Error Code Beagle Fix (Destiny 2, Steam)

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so I figured I'd talk about oh okay well it crashed um but in case you didn't see what happened there was an error code beagle and this happens every now and then and I'm gonna show you how to fix it because it had become so progressively annoying for me at this point that I just didn't know what to do and so I went hunting for Solutions and I've tried just about everything I can upload a full video later of every possible solution going from easiest to hardest to deal with or most time consuming um but I'll just show you for now what works for me the first thing you're gonna do is you're going to go to this PC so you're going to open up your file explorer this is for it's for steam as far as I know this might work on epic games I'm not totally sure yet I haven't experimented on Epic um or the Microsoft store so this could work on both of them are all in all three but could work on only steam so for now just assume this is strictly seen so when you're in here you're going to go to this PC you just want to click right here on your file explorer this PC and go to your local disk once you're inside your local disk you want to find the folder called users open that up now you're gonna you're potentially going to see a bunch of stuff in here you want to click on the profile that you have on your PC this should be where you will find these Destiny 2 files you may have to do a bit of exploring it could be in any one of these folders so once you're in here you want to go to app data open that up and now you're going to see three different folders potentially more in my case is three local local low and roaming you just want to go into your local folder not local low just local so when you're in here don't go to this folder go to the local once you are into local find the folder that is called so I knew my alphabet temp once you are inside temp there is going to be one folder if you have done this fix before you will have two folders you will have Destiny 2 and the one that you have renamed is Destiny 2 backup right click or select but don't open select but don't open your destiny 2 backup folder right click and then delete it because when you do the backup folder and then you verify files it creates a new Destiny 2 file folder now the thing is with beagle it detects that both of those folders were corrupted so now we're going to do this now go to your destiny 2 folder and rename it to Simply something that you had before in this case I had Destiny 2 backup I'm just going to keep using that if you have never done this fix before there will be one folder in here just destiny 2. you're going to select this folder you're going to select this folder right click on it select rename so again select but do not open and you're just going to rename it to something Destiny 2 and I do underscore backup once you have done Destiny 2 underscore backup it is now renamed so now what you're going to do is you're going to go back to steam now over here on Steam and I'm going to keep this open just so that way we can see it later over here on Steam right click go to properties so select Destiny 2 then right click and go to properties and then you'll have this kind of panel that opens up go to your installed files you don't want to click on browse you don't want to click on backup game files especially now if you click on backup game files right now it's going to back up the corrupted data or what Destiny 2 is detecting is corrupted you just want to click on verify Integrity of game files and this will take a little bit of time it shouldn't take anything more than five minutes but it is relatively dependent on the amount of space you have available in your PC okay this is me from the future I said some things that were wrong at this point and I'm coming back to correct them um when you finish verifying integrative game files Just Launch Destiny 2 and one of three things will happen the first will be it'll pop up with the bar after you've gone after you've hit enter or whatever key on the main menu and it'll do the verifying Integrity of game files and it'll complete it it'll complete all the checks and it'll put you at the character selection screen the second thing that will happen which is what happened in this case for me is when you launch Destiny 2 it just puts you straight to the character selection screen the last thing that will happen is that you'll receive another error code beagle and if that's the case you may actually have to consider a full reinstall of Destiny 2. or attempt some other fixes there are plenty others online um but yeah like generally for this for me this one has worked out almost 100 of the time so all the game files here have finished validating and at this point you can close out of it sometimes it'll say reinstalled stuff I'm going to show you the folder real quick uh right here you can see that even though I refresh that they're still in the destiny 2 backup folder it'll spawn in another desk like a Destiny 2 folder once you have launched the game um sometimes it'll show the verifying files sometimes it won't in my case it doesn't but from here I'm just gonna pretty much just cut to when the game opens up and from there I'm gonna uncut probably sped up a little bit show you that yes in fact I am back into the game all right and here you can see that I have fully loaded in I'm at the character selection screen um all my characters are loaded but yeah if and and here further you can see that I'm able to load in the game as well if this was helpful please leave a like if this didn't work for you leave a comment and I can suggest other things that might be able to help you out um hopefully in a timely manner but yeah I hope this was uh hope this was helpful
Channel: Moth
Views: 4,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny 2 Beagle, Error Code Beagle, Error Code Beagle fix, Error Code Beagle fix steam, Destiny 2 Beagle Steam
Id: bLfj-9ois9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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