Episode 14: Gut-Lymph Connection with Dr. Perry - Love @ First Science with Celest Pereira

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so guys it is a huge honor for me to introduce all of you to dr perry nicholson welcome dr perry oh thank you so much for having me on the show i was telling you before i absolutely love the name of the show congratulations it started on a good note i was proud of myself for coming up with this name yeah well it's it's a great name i love it you know i mean that that says a lot i think though um science be one of the most amazing things that we actually have at our disposal for really guiding our thinking um one thing that i keep coming back to with a lot of the people that i talk to is that it's almost catching up with what nature hunt have already had as a foundation for us for a long time and i think i was listening to a couple of podcasts with you talking about the medical world in particular and how they're extremely focused on the right clinical observations backing up uh what they do and how they do it but at the same time um there was so much that we're missing for example i know one of your huge passions is the lymph um before i digress too much though and we get onto this topic which i think is very important can you please just introduce yourself and especially your incredibly fascinating journey to get to where you are oh i'd love to yeah i mean i was getting all excited when you were talking about that because this is the stuff that i love to to chat about and the hard part for me is that i could just keep talking so you have to make sure you cut in every now and then next thing i know you hit the flow state and i'm like it's been 40 it's been four or five hours now but yeah well my journey to where i am now with stop chasing pain which is the name of my brand it was formed because that's what i was doing and that's what people who were coming to see me were doing and it wasn't working very well um so there's a difference between treating pain and chasing pain you know sometimes when you treat where it hurts stuff gets better and that's awesome that's an easy win but with what humans are going through today that's not working very well so i i wanted to stop chasing it and begin to honestly start thinking i don't even like to use the term better i like the term different start thinking differently about what we're doing and then what the body is trying to tell us about why it may be doing what it's doing which is ultimately to protect you and keep you from dying right now that's the goal so you should thank it right now that you're that you're not dead because it's hard to heal when you're dead and so that was my journey and and just like the name of your podcast it kind of fit and people told me said you know that's a that's a really great name it kind of makes a lot of sense i'm like i know right and it just resonated and it became a passion of mine because i got honestly i kind of got a little i got very frustrated just treating pain and i got bored quick fast in a hurry because i'm like this is all there is and people weren't getting better and if they did get better here's the thing i've always been in the search for why don't they stay better yeah why does stuff keep coming back because you're telling me that it's supposed to i don't buy it it's a different thought process than than people that just because you're getting older means you're going to have more of dot dot dot i completely disagree with that i think you're you're moving away from the whole total premise of nature and what the body is designed to do which is to heal itself and that's been my mission ever since which is honestly not to teach people what to do per se because listen that changes for every single person it's always different of course i'm trying to teach people to become empowered by thinking differently i don't believe in a right or wrong thinking process because either one gives you information to know which way you should go do more of or do less of and then that right there automatically takes the pressure off somebody or the polarization that you were tending to a little bit before which we'll get into does that make sense what i'm trying to explain a hundred percent to perry but something else that i really wanted you to touch upon was when you were diagnosed with cancer and i know that you worked through that and you also then discovered the lymph and i think that part of your story is particularly inspiring a because it brought you to where you are now but also because i think it offers such a huge ray of light and hope to so many people out there oh i'd be happy to share that yeah i mean people always ask me how did you get into what you're doing now and i'm like well probably like most people through a lot of pain and suffering because that's typically the only thing that forces people to change because why would you change if you're really comfortable you know i'm really happy right here i mean you'll get bored kind of fast and then some you'll try to make something happen so you have a little bit of excitement but um yeah about 20 years ago the journeys connect now that i know more or at least in my own thinking process they do 20 years ago i had thyroid cancer i woke up one day and i had a goiter on my neck so think about that you don't just wake up one day with a gorter you do but you don't i mean it builds what is that what is a gorda yeah a goiter is basically where you have a like a golf ball size sometimes tennis ball size lump on the bottom of your throat or in your throat where your thyroid gland sits in your neck and when you have a tumor or a growth on there or the body's trying to protect something it can swell it and then a goiter uh i noticed it at that time and then i had to go get it checked out and then they check and feel on there and okay we have to go get some more tests and it turns out to be malignant cancer in the thyroid that was most likely developing over a long course of time it doesn't just pop up overnight um even though it appears that way and then they had to go in and remove the thyroid gland and at the time which i didn't think anything about a significant amount of the lymph nodes in my neck and the lymph nodes are part of your immune system that are designed to help keep you alive and they kill all the bad stuff that you don't want to have inside of your body including cancer cells but they had to take them out which they often do when somebody has a tumor if they've if the cancer is traveled to a lymph node or if they're concerned that the cancer can travel throughout the system via the lymphatic system which certainly can