to it than what we can see here I think constructed around 1820 this traditional local Stone and slate built Farmhouse was originally part of the duy of Cornwall estate extended over the years this house with its handsome Georgian proportions offers them a very alternative type of property you know you're used to a house that you've lived in exactly and here I'm giving you something extremely different you know it's character for character but it's not what you're used to no but I can't wait to see inside the house oh look at you positivity right come on then let's see we're entering via a side porch which leads straight into the largest room in the house all right come on through should we start with the kitchen wow nice size a good size set that a bit louder good size I like the wow bit wow yeah I see a range which I'm guessing you won't like but that can be changed that's no problem it's a a nice area space isn't it it is it is what do you think of the color scheme in the palette is this to your Lo CU I know we always say look beyond the decoration but you shake Style Kitchen do you like that no I do I I do like it it actually goes with the house yeah keeping H I think so so this house is made up of many rooms I would say but I'm going to take us through into the sitting room okay okay through a short inner hallway lies a myriad of reception rooms including a beautiful dining area a cozy family room a modern sh room and a handsome study so you got lots of different rooms off the hallway but I wanted to bring you into this room because stunning view yeah that is beautiful stunning I'm going to call that a borrowed view because it'll be yours forever but you don't have to maintain it good point yeah lots of light yes aspect yeah I love the Georgian Windows good good should we head upstairs okay sure we'll see the view again from up there somewhat lukor responses despite the immaculate and contemporary finish presented in this historic Farmhouse stairs take us to the first floor where there are four bedrooms all doubles full of character and featuring great views over the surrounding Countryside three bedrooms are served by a good-sized well-appointed modern bathroom and then we come to the main bedroom this is your master how do we feel about this room yeah it's a nice size and the view yeah just fantastic mhm the views are lovely yeah I don't think there's much storage that's the first thing that wardrobe space wardr space yes the four bedrooms up here mhm the one thing I often suggest to people is for the majority of the year it's going to be just the two of you no harm stealing a bedroom and making it a huge walk-in wardrobe on suite behind which I think is always handy and you don't always get it in the older buildings so that's nice anything else we're going to add about the upstairs more bedrooms than you asked for it is yeah I'm interested to know what the the holid potential is okay well that's a good point let's go and have a look okay as we head back downstairs I'm getting the feeling that this property gorgeous as it is might not be to Steven gulen's taste but I'm hoping the outside space might win them over as it offers them business possibilities in the form of some four acres of land plus out buildings ripe for conversion so you can see your property from this Angle now and it has more of the georan lines doesn't it it has yes also what it does do is show you the holiday Le potential potential there'd be enough there for two or three holidays would and they certainly would have an amazing view they got potential yes so what impression am I getting from the two of you with this property I'm not sure I can't really read you to be honest it's been beautifully done does it feel right to you it just doesn't feel like home for us it's beautifully done like Steve says but it's it's just not for us doesn't feel like our home no I think the the kitchen Diner we could make work the rest of the house we'd probably pull apart and ruin its character all other well that's honest yes now that's honest there's nothing I can say it's going to change your mind or is there when it comes to the price okay I'm never going to give up am I what are we thinking then I would say about 700 okay I think it's under I think with the work that it needs with the probity lets I'd say 635 no I'm afraid it's a lot higher than that really you would be mortgage free we paying for that view but you're paying for that view yes the actual asking price is £750,000 wow okay that that really tells us it's not for us no I haven't one you over at all have I not at all but not one to be deterred or put off I'm going to send you back into the house this time please take another look at it and also don't forget the barns with that conversion possibility and see how your imagination might take hold thank you thank you it is such a beautiful property and I'm not just saying that look at the view it was built in 1820 it has the character and charm of an old house but because it has the Contemporary twist I thought they might love it sadly I was wrong on this occasion well within budget this Georgian home may not be right for our couple but does boast a beautifully renovated interior four double bedrooms a great kitchen Diner acres of land and for someone with the right Vision that all important holiday let opportunity okay well well this is going to be a project potential holiday L I guess one bed not very big is it yeah it takes some time and money that's for sure this is a beautiful house I love the kitchen it's very spacious and modern light I do love the views views are beautiful I can see why anybody would want to live here it's just not for us and if the house was for us you know the work invol get the holy lets up to standard wouldn't be an issue but yeah the house isn't isn't for us I can't really think beyond that all right you too so guess what that's it for today you've seen our two houses but I've got more to show you tomorrow EV looking forward to let's hit the [Music] road soon to be married Steve gulan are looking to escape a congested Pinner in Northwest London and relocate to Cornwall with a top budget of £900,000 so far we've shown them two very different options for their future home and Business and still to come we've got the Mystery House to Temp them with featuring up and running holiday LS at the top of their game but this is the Premier one shall we say right I can see why and I'll be looking at one of