Erik Griffin(pt.5)on The Steebee Weebee Show

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The wooowooooooowoo during the piano intro had me dying. I was wondering if he was going to do it again, and sure enough he did! Lol

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/WayOfTheRoadBubs21 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Erik is glowing up during the pandemic.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/useyourownillusion 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Don't always like Steebee's shows, but this one was great. They get very real.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Christophicus 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love these 2 lads. Great episode!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/jedipsy 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Seems like Fat Lando is getting real scrilla from his Twitch channel. Maybe Bob will get into it seriously so he doesn't have to tour anymore he can just play video games in his garage and make great money?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tento66 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very wholesome episode.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JFounded 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Steebee Weebee💋

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FilipinaLatina 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit, never noticed how small Steebee's place was. Isn't that his bed in the mirror during the piano intro? I'm sure you regulars to his pod know the layout of his place but this is my first time noticing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Twelvers 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
ah welcome back to another episode of the stevie webb show what am i doing here [Music] and we're back [Music] steve we have a very special guest today please welcome back for the fifth time comedian eric griffin it's like so i can't get friend brother that's nothing good just no just professional i try to keep it professional hey man it's so good linking back up with you i wanted to first do it publicly like my apolo i want to do a public apology i i was in a bad spot man i was paranoid i didn't want to i didn't want to stream but we're cool now i i reached out to you yes steve wish daddy called after even though i called him like after two years maybe like 60 times maybe i called him and text him but you know you know stephen one call did i answer her on the first on the first call yes sir just picked up right on the floor yes sir yeah you know what steve i mean it's like no be real be real about it i don't know about it i i chalk it up to like it's a lot of panic going on when like the pandemic first happened oh my god i mean did the pandemic happen it's changed me yeah it's changed just all really like like in a bad way do you think so like so i don't even want to get out of bed so i'm just like what's the use okay for me just to talk about it like that for me it was like i didn't know what i was because i defined myself like you defined me oh comedian right yeah yeah so i was like okay i'm a comedian that's we were going through that yeah because i was like if i'm a comedian i i can never go perform so it was like i was really depressed myself too because i was like well what am i if i can't go do comedy right yeah okay i didn't see it i never thought of it from your no i was going through i was going through that like i was going through that too so then i thought and then i was like thinking to myself oh man and then my girl moved in because of the pandemic so i was like then i started thinking well damn how am i going to pay rent what's going to happen with money yeah you know i mean it's like i'm not broke or anything i got money in the bank and all that stuff but i'm like but you know you have certain bills and you have things a lifestyle that you want to live and you're used to performing you were performing like wasn't it every night every night it wasn't a night i wasn't performing or had the opportunity whether it's the laugh factor or the store anywhere any little shitty show anywhere in the town so anyways so cut to i don't know what's going on so i pivoted into gaming we were already sort of gaming anyway like the worst fire team but that didn't work out the way we wanted it to anyway it just it just didn't pan out the way we wanted it to people weren't watching us like that right they just weren't no matter what we tried i'm just letting you know i haven't turned on destiny me neither i don't know what happened there was a shift that happened because you got too hard no but you all crossed over you coke cra everyone picked yeah everyone crossed over and i was the only one on the move like on saturn trying to just like trying to pick trying to pick up and then i felt like in my mind i'm like oh they don't know what they're missing they lost they lost the love for this og game but then now i i think i disassemble i i don't even it's not on my system dude i don't even know they keep i just couldn't keep up with all the things that they had to do and they didn't do anything yeah did they no they didn't do that no no no no exotics no no they did so many new things that you couldn't keep up you know it's like when you turn here's my problem with destiny you turn on the game and like you need to be light level 1500 or whatever right yeah but the last time you played you were on light level seven you know what i mean yeah yeah you're like yeah you're like no one uses no one use it yeah so you it it becomes a thing where you can't keep up with what's going on and then you just kind of like lose interest so that's what happened yeah but anyway man like i was saying i started uh hey let's talk about it i started i started gaming all right we will but i'm just saying okay that's right so i started gaming and then what started to happen was people started to to watch just on twitter like where youtube or twitch no it started to happen on twitter you just just turn on the camera on twitch and it was like and then i started to see a cab i was an affiliate and then well wait explain to the viewers and listeners what what does that even mean they have different levels like affiliate is like okay so you have like a certain number of followers so then you can start getting revenue yeah that's dumb so listen i didn't even know this until i'm streaming and all of a sudden i get this notification on my paypal from twitch from twitch like you've got you've received this amount of money from twitch and i was like what i was like i i just wait i was like this is a real thing what do you mean you had your banking or the attack i already had it attached but they notified you yeah they notified me like because i don't know i got a paypal message like you just received this amount of payment from twitch so i said wait this this is going to happen all the time once a week twice a week once a month right once a month yeah so then i said um i was like all right well let me let me do a heavy let me do because i realized this is what we were trying to do with our thing with where's farting it just didn't pan out yeah yeah right yeah so then i started doing i was like what the hell's happening but but what were you doing before that were you playing every day no i wasn't playing every day that's the thing i wasn't playing