Eric Metaxas: The Miracle of the Universe

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[Music] Wow even I didn't know that I was profound sometimes thank you gosh what a blessing to be here I have to say I'm thrilled to be here there is so much to say on all these topics I'd like to do some some QA so I won't talk my full time and if anybody comes in late everybody turn around and like look at them just make them squirm a little bit to let them know that's disrespectful okay we're good we could ruin someone's life this morning don't they better not do that okay I want to talk to you about I want to talk to you less about the miracle of the universe then the miracle of a Wall Street Journal op-ed that I wrote about the miracle of the universe and I'll explain why if you haven't already figured it out I am NOT a scientist but I play one at Socrates in the city events I pretend to you know I pretend to know the things that Stephen is talking about just because I read it in his book or something like that I'm very good at faking it like that I can I can pronounce French well but I don't speak French don't look at the people coming in late okay so listen seriously don't do that don't don't shame them that is not right we were even such as they folks at one time at one time John's me Rex just sauntering in like nobody's looking at him don't look at John don't do that okay when you walk into my classroom you come on time Punk I want to tell you the story about the Wall Street Journal article that I wrote but I have to tell you about my miracles book and it's weird this is like we'll start way out here with the funnel and we'll work our way down I want to say again I am a generalist God called me to be a generalist you will find in the world of theology in the world of academia in the world of politics people who are not generalists typically despised generalists because they know you don't know what they know and you have no right to talk about it right well there's a problem there okay I think that even though God knows everything he's also a generalist what does it mean to be a generalist it means to want to communicate and we know many people who are incredibly brilliant but they can't really communicate very well if you ask them to give a speech you realize that they're so smart they can't really explain to you who don't know what they know what they know and so it's vital to me if you are a person of faith you have no doubt that it's God's will that we communicate the good news that we communicate truth those things are important now some people are more gifted at that than others but we all have to understand just as we value the scientists who can do the science we have to value people who can communicate and I'm not saying this so that you value me but the concept of popularizing something so that everyone can get it why do I say this I say because most people in fact I take that back everybody whether they acknowledge it themselves or do not has a hunger for truth why because they were created by the one who is truth and they were created for the purpose of knowing him who is truth now you can kick against the goads you can hate that but tough luck because that is who you are in every cell and atom of your being if you're a human being and most of us are so the fact of the matter is there are people out there who are not scientists who will never major in science they'll never read a book on apologetics but they're living their lives they're raising their kids they're working hard whatever it is and they are getting a steady narrative flow of things that aren't true okay now sometimes you see it in political news we saw a classic example yesterday okay BuzzFeed which is like one of the bottom feeders okay you know once the internet was created you have like every Joe Blow wearing his pajamas can blog and pretend to be you know dan Rather and the fact of the matter is that yesterday BuzzFeed runs with a story and they say they have evidence of collusion and bla bla bla bla bla so we're living at a time now where a complete lie fabrication which of course they earnestly believe because they want to believe it is spread by the entire news universe now if you have real journalistic standards you don't do that but we're living in a weird time what I'm trying to say is this whole issue has gotten worse and so your average person sucks this in all day long and only if they're like a news junkie er they're paying attention do they see that you know Muller says there's no truth to that please ignore that after 24 hours of hearing this okay so people who aren't specialists don't have time to do the math to do the science to read every article on these kinds of things and so they kind of take in what they can take in and what people have been taking in roughly in the last hundred years are a number of false ideas at the heart of which are some false scientific ideas right one of which is or just here what's the big deal right now the fact of the matter is as a scientist a hundred years ago you might well have said what's the big deal the sign the universe has always been here as far as we know there's no evidence to the contrary and this is just where we are we don't really need to worry about it and the nonsense that the Bible says about you know us having been created at some point you know clearly sciences pushing against that whatever this is the cultural drift over certainly all of our lifetimes right so when I was growing up the information that I always took in now it comes in subtle forms and in less subtle forms okay when you get to college you know you might get the professor that is kind of hitting you hard he has a an angry atheist bent and doesn't know that he's not supposed to be like a braying jackass in the classroom telling his opinions he's supposed to actually be teaching he did he didn't know that and so he's kind of hitting young people hard the young people have not been prepared typically by the culture or by their parents to refute this so it's like Joe Blow experts sitting there behind the podium telling them about why they're insane to believe in God it's the dumbest thing ever right and everybody nods and you know no very few people would have the guts to say anything and then it comes in subtler