Erica Mukisa Former Devil Worshiper tells how she was Initiated into Sorcery Part 1 | Mission 3:16

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[Music] Erica Mook ISA is our guest today she is the author of the book Erica hut-one days Erica part two and three seven years in hell and she's here to tell her story as an active so Sarah then and how God turned her life around and before the break we were talking about the initiation and how she got into with what happened and you mentioned that you became powerful even more powerful than you grand mother at the age eight was this age eight okay by powerful help us understand because you also mentioned that you took away her clients how was this did she now stage you to participate in the shrine activities No and so are they afraid in the beginning so Sarah is more powerful than a witch doctor they can even hold rain in an area so Sarah can make you dig in their farm when you think you're sleeping they they have ability to do strange things so they are more deadly than than witch doctors now because my grandmother was deep she was like people in the village feared her like no one would mess with her because should you upset her by then and she said you would see that night you'd be in half fun digging and then in you you would be thinking that you're dreaming but by the time you wake up in the morning you're so weak like someone would be so weak to go to the ungodly so she had the best garden in the village have an equal to the deacon yes she never used to there's yeah and then no one would steal from have fun cuz if you tried then you'd face the consequence okay so here you are the powerful Erica what happened to you how what were you doing with this client so of course I would get money from them if they wanted power they would come with money they will come with ya they will come with items you know because the devil doesn't give anything that's right so your grandmother's clients would come and it's you that attends to them she will not do anything without my permission she had to we had to agree for any mission to happen okay cause I'm imagining this is beyond an eight year old trying to take control and pretty much order your grand mother around where you know more were you are no more child outside where I was not your friend so you were like I was looking like any other person but the things I was doing what abnormal did you understand the things you were doing by then no until when I was reliving okay I had become a fun certain celebrity in the industry and I got to know about that celebrity through my relative yeah so I became friends with them but I didn't know that some of these celebrities have sold their souls to the devil for power of Fame yeah so when I met this celebrity I would like any other fun yeah but his brother was more popular than him so I and he had a contact next to our home and being a fun because I music is in our family I have some some of my relatives who are in the industry yeah so I also had that talent to sing a same yeah I wanted to meet with my celebrity so when they moved around advertising their Cossack I ran following the car but little did I know that I was going to go deeper into society and what happened to me is that when I go to that car where that celebrity was something most premier to happen to me I go to the car I found him with a brother and people are surrounding the car because he was in an open roof yeah cheering people and people were following so when I got to the car my intention as any other little girl to see my celebrity and go back home give a story but when I checked because I pushed through the crowd and then I checked in the car to see my celebrity but when I got in the car when to the car to see I just saw myself getting out of my body because I was doing it before and my soul this time was scared in a glass alright so you are at this celebrities car your spirit comes out your souls I mean to us it all comes out and it's caged in us that this person had he had it he had a saucer and in some of the song who says people are talking about me but no one knows the shrine that we have visited to get this point in life we have visited many shrines and another artist is read he said I gave my soul and conquered I make my enemies to scatter then he mentions the songs he has released ever since I saw this so then he invites another musician with a sorcerer said so and so the magician give them the magic so Oh during that time I was taken to the source of the Nile people just hear about people going in waters for for fame work but there is an ultra on Lake Victoria and that that there are a story I was trying to figure out the song yeah okay now I know this and that explains why people die especially during December Christmas seasons people died on Lake Victoria during December because that altered demands for black and white people are looking for happiness and fun the the satanic kingdom is looking for sacrifice to boost up the businesses of its people the the the careers of its people so a lot of blood has to be shed that's why you find that on the different kinds of bitches you find people drowning especially during that Christmas Festival right okay yeah so we went to we went to Lake Victoria and through Lake Victoria this musician when we went to Lake Victoria there is an island where these artist goals to get power that's why his music band is called something Island the source of his power it's driven from that Island so that's where he goes to meet with his gold so when we went to that that Island this musician began to perform a ritual on that on that on that island and the boat that we were in began to sink from the glass that same day yes that same day because we we drove away from the crowd okay and then his brother remained with the crowd while for us we drove away and we went to Lake Victoria okay so your soul was in a glass did you physically enter the car as well my first initiation was about my soul later I started going with them physically okay so you saw in a glass goals yes but their soul is real like it's you you feel like it's you yeah okay so here you are on a boat you said yeah so this musician now I was with him physically they wrote you on him yes no under there were some other people he works with some other people so the boat begins to sink and I me what was coming in my mind is that we are dying okay because the soul is the real you everything you you're thinking right now it's coming from within without a soul you're dead that's true yeah so during that time when the boat began to think some something came with will we which is a big fish it came from under I already explained to people that traveling in fish and someone would ask how how is it possible for someone to enter a fish but Jonah was there for three days and the Bible says he was fat and he preached the gospel so there is life is spiritual most of the things we see physically as a result of something that happened in the spirit so you entered this fish and you yeah but at a certain point I would faint then come back near to fear that that fear that I had but when I woke up we were entering that place called hell because when I talk about him someone who think about the lake of fire well the lake of fire is there but there is another one in hell hell is the world what was this world like it was like a cave so we entered there were about seven gates and they were there were demons opening the gates demons people someone asked me how does a demon look like they are they are just ugly and weird like pair in column someone think they are black but no if someone who painted everything bad blood just to make us hate ourselves that's why you see girls going an extra mile to be to bleach their skin clean oil yeah to be lighter but