but you know they sealed me up and then all was good and they put me on medication because without the medication i'd be dead in a couple days so i need it but i just went back to my kind of same old approach to what i was always doing in healthcare you know treating musculoskeletal pain going back to training and working out without really stepping back and trying to say okay well that's that is telling me something right yeah what's the root cause as opposed to just mandating it right yes there's got to be something bigger going on and it did manifested itself later in my mind as my autoimmune disease that hit me about five years ago that means that they don't have any idea why something happened to you that's what that means and they just say your body tried just decided to turn on itself which i don't agree with that either and so it's going to find another way out somehow and it did and i got really really sick and i had what's called polyautoimmunity which means you're allowed to have more than one problem at a time and multiple um issues or quote-unquote labels or diagnoses but in my mind they're all caused from the same thing which is underlying inflammation in the system because you're overrun with toxins that you can't get out and so it's very simple fundamental process for me that i've discovered through my own journey of suffering because i had to rescue myself that's what i tell people because medicine tried to but the damn mirror killed me in the process i'd like to think not on purpose but by the thought process they were going into by attacking tissue which in and of itself i hate the mindset of attacking something because that automatically reframes healing that's right was this through chemo therapy is that what you mean yeah it was through chemo well i mean that was the cancer part of years ago they did the chemo but here with this one it was typical antibiotics medications multiple surgeries let's just kill things let's cut stuff out let's squash down the symptoms and it wasn't working you know it was just the thought process of how they know to look at the body and they were isolating different symptoms or systems and i was like this is not working i'm getting worse and i came very close to dying and i felt like i wanted to die which was a big thing for me i kind of gave up and i realized that i had to pull myself out of this thing on my own because nobody else was going to do it which means this perry you have to start thinking completely different than anybody else is looking at anything because if you keep going and you keep doing the same things i mean you're thinking the same way and it's not working so i flipped the switch i went 180 and i just started to ask questions of why in the hell can't my body get better it's got to be missing something right they're putting everything you can think of here's the way i was thinking they're putting everything they could think of into my body to try to help it they were working on this as opposed to what needs to get out right what's already in there that's trying to get out that might be stuck in there yeah right and i said could it really be that simple and over the years i've realized yes it absolutely can't be that simple that's why you miss it because it's right in front of you and then people say to me all the time when i teach them lymphatic work there's no way it could be that simple i'm like who said so yeah it probably is you've missed a basic and a fundamental and the one system that i was not paying any attention to whatsoever was the lymphatic system well neither were any of your medical professionals and i think that's why i alluded to the conversation right at the start of the podcast where yeah we have got all the science but it really is catching up with what nature has always had there but we're just not supporting those multi-systems and the lymph is a huge one um one of the reasons why i was excited to bring you here was to talk about the gut but i know lymph is your thing and i know that they're connected but i don't know how and one of the things that kept coming up for me is i've written a book about hypermobility and i started talking about how hypermobility and gut issues are related and man i got this huge influx of people messaging me saying please tell me more about the guts i want to know more about the guts and i realized i knew nothing and i was like i'm going to do a whole podcast series on the guts and i really want to bring dr perry in because i think the lymph and the gut must have some serious intertwined mechanisms because it's ultimately getting rid of stuff we don't want anymore right yeah 100 in my mind it's impossible to have a problem with one and not have a problem with the other impossible which came first yes you can go either way okay you can have a gut problem that comes a lymphoma lymphoma becomes a gut problem because the body can do whatever the hell it wants to do it doesn't have to make any sense to you at all but if you think about it if i step back and i think logically all right uh it's the gut first of all most people have gut issues if you're live on this planet you probably got one i'm so glad you said that it's actually something i wanted to ask you about well i mean i say it tongue-in-cheek but i'm not kidding you people say how do you know you have a gut problem i'm like because you're breathing that's how you have a gut problem because i know the onslaught of what it has to deal with every day particularly in the westernized world you're putting things in your body that don't belong there yeah and your body's going to pay the price for it and so with the gut i mean we could talk for days about the gut but the biggest thing with the takeaway is this is that it's the main part of your immune system so they think that 70 to 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut so right then and there you automatically know if you have any disease process or chronic pain process or inflammatory process i know you got a gut problem because that's where it resides and then nature's really smart she knows that well if that's where most of my immune system was let me pack that region with a lot of lymphatics that are part of my immune system and that's called your gut associated lymphoid tissue in your gut and so you have it in the small intestine you got it throughout the whole um intestinal tract and if stuff breaks through the gut lining the first system that's there to greet it to try to protect you is the lymphatics that that's the first go-to and if something gets into the lymphatics its job is to try to kill it the bacteria parasites fungus viruses cancer cells you name anything