Escape to rural france -pointing and pumpkins EP010

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[Music] yesterday yes thomas come on baby oh you're so cold up you get you're a good boy thomas your brother can walk now yeah [Music] oh my goodness this literally just came from nowhere um [Music] [Applause] so [Music] whoa are we gonna be keeping this like original metal work that's there yeah we can keep that can we i think so i think it looks it's in keeping what would you reckon it was like a latch system yeah so that'll have been where the original door sat that would have been for the latch and i guess it'll have been for like a bolt or something like that right to like lock it yeah and there's like another bit up here yeah so we'll just keep them in and we'll just point around them yeah i think so they just add to it don't they it's really coming up so clean off the pasta and then as well oh wow um i'm gonna need to clean the face of them up yeah to match kind of i don't think it's worth getting matthew into sandblast just that little bit with how much mesh it makes all right yeah we'll have to do just do it by hand either with an angle grinder or just a wire brush or something i think will that work it won't work as well as that it won't work as well as a mean sandblasted but it'll bring them up better yeah oh our neighbor's just calling us over to have a play on his new digger that he's just bought but he's driving up and down the road in like pride of joy let's see where your t-shirt oh up come on do it this he is literally fabulous what look at all these lovely treats that they've got it's just so wonderful and all the awesome and all for us over there bonjour play [Music] oh i think he's tired so what were we thinking about this door situation well obviously i've been i'm in an iron over it just for you know like you say access and appliances and stuff like that it's just a bit weird that obviously when this was its own building that door made sense but now it seems weird to have a door just leading out onto the roads now yeah yeah you know so i'm thinking i don't think brick it up completely but i think brick it up halfway and make it into a window maybe oh okay [Laughter] like one two three yeah and then the thing is and we haven't got to leave a space for a door to be opening and closing you know we can wall it there and that gives us yeah just another wall of usable space or you know we haven't got to keep it clear at least you could put maybe like a i don't know you know one of them little cables where the chairs totally go underneath [Music] i something think it's silly to have a door there i know it's a bit convenient at the moment because we're sort of in and out renovating and whatever yeah i think once once it's a room we want it to be i don't think we want it to be accessed straight from the road really do we just know actually to be fair it's better security as well then isn't it yeah i mean we've got to replace them two windows anyway yeah which is a shame because you've actually built them by hand didn't you i made them yeah but they are i made them as a replica of the original ones that were in thinking you know it'd be the same as uk with planning permission and that everything had to be exactly the same but it doesn't so they're single glazed oh yes you know they're just pine so they need to be replaced with double glaze so yeah i think if we get three windows the same and do that and then that'll look nice what do you boys think huh what do you think remy buzz window or door window or door [Music] that's the other pillar exposed now so i'm gonna point that up i just still can't get over the brickwork is just so uneven it's a nice feature but i just kind of think that must have been like the apprentice was left to his own devices or something and just chucked it up but it's a nice quirky feature for us anyway see what mr p is up to oh [Music] all right yeah how's it going i'll come to see if you wanted a coffee and to have a perusia at what's been going on i'm just pointing in this one oh wow that looks so good do you know what is that more higgledy piggledy than the other side uh yeah it looks a bit more stepped doesn't it um but yeah oh and they've come out really good well you've left like the the metal that's cool someone just do that i can see yeah you've exposed this bit of wall cool it takes so long yeah to do the joints and stuff well especially because it's not just like a nice straight neat flat surface oh my actual that's like wowzers is your back killing you oh yes it literally looks so good actually it looks really weird but it i i can see how it's gonna look so good like once it's dry yeah i think just because it's so white this has always been black yeah yeah but i think as well because around each edge of each stone where it's obviously got moisture on it it looks darker yeah so obviously once it all dries it's going to look amazing yeah it's getting really dark now yeah that literally looks so good today's the day the pumpkin gets harvested mummy pumpkin should we eat this a big pumpkin should we cut it yeah should we cut it like here yeah it's really spiky but let's get your nose away please don't die i'll try and lift that up my socks and sandals that's huge in it it's so heavy is it all right on the bottom is that just green it just needs a clean maybe it's just