forms you watch TV okay people like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye and before them Carl Sagan were given a pulpit in the media to say absolutely think of this absolutely false things not things with which we disagree who cares whether anyone agrees with something the issue is is it true you have generations of people who had to listen to Carl Sagan opine about the universe is all there is and all there will ever be blah blah blah right and we are the stuff we're made of the material that the stars are made of you know whatever it it's like yeah that's great except you're wrong and he died before I could tell him that to his to his face but it strikes me that he probably knows this by now so can you imagine that you have generations of people decades of people this was you know in the 70s that Carl Sagan you know wearing the turtleneck you know was saying this kind of stuff right and I have to say there was zero pushback in the mainstream media everybody just sucks it up like that's it you know it's like flies to sugar water there's nothing else we're just gonna we're just gonna take that in and he seems smart he's wearing a turtleneck so you know obviously this this is it oh he's at Cornell and you know that's that except he's wrong can you imagine he's wrong now what's even funnier is that by the time he was talking about this stuff he ought to have had a clue that he might be wrong but what he was saying made perfect scientific sense in the 50s but the way information travels and this is really something I know about it's not a scientist but I do know about how culture works something can be disproved but you'll never hear about it right I mean if I think I said this yesterday if a car has a fatal defect because money is involved you're gonna hear about it real quick if you own one of those models they're gonna be recalled because billions of dollars are on the line there's a whole corporation on the line they're gonna contact you and say I don't drive your car you could die you need to know right now it's dangerous you need to know right but if you're not forced to correct yourself by the market or by your stockholders bad ideas people just let it ride what do I mean by that Freud okay had decades to spew mostly nonsense and the more time passes the more serious psychiatrists understand that it was nonsense he had decade to put it out there that the center of humanity is the sexual urge and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla all this stuff right well by the time the professionals realize Freud was blowing smoke not just literally nobody corrects it right there's no movement where everybody says oh yeah remember how we were we were we were inhaling that smoke for 30 40 50 years we now have to exhale it it's all wrong nobody does that so the idea that sex is at the heart of everything right which is also a very materialistic idea right that it's just the species perpetuating itself and that's so important it's the most important thing and because of that it's at the heart of our existence otherwise we wouldn't be here because we really have no meaning it's just this urge to exist and life and life and life you know it's so strong that if you find a puddle of water on Mars fish will be jumping out any second like we just know life you know right well no we don't know that these are all not true so Freud was never disproven in the ideas that he put into the culture were never disproven they were never called on the carpet when Margaret Meads some of you know the anthropologist Margaret Mead incredibly influential she basically went to Samoa okay you know she's involved in lesbian relationships and she's part of that cultural super elite in the 20s and the 30s she goes to Samoa and she thinks that she has done a vast anthropological report on the sex lives of the Samoans that they believe in free love and that we should lose our own inhibitions because look here's a whole society and they're all so happy and they don't have these you know backward judeo-christian mores about sex and the book comes out and it's popular and she's a star for decades and decades except now we know that most of her research was completely false but the point is it got into the culture told the culture what it wanted to believe free love right that's basically where Freud is coming from then Kinsey comes out most of us aren't old enough to remember but in the 50s Kinsey was it his stuff came out with the pseudo-scientific bent and he had done all this research he was a serial child abuser sexual abuser okay there is still a Kinsey Institute at what University I forget all of these bad ideas not only harmful but actually false have been pumped into the culture but never retracted when Kinsey was proven wrong Judith Reisman I've had her on my radio show many times people have written books proving these things wrong but nobody cares about those books nobody knows about those books the media doesn't say oh my goodness we need to do something about this right so the media is fickle and sloppy they let somebody like Harvey Weinstein carry on for decades and then suddenly somebody decides oh yeah that's wrong and we better do something about it and suddenly Kevin Spacey who's been carrying on for decades and decades it's like oh you can't do that anymore we've decided somebody decided you can't do that anymore and what that's that's the messy culture in which we live that's how information flows and the largest idea of course is who we are as human beings where do we come from is there anything beyond this universe is there a god beyond this universe who intended that we exist and created us and designed us and wants to communicate with us those are the ideas everyone has but the culture does I was gonna say a poor job that that's really being kind they they work actively against not just what I believe but what I now know to be true about all of these huge questions and when they have evidence to the contrary they don't say oh I'm gonna be the one to put this out there because there's this powerful cultural narrative that will not stop moving in this direction they don't want to be the ones to raise their hands against this kind of thing so as you know all these ideas are tied in together if I believe that the