every day i would sometimes stream twice a week fun maybe and you gotta notify them no no no no no you don't understand once the pandemic hit and i was just at home i said well let me start streaming every day because what else do i have to do yeah yeah yeah yeah so then i started streaming every day and then it started to happen and then i was like oh this could be big i mean you know you know just bigger than i thought was it a lot of money no it was the first thing was like 150 but that's still but i would it only been like a couple like not even a couple weeks i was like wait a minute a couple weeks then i thought i was like hold on and i started to calculate in my head if i did this more and blah blah blah i don't understand where the revenue is it from ads is what is it two things it's ads and then people subscribing to your channel oh that's it yeah huh and then but then yeah so people subscribe and so and here's the thing i tell this guy all the time but then i'm gonna i'll tell him all the time okay steve there's you don't understand how much people will like and watch you and how much money you can actually make i tell them all the time but listen i respect that he don't want to do that all right i but this is this is my argument is i notice that gaming for me is an escape and it's something i do after i'm done with all my work [ __ ] you know like if i edit yeah but the thing is i noticed that once i because i did i tried to i was experimenting i turned the camera on and i didn't it did something to me like i did it in my head like i was i told you instead of enjoying the game i'm like oh i got to crack a joke or i gotta do something to entertain them and then the thing is i'm saving myself because i get so you know how my yeah yeah my red zone and the modern warfare brings it out oh i know really bad i want to get to that too we'll get you it's a hundred times worse than it was with destiny because with modern warfare it's not even good okay okay okay we'll get back in my defense i just i just okay i knew what you're you're like suggesting that but i'm like i don't like what it's doing to me i don't know okay now cut two now i'm playing i'm playing right yeah and then one day okay so then one day bobby decides we play fifa yeah all right and i stream to fifa oh not even modern warfare no no just him and i playing field we used to do it oh yeah i know i know like early 2000 yeah and then bobby and i when we get on we we don't we start going back it's that's the thing automatically yeah yeah okay so i streamed that and i put that video on youtube and it was it did better than my podcast what okay what just you playing fifa with my brother yes okay so then it was like i was like oh this is real because now now there's revenue on youtube and there's revenue on twitch and then i started to think i'mma be okay because i was really concerned work you do your twit you're twitching first you had twitter then you put that video on youtube oh you just upload that on youtube you could do it right from twitch it's crazy so all right so then i keep going so when i cut two yeah you know we start playing uh modern warfare all right we start playing awards heavy so it's fun bobby likes then bobby's playing i even get him on camera and then cut to i wanted you to play yeah because we're great and i knew that it would be big for my channel yeah yeah yeah yeah okay absolutely i wasn't i was transparent about it yeah i know you know i but but but like going back to just my defense i wasn't in the right mind state to do that and i apologize again because i was just like i wasn't in the right headspace to even you know i understand what you're saying now because i i'm seeing it from your point of view like i didn't realize like just all the potential that i thought you needed to do it for like five years and do like i don't like well that that's only because emojis it was only it was only because of how it didn't work for our other thing yeah yeah so me too that's what i'm saying dude so do you see where i was coming from you know exactly because you know damn well me you know you mean we tried we tried and coke we we were doing we made videos yeah we tried to old we did like a hundred different things we tried we tried we tried it just didn't work so i thought maybe people don't want but even even back then when we started to when we were doing that one day i decided i said well let me stream on my podcast channel back before all this yeah i i said let me try to see what happens if i just game on my podcast channel just to see what happened because i had you know over 15 000 followers i said well maybe you know let's see what happens that's damn that's cool yeah but it's just like yeah podcast right right your youtube channel right you know so then what happened was all these people were watching me play right that's great you know even though and what i'm saying is even though i would direct them to like afterwards or would it say hey don't forget where's fire team they didn't want to watch that okay no they don't they didn't want to watch it all right yeah if they wanted to watch it they would have watched it no matter what i do even now i raid the channel i'm still doing it you don't want to watch it all right i don't know what it is okay some people do some people don't but it's different when it's like the guy from workaholics when it's montez when it's eric griffin from such and such and i'm interacting with them and i'm doing my thing which is what i was trying to tell them we needed to do in the beginning but you know whatever so so it worked so then i said to craig and pikachu and all them i said hey go stream on youtube it seems to be better engagement you know but like then it turned into this whole thing so i said well you know i called it griffin gaming just you know basically for fun yeah and i was just doing it occasionally but worth fire team was doing stuff that i didn't want to do i didn't want to play fif play with all these strangers all the time and play the you know only certain games i wanted to do if we're going to do destiny i wanted to do raids with me you and me yeah so they didn't want to do that so i was like okay well forget it then do what you're going to do we never discussed it how we should have but anyways anyways so cut to now the pandemic i start streaming and i'm like yo this is working so anyways so then when i asked you so you made then you started to make it very clear to me like i don't want to stream i didn't understand at first why you were so adamant about it right why you were so like i don't i should have explained myself more but depth as far as where i really was mentally and i didn't explain that to you yeah and i didn't understand because like then we had a phone conversation where you were like you know you you sent me a message like hey look at these numbers that we're doing for you and i was thinking to myself well yeah dude that's why i had you on yeah yeah yeah and the same way you tell me you got to come on my podcast because no no i understand that i didn't right but i didn't that's why i didn't understand that you were coming at me yeah yeah we're good yeah yeah we're just going through it yeah that's fine that's what we're going through it for them so they can understand because i get because you don't understand but you know how much [ __ ] i get all the time about oh me too i was getting hate mail dms every