Episode 296

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hello and very close to you when i said hello today and welcome to the fat squirrels beast today is i have no idea june 7th because i have a library hold it's ready for pick up tomorrow well that expires for so i need to get it by tomorrow june 7th and this is episode 296 i think i'm amy beth also knows the fat squirrel on ravelry at the fight sqrl on instagram do you know what i really am so excited you came over today i didn't think you were gonna get to come over because they've been working on the house next door to us and it is so loud so but like luckily you came over today and they're just magically quiet i think it's because it might rain today and they're on like a painting step i'm hoping that's what it is i'm sorry i'm making lots of noise i i i left my knitted on the table i had to get it there's also some creaking happening okay so because you come visit me frequently you know that when you come visit in my dining room there's a futon in my dining room you didn't realize that yeah there totally is we have a two-bedroom house so it makes sense to have like an additional like space for somebody to sleep so we have a futon dining room clearly so luckily if you eat too much and you need a nap bam you might occasionally see gus's tail floof up just fyi that's what that is it's gus now i feel like i'm all discombobulated i think i can get it together gus do you want to say hi before like i start by the way what i'm wearing i think i kind of told you i was making it last time this is a ruby top don't let him fool you he does this like thing every time you pick him up but he actually likes to be picked up unlike annie who just like goes completely rigid she's our ask before hugging dog the answer will almost always be no but gus is like okay except that gus is terrified of the noise that's hap well terrified's probably a strong word he's uncomfortable with the amount of noise that's happening next door they often run it we live in well we don't live in the city but we live like inside the loop so we're kind we're considered like a metro area i think and so i think i told you last time yes okay that's right i'm sorry i forget what we talked about last time sometimes our houses are really close together and they've been putting their generator between our houses i think partly because we have like a single pane window that's over there and there's no insulation i know i've told you all of this i can't stop but the point is it's been very loud and gus is a total scaredy cat he alternates between like barking at the guys as they like walk between our houses we have a window that this curtain it's right here hi um so he alternates between like barking at them ferociously if there's ever a gap in the curtain where he can see somebody moving oh don't you eat that wool don't you eat it don't you do it i see you a little rat every time i think i've kind of broken him of it he just goes right back to anyway he's like stop talking bad about me mom um so every time he used to go out and they're out there with that generator running he gets too afraid to actually go outside and like he's our dog wants to go out all the time like my husband is constantly like we just need to install a doggie door cause that dog is driving me crazy um who lets the dog out 95 of the time another story um but so like i often actually have to like pick him up take him out put him down and stand next to him while he has bathroom time so that he's brave enough and i was like it's okay it's okay and then somebody used a nail gun and he just he just started and ran for the door like like i had really betrayed him which clearly i have i'm having green tea i'm really trying to work on accepting um alternate tea options this one is green tea with coconut i think this is harney and sons clearly i bought it because it was in a tin it doesn't tell me what it is it's green tea and coconut i'm trying to get better about it trying to be a person who could drink herbal teas and not be like this tastes like dirty water i really want to be a person who drinks herbal teas it's okay i was a person in college who wanted to be a person who ate salads because i didn't eat salads and now i'm a person who really enjoys salads so i just have to keep drinking it i want to be this person maybe this person also this is the first day i made iced tea i'm so excited first i'd see the summer ah i'm hoping it tastes delicious oh speaking of delicious i feel like i need to do what are we um the corrections column of the newspaper that's a thing that we used to have where they printed news on paper they came to your house and then you read it with your eyeballs in your brain i need to reprint like the like you need to print the corrections column or whatever the uh i need to make two corrections multiple weeks ago i told you i had a cold a vanilla cream cold brew from starbucks and i was raving about how amazing it was okay i'm sorry it was amazing it was not a lie but maybe i should have had like two or three or four before i really weighed in on how amazing it was i think maybe just hit me on a day it was a day where i was going to the oncologist so for just a follow-up appointment i'm fine um so like there may have just been like everything was heightened because i was all stressed out and i had one and it was amazing but since then i have tried to recapture the magic and um it's really fallen flat so either that barista was a witch which is completely possible or uh i was just it was the first time i'd had it it was amazing but now i've had them they're okay but they're not like revelatory amendment number two on instagram i posted a picture of me post ceramics class eating strawberry ice cream and i said it was the best strawberry ice cream i've ever had it was it was from a local ice cream shop that we have called square scoop they're my favorite ice cream shop lick we have it's called lick which is the fancy ice cream