cornwall's freshest and possibly tastiest catches wow this is fresh isn't it so it's the second day of our property search here in Cornwall with Steve and Goo now yesterday started off as plain sailing they both loved the house and although the business wasn't up and running Steve wasn't too concerned about it but goo she had her reservations she'd rather walk in to an ongoing business with a thriving clientele our second home they both admired The View but likeed to see the ch in the actual house itself and again goo had concerns about doing up the out buildings and making them into holiday lets so I'm hoping today we're going to turn over a new leaf and our couple both of them are going to see the profit in our Mystery House any inkling what we've got lined up for the mystery I think you're going to stretch our budget and probably find something that's got there uh a lot of incompetent our Mystery House is located in the Tiny Village of St bruid which sits on the western fringes of bodman Moore with its Pub local store post office and Norman church this area is a magnet for Walkers and many would probably pass our Mystery House which is just a stone throw from The Village Center so our final reveal is a mystery house okay complete with holiday Cotes I can see nothing gets past us does it nothing gets at least three I think absolutely right there's four stone Cottages in total as you noticed it's already been done y I love it yeah I love it already done I can talk about the business in more detail cuz I know it interests you both but this is your home because for us that's as important as the business you want to make sure you're happy on both levels our Mystery House is actually made up of four separate properties to the front of the plot is the first let across an open driveway is the main house with an attached side Annex in the opposite corner of the site is the final property which is also up and running as a rental and that's where we're beginning our tour entering through the front door and uper few steps we arrive at the main living area this is just one of the holiday lets okay wow surprised couldn't even believe there was an upstairs from outside yeah look at the view impressive the other holiday lets do really well but this is the Premier one shall we say right I can see why this can be let 52 weeks of the year right um the business has about 50% returns which is enormous this year they're going to be taking home about £34,000 yeah quite a lot yeah so you might have to roll up your sleeves straight away very good yeah impressed very impressed good wouldn't need to do anything would you no not at all it's ready to go is it well let's see if we can get the balance right let's go back outside and we're going take a look at the main house shall we okay this Le also has a light and Airy double bedroom and a well-appointed shower room adjacent is another Cottage it also has a fully fitted kitchen two bedrooms one with a double and the other currently fitted with two single beds the final rental is attached to the main house with its own private entrance this Annex has a good-sized reception room which leads directly onto the kitchen upstairs here a double bedroom Nestles under the slope of the roof but we're going to take a look at what what could be Steven gul's portion of the house where the mystery finally reveals itself with beams of Plenty um so here is your property you like next door don't you I do I do live in that this one okay I'm going to put you in that one and you can rent this one out that's the deal it's it's very nice so you wouldn't change anything um I think we're both unsure about AR range just cuz we don't know them but the more I play with them more actually I think they're probably very usable yeah yeah and then next door you have your Conservatory leading out to your garden okay can we go and have a look yeah come on let's go heading through the conservatory used for dining double doors lead us to the main sitting room oh my goodness I think that deep breath said it all can you see past them or does it really upset you cuz I have have done quite well with beans in this house haven't I you have you have yeah I'm not quite sure to be honest the ceiling is quite low as well isn't it no it me feel I suppose going away what youve got to weigh up is does the house the location the up and running business outweigh the negativity with the beams and in a way that's only something you can decide I love to think about that also on this floor is a second reception come music room with stairs up to the first floor here there's a good siiz Master with built-in wardrobes a bright second double and a single bedroom currently fitted with a cabin bed across the hallway is a family bathroom with separate sh cubicle well let's head outside shall we Steve if you can go back out through the conservatory I'll show you the grounds and we can talk money the the modest sized lawn garden feels much bigger as it backs directly onto open Cornish Countryside now we're in a great part of Cornwall for the more sort of commercial set that want to come down here and see the true beauty of this County walk Walkers Paradise exactly walk in the malls yeah with their dogs so we are going to discuss finances now what are we thinking with our Mystery House with the holiday lets and the ongo business you got to try and put a price on it I will say because of the business side of things perhaps about 800,000 right I'm going to go in at 749 they are asking for offers over £700,000 that's a surprise wow okay I was well out just a little bit I don't mind you being out because you were over rather than under what that does mean should this take your fancy and mystery house and work its magic you could have a business that's already successful up and running it doesn't really need an awful lot doing to it consider the area as well whether a mystery house might be your next property okay thank you thank you the exposed beams may be a problem for guling but this wonderful Cornish holiday Cottage complex really does off for everything they've requested for their Country Escape it will give them a three-bedroom home for themselves and high quality letting accommodation in the form of three Cottages complete with bookings all set in a desirable holiday destination at the edge of bodman Moore it's very good size good size for a family of four would you say yeah oh yeah definitely I can see the potential in this house