day but like your fan base was hitting me up like you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah but your fan base is your fan that fan base is your fan base no no they're your fans coming to me no no they're listen let's be real about something right now all those people are tiger belly people they call me [ __ ] [ __ ] they're tiger belly people so i guess they're my fans yes they want to see us together that blows my mind though because let me tell you something i understand that now yeah because i was dealing with that in a different regard yeah yeah yeah but there's a way to communicate bro who are you telling everybody you know you don't call me these names i know because okay you're saying that and i believe you right because i did my other further research i actually like like was messaging back then i figured out like oh they they just want me to do what they want me to do exactly but there's a certain way to communicate that without all right no no bro but this is a thing that you really don't understand right that you really have to like really understand this these people love when you me and bobby do [ __ ] together okay well we argue this listen okay listen my podcast episode with with the lee brothers is still every month yeah my second most watched episode uh but i'm talking about regard if i have my new episode and then the second most watched episode is that one the one we did at um the one we did two years ago at all things comedy yes the one at all yes that was like so people love it so then when i put this up this this this video up on youtube of the three of us and we're doing that thing and you're yelling where are you and everybody they love it they're they love it it's like they're watching this thing that they can't get enough of and then it just stopped right yeah okay but i'm just letting you they love it they love it right you don't i don't like that at all i don't like what it does to me i don't like the rage and let me tell you i'm like kind of watering it down but you don't understand the type of rage this brings out about no we'll get to it okay i'm just letting you but i just want to defend myself no no they love it i'm not enjoying what we're discussing right now is how we shouldn't have let that come between us i know i'm okay this is what i'm trying to get to because i had people do i'm telling you i was getting messages i'm gonna tell you when this all happened so after we streamed it was great everybody wants us to stream we had a talk where you were very clear about like oh i don't want to stream and i said it's fine right yeah so i'm on with bobby i turn on youtube i put it on youtube i'm streaming on youtube with bobby i start with 700 people and then bobby comes on just out of nowhere yeah yeah then it goes to a thousand you know you know it's okay you call yeah in the middle of us playing yeah that was not planned it wasn't planned and i didn't know you're streaming yeah it wasn't planned and bobby picks up the phone while we're we're playing and he starts talking right now if i had to do it all again yeah the first thing i should have done is just mute bobby oh if i had to do it again i would have just knew because he made it like kind of this is what he says yeah he goes we're playing steve doesn't want to stream and i go and i say and i say it's fine i'll get off okay and by the way by the way i didn't even want you to do that i was i'd rather just leave it so you could just keep stirring no no i said i'll turn it off all right now here's the problem yeah the problem is i should have muted bobby's mic but it was too late because twofold one if i say you know what i'll turn the stream off these all these people furious because now they're like what how come we can't watch bobby steve and eric play yeah right or i go you guys go play and i'll just go do on my own and keep my stream going right right right they're mad because they missed out on bobby steve and eric playing okay so then after that i knew it was what was about to happen because in the comments of the video and by the way i cut out that part right immediately when it's when it ended i cut out the phone call i cut i edited the video because i was like i don't want people hearing that okay yeah yeah yeah but it was too late because it's live in the comments of these videos in the comments it was like steve's a [ __ ] this and now how come and by the way i tried to reach out to you yeah yeah you already made up your mind you know yeah because it only got worse from that point for me because like i didn't know that went down thanks for explaining no and i tried i didn't know any of that went down all i saw was from my point of view all i saw was okay that happened and then the the weeks following that was just random messages from god knows who and it was because [ __ ] who do you think you are you [ __ ] you ruined the whole thing you little [ __ ] i'm just like whoa these people are monsters and this and you're telling me those are the fans that are talking to me like that that's the crazy part about but they are that's the crazy part what worldwide let's let's just examine that let's examine that and it's an entitlement that they have that they think but they shouldn't have that entitlement because i don't know them like that i know i don't know them like that but the thing is we have so much content out there from years they feel like they have the right to just message me and say whatever the [ __ ] they want whatever they want and it's like dude i'm a human being dude don't come at me like i just murdered your family like because they come at me like like i just did a horrific unlawful horrific thing i murdered everyone on the planet and how dare i do you know what i'm saying steve i told i totally get that so i was i was just like oh like and you blamed me i was yeah because i didn't hear your side of the story can i tell you something let me tell you something right now steve yeah i knew this yeah and it's the reason why i've been patient this whole time i know you yeah i know how bob is yeah and i said i'm gonna have my time to explain to steve the timeline of things that happened because i knew when i started seeing those messages and then i talked about you're getting them too oh of course i was getting them yeah so then when i s and i saw the comments about so when after that then bob says to me hey what have i talked to steve and steve says you know he said i'm done i was pissed i was you know super pissed and i was like but i was resentful i'm like then i said i said bob but why don't you explain it to him but you know bobby i why didn't he didn't explain anything i knew he wouldn't have i knew it i i knew it i knew it too and i said you know what i know these guys this is their way this is how they operate so let me be patient and here i am okay well this that's why this episode needed to happen yeah i know you know and this is the thing i was mad and like because i didn't know the full story i was just [ __ ] upset i get it and i needed that time though because i think that that was why because i knew eventually i was gonna calm down like really calm down yeah and be like and that's what i did the other week i'm like you know what and i started seeing things from your point of view i'm like wow wait i can't he's doing his thing you know he can't perform right now you know yeah of course yeah it's just yeah like he's doing his