Eric Jones on Penn and Teller: Fool Us

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welcome back to fool us let's find out a little bit about our next magician my name is Eric Jones and I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania now when I first got into magic I kind of use it as a social crutch I was severely overweight I was dorkier than I am even now now over there to get no-good but since then I've learned how to communicate and connect with people for me there's absolutely nothing more fulfilling than finding and creating the moment of astonishment you'll notice one card comes rising out of the pack I do not understand yeah that's quite magic I've still considered myself a student but people do look to me for techniques that I've devised and my handling of coin magic not only am I excited about being on Penn & Teller foolís but I'm really looking for the opportunity to share my magic on a grander scale this next magician is known for his close-up magic with points I met him earlier today I couldn't make heads or tails of him let's see if you can please welcome mr. Eric Jones that is Gelman tonight I'm gonna share something that's very dear to my heart the problem with the solution that you're gonna see is that it's designed for just a few people and since there are so many of you I like to get a couple of volunteers to come up stage to keep me honest to make sure what everyone else about to see it looks fair now here's the thing guys if I choose you you might think that we have something worked out so if you don't mind pen would you mind just Susan she's all people at random it's a big guy with both hands up come what are you waving to me behind the camera hello kiddies get dressed dogs they make their way up guys thank you so much for joining me my name is Eric your name is chance Kent and Molly Ann Molly Ann yes now what I want you guys to do is pay very close attention to everything you're about to see I'm gonna use a little bit of imagination in that kind of crazy now here's an interesting thing this is kind of like a magic marker it's actually where I keep my money you know in Vegas you got to be safe right okay right all you have to do is watch you see a couple little coins these are four solid silver American half dollars from the turn of the last century you guys can examine them make sure they are exactly what they seem to be yeah everything look good yeah looks good to me you guys will be the eyes in the ears of the audience I still be your job Kent to make sure nothing goes up the sleeve it'll be your job to make sure nothing goes up the sleeve watch everything you can as close as possible first let me ask can you see all four coins yes we all four and you can see all four yes make sure the camera can as well watch close oh wow whoa that's the first now I know what some of you might be thinking I can almost sense it you're saying yeah it's just I'm gonna slide a hand crap mm-hmm there could be some truth to that however the entire dynamic changes when the magic comes out of my hands and into someone else's yeah are you willing to help let me ask you are you left or right-handed rugged would you mind opening your right hand place it right above the table then I get you to leave those three coins right about there so you've got three I've got one if you could take your other hand and cover the coins creating like a cave so you can see all three inside yeah perfect and there's mine in a moment I'm gonna have you shake your three coins I'm gonna shake mine you guys will actually hear the moment the magic happens okay are you ready yes one two and three shake the coins and listen to the sound the silver makes Kent not in your hands but in mine if you could dump the contents onto the table shrim woodchuck now what you might be thinking and yes it is a black thing you'll never understand it yeah but would you like to give us a try I would love to slen are you left or right-handed let's do the right let's do the right excellent if you don't mind showing the palm of your right hand to your audience allow your middle finger and thumb to slowly come together turn the hand at the wrist and then bring it above the table perfect then if you could turn your left hand palm up and place it about six to eight inches under the right thank you guys you'll notice how I'm holding on to these two coins by their edges that way I can't manipulate the coins in any way if you don't mind opening your middle finger and thumb of your right hand excellent and grab these two coins by their edges just like this look excellent now can everyone see her - yeah and mine in a moment I'm gonna have you drop these two coins onto the palm of your hand it's important that you catch the coins okay make sure they don't hit the table of the floor I'll do the same with my two one coin will become invisible travel across the table to arrive inside of my hand does it sound like a friggin miracle or what it's gonna happen after three meaning once you threw Geronimo okay hey 1 2 3 drop 1 2 3 if you could slowly bring your hand towards the center of the table and one finger at a time dump the contents on and show him what you've got whoa she's got thing about this is absolutely nothing unless unless there's one two and three coins here one coin left to go now guys uppers at this point I've tried to move as slowly as I possibly could to keep everything fair but I want to make a pact with you guys if at any point anyone including you guys sees anything that looks tricky or suspicious it's be a jerk look me right in the eye and say Eric slow the hell down can we agree to that yes four coins Ken's if you don't mind just open your hand one more time for me bro can you see all four coins yes I do please show your left hand empty and then if you could gather the coins on the palm of your hand like a stack of poker chips and then show your left hand empty again if you could thin sir use just your middle finger and thumb grab that top coin place it onto the palm of my hand that's a lot of instructions isn't it and close your hand around the rest of up I'm gonna bring your hand to right about here but squeeze tight don't let me in no matter what I try oh and I might alright the last one the last oh okay all you have to do is watch can't take your money slowly turn the hand like so and allow the contents to fall from the hand that's one two three four give these guys a round of applause be careful because I know this is the kind of illusion this is the kind of magic that takes real dedication to the craft a Howell weird um I I started magic when I was 19 but but this particular illusion I've been working on for about eight years now Wow well and you know what I thought it was incredible I know the audience you love this performance right here okay then shut up boy I love the close-up finger flinging stuff I really love it we've seen this kind of stuff done using the method we think you used a bunch of times but not in spectators hands and using what you're using take such incredible skill and handling of the audience members and I must say gonads the size of South American cities but do you like pets I love pets do you like cats I do love you like dog thank you yeah I don't my children really wanted to have pets so you know what we got we got a turtle we actually got 12 turtles that live in a little pond out back and those turtles we please get back to magic cuz it's lovely hearing about your home life yeah how I knows what the hell you're talking about what well I think Eric does I love turtles too uh there was one turtle that we could have used here tonight yeah but only for one aspect of the entire routine right I will just say this there are certain turtles that are very very rare and valuable and if I had those turtles with their quality I might keep them safe from other people I might lock them up no no you'd leave that turtle just out there wild one of my way we talking about some skill the table is examinable you say examinable yes does that mean on gimmicked it does not it does doc it becomes a judgement call for the booth I believe Johnny knows how the trick is done Johnny believe so why am i earpiece I'm hearing from Johnny right now and he's asked me to say and it kind of breaks my heart because we're going back to tears I'm warning you now he said the turtle whatever the hell Eddie was only used at the end of the act right and he does not believe you have successfully identified have the remainder part of the idea so that means Erik Jones has full tell is going to give you your trophy look at that doesn't only get the trophy who gets to come back here and perform as part of penance honest injecting let's take let's see away that's incredible what a great performance congratulations Wow okay coming up we have more breathtaking tricks including a spectacular showstopper from a very old Penn & Teller so you
Channel: Lost Art Magic
Views: 1,286,976
Rating: 4.8783808 out of 5
Keywords: lost, art, magic, coins, street magic, Eric Jones, Penn & Teller (TV Personality), Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TV Program), Tricks, David, Teller (TV Writer), Card Trick, Coin
Id: Fab7LDXwH-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
Reddit Comments

Lol I thought she would make it seem 10-12 inches

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/iRecklessNinjaZ 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Girl inches usually work the other way around lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/James_Franco88 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
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