Epoxy Resin Wood Coasters
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: DIY Creators
Views: 315,037
Rating: 4.8524728 out of 5
Keywords: resin, coasters, resin coasters, resin art, wood, coaster, resin coaster, how to make coasters, epoxy resin, how to use resin, resin painting, diy coasters, diy resin coasters, wooden coasters, how to finish resin coasters, resin on coasters, wood coasters, how to make resin coasters, resin art coasters, resin ink coasters, make resin coasters, resin river coasters, Posavasos De Madera En Resina
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Something that might be worth experimenting with would be placing the molds with the first layer of epoxy and the pieces of wood in the vacuum chamber and see if that helps to remove the bubbles from the wood as well.
I like these simple projects, and especially when it's about the project and not just a vehicle for sponsorship revenue. Nice work!
Love you videos man!