thing yeah of course why would i you know and i look i saw my part in it and i'm like why would i be mad at that and once i realized that i'm like oh i shouldn't be mad at him doing you know you know cause the thing she was like it wasn't like i was trying to hide him no i know i know but i wasn't like i was like yes i said to you steve this is going to help me i know but for some reason i was so clouded with my just you know just my point of view that i couldn't see it from where you're coming from and then once i stepped away from the whole thing i allowed me to really look at things the way they really were like from your point of view from just the standpoint of the pandemic and where we're all at yeah as far as what we're doing to make money and to survive and i'm like i can't knock them for doing that that's all and so once i had that real like the full realization like oh that i was yeah i was not cool for me i i called you i'm like sorry dude like yeah yeah yeah yeah here we are back at it episode number five uh between us yeah and i'm gonna get steve on mine you know yeah because i actually have a plan i have like yeah yeah that's what i'm saying it's like even like uh i won't even say what i called you about the other day but i'm saying even in terms of like playing you know the other thing i could do is i don't necessarily have to stream yeah but i could record yeah you know and then like we just capture that the good stuff yeah right right right yeah you know what i mean then it's like we can see because especially if we get a victory we want that you know what i mean so there's other things because this is the thing too i never not understood the feeling you have about not wanting to stream i get that you know yeah because i have other friends who who are like that too i have another friend of mine that's actually a huge comic i play with yeah and he's like he'll want to stream and the reason too is because when he's on that war zone and we can get into this yeah when he's on it he he doesn't want to come across like a [ __ ] monster because that's what it does to people yeah you know whatever but then i've also seen content on youtube i forgot this kid's name but his whole thing is getting mad this is throwing fits like he's not he's decent at the game but i'm like oh like people love this but the thing is but i don't like i'm just afraid of what i because you know you've seen my red zone i'm afraid unless i don't know i accept that that it's going to do that to me you know what i mean because it's very frustrating and i want to get back to the dynamics of this game opposed to why it's so frustrating well compared to destiny because in destiny at least i could shadow step i could disappear throw a smoke grenade here it's like once the dude sees me once all day how about this once okay this is the thing is i feel like this is my overall summary of the whole game i feel like 90 of the time they know where i am i don't know where anyone is and that's frustrating because it's like i'm hiding in a corner and they're like and by the way it's also why people like watching you play one because i don't know listen when i first started playing i've gotten better when i first got around have i gotten a little bit better when i first started playing the the black ops game yeah all right yeah this is call of duty the caller dude the first one but we were playing even like we remember when we played started playing pub g we were playing pubs yeah but then i killed you one day by accident because i didn't know friendly fire was on oh right right and then i was wounded yeah yeah that kind of stuff so like when i was playing i remember starting to play call of duty and i'm streaming and i did something wrong by accident and the fans on the thing they loved it you know yeah and i thought to myself i was like so sometimes i would just do things on purpose like i would set myself on fire or something like that just because then the reaction would be like oh you're so you know and i was like oh they like that they like seeing like i don't know how to play the game you know yeah yeah so and i don't necessarily i'm not not saying that like it's not all acting i don't know but i sometimes i do some before i would be like oh let me let me play this up a little bit yeah well you're an entertainer right so i get i got understood the dynamic right right okay so this is what i'm trying to say though is like sometimes i don't know like people think that you're like bobby in the sense that bobby is uh just uh he's such he who's he knows he's an entertainer i am somewhat but not like you guys i do it by accident i think i do it but that's exactly my point is you don't like if you could step away from yourself yeah and you and look at yourself like if you were sitting over there and you see you yeah and you can really start to figure out oh this is what people think this is what people think is entertaining even though in in the middle of it you are super frustrated and really angry right yeah yeah but you're not realizing that that's entertaining this is one i'm gonna tell you a backstory from me when i used to coach basketball yeah yeah yeah i'd be yelling at the kids yeah and i would be saying things just before i became a comment yeah yeah yeah and people are laughing you know oh they like that they're daphne they're laughing at what i'm saying but i'm really mad because yes yeah right right i understood at that point that's when i first understood that my whatever that is is entertaining so i embraced it okay see that's that's dude that's why you're doing well it's you know you accepted that so what i'm saying i haven't come into that realization yet yes because you when we're because i don't like it really infuriates me you know what i mean that's like for real i don't know like piss like what the i get it and that's why and what but see what you didn't see and it's not your fault like i'm not blaming you but i'm starting to see it now see i'm starting to see it now though because now because i've always wondered like [ __ ] want to just watch a guy play video games or a girl play for an hour straight but then six hours six yeah but now i'm starting on youtube now i'm starting to freaking you know like like the good people the people good at war zone i like watch their [ __ ] me too i get that's how i get my loadout like like they're there's unique things like with the helicopter they kill people you know what i mean like c4 [ __ ] i just like looking at the light like they'll be maneuvers they'll be like oh here's my here's my new loadout my this is the new minute oh i got to try that that's right yeah yeah yeah yeah but what i'm saying is like so you just never really understood why that dynamic especially when it's the three of us yeah and that's my fault i'll accept that that's like my closed-mindedness to the whole you know to the platform and the portfolio necessary i agree with that steve just so much as i think that it is about that your personal feelings and how you feel has nothing to do with the entertainment value of it right you don't yeah yeah i'm not realizing that this is entertainment value but what i'm saying it's okay because if you're really feeling stuff it's not it's not your job to like take your pain and then be entertaining to people yeah but maybe you would maybe if you could see your reasons for not doing it i'm saying it's it's not it's not