because the devil is a liar so I was working at these demons they appear and skinny and ugly and they are looking like so primitive they are looking at a human being they are all touching touching disgusted so we entered into we entered into big hole and from from that place is where I saw Lucifer face to face and his ruin'd and yeah the devil at the Bible describes actually I mean we are we need a break at this point we did a break when we return we shall hear about this Lucifer I think I need to take sip of juice right now will be [Music] so Eliana hotel is just the perfect place for you to be in case you have any vents in case you have one of those meetings conferences they have very nice chorus poles as well but in case you want to enjoy a good meal this is your place their food is just absolutely delicious do you want to walk out there's a gym here and our part and just about anything they have you covered so come through to Eliana hotel it's the place is very conveniently located by the road if you don't know the place there's a supermarket called frame so Ileana and frame are in just about neighbors so come through [Music] now did you know that there could be a possible spiritual thing that that you know leads you to actually just be drawn towards the so now Erica is here to talk about the music the devil's hands in the music industry and alone yeah crazy stuff when I phoned myself before Lucifer I was I was first of all I was filled with fear because I was I was in a place filled like with darkness his throne is beautyrx amid the way look at that pyramid on the dollar that is how lucify throne is built and that's the those are the same pyramids you find in Egypt so he was on top of that throne and his color someone who asked me how does Lucifer look like he had a pear color like those rock artists they were they they make their skin so pure and white and people who so disappointed when when they come face to face with reality and they know that media has been lying to them they paint certain black and Jesus white so what people are expecting to see a black pattern they will be so surprised just to see him pear yeah his skin is pear and then he had all the voices let us talk about music he would think China sprung out of best all the voices at the same time he didn't need a backup artist he had all the musical instruments the Bible says he was created with all the musical instruments in him that's why a musician says cotton knocking on every room Gianna nabiyoon bonbon I we've got a banana which I come that's why they call them for worship they worship the devil just like you go to church raise your hands and worship God these people have sold their soul and they are worshipping the devil and the enemy is promoting their music because he controls the world the people that are ruling the world I know the people that we vote in power that's why it does not benefit you to kill your brother for someone they are not worth it yes so after that initiation it was my experience is long but to cut the story short look if I started checking me around and I started I saw the lake of fire which I can't explain because of a short time that we have he took me to the heart of him where he he he showed me the deepest secrets of here like organizations that are acting to be for Humanity peacekeeping organizations organizations that are acting to be aiding humanity yeah they are destroying humanity they are killing us through certain vaccines through certain foods I saw different companies that have not even mentioned and they are the reason as to why people are getting cancer at a high level because they are feeding humanity with poison and their agenda is to reduce on our number and then they are coming up with so many ideas to destroy our lives that's why every other day you find in your sicknesses coming up so after revealing to me all that he introduced me to his Archangel called apollyon apollyon is a fighter like we have angel Michael for them they have apollyon so meeting with apollyon they took me deeper because I was going to be I was I was now my target was to rule over Uganda by then I was ruling over the eastern principalities of Uganda so no witch in eastern Uganda would operate without my permission so yeah what is that yeah boy likes younger many years yeah why he likes young people because they are innocent you tell a young child to go and kill and they will not ask they will do what yeah yeah so and after they use you they kill you at a certain point so me I was supposed to die at 14 had you been told yes you're told because they are able to read your spirit and see how how hard your spirit can your spirit is to contain their secrets so when they read in your spirit they see that you can hold it for 40 years then they will give you 40 years or less than 40 and so you were supposed to die at 40 or below for you right now I'm 37 okay so that time now after that time my soul remained kid but now they used to control my body so I was in school initiating other students I don't know if you ask me how I studied I won't explain but I believe it's because my mother was prayerful okay so in school were you like a normal student did you abide by the school rules or something or you as a kind of goddess Megan out of control I initiated many students one secondly I would I would appear in school to a certain time so whether there is security in school whether it's maximum security what I needed to do was to make the security man look at my hair and I even if I went to a school where they are all forced to cut their hair I would never cut my hair after I got delivered that I cut my hair but before I had long hair so you would tell them hey look at my no you would just show up I would show up and they look at my hair and then open that gate and then no they would just stay there and I would open the gate walk out it's like their net round then when the other students come and they want to follow me they it's like they wake up hey where are you going right but you allowed the other one to burn which one they can't see me yeah so III did a lot of bad things like I began out to perform in karaoke I started dancing with that bad that music band I began to perform on on promotion I was working for some companies that are also working for the devil to promote certain product yeah so Island I was being highly paid because there you were different the day they would not pay me and they have a concert that day it will rain from morning to when the course at end it is going to rain and no passage from via flow yes so they had to pay me before any contact okay at this point do your parents know what's happening my mom is an intercessor and I strongly believe that it is because of mom that I survived my dad was not aware because he was always busy looking for money trying to make a life ends meet but my mom somehow began to sense that I was not eating food at home should prepare half would and fight it covered the way I was I was not eating normal food I was eating so Chuck Chuck Oh and so because a letter they initiated me deeper something I never told you and then and I was covenanted to a snake called Leviathan and a Bible talks about Leviathan so when I was covenanted with the Leviathan I was given a stage name those tednims are not innocent so I was called scorpion now my they are know anything behind my former stage name was to send demons of immorality death destruction to the to my friend okay Erica is still with us let's return in a bit [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Next Media Uganda
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Id: OPpxi2c2NAs
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Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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