shop like the mega fancy ice cream shop they have like flavors like cedar and whiskey um lemon poppy seed and lavender but they also have ones that i i feel like that's too much for me personally okay for me personally that is over the line of an ice cream experience that i want to have right i feel like that moves me into something more like a pie or a cake where i'm more accepting of those combined flavors because it feels more like a sensory experience to have those things like there's different textures and like aromas and and like usually you're like in a place where you're like sitting and like you can concentrate on experience whereas ice cream for me is more like hey i'm not like a die hard ice creamer like i don't need ice cream like i know some people need ice cream i enjoy it it's fine but it's never like my it's not my last dessert choice like you know i mean like for my last dessert on earth it's not my choice um i'm not sure what my choice is fruit pie probably but cake is amazing the cake is so often disappointing do you know what i mean like i feel like well fruit pie can be very disappointing though but they're not gonna give me like a gas station and pie for my last pie right they're gonna give me a real pie anyway but usually you can tell when pie is gonna be not you know like you know you're like okay i'm eating this pie in this package because i feel like i need a sweet fix uh but i'm gonna just acknowledge it's not gonna be that's fine cake is a trick lots of times fancy uber fancy cakes that apparently other people really love are mediocre quite frankly it's very hard to get amazing cake but maybe that's why it should be my last dessert because it would be an amazing cake and that does make it a good lester okay that's my last dessert an amazing cake i would really like the um strawberry buttercream i think it was a strawberry buttermilk cake from york cafe in newport kentucky uh circa 1996-ish no 1997-8 maybe i think i was in college it needs to be somewhere in that neighborhood that's what i would like to say back to the ice cream when i'm having ice cream it's usually like a more casual experience like you know what i mean like you're just like it's more social oftentimes there's more people around i don't know maybe that's because i don't eat ice cream at home that much chubby hubby is an exception but anyway square scoop is my perfect like spot like it's got a good quality ice cream but not like over into like culinary flavors right they have this amazing graham cracker thing that happens they have um several ice creams that have a graham crackers i would not call it a swirl because it's chunkier than this like the amount of it is it's like heftier than swirl maybe swirl his way of like down selling it so that you're just excited when you get more than a swirl but it's like a floral it's a fat swirl of graham cracker crust and it is they have like a banana cream like they have they change the flavors but they have like a banana cream pie and a key lime pie and my teen really loves the apple pie ice cream which i just for some reason i can't get behind i don't know why that's just the idea of it i'm not i'm not on board no i love all things apple and the graham central station they all involve this amazing graham cracker swirl where am i going with this anyway they've got good ice cream it was in fact the best strawberry ice cream i have ever had when i had it um i have since had it again though and it was still good but oh i mean obviously that first time was the best time so i can't it's not going to be the best ice cream i've ever had every time i have it but it was not as rebel as i said earlier it was not as revelatory the second time now i don't know again it's is circumstantial i don't know is that the right word but maybe it is circumstantial like the circumstances i mean i know what circumstantial means a legal drama but i just use it in not a legal drama i'm not sure now whatever don't tell me i'll look it up after you can tell me i enjoy when you tell me things but the first one had it like it had such a high density of strawberry puree and the strawberry puree was like this perfect icy consistency but like not too chunky like not too hard like i'm not a fan of like for example chocolate flake in ice cream because i want the chocolate flake to melt and like it's too much work to get like the ice the chocolate flake to melt but then also having your ice cream not melting and like those two things need to be at different temperatures in my face maybe that's why i don't like apple pie ice cream idea but anyway so i need to pull back on that like go spend your last four dollars for this ice cream cone don't spend your last four dollars but you know if you have eight dollars maybe it's a good option thank you for loving me even though my you know this was a messy bun before i slept on it last night now it's an extra messy bun that's right kids even though you were coming to visit i didn't put on a bra or brush my hair i'm keeping it real right that's what we call it when in fact we mean i am keeping it real this is pretty really oh like if you just showed up at my house don't do that i will not answer the door but this is what you would find if you were lucky so i finished the idea that i should tell you what this shirt was because i was making it last time no i don't remember anymore it's made by ray and it's the ruby top and this is cottoneer i love this top i'm not gonna lie but i need to do like a sewing episode because i have sewn quite a few things since we've talked last i'm so sorry i should not be glorping my tea as we talk um because i have i'm trying to somebody asked last time about the i said something about my throat my disposable tank tops i forgot that some of you have not been here for a long time um the way knits are made now like the lot of the knits that at least the knits that i have access to um either because of my size or like what price point i'm willing to invest