Es ist so lecker, mein Opa macht dieses Rezept 2 Mal pro Woche! Rezept für Hackfleisch!

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Hello friends! Pour water over 6 potatoes, salt and cook until soft (approx. 7-10 minutes after boiling). Welcome to our channel! 850 grams of minced meat. A bunch of parsley. How are you friends? Add salt, black pepper and paprika. how is your weather today Create the shapes as shown in the video. It's sunny here, 26 °C. I love it when it's warm... Cut the potatoes. What kind of weather do you like? Grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Lay out the potatoes as shown in the video. Then meatballs. Then potatoes again. Heat 250ml milk until almost boiling. Friends, write, from which country do you watch our videos? Melt 60 g butter and add 3 tablespoons wheat flour. Gradually add milk to flour while stirring constantly. Add salt, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg and black pepper. Add sauce to potatoes with meatballs. Grate 80 g of cheese. Sprinkle with cheese and bake at 200°C for 15 minutes. Chop parsley and dill. Mmmm, this is incredibly delicious! Fragrance for the whole house! Bon appetit!
Channel: Lecker schnell
Views: 1,932,827
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Keywords: Lecker schnell, rezepte, rezept, schnell lecker, Es ist so lecker, mein Opa macht dieses Rezept 2 Mal pro Woche, Rezept für Hackfleisch, köstliches rezept, billiges rezept, einfaches rezept, schnelles rezept, schnell und lecker, wie man kocht, asmr cooking, essen, asmr, lecker &einfach, kreatives rezept, leckeres rezept, schnelles und leckeres rezept, leckeres hackfleisch rezept, schnelles hackfleischrezept, schnelles und einfaches rezept, Hackfleisch mit Kartoffeln, Auflauf
Id: 5_lovaSUyDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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