universe just came into being randomly and that we evolved the primordial soup randomly then I know that life literally has no meaning that the very concept of meaning is a human construct with no basis that the search for meaning is just kind of like junk DNA right it's just kind of there but it doesn't really lead us anywhere there's no meaning and if there's no meaning there is genuinely no such thing as good or evil that's just in your head it's just something you do while you're here before you go back to the dust and to nowhere that you know you kind of use to get by that's kind of a narrative now as I said earlier only in some places will people be putting that out there explicitly mostly it's an assumption right so when I went to college went to Yale University that's an assumption that's there very few people are willing to go there very few people are brave enough to say here's what I believe I don't believe in God therefore I believe that we're here through random processes and those random processes are so genuinely random truly random that life has no meaning whatsoever so if I butcher millions of people that is not evil it could be evil in some people's minds but I know objectively there's no such thing as evil there's no meaning the love that I have for my kids or my spouse or my parents or whatever that's just chemicals there's no such thing as the kind of love that transcendent look there it doesn't exist very few people are daring enough to say that why because most people in their guts would kind of know that can't be true now because most be would respond with I'm not buying that people don't go there they don't say that but it is implicit and the implicitness of it suggests that you can have casual sex you can do whatever you want you can live freely quote/unquote right so that is all through the culture but it comes from that larger worldview which is supported by Darwin and Freud and on and on and on and people kind of feel like you know it has some kind of scientific reasoning behind it but of course it does not and whenever we find out it doesn't nobody taps you on the shoulder and says oh by the way that's not true that's not true Margaret Mead was discredited and Kinsey was discredited and in Floyd was discredited and even the people who worshiped Darwin aren't buying a tenth of what he was putting out but you know you're not going to be in those conferences where the evolutionists are debating the finer problems of Darwin they've just kind of moved on but they're not letting you know that they've moved on the textbooks are thirty years behind so we have to acknowledge that it's not only about what is true and what is not true even though something is true the question is do people know that it's true your average person in America obviously does not when you see Neil deGrasse Tyson or anybody else like that putting this stuff out there there is no rebuttal the big networks whether CNN or whatever they're not saying and you know there's another side of this story oh by the way it's the true side of the story and we'd like you to hear that now so you understand we're living in bizarre times okay it would be like living in the Soviet Union in the 60s and knowing that the whole thing is nonsense but who is going to be able to talk about that we kind of live in a culture like that you can talk amongst your friends but the wider culture is not interested so when I became a Christian in the 80s I started reading some of the things that I've been alluding to just now books by scientists like Hugh Ross I remember I read Hugh Ross his books in the early 90s and I was astounded I said I have never seen a hint of this information about the fine-tuning of the universe I have never seen a hint about how faith and science are more than compatible I've never seen a hint of that how could I live in a culture that's so dysfunctional that there's all kinds of false stuff being put out there and whatever you start feeling like a crazy person and I started getting interested in some of these things and then of course as a Christian I'm interested in anything that's true right all of us should we should care about the truth it's not our truth if it's your truth it's a lie who we should care about the truth and sometimes the truth will be uncomfortable to Christians but we have a deeper faith that God who is truth says whatever is true I want you to go with that even if it makes you uncomfortable right so even if there's some scientific discovery that makes me squirm a little bit God is the God of reality otherwise there's no God okay so if he's a God of reality whatever is true I just want to follow what is true so as a Christian that was my position I thought I start reading stuff about science and reading this in that and I start discovering that there's a whole different historical narrative there's all kinds of stuff at there that I have never been exposed to ever because the mainstream media they're interested in selling papers they're interested in sleeping with their girlfriends they're interested in whatever the intrud they're not interested in helping you they're just doing what they do now this is not true of everybody in the mainstream but I'm saying it's the general culture in which we live so one of the things that I discovered is that God is real and that he's active today not just in fine-tuning creation as it moves along I was aware that God is active today even before I heard the term Cambrian explosion right and I thought that might get a laugh this is so the fact is that when I realized that I realized that there's such thing as miracles God does miracles and I have actually experienced a few genuine miracles I don't mean like a blessing I mean like a miracle where you go wow that is insane that is insane God is real that just happened now not everybody's experienced them I've experienced just a few so one day I'm talking to a publisher pretty secular and as a way of kind of witnessing to him about my faith I tell him one or two of these miracle stories he then says to me you got to write a book about miracles and I thought well I don't I don't want to write a book about miracles but he was so excited hearing this is like you're the guy you got to write a book about miracles so at some point literally