just pill like crazy or if they don't pill they stain and then hold a stain so easily i'm sure that's not to do with the quality of the fabric that's just because but either way i end up keeping them you know for several for a couple years and then they end up going to the trashcan or getting cut up for rags or whatever because they peel so much and it drives me bonkers now i know somebody's gonna tell me like their tank top that doesn't pill please feel free to put it in the comments because somebody else is looking for a tank top that doesn't pill and like i have had tank tops like um i've purchased a tank top from uh l.l bean several years ago and it didn't peel but it was also too thick like it was like such a beefy tank top i didn't like the anyway for me i'm going to get off this mario go round of the this tank top purchasing that just is not going well for me makes me feel guilty every time i throw one away and also like every time i have to get rid of one i'm like calculating how much money i have then spent on it and then gotten rid of it do you know what i mean so like i have the guilt of like contributing to garbage because we don't have like a textiles recycling anywhere that i know of if you know of one please tell me um but they're just like of no they're just garbagey they're not even like something i can pretend that if i give to um a resale shop or you know something like that that's going to be of use to anybody like they're just no good to anybody they look garbagey so i'm trying to move away from that and also from like knit leggings and stuff um i say leggings i don't mean like this this i mean like cropped capri pants that are knit not leggings um so anyway just trying to move out of that cycle of clothing and like consumption and all this i'm trying to break out of it for myself like you do you uh but there are lots of great reasons to break out of it obviously you can research those that's not my job but there's lots of reasons i want to break out and so that's what i say disposable tank tops that's what i mean and so i've been trying to make several things that um i can wear through the season and stuff like that so i've been sewing quite a bit more and i'm really excited i had this dress number one which is just like a very it's actually the first garment it's it's the first sewing pattern i ever sewed i think a garment for myself as an adult i i might be wrong but i don't think i am i have a really bad memory about certain things um except if you've wronged me or said something bad about me then i'm gonna remember forever oh i know you sympathize um so dress number one so i had one that i had made into an actual dress like the ones that i have that i use the most often um were made into like tunic length shirts but i have one that i made into an actual dress but i just i've only worn it a few times and i was just it was made of a nice fabric i mean it's not a fancy fabric i think it was um just like an essex linen but which is like a cotton linen blend but it just was not getting worn there was a combination of factors it's slightly too wide to cut in the shoulder because i'm learning that i need to make a like a like i'm a size 26 28 ish but if i'm sewing i really need to accept the fact that i need to make a 22 and then just do a big o uh full bust adjustment on it and i just have not been at that place yet of like it's just like when when i was learning to knit it never was in my thought actually i just didn't even think about being able to do it about modifying a knitwear pattern for myself um but that now i do it all the time and it's no big deal so i just need to get to that place with garment sewing um but i think i'm getting i'm think i'm moving to that realization because it does just make such a difference in how things fit and if i get that adjustment once then i can make you know whatever i need um from that pattern anyway i have a uh dress number one and it just wasn't getting anywhere so i was like i'm gonna tr i'm gonna experiment with this crop top thing because i have made a couple of pairs of pants for myself that are very high waisted and i thought i was very afraid to try the crop top but wait i think i have something on social media with the crop top right i think you put that in here i'll put it in here so hopefully that was me showing you what the crop talk looks like i love it so much it's so cute i love it so i'm glad i experimented with that crop top because i was really unsure about that whole concept and now i'm like yes because if you have pockets in your pants and your pants are high-waisted it just makes good sense to have a crop top if you're comfortable because you can get your pockets better it's amazing and they also just made me feel very cute they totally change the proportions of your body which is i mean obviously but until you've actually done that it's hard to understand and i always know that i felt cute like in crop sweaters and like a dress but i just don't wear dresses that often so yeah crop tops bam now i'm making more um right now i am making the cashmerette springfield top which is not a crop top it's um it's a tunic and there's two different versions there's like a looser version and um a slightly snugger version but the great thing about crash murat is that they for example in this pattern it's drafted i think the max sizes i know the max bust is a 58 if i'm not mistaken um so it could be more inclusive definitely but i'm really glad because it offers three different cup sizes for each of your sizes um in the 12-28 range i'm not sure if it does in the 0-12 range you can find that off here in that range um but so when i just looked at the pattern chart i was like okay i'm gonna make the size 28 with the gh cup and i made it and it was um it was okay but the like it was just it had some fit issues and like oh my gosh i don't need to tell you about this because this is what i was going to do in my special episode it is a little bit of it has a few fit