like you might be like i don't want to it's both cause i don't want this out there exactly i'm glad you brought that up yeah i'm protecting myself as well because there's some horrific things i've said in the gulag where if i would have captured that i might have been cancelled yeah yeah yeah i've said this something i've said some very hateful things this is why you you know this is why i'm saying we should just record that's what i'm saying i can record i can just record us playing yeah edit it down to like hey these are the funniest moments yeah and put that out yeah you know what i mean yeah so anyways but anyway either it's neither here nor there but i totally get it now so i want to talk about just the game itself yeah streaming and what's fun about it funny you say that because i was gonna have a uh uh and actually we could still do this on my podcast channel too for me but i have a list of things that it's funny you say that because i make this list all the time about about the things that that that i want to talk about on war zone my likes and dislikes i actually got a list of them right there so yeah but uh i took listen we got into war zone and i'm gonna tell you my feelings on reason why this is the reason why you play warzone because it makes you feel the way it makes you feel you get so angry so mad that when you finally get that victory it is the sweetest thing you could possibly feel you feel like you just won the lottery yeah like whenever you were big you know that's the thing i think that's why people gravitate towards it because it's frustrating as hell but it's difficult as hell it's a challenging challenge and when you finally get because how many people are playing 150 like yeah and then when you're the to know that you're [ __ ] getting you know if i get top five final circle i celebrate the other day bobby and i have played for the first time in all since all this [ __ ] broke out yeah yeah we finished second and it was my fault i'd rather finish third i [ __ ] this up man it was my own fault i had the video on youtube but it was like and bobby you know he was way better at the game now i got a little bit he's really good he's gotten better he doesn't like playing warzone he plays that multiplayer all the time yeah i know i like multiplayer i use it to rank you know well there's reasons for that because you know he doesn't like waiting around you know you know my brother's personality he's like okay what's not he doesn't like waiting around playing with other people that's another thing too he's always a loner guy he doesn't like this either if you're like doing a duo or a trio and you're getting five kills and he's you're still winning the game but he doesn't get any kills that infuriates him yeah because he doesn't feel like he exactly yeah so anyway i feel the same way about it too i i hate counting like when i play with fans yeah and i i play with some guys who are really good sometimes and it's like i'm dead i gotta play with this one kid his name's landon shout out to landon landon shout out he's got a twitch channel it's called twitch yeah underscore what's the deal he just moved to pc he was playing on a console before but the dude's so good that like europe we're all dead and he can still win the game he can still kill six people and win when you're sitting at home with your controller down and you're watching a game that you're in it it makes me feel like a like you're a bench warmer in the nba yeah you're watching lebron i know i know you're a fan you don't know i don't want to see you not not only that you know what as infuriates me the most sniping dude cause let me tell you something the way i was raised as far as this you know like gun battles and fights just from destiny you're not 500 meters away on a top of a like that's what interferes to me i'm like just walking in the hills and then boom and then i get clipped and i'm and this is going back to my frustration is like okay it's kind of like you're in a ufc fight and the guy's punching you from like 10 miles away you're like you know what i'm saying like the guy not only how about this is a better analogy you're in the ring but the guy's invisible and you're like boom you're getting hit you're like oh i want to fight back here's the issue though this is a warzone programming issue oh i hate it see them when you because but also because you're playing solo what's wrong with it see when say we're playing a duo you and i we're playing thinking about it if you and i are doing a duo and you get sniped you're not dead i can come and resurrect you okay i can pick you up yeah but in a solo you're dead i get so much anxiety playing solos i love solo i feel like i feel like everyone duos are pretty bad too everyone's camping people camp more on duos trios people are more free they do more recons and scavengers but solos i feel like okay i need to land in a safe spot and hide type thing you know and like what what happened that last game ran i couldn't get my like that's the i don't like when people farm my loadout i see my loadout drop and i'm running i'm running towards it and then there's guys you have to go right away that's what i found you know what you don't you know how there's loadouts everywhere well let's describe what a loadout is boxes so your loadout is your personal configuration on the weapons you personalize there's two uh usually one primary but you could do a thing called over uh overkill where you get two good prices just like customized perks and weapons yeah so it's your customization a little box drops someplace random randomly near you you know yeah opposed to oppose the other guns you naturally find throughout the game yeah just ground loot yeah so when that loadout drops everybody in the map's running everybody no no here's what happens now what you know what's going on there's too much money to be found in the game and people are like you know what the loadout should be more expensive to buy ten thousand ten thousand is too cheap because you know what's happening it should be like 25 you know because people are buying their loadout so now they're not even getting their loadout and then they're camping the other loadouts and they're just [ __ ] killing people man yeah yeah so when i load out drops if i don't go to it right away i go well there goes that loadout how much of an advantage do you have when you have your loadout and they don't have that i think it's a huge advantage explain that to the viewers well the guns are the guns are all perked up you know they got a good attachment so you know you could put the scope you want you had a scope the the grip the the under barrel and the rip tape on the this ground is not good enough there's always one really good gun so last season season five was the origin shotgun so everybody was using that and it was just bam bam bam bam bam so they got rid of they don't even want to bring that up they they got rid of the kill with that okay so they got rid of it what about the one that's a shotgun but there's fire oh yeah the r90 i love that but that's a loadout gun though okay okay that's a loadout gun yeah so you have that right so you have um so yeah they're so much better yeah those guns are so yeah you have to get your loadout you know you have to get it i just feel like the growl opposed to like a kilo or a uzi fine or uh you know anything you find is so much better for me every because i'm just saying every