Erased - Anime vs Manga vs Netflix Drama - Adapt or Die
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Channel: Mother's Basement
Views: 492,081
Rating: 4.9412136 out of 5
Keywords: Mother's Basement, Anime, Anime Analysis, Adapt or Die, Adaptation, boku dake ga inai machi review, mothers basement, boku dake, a-1 pictures, erased review, live action, boku dake ga inai machi, erased live action, kayo hinazuki, kei sanbe, adapt or die mother's basement, erased kayo hinazuki, Satoru Fujinuma, Erased Manga vs Anime, erased anime vs live action, erased anime vs netflix, Erased Netflix, tomohiko ito, satoru fujinuma and kayo, Airi, satoru's mom, Yashiro, Kenya
Id: 3Gvv_fINN24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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/u/G-0ff The sound in this video seems off. Quite quiet to me.
I like these longer essays and i just enjoy hearing /u/G-0ff talk about Erased, so that's a great combo to have in a video. I appreciate it has to be though to address three mediums telling a story differently, still touching on what makes the story and its moments special and not do just a basic comparison by retelling what's different. All while trying to keep the length of this acceptable and having a sponsor that probably wants this out early enough for that April 25th deadline.
As for a definitive experience for erased, personally i think the one i ended up having myself (unplanned) is the better way to go. Watching the anime first and then reading the manga.
Everything you gain from the amazing directing of the show and how it really builds and milks the emotional moments of the Kayo arc gives you a completely different and richer view of those same moments when reading the manga. And then you get the manga's extra time in giving you a bit more insight to the characters stories and motivations to build on the visuals already engraved in your brain.
Plus, you get the cathartic read of the manga finale after feeling underwhelmed by the last episodes of the anime.
Love mother’s basement videos, and erased (despite its ending)