issues so i was like thinking about how i was going to modify it and then i realized that cashmere has this thing where you can put in your measurements and they will tell you what size you should make with what amount of full buffs adjustment if you need one and it said i needed to make a size 22 with four with the gh cup with a four inch fba which doesn't really even look like it's gonna work when i made the pattern piece adjustment i was like this totally works by the way spoiler where was i going with that oh but that's what i'm using as a crop top it's not a crop top but one of the versions has like a band like as an option to sew like a contrasting band around the bottom and so i just made mine sands band and then it's a crop top for me like i love the um that they're packed the cashmere patterns has have those options it's just that their aesthetic is a little bit more formal than i usually feel um and but the great thing is is like with instagram and things like that you can see so many different psoas interpretations of the patterns which is very helpful um because while they present their things in a much more again a slightly more formal aesthetic that i have when you look at other folks interpretations of it it does help like oh i can't see that that's that option that that fabric really kind of softens that line and makes it you know means it's very helpful just like with the steven west patterns like lots of times when i see his cover photo i'm like well that's cool but it's not really my jam but then it seems like whenever i'm at an in-person knitting event they'll happen again soon [Music] when i see somebody shell that i love they're like oh yeah it's a steven voice pattern i'm like like repeatedly repeatedly so anyway okay i gotta take those two bags out now we're moving away from not flavor into excessive flavor oh my gosh is there a garbage bag right under my table with some fabric scraps yes because i was cutting fabric earlier for bags i'm to do shameless self-promotion at the very end because i don't have all my samples sewn up but there will be a sound to order shop update this friday which is i don't know what that is it's the second friday of june um there will be a sewn to order update which means i'll put all the bags out and they usually have about a two week turnaround maybe three of things get crazy and there will be some discounted bags because there are few fabric seconds like the fabric is of great quality but maybe there's like a slight misprint or something like that in the fabric um so there'll be some of those especially in the errand like the biggest size um there'll be some gnomes and some mushrooms and then also some like very graphic prints there's gonna be some mustard anyway that'll be the end and speaking of dollars i have so i made a bonus episode pretty recently and i did really tend to talk about monetizing and things like that at the beginning but i just kind of fell into it by happenstance and of course the universe needs to make me immediately my words youtube has changed their policy on ads and so while i have always opted out of ads um like i opted out of monetizing my podcast or whatever this is called a vlog um well i have always opted out of monetization because i prefer for you not to see ads now face now youtube is basically saying well we're gonna put ads on it so either you choose how the ads are used and res and receive some of that compensation or we're going to put ads anywhere we want we're going to put them in the middle you know we're just going to choose and you don't get any compensation which seems like a very weird hill to try to die on so i have to eat my words and go back and i'm sorry there are gonna be ads i chose to have the ads the ones that you can skip and i chose for them to only be at the beginning or the end of the podcast but i did not have another option so i do apologize it's not really what it's not at all what i wanted to do um but i rely on the servers that belong to youtube to make this thing happen so something i have to adapt to and i am sorry about that but at this point i don't have another option that is feasible but maybe there will be another one in the future that would be rad um but yeah so that's happening but hopefully you can skip them and everything else like that okay moving on what else do i need to talk about did that oh ceramics class so the teen and i are taking a ceramics class together i have always wanted to learn to throw pottery on the wheel um like even like high school age i really wanted to learn how to do that when i was in college i did take a hand building class that was offered at um a neighboring college so i like rode the the college bus to it was a five collins because five college consortium so i had a ceramics class at umass that i took the bus to and it was great i loved it um i definitely did not we had a raku firing um we had a challenge where we had to make a pot that was at least 36 or something i don't think it had to be a pot it had to be at least 36 inches tall so as the ridiculously extra person i am i made this like insane georgia o'keeffe-esque like sort of like lily throat like floral throated pot that was literally so big that i could not actually get my arms around it like i think it was like this big at the at the biggest part of the belly and was like almost i think it was definitely at least three feet tall but it was ridiculous is what i'm trying to get to and because of how my brain works i couldn't just stay in the ceramic studio and work on it i definitely needed to bring it home on the bus what is wrong with me so i brought this insane thing home on the bus the public bus clearly that's what you do and then of course worked on it for like a weekend or something and then took it back on the bus at like 6 30 in the morning what is up with ceramics classes being so early in the morning um and unfortunately it never i don't know if it got fired or not because i don't know it was like