after a year he kind of convinced me maybe I should do this because again in the culture you get books usually by Christians about miracles that are a little too religious and they kind of take miracles for granted to the point that they shouldn't or you get a kind of a secular worldview that says the whole idea of miracles is idiotic right so I thought I'd like to kind of write something in between that that has a proper wonder of the concept of miracles so in the course of writing this book it dawned on me that you know what the biggest miracle of all is this crazy thing called the fine-tuned universe which most people that I know have never heard of they've never read heroes they've never read John Lennox they've never read there's some people here who've written books on that subject they never heard of that and most people that I know in churches serious Christians have never heard of any of this stuff and I thought okay as a popularised as somebody who can understand this stuff I've read this stuff I want to put it out there so I'm gonna write a couple of chapters in the miracle book about the fine-tuned universe that the biggest miracle of all is the creation out of zip of the entire universe as we know it and all the details around that that is when you look into it if you can really begin to appreciate it it will freak you out it is scary it's really scary because you start appreciating that every breath you take is I mean it really can make you little self-conscious so I thought let me put that in the book so I put it in the book and then there's other miracles and so on and so forth and then when the book comes out my book miracles the publisher says well I hope you can read an op-ed or something like that maybe we can sell to paper and they'll you know though they'll they'll help sell books or get some attention to the book and I thought you know if I'm gonna write a chapter I'm sorry an op-ed on my book miracles I got a right out on this fine tuned universe stuff this is really this is the miracle it's the miracle that makes the parting the Red Sea look like something done by a child and so I wrote a piece with the title is science leading us to God now I want to say that my miracles book some of you heard about Socrates in the city last night I just want to interrupt myself to let you know that you you can get the hard cover of the book for five dollars from the Socrates in the city website if you just go to Socrates in the city you can get the hardcover for it's just a beautiful book and and I want to let you know that but you can imagine we're not making money on that right we want to get the book out there but I decide to write this piece so I write an op-ed is science leading us to God and I think who's gonna publish something like this maybe you know might publish it I really don't know but I wrote it and I thought well the first place of course you got to start at the top just in case they might take it yeah you know that they won't but it would be wrong not to send it so I sent it to the Wall Street Journal now the weird thing is it just so happened and you know this is maybe not in the realm of miracle but it struck me as at least fascinating that I just bumped into somebody at a Socrates in the city event who is one of the editors of the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal I'd never had a connection at the Wall Street Journal whatever and so I sent this to that person and they published it they changed the title to science increasingly makes the case for God so a little a little too on the nose for me I wanted it to be a little bit more like see what you think but they published it they published it in the online version I guess it was Christmas Eve I think or Christmas day I don't remember and then it was in the paper the next day well my daughter and wife and I were driving up to Vermont to go skiing because we don't we don't have Utah or Colorado on the East Coast and as we're going up the the Wall Street Journal online still would tell you like how many Facebook shares or whatever like you could see the number on the article and it was funny because Tim Keller who's the pastor who was the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian in New York City kind of a big deal some of you've read his books he'd been profiled or written something in the Wall Street Journal and he had his article had reached 15,000 Facebook shares and I thought wow I wonder how many this article is gonna get I'm just you know you always want to know you want some metrics something to see is anybody reading this you know so as we're driving up I'm obviously driving can't look at my phone but my daughter every now and again tells me like well he's up to 7,000 Facebook shares I'm like oh Tim Keller's in trouble I'm breathing down his neck he thinks he's such a big shot I might have a I might be able to topple him let's see what happens well by the time I hit the Massachusetts border on I 91 I believe we were tied with Tim Keller now something inside me want to call him up and say haha but I've lost this number and I I know you might not appreciate the joke because he has no sense of humor and and he doesn't like people I shouldn't say that publicly that's not true but I thought this is weird like 15,000 Facebook shares on an 850 word piece that tells you about the fine-tuning of the universe now keep in mind I am NOT a scientist I read books by scientists and I knew that most people including most Christians had never heard of these scientists which is a scandal itself if we lived in a normal culture all of those scientists would be as popular as Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye the Science Guy mean we just live in an insane world where that point of view is put out constantly and you never even hear the other side which happens to be true not only does the other side happen to be true but it has such a sick level of evidence that it's not like yeah it looks true it's a slam dunk it's like was Abraham Lincoln a historical figure what's your point of view what there's always gonna be somebody who says we didn't land on the moon in July of 1969 but those people are properly known as you know lunar landing deniers right I just made that up but the point is there are some things