fire rate every loadout the m13 the m13 to me is secretly one of the best guns m13 yeah the m13 it shoots like a laser beam man more than the ground yeah oh way better than the ground in terms of like but the garage just has better distance yeah and m13 is like yeah but let me tell you something if i'm not dealing with snipers and i know they i know where they are and they know where i am it's equal like playing field i i could win those i could win those half the time more than half the time because i don't know it's because of destiny i'm used to that type of range that's that's a problem i have is like this game there's no range you know like this guy could be on top of a building i'll give you a tip yeah what's your sensitivity set at i don't even know okay does that matter it does matter it matters huge actually i'll tell you how so the sensitivity yeah and i've just figured this out recently so there's four numbers you have to look at so they have horizontal sensitivity which is like how fast you can move like this vertical sensitivity of obviously up and down okay then they have the ads sensitivity which i still can't figure out i can't really describe it properly but that has to do with like looking down sight like aim down sides yeah yeah yeah yes but like you could change that number too now the higher the sensitivity the better the better the better for you like to to move it mine's only like 40 or 50. no no it's not it's not no no if it no it's probably his your sensitivity is probably set to like this the standard standard which is which is which is it's a number it's just a single number steve okay so your sensitivity is probably at the the standard which is probably either four or five oh i have mine to 10 right now and i feel the difference you like oh i'm talking about i'm winning i'm winning gunfights i used to lose before because that that little turn like let's say he over the the our camera our producer over here ran here if if if i'm if he's there okay and you're because you're playing against these pc guys and these guys their sensitivity is high they're jumping around like this right so here's what here let me explain to you if i if i'm aiming at him at five if he moves this way it's going to take me a little bit longer to i'm dead you're dead this move he's got a hundred bullets in you by then dude that's how frustrating it is this moves like this you got to practice with it though because it's going to feel all over the place but it's worth practicing just keep moving it up keep moving it up i'm telling you when we finish with this you turn it on and i'll show you yeah you have to keep moving i wish you would have told me that a month ago i mean i was trying to but you weren't talking okay okay okay okay okay hey dude i noticed the skillet wait let's do let's do that moment where you uh yeah can we talk about this your second bedroom your outside bedroom over here explain what is that st cause you really gotta you really should take the camera out there and and take a picture of this so you can hear my so i walk up and there's like a bed outside okay and a a a chair it looks like like that's my neighbor marcela is this some kind of outdoor apartment over here she she did she's due to the pandemic she wanted to have she wanted to sleep outside what she wanted to do with some homeless people oh no they they have we have them on camera just out here sleeping oh no we have them uh there's cameras everywhere we have them walking towards it but then she she has it set up where she'll like chase him away but anyway so it's her setup it's her decision to decorate out there you know that's her space i guess and she wanted to uh enchant make a little enchantment hammock uh yeah it looks table work area it looks like some like like a like a disney movie woodsy you know what i mean like this is where like the the yeah it's her thing yeah it's crazy i mean i don't want to be an [ __ ] and be like you can't do that and like let her do you know it's weird i know because it's a bed it's a hammock it looks like a bag i know it's a hammer it looks like it's set up like somebody's bedroom it looks like one of those war zones oh let her it's her decision no it looks like one of those war zone rooms you know you go into a house and it's like well that's all burned out that's her decision eric that's her decision you really got to take a video of that because it looks like a war zone house oh i was like you put her that's her decision i was looking for ground loot when i walked by i was like you didn't notice my stove i got a new stove oh you got a new stove from target with a stove or is it a stove oh it's a stove right a real stuff chicken pot pies yeah oh you got oh you got oh you got it you got it you mean you got a toaster oven you want to talk about overestimating i'm sorry i was trying to talk to you you got a stove steve got a stove everybody look over it's a it's a used toaster no it was new it was new i'm sorry let me rephrase i got a toaster oven from target you you could have you should have i can't fetch an oven where am i gonna put a stove in this spot you know do you still have the old [ __ ] xbox too yeah it's just the stan it's right there with the big that yeah oh my god oh i'm gonna upgrade i'm gonna upgrade what's the new one coming out okay i was gonna say i was gonna what's the difference it's just better you get rid of that dumb uh big power plug thing yeah uh it loads faster you know but your sensitivity steve getting back to yeah so what actually the place looks um okay you're gonna go back to my room i guess it looks the same you know what i mean um i don't know people you know what people [ __ ] on my kitchen all the time when i when i cook on instagram yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what they always say is that steve's apartment [Laughter] which is my favorite is that steve's apartment oh man i want to go back to man you're doing so you're saying because you told me on the phone the other day you're like dude i'm doing just i i'm doing so well doing this gaming thing like making more than yeah did the con like is that man it's crazy you're making more doing gaming comedy yeah because it's not necessarily off the the twitch in a youtube video yeah it's off of the opportunities from gaming like like i did a show where i i did this show on the twitch channel on the crown channel that i played video games with t.i with uh t-pain what yeah then i did another thing where i did some work with the military i did this i did this other show that it was like all the huge streamers were on it nick mercs and all these people i don't i don't even know that world oh anyways so they make their that's a career yeah man and so and i'm getting into that world it's like the the comedian gamer guy so i'm getting all these opportunities to do that and the opportunities are like listen if i had a choice between going to some [ __ ] club in some shitty little town and they said hey will we have this gaming opportunity i'm taking the gaming opportunity you don't have to leave i don't got to leave and it pays more you know yeah so this is why i was saying like and this is why i was trying to say like about getting into the gaming world it's not just about it's not just about playing in front of the people i just don't know how to configure it like i tried doing it but you couldn't hear the people in my chat like all right see