the end of the year i think and like i just didn't have access to get back there and like what was i gonna do with it i couldn't bring it home on the plane i mean there were not even like baggage requirements then we're booking my flight for montana to go to yellowstone and um grand tetons and like all these restrictions about like what you can break what and i was just like i'm so old but anyway even though you could have like brought this giant i guess technically i did yeah i i think would have had to buy it a seat because i don't think check it but that was all to say that i've really always loved and we had this ceramics annex at smith that like some alum funded way back when i have no idea but bless her heart but in like a nice way not a southern way um so we go and then for like ten dollars a semester or something maybe even for the whole year i don't know you could be a member of the ceramics club and i think you got a key to the ceramics annex because it wasn't just open all the time and i really tried so hard to learn how to throw um i like we had these like but there was no youtube back then there was i think the person gave us like one demonstration and i just never i what i did was just tear all the skin off the sides of my hands we had these like pressed wood bats like chipboard and they were so rough and so i was like trying to center my clay and everything and like eventually i just had no skin on the side of my hand at that point i was like okay i just need to let go of the stream but now i'm a grown up and i got second class i'm still taking it it's eight weeks long what it's true i am still really bad at ceramics i am not a gifted ceramicist at all but i'm doing much better than i did before it's true this guy's gonna burp at everything maybe maybe he'll be restrained but it's so cool i'm so bad at it i mean we're supposed to do glazing the last time and like i was just like the dead weight pulling the whole class down i think because i did not have enough stuff fired for like a glazing fight like a enough bisque fire to like do glazing i'm pretty sure he was just like whatever i'm not good at it but i'm really excited about it i'm already like okay i need to take this class next and then i need to take maybe another beginner's class and then i'm going to take it so yeah so that's why i don't have on my sample zone i've been um doing ceramics and making clothes for myself not even taking time to brush my hair barely i've also been sitting and doing nothing a lot which not in like a good way like not in a productive like wholesome centering way but like not in a useful wholesome centering way no no like let's be mindful in the moment and really like just in the ridiculous way in a ridiculous way of like just like putting things in a shopping cart online and then like being proud of myself that i didn't buy them it's like he's those cars when you're trying to make a left-hand turn that just perfectly space themselves out so that you can't turn but it like kind of seems like you could at each why don't we spark it anyway right like modern times right i need to like do you do something like do you do something do you have like input on great ways to just get out of that cycle of just like i'm not even like phone staring in a like in an even like inspirational way like just i just need to put my phone in a different room it's really what i need to do but at least to help or something maybe something else so that i feel more mentally capable cause i'm sure that's like a big part of it right when you're just doing that kind of like boredom stuff is like that your brain just is in like a dumb purgatory place of like not being so tired that it needs to nap but also not awake enough to be productive or again and i don't mean productive in like a making something way just like in a present way i'm sorry i'm not sorry thank you for sitting with me when i complain about thanks i know the less of you are having these things too and then some of you are just like uh stop doing that and like thank you i do need to stop doing that you're right oh i'm also wearing new glasses these are from zeni they're the same ones as my pink ones except they're green and i love them um i will say that for some reason these two glasses when you get them have completely straight ear pieces which i've never had glasses like that i've bent these um they're so lightweight like these are the lightest glasses ever i do not have a very strong prescription i'm like a 2.25 2.5 minuses um but they're so light you can actually just have them without the ear hooking they will but for me because i often my hair up they get caught like they get stuck in my hair or headphones or something like that so i do want them to kind of curve down um but they're the only ones i've ever had that didn't that were like that never had glasses that were straight this is very strange but i mean come on did i also buy rose gold aviator sunglasses maybe maybe oh my gosh should we talk about wool stuff let's do it oh my gosh i finished a sweater i finished well i think it's finished anyway oh i have an embroidery i'll just have it talk so much about nothing that you'd surely like to shut up can i turn it off um i finished this granny go round jumper which i don't have the pattern name for but or the pattern writer for but tana look how cute it is it's in blue sky fibers wool stock and because of the striping sequence and the very specific amount of yarn they um opted for a three-quarter sleeve um so i used every single bit i had one skein of red one skin of orange one skin of yellow two skeins of light green two skeins of dark green three skeins of light blue and then five skeins i think i'm pretty sure five skeins of the brown and i did have brown left but um instead of the pattern has you do crochet edging i did just do a one or two by two rib um i just like the look of it i didn't ask for approval on that oops um so i did two by two rib and all i did was figure out the