Epoxy Resin UPGRADE your sink! DIY Bathroom Projects

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welcome back naughty Nation it's Bronson today I'm going to show you how to epoxy a bathroom sink all right today I'm going to show you how to take this old ugly sink that we've got in our shop we're gonna clean it up and we're going to make it look beautiful or brand new again you see I put some green tape up around it and I'm prepping the surface now I'm uh I just got some boogers and some old epoxy on here I've got a chisel here I'm scraping it off so I wiped it down really good and we're going to clean this to the purpose we're trying to do right here is you want to clean the surface as clean as you possibly get you see I've got some acetone here acetone's a great cleaner it cleans really well take some materials off and it also flashes meaning it'll it'll evaporate off very quickly so I can move on to my next step if you look down into the bowl there it's really gross um this this shop has been here for a very long time much longer than we've even been here and it's just taking a lot of abuse there's a lot of corrosions there's some pitting there's some stuff in there a lot of these colors just aren't going to come out but I'm going to get this surface as clean as I possibly can so we have some really good adhesion also I'd like to note that I've got all the plumbing off and underneath I've got a bucket a one gallon bucket designed to catch any of the chemicals I'm using to clean also the epoxy and that stuff when we get to that portion of the pore so it's not just falling all over it's important to get that out so here's what we use on smooth surface it's called Echo Prime grip I just get this at Lowe's there's a competing product that does very similar thing called MVP that you can get from Home Depot it's not it's an acrylic binder with a silica base mixed up in it so it gets it sticks really really strong to smooth surfaces and then it provides a little it's rough so that I'm able to mechanically bond to it so here I am I'm just going to spread it with a um chip brush here one of the things you want to watch out for this doesn't self level by itself so you're going to see I'm going to go over it several times not really worried about the stroke marks I just don't want any build up or piling on or you'll have to sand that down because it won't level on itself and I don't want this to be lumpy I want a nice smooth finish so I'm just going to make sure there's a nice coating on all this I like to start with the bowl then I'll work with the backing edges then I'll do the top last and I'll really take my time as you see I'm going around here and I really want to make sure that one I've got enough material down that we've we have something to work with and two that I don't have um a not smooth syrup so I'm going to smooth it as best as I can with this chip brush as you can see now all right now you can see I'm hitting the back I like to start at the top um because it's going to drip down so I don't want to really hassle without working my way up so I start from the top down and just work my way down all right now that I've got my back inside uh or inside my bowl in the back of my backsplash down I'm gonna just spread this around the surface make sure we've got a nice even coating all right I've got the top down I'll make sure I get a nice coating on my front surface these front surfaces where they're vertical they're the hardest you've got gravity fighting with us so we put our coating on we put our top coats on all the stuff this is where we uh where we have the um the biggest issue to address to make sure that we get done right now I've got it covered I'm going to do a nice back and forth Strokes that we have an even smooth application of the material so when we move to the next step I don't have a bunch of different textures underneath that I'm trying to work with all right now we're gonna use this product right here it's called Rust-Oleum Stone effect you get these at your big box store you can order it online Amazon I'll drop a link but yeah it's gonna leave a texture when you when you first spray it on the best way I can describe it is like the old school shower or shaving cream that's kind of like foamy it's a lot like that so you're not going to want to touch it once it's on um you're just going to coat this really well and it's going to put a texture there and it really covers up everything below it and then you're just going to leave it alone you're gonna let it dry and what I like to do is I like to make sure I get all my vertical surfaces first I'm hitting my edges and my backsplash first then I'm gonna come around and hit the front I want a nice even application as you can see I'm pretty sloppy with this I'm not worried about it hitting the wall or the cabinet underneath we're going to shoot a different video and show you some fun stuff we can do with cabinets so I'm not really that worried about it but it just wipes right off being like the shaving cream when I like material before it dries now I'm going to hit the edge of this bowl right here and you'll start to see it take shape as you can see it's already looking really really good it's particularly compared to what it looked like starting out as you can see now I'm just taking a wet cloth here on crocodile wipes my favorite as you've probably heard before and I'm just going to wipe this down before it dries and it makes life real easy now if you let it dry more of a problem you have to scrape it off it's just an issue but if you just hit it while it's wet it doesn't dry super fast just comes off really easy so I'm going to wipe this down and then we'll let this dry overnight and we'll take our next step tomorrow and all right there you go there's our overview it's wet right now we'll let this dry out look how good that looks already wait till we throw the epoxy on You're Gonna Love all right here we are next day you can see that it's dried up I've got my chip brush I've thrown a little of my famous Vegas Sizzle in there now we're going to add some of our favorite epoxy super gloss we're gonna mix this up I'm gonna mix up uh 20 ounces which is more than enough for this I want to point out this project is super affordable when it comes to um being able to redo your bathroom sink we are into this thing maybe twenty dollars tops but the bulk of that being the texture spray the the echo Prime grip we had laying around here but if you if you don't have it already it's it's 50 bucks a gallon and a gallon goes a very long way so you'll be able to use it for tons of projects like I said we use barely any of it on this the cost of the texture stuff was about 15 bucks and then we're using the smallest amount of resin Maybe four or five dollars worth of resin and this thing will be completely finished off so you can have you can go