you don't want inside of your body even old dead cells that have died from the gut lining they have to get out through there everything and if it gets overloaded and it it just it's too much of a burden on it and people say how does that happen same thing life does it yeah toxic world that we're living in a toxic world and so then it gets overloaded and then all of the toxins stay in the gut but even if they make their way through the lymphatic system the robotic system goes everywhere so you can migrate inflammatory processes from the lymphatics into any other part of the body you want it can send it to your knee if it wants it can send it to your hip if it wants it usually you'll send it to the area where you've had some prior physical or emotional trauma or vulnerability because nature picks the weak link to go after because that's a smart play and it can even migrate through your into your brain through the lymphatics so gut is everything so that's where i do an assessment on people manually assessing the gut which a lot of people don't do anymore is that you just put your fingers around the gut and around the navel and around the lymph and i push there and i watch for your response if you hate me and you want to run away or you want to punch me in the face i already know you got a significant gut inflammatory lymphatic system problem that we need to take a look at but here's what people need to know you can't isolate lymph issues you can't just go after the gut and fix the lymph you have to do the whole system from head to toe there's no isolated lymphatic work in my world that doesn't exist because sometimes people they're like i'm going to change how i eat and i'm going to do x y z for my guts but i think probably the missing link is and they don't look at their lymph system in combination with all the good stuff that they're doing for their gut and their gut issues persist i see that time and time again i mean i speak from personal experience where i tried absolutely everything for my guts and i still had the worst gut on the planet exactly that happens a lot first of all because everybody tries to do the standardized gut protocol if it works for one gut it works for all completely wrong not a not anywhere near close why because they're different guts each gut has its own story to tell based on who's carrying it around and most gut programs like i said before are on the supply side you know they throw a bazillion supplements down your throat right which is usually too much for a gut that can't handle anything to even you can't even absorb the good stuff right and so they're working on the front end and the back the back end is still clogged and still stuck so it can't do anything with what you're putting in there it can't absorb the nutrients that you're putting in and i started to think about that for a moment is well it you know sometimes getting better is not what you start doing by what you stop doing yeah i said stop putting everything in and try to get some stuff out so i thought about it logically okay one of my mentors said this phrase that stuck out with me chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work can you say that one more time chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work because if you can make new cells that work you wouldn't stay sick you follow so then that begs the question what do you need to make a new cell that works right well you need energy of course right and then that comes from oxygen it comes from nutrients and what we eat but you need two things primarily for cells to work i'm gonna make it like an a b thing you need nutrients to go in and then they need to go in that not just go in i don't care if they go in that's important but they can they get to their target can they reach the cell or not because if they can't resist cell doesn't matter so i need nutrients in and i need waste or toxins out so if you've got too much waste inside of you already nutrients can't get to their target because everything's surrounded by a waste and then here's what people need to realize everything that you put in that's good eventually becomes waste all the great stuff that you take right now becomes toxic when it can't get out so i don't care how great you eat it's imp it's better than eating crappy but you need to go the the drainage size first they call it in osteopathic medicine they have a phrase called drainage precedes supply drainage precedes supply so before your supply side you have to drain the toxins first then you've got the mixture and i found that everybody's doing the front end nobody's doing the backing and if they're doing the back end they're doing like a a liver cleanse or a gallbladder cleanse or a kidney cleanse or stuff like that i'm saying that's great but what about the lymph you need to work that as well and that's when it that's when it hit me that i've been working my whole life in healthcare to figure out why stuff doesn't work or why it doesn't stick because all these therapies are great they all work dirty little secret is every therapy works for somebody but here's here's the reason why it doesn't work for everyone because it's not just the therapies that you do it's the order that you do them in hmm [Music] you follow can you get the order you do them in determines how well they work that's why every gut protocol can't be the same because i can't do abc to you because you may need c y z you may need a completely different combination of things in order for it to work and that was the underlying thing that i was looking for so a case in point a is nutrients in b toxins out you can do that all day long and not get anywhere you actually should go what if i do b and then a you get completely different results even though they're still a and b because in physiology what you did before what you just did changes what you get that's relationships that's how complex systems work with each other that's how ecological systems work together input here changes output over here right but if i flip those around i get a completely different end result even though they're the same ingredients so i'm almost done i'll say this like i think about making a recipe a cake right a lot of therapies in the world today people just do a ton of therapies and they throw it all at you in one shot and see what sticks because they're all supposed to be good well first of all maybe this is too much and your nervous system can't handle it it just shuts down and doesn't do anything and it says i'm going to stay right here i'm not going to do anything because it's too much and then we hope that it sticks so it's like a recipe where you throw everything in