there's a whole thing steve it's a whole thing but i tried to call you all right well we'll talk afterwards i'll get you a little talk afterwards because that's what i'm saying that's the thing i'm not saying i'm going to completely dive in i'll try maybe once a week or i don't know and what i say is this if you were really concerned about your personality and worrying about saying and doing things that you don't want public yes that's why we should do it the way i'm saying yeah yeah yeah you know even for your own channel is you just go like you know how you have your segments yeah podcast yeah yeah yeah one of them should be gaming you understand right and you put that out and trust me it'll be a very you know you're very big you're opening my mind because it's just i should have had a clue i had no clue your mind is like it's close your mind is like a wrapped like ups box that you're trying to send in korea you know what i mean like your grandma's in korea and you have to like send her like peaches and so you have to like you got to put the the tape and then you got to cover it in plastic that's your mind so i've been trying to open it now for like four years and i'm like can somebody give me a knife because i can't get this dumbass mind open because it's so wrap tight that's it that's you well i'm i'm open to you know i'm realizing now just my closed-mindedness yeah man it took me i don't know why it took me to this bobby told me the other day he said i said what's i cause i ask him every time i talk to him what's up with steve man i don't know i don't know about you know you know bobby i don't know you know he when he holds a grudge it'll be like two years that's what bobby said and i said two years like i was like but then i started to get you know what's funny i was starting to get mad and my patients were starting to wane and sure enough the universe put us back together and you called me see that he did yeah that's what i'm saying i'm you're sitting here now i have no ill will i'm looking at you like nothing ever happened i don't and the thing is i never never hate you know i have no hatred i give it to you towards you at all look it's just something i just understand exactly it's just a misunderstanding that and then i what remember you see he don't return my text either so i sent you a text because it was like your birthday yeah you know and i put on your instagram i said happy birthday steve yeah yeah yeah and the trolls pounce on that yeah something positive they're like what's up man yeah why aren't you saying something yeah yeah so i texted you like steve you about the trolls because i knew that that was what it was it was like piled on and piled on and i knew it like i said as soon as i started to see these messages i was like oh no steve's gonna see this and he's gonna freak out it's gonna take me a while i still haven't like really accepted the fact that these so-called trolls are really my friends or my fans friends they're just fans they're just fans you don't have to remember what the word thing you know what the word fan is short for what fanatical oh fanatical they're fanatical yeah and that's not a good word you know what i mean that's crazy do you remember that movie with robert de niro and uh yeah the fandom that was a crazy movie exactly what it is man who else uh wesley snipes was it wesley snipes and robert de niro yeah because wesley was the yeah he was the baseball yeah yeah that movie was crazy what have you been watching i saw this documentary uh american murder the family next door oh my god you wanna talk about that tom watts i haven't finished it all i just because you haven't seen so many you haven't seen all of it man well let me tell you something this documentary will blow the lid off the top of your head you'll because this is a thing you think okay charles manson ted bun you know they're a certain way this [ __ ] this this [ __ ] on this guy just he's just a guy next door you would never suspect a dude like that killing his family like that well listen you know like you would never suspect ted bundy you wouldn't think he he had a girlfriend no but this guy like looking dude no but this guy getting interviewed like just his facebook post you're like oh he's just an everyday family guy he's a pittsburgh steelers fan he loves his kids he's got heads in the basement no he put him in oil tanks he put his daughter in two different oil tanks this [ __ ] monster but dude i'm telling you this is it's hot right now because people are watching it and it just check it out i'm obsessed with it because it just it just you just it just breaks down the dynamic of what's possible like who who could be it could be the person next to like who anyone could be this nice paranoid but the thing is even when they were missing right the wife and the two daughters on board kid because his wife was pregnant with his son as well he was doing interviews with the local news people and like because they haven't and the way he was just so calm and like you know what i mean like his demeanor you uh like it wasn't until half way through i'm like wait a minute this guy there's something but once you that's what makes somebody a psychopath look it's not like a sociopath yeah yeah look it's not it's not the act itself okay it's how it's what people do after that's what makes them a psychopath listen you could kill your girlfriend in la it because of crime of passion this happens all the time people lose themselves you cut you come in here you know and your girlfriend's with him you know what i mean i'm the type of dude though because i know me i'm the type of dude you'd kill them both no i'd kill myself hilarious he blames himself i would just funny though but he blamed me for the gaming problem so there we go guys so and let only me he would kill himself for everyone else but not me okay with all of it okay but here's what i'm saying though that's a crime of passion yeah for sure first right so what i'm saying is and this is why you ever watch first 48 oh yeah i remember that the first 48 the thing they always they catch people because most people confess right right right because that thing in us is guilt yeah shame oh yeah these are things that make people go oh you i i did it or you know they or they're not all right it's the person that can kill his wife and kid put him in a dumpster and still go to church on sunday oh yeah and do interviews still like be out in public like hey how you doing buddy that's the person well how about this i didn't do this yeah this guy no remorse going back to this american murder thing this dude had a mistress on the side and he was planning on like you know getting this new life with this girl why don't you just get a [ __ ] divorce dude like why that's what i don't understand okay it's probably cleaner to kill him i mean i'm just being honest i mean it's just like no seriously it's like dude just if you're gonna do that just leave your wife do whatever you want to do but it's crazy but how about this okay it's not cool to kill anyone but what do the daughters do wrong dude like they're three or four years old you know what it is i don't understand that i tell you what it is it's like an animal mentality because it's crazy i remember watching this lion show and then like so when a lion comes in to take over another pride they kill the they kill the old kids because they got to make their new kids yeah what yeah so