gauge for my ribbing and just pick up for me what happened is i picked up for every nine crochet stitches i picked up 10 knit stitches and i think that gave us a good because you want it to come in a little bit because you don't want it to flare out that's faux show and i also went down a crochet hook on like the last four rows five rows went down one size crochet hook to kind of again help with a little bit of negative slightly less ease at the hip so that you don't get an a-line shape if you don't want that and then um the other thing that i did differently okay so here are all the things i did differently knit ribbing instead of crochet three-quarter sleeve you're supposed to go back and do a little bit more on the neckline but since it's not for me i wasn't sure for me i would i would have i definitely would leave it like this so i'm going to leave it like this um i think the the um the recipient will appreciate a more open neckline but she's a knitter so she could always go and just pick up a little bit other things i did differently the sleeve um now granted it's supposed to be a full sleeve but the sleeve as written has no decreases in it which means it's the same for circumference here as it is at your wrist and while i think that again this is just a personal opinion for me i think that looks cute if you have a smaller arm circumference but it becomes impractical when you're for example my size like my arm circumference for a sleeve needs to be at least like 21 inches unless i want negative ease which you don't usually want in a sleeve and if i have a 21 inch circumference here that is just like dangerous right like i'm gonna catch that on everything it's just impractical and while ribbing will bring it in a little bit it will not bring it in enough to make it any less of a safety concern like let alone aesthetics so i did decree now her sleeve is smaller than me but i did decrease just a tiny bit um again just so that it wouldn't be quite as flappy um but so that's another thing that i did differently one other small thing that i did differently is there are no short rows or anything in the back of this sweater um and so for two of the brown rose because i thought it would be most inconspicuous i did do triple crochets instead this is u.s terms i did do triple crochets instead of doubles in the hopes that it would raise it up a little bit and it did raise it up a little bit but not that much i probably should have thought about it before that i got that far and done some more double crochet or some more triple crochets like in the dark green stripe or something um just to give it a little bit more length in the back if you don't if you're new to sweater knitting sweaters fit from a knitting experience from a knitting perspective okay i've never that's not true i have crocheted a sweater for myself and i did put triple crochets instead of doubles because you can definitely do short rows with crochet you can definitely do them but the crochet sweaters i've made so far i've had stripes and it is beyond my current skill level to do short rows with stripes and make them look good do you know what i mean um and like if you're just doing like an every other stripe that's easier but with there's like mold whatever so from a knitting perspective if you make the back of your sweater longer it will fit better like it just mathematically not mathematically anatomically fits better um if the back is a little bit higher a little bit longer because it has to go over i don't actually know why whatever if it's better and so but like crochet patterns tend to not have that written in or at least i haven't i've looked at several and by several i mean less than five and they've not had that written in so i tried to add some triple crochets just to help a little bit and i think other than that that's all i changed but it's very cute right it's so cute now this is a worsted weight crochet sweater it's not the lightest garment you're ever gonna wear but the nice thing about crochet is be even if it's a heavier garment you don't have to worry as much about it stretching out um because it's it has just less stretch in it crochet is much more rigid than knitting so that's one of the nice things is that you know it's not going to stretch out as much um as like a knit would with that amount of weight but i'm proud of it okay okay and then i did work for a minute on some spinning what is that even possible i know right okay so what else i've been working on oh i worked a little bit more on my crochet on my knit socks aren't they cute so this is the twizzler pattern and this is yarn from knit spin farm this is her not target nylon sock those would be my self-striping socks of choice for my last self-striping socks the best fitness um see what else have you seen okay i want to see this okay so of course i'm in the little row so i'm knitting the boo knits hope remains shawl and i'm knitting this with just some um lace weight from yarn.com and the valley yarns i don't know which one it is um a whole lot on it but i'm really excited because it's gotten to the place where i can now read it um and so i don't feel like as much like there's this point where you're knitting lace where if you don't get to a point in the pattern where you're like okay i can see what's happening this isn't like that this is not a complicated lace pattern at this point fyi um but still if you stop because you have like 17 other projects going on before you get to that point you just look at it from then on like i should really pick that up but i don't need to figure out where i'm at that doesn't really sound like what i want to do but luckily i picked it up last night and got over that hump and so now i'm like okay okay now i'm okay i got it now and um one of the things that was suggested on my tools video and by the way there's lots of great suggestions in the comments section of what other knitters use it's something that i've never used before just that's not true i probably