not ripened no i think it's like a moss or something mildew would be all right [Music] look not quite as big but it's still big we've not really looked after this one can you hold this for me can you hold that does that feel funny careful oh wow another big one jack [Music] that's pretty big still in it i'm so impressed with the size of these come on jack can you pick that up for mom oh too heavy isn't it should we pick it up together you ready [Music] so what's the plan what are we doing with them too well obviously what i want is to have pictures with a voice which i do every year um i want to carve them for halloween they're going to last that long they'll last that long as long as we keep them dry yeah yeah i want to carve them for halloween i want to save half the seeds roast half save half the next year um and then rain in and then make soup and pumpkin pie and great let's right so i'm just doing the last the lights quite bad just because of the wet oh there you go that's really good so all that's pointed is that all this walls diamonds got a little bit to do there this pillow's done underneath there's burn wow and then the pistol of resistance obviously the chimney so that just literally looks amazing yeah it's stained around the stones just because obviously it's full of tar and oh yeah whatever even though we had it blasted so that was leaked a little bit but don't really matter i don't think no i i i think it adds to it yeah yeah the only reason i've only done to here is because the kitchen cupboards cover the rest so i'll just roughly do that instead of do it nice and neat yeah no doing it neat it's a labor of love pointing i mean they've been working every evening after work and then all day today and just to do that and that wall has taken hours and hours probably like 10 hours or something yeah it is it's been a labor of love yeah so [Music] so i think we've kind of thought now that the bits that appointed so this wall and that we're going to leave exposed and obviously the chimney yeah are we going to point yeah all the way up on the chimney here [Music] what are you doing yeah you can't see because of the light yeah so i think we've half decided that the bits that are pointed obviously will leave exposed so all this wall will be exposed yeah um and behind the chimney and here but i think maybe with the other walls we need to just dry line it yeah because we'd have to dry line it up to this height anyway yeah and then you know obviously you've got the covered day and then there's flashbacks yeah but i haven't got the time to point the rest to be on this kid [Music] i think we should just the sort of three walls so either side of this that and that i think we should just dry line so yeah still we will still point it but i'll just instead of spending ages i'll just roughly get the lime water in so it's stable and it's breathing but then we'll put you know we'll just put a little frame in front of it so we can have a bit of insulation and as well to run cables and pipes and stuff like that behind and gives us a little bit of insulation because it's going to be hard to heat this anyway yeah especially there's no walls everywhere it's going to be even harder isn't it well yeah so i mean we're not 100 decided but i'm thinking along them sort of lines because well i think actually the main the main features are exposed so it's not actually like we're we're losing all that character you know because we'll have this and then this beautiful pillars and you know either either side of the pillar um they're going to be you know massive focal points and obviously the pointing is going to go all the way out to the top of the chimney breast plus we've got the beans as well so it's not it's not going to be lacking in anything at all and also that's a really good point actually i never thought about like wires and pipes and stuff to to run because you don't so yeah so we think another one sort of line so we've still got to really sit down i guess at some point this week and i've got a vision of the kitchen in mind but just where everything's going and how it's going to work and then we can just finalize exactly what we're going to do yeah yeah yeah um i can't wait for everyone to see the kitchen because we haven't got the full kitchen but we've been collecting little bits so like you know each month we'll just buy a cupboard or a couple of doors yep so before we knew the kitchen was in here obviously because of my chef background and this is my one sort of domain yeah i wanted it all very sleek catering styles stainless steel like industrial toppings yeah like more industrial so we've got stainless steel doors which you know people are going to be like i know you know it's going to divide people a little bit but the kid fingerprints have already proven yeah we can't afford to i mean a lot of it's still in boxes we can't afford to re-buy it anyway oh definitely not i think we can make it work an industrial sort of style kitchen in a rustic you know it'll be that contrast so we'll have to see oh 100 it's gonna look amazing especially with my chandelier at the roof yeah it's really gonna be amazing it's coming along but i wanted to get the point in donkeys literally hate pointing and it takes so long it's pouring something get the nice bits out of the way and then we can just concentrate you're literally so filthy as well