that are so clear through the evidence that to take the opposite point of view is a joke so you can say I'm not sure if Jesus existed historically right now that is pretty ridiculous based on the evidence we have today but there's still people who kind of believe that but the evidence for Abraham Lincoln was like you know you wouldn't take that you wouldn't even have a conversation with that person the evidence for what I write about in my little article is so overwhelming that it's just insane it's bizarre it not ought it ought not to be possible that there's that much evidence for the fine-tuned universe and for the God who thought not to be possible that that is so overwhelmingly true but the reason that is true so you're tracking is that as science has progressed now again this is the counter-narrative this is crazy we've always been hearing that this idea that the more science we know the less there's a need for God right now that we know where thunder comes from we don't believe that God is up there throwing lightning bolts well you know Christians never believed that anyway we didn't believe in Zeus but the point is that a lot of people who don't understand the Bible think that that's where God comes from right so the narrative is the more science we know the less there's a need for God that's obvious now that's the old narrative and nobody updates it so I'm here to update it and to say that in the last 50 something years the tide has turned so dramatically that it's a joke the evidence for the fine-tuning of the universe and for a creator and all of that stuff as Steven Mayer has in his new book that's coming out is not only overwhelming but every single day it becomes more overwhelming in other words let's say in 1960 Carl Sagan says we know that there are two necessary criteria for life to exist on a planet needs to be this far away from a Sun and there's something else whatever and that's about it and based on that and the number of planets that we think are in the universe there's probably billions and billions of planets with life on them right that's the math but then you find out that there's a third criterion for life that we just discovered scientifically and then a fourth and then a fifth and the sixth and the more science discovers about the nature of matter the nature of the universe the more science understands every year that passed that there are more things necessary for life to exist so at some point you get 30 factors that rational scientists would agree are utterly necessary for life to exist on a planet and at some point because the number of planets is finite and because you have to multiply right you're not adding you're multiplying that manured another criterion it's like it increases the factor of the ability to say that how many planets might have life and you start saying well it's not looking so good anymore now it looks like maybe there's 5,000 planets that have life but if you are hoping that the universe arose from nothing out of nothing and that there's no god you're still saying well 5,000 that's a lot but the problem is the more science discovered the more criteria were found to be necessary and it got to be so many of those as the years passed now the news is not tracking on this time magazines not do an article on this but as the years pass people like Hugh Ross and John Lennox and others start saying folks there ought not to be one planet in the universe that supports life think about what I just said in other words suddenly the existence of life is conceivably mathematically possible but it doesn't really make sense that there is a planet that supports life because there is so much necessary it's like having you know 200 dials on the wall behind me and if any one of them is a millimeter off the universe doesn't exist that life doesn't exist the universe doesn't exist right ok well imagine that we add another 10 dials to the 200 and then we add another 10 dials every year that passes science is discovering more and more and more about the nature of the universe and it's working against the hypothesis that life arose randomly so you eventually reach a point where not only are the odds that maybe there's one planet mathematically speaking but it goes in the opposite direction the odds start working against there being any planet and then the odds against there being any planet increase an increase increase increase increase till you get to the point where you say the odds are septillion to one that there should be a single planet based on everything we know necessary that might support life and so it's like what Stephen said yesterday Jim Carrey says so you mean then there's a chance yes up till Ian to one and there is a chance and I still can sleep with my girlfriend hallelujah all right well that's the story The Wall Street Journal you know I don't know how I got around the firewall but the article got published and it promptly went insane by the time we were settled into our hotel in Vermont it was not just passing Tim Keller's 15,000 Facebook shares it was at 100,000 Facebook shares and you can imagine yes who knew that anything good could come out of Facebook which is evil and fascist but we'll talk about that another time so no joke folks it went over the course of the next couple of weeks quote-unquote viral it went to well over 300,000 Facebook shares and somebody who's an editor at the journal emailed me and said by the way I know off the record that if it is at that level it is literally the most popular article in the history of The Wall Street Journal yeah and [Applause] and it kept going and it's now at something like 650,000 Facebook shares it is more than double of any article that they have ever had shared so the question is why is it so popular and most of us know it's my writing ha obviously I wrote it and it's just that good but there are other factors and here's the other factor and this is at the heart of what we're talking about there is a hunger in the world for this kind of information most people who don't self-identify as scientistic materialistic atheists because when you're hanging out in the scientific universe like those people exist but in the real world there are very few people who have that worldview there are a lot of people that haven't thought