have used it but i don't use it regularly are like the post-it um so you can highlight what like line you're on which i should really have used because it would have made that whole hump of going back to my pattern infinitely easier sometimes just because you know better doesn't mean you do better so there's that um my next project okay so i purchased this yarn this is m to the third and it's um e m e m to the third yarn company um i purchased this yarn and i am so lucky she's a fan of the podcast so she sent along some bonuses so this yarn is this one is a fingering weight it's 40 moreno 40 peruvian highland wool 20 nylon and it's hand dyed with natural dyes and isn't that j i love and over time right it's just worthless and i actually got it thinking that i was gonna cast on another thing that i cast on but then i decided i liked it too much is i had to put it in reserve and think but luckily she also said do you do that i'm like this is too precious um but luckily she also sent me this other yarn which is her dk liminal base so i wanted to pop in and i found the yarn tag so this is m to the thirds liminal base and the great thing about this yarn is that it is a 100 new england source romney and us merino wool blend and it is also hand-dyed with natural dyes it's gorgeous it is very enjoyable this is the color right and so i i had to think quite a bit about what to make with it because i just wasn't sure i wanted to make sure you know like when you have a yarn that you really love the texture of it's like you want to do honor to that and like i anyway i had to think about it quite a bit but what i decided on was that i was going to make mit like um like a fold over mitten like a fold down so it's really not a mitten because it's an open top but you just fold down the ribbing if you need your fingers free i really just like that and find it very wearable and so i decided okay i'm going to make that but i'm also going to embroider on it like i'm going to make some wool embroidery um because i'm really enjoying the idea of embroidery right now and i thought this color would just be an amazing base for what i'm interested in right now which is like pinks and mobs who am i i don't know whatever but then i got the mitten to this point to like the this point and i realized like okay i actually want this to be slightly more windproof or warmer so i didn't want to add like a mohair strand because again i really wanted to keep the integrity of the texture and the color so i decided i was going to go ahead and just line it so i flipped the mitten or the glove whatever i flipped the thing inside out and just picked up stitches from here and now i'm knitting a lining now if i were really fancy and what i thought about was like oh i could do the embroidery now and then i can knit the lining and then the embroidery like the tails and stuff the ugly bits would be enclosed in the lining and wouldn't that be cool but part of the reason which you totally could do but part of the reason i wanted to do it this way rather than like finishing it and then knitting a lining is that i wanted it would make less finishing like i just pick this up knit to here and then do a three needle bind off well actually what i would do is do a three needle join where you're actually joining this extra stitches into here and then you keep knitting but it's like a three needle bind out without the bind off you know what i mean right it would be less finishing i would have to like sew something down or like make it look good um so i don't know i might will i get brave and like do the embroider with all this crazy stuff happening too i really should but we'll see i don't know um but right now i'm just working on the lining and all i did was i made it just i may have done something crazy i only made it one stitch smaller the lining so hopefully it will lay in there well i mean it's a dk weight yarn so we'll just see this is what happens when you go off book i'm just using the basic pattern from tin can knits it's their like mitten pattern that's a free pattern on ravelry and it has like child through adult lar extra large or something that it has fingering dk worsted and chunky i think it's got like four gauges um so i'm just using that as a base and again i know that i want ribbing to start about here and then end about here so again you can flip it down a little right so i'll just the the like extra warmth double lining will only go to here like before i start the ribbing because again this part's gonna get folded down so it will be doubled anyway all right are you with me so this shirt is very enjoyable i actually started a pair of nuts which are like the fingerless gloves um but just ultimately decided to go with this instead i actually have like six fingers on some needles over there i don't know i think i did take it apart um but i was like i just again i don't think i really want those i use this kind of mitten much more i think the first i think it's called the shepherd's glove or something like shepherd's mitt maybe shepherd's mitt because the first ones i made were with peace fleece and i just really dig them they're the things that i kind of reach for more than anything else in terms of hand coverings um because they have the practicality of a glove like where you can get your actually more practical in a glove because you get your fingers out and actually touch stuff um but you don't have to knit fingers and they are actually warmer than the than fingers on a glove are because unless you're knitting with like a really fine wool um i've knit a few pairs of gloves and they just get real chunky in the fingers and so unless you're knitting with a really fine wool you just feel kind of like your fingers are never quite together does that make sense okay apparently i'm just making up that whole shepherd's mint thing do you know what it is oh my gosh you know i gotta look now enjoy your coffee for just a minute your tea whatever um there's probably a goat forage