by the way to clear up in here as well so yeah getting there sort of what well that's total transformation better in it yeah just like some left in the bucket so far or wet it down then i can't believe it it's practically like it was already there now blend in a bit better now well definitely i wanted to like pan out a bit so you can kind of see oh that's just so good because i've rendered this in line even though we didn't need to because it's breeze block behind there at least now the color will match when we point the rest of it [Music] there's method in the madness so what's that little devicey what's sets you've got there it's just like a smoother all the edges are curved so you can just go over it and make it flat oh yeah you can see the so actually when i first walked out here my actual first what do you call it reaction oh my jesus god because it is so drastically different i was not expecting that there we are just got to clean the windows off tomorrow when it's dried a little bit so it's looking a bit better than the breeze block that was there we need to do something about this chicken situation there's just chicks and chickens everywhere you look you are all up to no good i see you've opened the feed bags already what's this little gang in here as well are you lot not waterproof and that's daisy she's the chicken that we've had the longest i think she's about seven and a half now she's a white leg horn and she still lays an egg don't you daisy put all the young cows on our field so it's all the ones that were born this year so they're having the fresh grass which has just sprouted because it started raining so quite a nice day actually today it's just been raining constantly so and here's our piggies who are nice and fat now hey piggies and they're going off next week they're going to their new home next week so their pen wasn't too bad until it started raining constantly and now it's just mud but what we're going to do when they go is i'm going to pick all the stones out shut up you lot shut up you've been fed yeah we're going to pick all the stones out rotate it and we're going to we might just plant some spring greens or something in there for now but we'll get planted it's nice and fertile and it's all all soft now as well so thank you for doing your job and in pigs of lighting in here do you think other than my chandelier um because it's going to be a kitchen it needs to be very bright yeah definitely you know with focus lighting so i was thinking you know like a light within here yeah i was thinking the same um under here is going to be extraction anyway yeah for the cooker so they will have a light improvement but it'd be nice to have you know like a little light on like that if you come in in the evening just to make a cuppa or whatever i'm probably thinking maybe like up lighters you know yeah and then something some sort of leds here all our lighting is on 12 volt yeah because we only got electric you know a couple of years ago before then we were just on and i've just kind of kept it that way all the lights 12 volt now so well it's more efficient isn't it yeah so it means i can wire kind of my own light up and we can use either led strips or you know stuff like that so i think it's gonna be there's gonna be a lot of lighting in here there needs to be but you know one to show the building off as well and two obviously we're we're almost like in two spaces even though it's one now yeah light up there so you can see so you can see right up and it's not dark up there you can see all the cobwebs but then you want light here focused down onto the work space as well yeah and that's why we need to sit down and talk about the kitchen because obviously if there's space for an island we need lighting above the island as well so there's all sorts of what about them like think about before the heat like things that you've always wanted as well yeah i always wanted you know like pendant lights that keep the work top so you can play up and yeah oh we're gonna have so many dinner parties it's important to think about this stuff now because for the run in the wires we can pre-run the wires and hide them nicely and get them in place whereas if we make this decision afterwards it's a lot it's a lot harder to get the wires yeah so what we're going to do about midweek is um i'm going to do a separate video just to show everyone how to mix lime mortar and how it points a lot of people have been asking about that oh that's a good idea so we're going to do a little demo on that so putting it separate from our main vlog just because probably not everyone's interested in sort of all the technicalities of it so look forward to that um i think we'll get out wednesday i think so if you're interested take a look thanks for watching today and see you later
Channel: Escape to rural France
Views: 29,844
Rating: 4.9801183 out of 5
Keywords: #esacpetoruralfrance, #creusefrance, #ruralfrance, #centralfrance, #countryside, #countryhome, #frenchcountryhome, #frenchrenovation, #selfrenovation, #renovating, #selfbuild, #restoration, #diy #homestead, #homesteading, #vlog, #youngfamily, #farmhouse, #stonebuildings, #barn, #smallholding, #smallbudget, #upcycle, #patreon, #chateaudiaries, #expat, #pumpkin, #harvest
Id: 47GdrbSW57I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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