um I could see where I could make it work for us certainly downstairs um a little bit of remodeling I guess the major problem for gulan would be the eaves height upstairs he's quite claustrophobic I don't think there's much we could do to to change that the style of the house isn't to my liking the biggest thing for me is the um low beams I don't like low beams and I don't think we can actually do anything to change that even though we paint it white I know it's there so it would it would bother me right that's it you've seen all our properties when I say all our properties there's a lot here isn't there to get around so should we go somewhere have sit down YouTube and have a chat amongst yourselves okay I'll join you and I'm actually very keen to find out what's going to happen next okay let's go for it tourism has always been big business in Cornwell with people drawn to the C's ruged Coastline and glorious Countryside but there is another industry that has been a major earner for over 600 years fishing I've come to Lou on the south coast to meet fishmonger Angela penelli Angela lovely to meet you hello Nikki she's been at the helm of a business that's been up and running for over half a century they specialize in line CAU fish no troller cord catches here this traditional technique is a responsible and sustainable method and some believe brings a higher standard of fish to the table the quality is second to none is it really absolutely when fish is caught in a net it drowns and this fish is stiffer the eyes are balest so you can really tell the difference yes I pick the best that they land expect to pay a premium for these Beauties though the hook and line fisherman can spend many hours out at sea but only catch a fraction of what the troller men Haul on board line fishing can be a tough business and the financial returns are lower I'm waiting keyside for troller man turn line fisherman Mike Wright not only has he bought the fish but he's bought the Sun as well hey Mike hi you do how are you sir not too bad thank you very good to meet you I want to discuss with you the whole process of how you hook line fish so what have you you got in your hand cuz it looks like a an odd contration it is this is um a dboard this is a looks like a large pleum it is it's to for the water at this angle uh which makes this behind it which is all wrapped up but when it's l out toes behind it and Toes these lures which the fish for some reason find attracted so this is the line obviously the lures you call the lure that's these are L yeah um and I use I'm going to very large hers which means that the small fish don't tend to get hers you only catch bigger fish right Mike has had a good morning with a catch of pollock but before they can even leave the key side every line caugh fish is Tagged so it can always be soured so let's talk about this tag so this is what I've got to look out for so number 86 is my number what's the name of your boat Julia's girl right and every single thing which leaves this key side caught by you we'll have a tag on can be tagged that's it so get the next one up so literally wild data you can put that one oh look at the girl look at that is that the girls that's the girls wow this is fresh isn't it and then just push it down that's it and that's it there you go thank you very much thank you for your help you can take those to market now can't you right we'll take those in there now I'll let you carry then they look heavy so we've shown Steven goo our property offerings here in Cornwall impressive houses with businesses already up and running all the potential to do so but have we secured a deal with them let's find [Music] out so goo and Steve what a beautiful spot to finish our house hunt here in Cornwall I wonder have we got close at all oh I think with the first property yeah very you were very taken with it straight away weren't you the interior that was was right up our street and I love the the mix of the old and new and it certainly has got some holiday potential yeah I'm not sure that goo was totally taken with the fact that that some of the holiday accommodation had joined the house but like Steve I absolutely love the property it's everything we were looking for in the house isn't it so oh maybe oh except possibly the view the other two properties we would have had to have done so much work to have made them suitable for us and that with the second one especially we would have destroyed its character yeah well that's always off you to say that that's very young because it did have a lot of character it had a lot of charm but what you know some people see as character and charm doesn't work for others and you but you love the views didn't you beautiful well hopefully we have helped well at least point you in the right direction and get you that little bit closer yeah we wish you all the best thank you thank you and we want you to have a very successful business as well as this wonderful life down here and thank you very much for this week thank you well I do think we got quite close with our first property with Steve goo but for me the last few days have Illustrated that our couple do have a healthy and realistic budget for what they're after that perfect house with the business attached I'm hoping that by this time next year not only will they be happily married but also happily settled in their new Cornish home so that's it from me and I'll see you again soon on escape to the country Steve and gulin decided to change their surge area and have just had an offer accepted on a property in North Wales we wish them well with their Welsh Adventure if you would like to escape to the country in England Northern Ireland Wales or Scotland and need our help you can apply online hey hell forch spe for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] o [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] 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Channel: Андрей Старов
Views: 36,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape to the country, escape, escape to, escape to the country s18, escape to the country season 18, escape to the country 2018, escape 2018, escape to the country bbc, escape to the country Fremantle, escape to the country wye valley, Margherita Taylor, Ginny Buckley, Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Season 18 Episode 55
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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