there's definitely a baked good somewhere oh i just ate the last scone i'm sorry i'm really sorry um dang it all right okay apparently i'm just not gonna find it oh my gosh what is wrong with me why can't i just let it go you know i can't right i have to edit this out are you screaming at me were you screaming at me were you screaming lambing mitts not shepherd's mitts lambing mitts sorry oh my gosh but then i forgot to say this too i'll send me these stickers she offered this one as a free phone paid wallpaper what aren't they cute okay what else is that bad that okay and then okay what i was originally thinking i was gonna use my beautiful yarn for was there's a new cynthia fillet turtle oh turtle it's called a jody turtle i meant pattern but i said turtle because it is a fact a turtle do you remember the mole i made [Applause] and if your question is immediately what about the show because that's my team that was my teen's first question let me find it for you i can't decide which is the cutest one to show you oh my gosh i'm terrible with this oh my god look at the illustration also can we just discuss how cute the illustration is dang it y'all so i just have a little bit because i'm savoring this one this is some leftover brooklyn tweed um schloft shelter one fingering i want and um this i think this is the sap colorway are you ready so the great thing about her her patterns are excellent um they're very well thought out um and she makes them intentionally from like the face it's like you start with the face and she does it intentionally so that you actually have the face of the character like as you're knitting further along to like inspire you um and like are you kidding me how cute is that so these are just some tiny little safety eyes i had in like a kit of safety eyes i'm not sure they're just tiny but like how cute and she has you mark where you put the eyes which i really appreciate um should you mark where you're gonna put your eyes she's very explicit about where to sew your nostrils and your mouth this world is disappointing and scary and disheartening and heartbreaking and just generally quite stressful but then tiny wool turtle i'm having a very like a day where i feel like i need to cry about stuff but like nothing is particular i feel like i'm just having a slight release of like but also like at the same time being really enamored with all of the lovely things of life so it's making me a little bit contradictory i'm like both so worried and so anxious and like so very heartbroken and so stressed out about so many things but also i am so joyful about tiny wool turtles and shirts that fit me not about this green tea though it's ceramics class even though i'm bad at it all right let's we're all going on strike let's i'm just calling it we're all just gonna stop doing things we don't like to do i know we can't do that i really just i don't know what's going on but i feel like i'm having like a moment of like life is too fleeting and like let's just don't stop let's only have fun if we just need like a month okay then we're going to be like i always need one more month but come on i'm sick of it not doing anything it's not fun i'm done right let's commute um anyway now i might get an awkward place for i don't have anything else to talk about to wrap this nonsense up sometimes i over share that's because you're in my living room dining room kitchen front room we're in my house and we're visiting except you're on a delay and can't tell me like okay that's enough ah sorry that's the way this works all right in other things that might make you cry about how beautiful things are i never showed you this my teen made us wool sculptures for christmas this year this is actually my husband's because he is the fire keeper at like all of our like what is that called camping events events trips do you see this there's tea light like an electric tea like clearly oh my gosh and then look at mine this is mine as a bear oh my gosh look how beautiful it is okay there we go so this is my bear isn't she beautiful i mean look at her oh my gosh she's so beautiful so thanks for hanging out with me while i remembered to try to be more present i couldn't really try to work on that this week and forever but also this week i'm gonna like i guess i'm gonna insert shameless ball promotion here that seems so bad but whatever it's shameless and like a girl's gotta eat actually you know what i'm just gonna put the shame soft motion at the end i'll put it after this even though this is the end but like that'll be the extra end so i'm just going to say goodbye now and then if you want to hang out you can see stuff anyway my hope for you this week is that the chaos i mean unless you like chaos but for me chaos is the opposite of what i like that was me just thinking like maybe i should hope that you can just be in the chaos and enjoy it like people in the chaos do and then i was like that is too much because usually i try to take this point as like advice to myself too and i rejected that advice my hope this week is that the uh of it all is somehow outweighed by a tiny wool turtle or your blackberry bush that's making so many blackberries the blackberry bushes these blackberries and birds haven't figured it out yet it's not really they're not ripe yet so it's probably gonna happen any minute now or whatever ordinary thing you need to find miraculous and i will talk to you next time bye um so this is where i'm supposed to put shameless self-promotion but you know what i'm just not gonna get my samples together and i'm okay with that today or at least i'm gonna say i'm okay with it um yeah there's gonna be bags there'll be something to order and i know i should promote them but i don't want to right now i'll talk to you next time bye
Channel: The Fat Squirrel Speaks
Views: 9,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 46sec (3886 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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