from a ugly and gross sink to a brand new gorgeous thing for well well under thirty dollars gonna mix up our resin we'll make sure we really thoroughly mix our resin I remember when you're mixing resin up it's important that you scrape your sides and bottoms as you can see I'm doing there gently with my drill and really take the time to incorporate it a lot of the failures that I see with people with resin is they're just as a lack of mixing well they don't thoroughly mix their resin so just take the time and and mix your resin we have a long work time with this product 45 plus minutes an hour hour and I've even worked within an hour half later for different effects we've got plenty of time so make sure you've got it mixed up there and spread that out all right if you want a bro tip because I'm your bro Bronson I buy these chip brushes it's like eleven dollars for 36 of them and I go through them like crazy I get mine at Harbor Freight it's a great spot if I go and try and buy these at uh the big box stores they like try to sell them for two three bucks it would cost 72 bucks compared to 11 for these so I got you there if you got a Harbor Freight in town check it out that uh it's gonna save you a ton of money that's where I get these chair brushes from make sure that when you get them you give them some nice tugs and make sure you get the bristles out so they don't come out in your projects and then away you go as you can see here I'm starting with the back working from the top down as you can see it has a real deep rich color to it when we put the resin on it hit these edges and sides and work that in really really well all right so once again I want to make sure I hit my vertical surfaces first really as you can see I'm not sparing any uh epoxy on there oh I forgot to tell you I wrapped it in plastic so the epoxy doesn't drip on I'm not worried about that um I'm gonna hit my vertical surfaces make sure they're nice and wet then I'm going to hit the tops and then work my way down the uh ball of the sink all right we get that upper lip uh of the sink and I'm gonna get that going so we get that drip sort of moving down so I can work the inside of that um your vertical surfaces your balls that kind of stuff you've got gravity working with you so it's going to be the thinnest don't go crazy when you're torching it so once we get to the torching portion don't go crazy because it's going to pull all your Material off and we want to stick as much of it as we can I'm actually going to do two coats of clear coat on this but it's no big deal what you can get away with one I just have some extra use a little and I want a really really smooth look to this so that's what I'm going to do all right we're just finishing up the edge here for those of you've never seen epoxy applied with the brush I'm just being really really thick I'm not I'm not skimping on it I'm not trying to paint I'm trying to really just throw a bunch of material on and spread it around it's a good way to do it for a little project like this epoxy does self level so it's easy to work with that way I don't have to worry about um uneven application something this small it's hard for me to get my trials in and move around and so it's really nice I don't have to worry about it scratching the bottom of the material I'm working with and that's going to provide a strong durable coating it's going to be like a glass-like finish and it's just a really really nice finish all right there you go look at that thing look we've got it all sitting there so as usual there's some bubbles in there I let this sit about 10 minutes and I'm bringing the torch in we're just giving a quick pass one pass for glass it's gonna get all those bubbles out it's gonna become very glass like and then like I said when you're in the bowl and that kind of stuff don't go crazy torching your your vertical surfaces like when you heat your epoxy or your resin it moves very quickly and we're trying to keep as much resonance but we also want the bubbles out in the smooth glass so it's you got to balance the two like I said we're gonna come back in we'll do a second coat on this the same way we did the first foreign all right here's a little trick for you as well I don't want to go in here standing this so what we're going to do is we're going to take this tongue depressor I'm going to scrape my edges I'm going to wait 10 to 15 minutes in between I'm gonna do this two to three times and that's going to eliminate the bulk of my drips as this hardens up the the resin and so I don't have to come back later with an angle grinder or a anything else to try and cut those drips off each real nice and clean there you go look at that now we just pull the tape I like to pull my tape while your resin's wet just makes life easier you see we had a little struggle with this but that was because I'm wearing gloves and tape at the same time if you let your resin Harden with the tape sometimes you got to bring a razor blade in and cut it just becomes a little bit more difficult so I always like to pull it while my resin's wet all right look at this look at this clean line that's left by this tape hold on hold on hold wait for it wait for it hold the line so satisfying it's fine Big O fingers in here with this uh these gloves on so you'll notice there's kind of a little Gap in that back corner I'm not going to sweat it I'm going to fill that with some caulk later so I'm really just worried about that edge right there that we're pulling look at that just razor razor clean that's gorgeous that's what we're looking for just like that boom all right there's our furnace effect now let's let this dry out and it's going to look gorgeous in the morning all right thank you for watching our video on how to epoxy a bathroom sink if you like this video remember we don't ask for money but we do ask for three things like this video subscribe to our Channel and ring that Bell so when we have another video you're the first to find out [Music] artisan [Music] sing to me Cory I like to be held in the uh in the thunderstorms we're Thunder Buddies yeah the weren't we just talking about that yesterday dude I tell you what everything spies on you so I get on uh at the end of the day last night and I'm watching uh Netflix and uh what pops up is a suggestion right away number one freaking Ted number one like that's an old show it shouldn't be suggesting I also worry all the only reason it could have been eavesdropping on us and all right there you go there's our overview it's wet right now we'll let this dry out look how good that looks already wait till we throw the epoxy on you're gonna love this if you don't you [Laughter]
Channel: Knotty Artisan
Views: 4,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bdLo8Uf6fMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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