through what they actually believe and they're kind of grooving on the rubble of the confused culture and even those people are open to truth and kind of feel like it doesn't make sense that science and faith are at odds or that there's no meaning to my life so they're hungry for this where they're gonna find any evidence for the idea that that this is true well you and I know no where in fact they're getting tons of evidence to the contrary from Neil deGrasse Tyson and the you know pop scientists du jour and that's that so when they saw this article people went nuts and what do they do they share it holy cow read this science is not only not incompatible with faith but it seems like science is pointing us to the God of the Bible that's nuts have you read this the hunger in this country where there's a media blackout on information like this thanks to the internet it just went that crazy and it went so crazy that people of whom I'd never heard before like Lawrence Krauss decided somebody needs to take a stand against this nonsense so people started writing rebuttals and rebuttals and he wrote a long piece in The New Yorker and even though I'm not a scientist I'm smart enough to be able to read that piece and understand he did not have a single valid point to refute what I said that didn't stop them from publishing it you'll notice you need to know that but the point of this is that there is such a hunger for truth even among the people who would tell you I don't care about the truth I just want to live my life you can't suppress it because every atom in your body is signed by Yahweh by Jesus the Lord of Hosts you can't escape it and so you might hate it it's like being tattooed with the name Jesus all over you and you're an atheist and it's like that's gonna be a tough life what are you gonna do you're gonna scratch it all off what are you gonna do tough the Creator signed his work and you're it so the hunger for this kind of stuff is huge and what it boils down to folks is that you those of you in this room and those of you who are gonna watch this online or whatever it is up to you to spread this information CNN is not at a point where they're willing to spread this information Fox News doesn't seem to have the time to cover anything beyond the Muller investigation I'm grateful that they're covering it but you understand that the media they've never heard of the fine-tuned universe they've never heard of it it is up to you through social media through your contacts to spread the information and I don't mean only among your nerd scientist friends now we know that at that level it's very important but remember there are plenty people that are not scientists they're still interested in this stuff on a pop level it is up to us to spread this news to spread this information it's why I do things like Socrates in the city like we did last night because this stuff is so exciting but holy cow even before we knew the Charlie Rose was a groper he wouldn't have been on the Charlie Rose show right those shows aren't interested in this kind of stuff John Lennox was interviewed by Charlie Rose they never aired it I'm here to tell you that it's up to us through social media to promote these things because there is an insane hunger for this you already know that because the piece that I wrote I guarantee you it wasn't because of my writing it was because people are interested in the truth is this true if it's true Wow it also has to do with attitude I want to have time for a few questions here but remember what I'm saying we know this is true do not take a defensive posture I'm sorry to bring it up but it looks like there might be a god your posture ought to be one of confidence and to some extent of ridiculing the other side because it is that bad their case is so weak that they have to invent ideas like their zillions of universes and that accounts for us here that is so dumb if you don't horse laugh them out of the room for that shame on you but only people like Steven Mayer are qualified and must actually pretend to have a conversation with those people most of us should fall on the floor laughing because it is so stupid and so unworthy of anyone to believe in that you need to understand that what I'm talking about is true it's not it might be true it's not we believe it's true it is true and people who are so backward and so behind the times that they haven't done the research to understand where we are scientifically in all these other areas I can talk about Biblical Archaeology it's the same concept right every year that passes we discover more and more and more and more evidence for the Bible look these are facts if people aren't comfortable with the facts that's their issue but we're talking about facts we're not talking about point of view or worldview we're talking about science we need to be in your face about that and I don't mean be a jerk but you you need to understand like this is on the level of somebody saying I don't believe Abraham Lincoln existed as historical figure he's a myth made up in the kids books that I read it's it's more ridiculous than that I want you to know this is true if you don't believe it you can read some of the books we're talking about my miracles book is the pop level version of this right I have two chapters on this stuff and everything that is in there I ripped off from John Lennox and he Ross okay this is not you don't need to do the math and the science to write about it I want everyone to know about this and I want to point them back to John Lennox and the heroes and to all the scientists that are here god bless you thank you very much [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Discovery Science
Views: 77,423
Rating: 4.7488322 out of 5
Keywords: science, philosophy, biology, evolution, Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, human origins, science and faith, intelligent design, Discovery Institute, Charles Darwin, biologic institute, icons of evolution, darwin's doubt, Stephen Meyer, Jonathan Wells, Douglas, Axe, Evolution News & Views, Michael Behe, William Dembski, John West, Jay W. Richards, Darwin Day in America, Darwin's Black Box, Privileged Planet
Id: T7ep3FBF3Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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