that's like that's it's like a it's like some sort of primal animal thing yeah dude i saw that i was like damn this is ill man that's the way animals are so yeah so a new lion will come in take over drive the dad off the beach and then he sees these cubs he's got to kill him because he got to make his own did bob tell you about uh that korean zombie series kingdom are you on that no i haven't got on that yet dude you've got to get on that too kingdom yeah what's it on it's on uh i think netflix right netflix i'll check it out yeah dude i've been seeing some good have you watched the boys on amazon no i keep hearing it from the boys oh from of course this is a great show he's like steve you gotta watch you gotta watch superheroes it's just rated r so just think think superheroes for rated r but rate it off i'll definitely check it out how many seasons it's two seasons okay the second season is going on right now i'll admit this this is a i'll admit this i i'm caught up with cobra kai as well no that's supposed to be really good i love it yeah it's cheap as soon as they moved it to netflix it's it's oh yeah yeah i love it yeah my buddy brett ernst you know brett ernst no comics from the comedy store he's on that show is he really yeah oh i don't i've never met the guy oh you have yeah you have um another show i'm watching is utopia is that good i just started watching on prime this one's so it's really creepy i watch the platform you suggest that the platform oh yeah yeah what did you think of the platform oh my god right concept yeah yeah yeah like just like the whole yeah the whole world the way yeah like people are like in this prison and there's a platform different levels the food starts at the top and then right now and then it goes down levels and every month they change their they can reconfigurate where you are and all they have to do is just level let everybody eat and they will be fine no but that it says a lot about humans like it's about consumption yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what they were trying to show with ll yeah the platform watch that one on netflix too but i'm gonna check out this murder documentary too that definitely show you it starts a little bit unsettling problem is rachel doesn't like anything scary he might not the thing is yeah she might her response might be that's why i have to watch that kind of stuff yeah you might have to on this one like this utopia show is pretty it's pretty graphic and violent too yeah uh but it's good that's another good one look the hour has already flown by because this is what we do man but i want to really you tried to i want to shout out steve tried to ruin it i want to shine a light on let's i want to really promote your the twit like the twitch thing oh yeah you can get me on erica eric griffin gaming on twitch eric griffin gaming and you can see me and i also put videos up on youtube eric griffin gaming hopefully we'll see steve coming on there yeah and actually and actually i want to do a what i want to do i really want to do is have like a total war zone podcast with you that i'm gonna put on my gaming channel okay yeah yeah yeah we'll do that um can we go to all things comedy or uh to to either way yeah just to get a different yeah uh like uh i wanna how often do you twitch when can people catch it i twitch every single day what time it varies okay yeah just depends on when i get i don't have it i should have a set time but my people know me at this point right now so just catch me on twitch eric griffin gaming and then i'm at eric griffin on most things instagram uh twitter and all that kind of stuff but you guys know this is my fifth time on here fifth time yeah fifth time and this you know the guy no matter what happens we find our way back our friends good friendship is too strong to just let you know you animals push push us apart you tried and you failed yeah yeah there's no i don't i don't even look at the com i just i'd rather not i wish i i wish that's the thing i wish i had it in me not to look at the comments i wish it was i wish it was the part where i could but sometimes you just you peek here's let me finish this i can't peek dude i've had rachel on my podcast yeah yeah yeah yeah and i just i look at the comments and i go but i knew i i've been avoiding it for so long just because of kalila and bobby like what they have to deal with oh no that's a different level differently i'm like oh man so i think that but the thing is since we do content and we're public it comes with the territory it comes with it it comes with it's what i'm trying to tell you all the time but it comes with it but somehow you get it but yeah it comes with it but i haven't fully accepted it because just don't blame me uh okay hey man i apologize i love you man it's it's all good it's all good you're here right now to have some feelings yeah i know but you're here i know we're here yeah we patched it up we patched it yeah and then once i announced it right it'd be funny even on my patreon even my patrons were like yeah steve i'm proud it's about time you made it right with you know they're they're siding with you the whole time and i'm like okay well you know they have a point that's my my own patrons hello siding with uh mr griffin here and i just kind of uh i said i i i said on my twitch the other day i was like eat us guys it's that humble pie the other day i said it on my twitter the guy steve called me and it's just constantly oh that's great oh my god finally these are the same people that said i hope steve dies love you love you everything's fine uh because they have said stuff like that i don't i don't deserve to live steve's gonna get the bag now everybody uh want to shout out uh my patrons i have a patreon if you want to help support this platform stevieweeby the newest patrons this week poor boy drip ross meek shawn dawson and my man scott powell i'm still i'm four songs into my stir crazy uh gene wilder richard pryor uh concept album that's i'm grinding by the way your the album the the stuff up the ep about your dad great and nice thank you thank you i put it out on the internet thank you i appreciate that appreciate that website if you want to order a shirt just know that the the delivery shipping might be delayed because of the pandemic uh instagram slash q-u-a-n-g-o-u band camp at can you shout out your instagram as well yeah and by the way also patreon guys we need to start something so we can get steve a convection oven um absolutely so let's start that the poll going here okay money towards convection oven and uh you know we should you know every time i come we should try to get something new for this place okay maybe we should get you registered at like target or something like that okay i love podcasts okay i have a po box series if you want to send in fan mail boxes whatever oven send your packages to 1425 north cherokee avenue p.o box 1391 la california 9009 three studios on or having you back brother yeah all right peace
Channel: Steebee Weebee
Views: 97,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve lee, steebee weebee, steven lee, quangou, the steebee weebee show, steve lee mangchi, Stevie Weeby, podcast, talk show, late night, interview, erik griffin, erikgriffin, comedian, montez, workaholics, Twitch, gamer, erik griffin gaming
Id: Z8WMdo7Kx0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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