the bowl in one shot and mix it together very few recipes turn out well like that if you follow a recipe they usually tell you put these 3d ingredients in a bowl over here and mix it together put these over here and mix it together and then put those two together yeah and then you think to yourself why the hell am i going to do that it's all the same thing no it's not no it's completely chemistry it's chemistry no it's just interactions that's how the body works that's physiology that's how you're like man your cake came out way better than mine and right so that's how you have to think that's how i want people to really understand why stuff might not work because in modern medicine first of all we don't think of the bigger picture we isolate down we do reductionist thinking where you bring everything down to how one individual cell works and you look at it of how it works in a petri dish and i'm like that's really nice but guess what that doesn't help me one bit because first of all when i put that cell back in a living human being everything's off the table and then when that cell has to interact with a couple of other trillion ones what you just found doesn't mean anything to me zero right you have to start somewhere and look at how a cell works i give you that but you also have to look at what happens when you put it in with all the other systems and here's here's where i'll stop for a second it matters who you put the cell in yeah our history counts for so much now if i put the same cell in me it's going to be different than if i put the same cell in you why because all the other cells have a different story that they're going to tell that cell that they need to be on the lookout for that's your culture that's your environment that's epigenetics dr perry i just want to say as a quick side note that your passion is so important especially when talking about these topics because sometimes it can be a little bit like um trying to change people's minds is a light way of putting it and that can be quite difficult especially when we are looking at people that have come from a more traditional training in terms of medicine um inter one of the questions that i get all the time around gut and i never know how to answer this because goodness knows i have been through every extreme diet under the sun and with very little success but people do want to know what should i eat what should i be avoiding you know is it true that i should avoid dairy and is it true that i should be cutting out gluten and and um i'd like to hear your opinion on i know that we've kind of talked about uh switching the a's and b's and i i'm so grateful that you actually educated us on that and i want to get back to that switch in a minute and talk especially about how we can prioritize the b but can we just for a brief moment touch on the a to give people some insight as to what your opinion is around the context of diet oh boy that's like talking about pain right well i have a joke that i tell people easy to tell you on the internet don't talk about politics or religion because you're gonna get some polarization quick fast and in a hurry and then i added nutrition to that topic yeah a hundred percent because everybody's got their own opinion on it right and but here's the dirty little secret every diet works for someone and every diet works for a little while right you need variation in variability and variety you need different types of things into your system in my opinion if you do all just one thing you become less resilient and more vulnerable right and i think my one of my dear friends dan john said once what's the best dieting advice he gives to people first of all he said stop eating like a five-year-old which means just stop eating the crap and when people say what is that he says you already know what it is every human knows what it is because every diet book tells you that just clean that up first and then that's going to be a big win for you right all the junk food and the processed foods and things like that but i don't really give nutritional advice to people because it's 100 individual okay i'm so glad you said that one person may do well on keto and another person will feel absolutely and it's the worst thing you could ever do 100 and same thing with intermittent fasting not everybody should be intermittent fasting depending on where you are it doesn't mean that at some point you might not be able to it just might not be what you need for who you are in the moment you're in that's called context right but then you have to ask yourself why is the human body so reactive to things that you stick in it like why the hell should i be able to eat whatever i want that's halfway decent healthy because you have an underlying inflammatory process in the body so for me i'm like i'm still going to go after the same fundamental thing of the lymphatics before i begin to tell tale into your nutrition but yeah that's one that i'll tell people uh start with basics and fundamentals first of not eating like a five-year-old and then uh making sure you're hydrated and then we'll see how you feel from there but i'll tell people all the time that if you can do every diet in the world that you want but if you've got stagnated lymph you ain't going to get very far yeah same thing with your gut that brings me back to the switch of the a and b because when you were talking about switch and how the order matters i suddenly had a little flashback to my parents have this house in portugal and every time we leave the swimming pool gets really gross so when we come back we drain the swimming pool we jet wash it and then we put the clean water in and while you were talking i was like oh my goodness what everyone is trying to do is put the clean water on top of the dirty old sludgy water that's full of the bugs and um can you give us some practical tools for our listeners what can we do to get that bee happening to get that detox situation going in our body so that we are more able to assimilate the nutrients that we provide our bodies yeah see how a wonderful simple analogy like that makes sense the human physiology is the same exact thing i mean i always joke around it's not rocket surgery it's not really complicated i mean medicine likes to make it look that way because it makes them look more important but it's really simple right and you think about that pool analogy well your body's the same way my program is called body aquarium lymphatic mojo so mojo means magic that's why i chose that word because it's the magic of making a huge difference in somebody's life it's almost kind of like voodoo in a way where you're like what just happened and then they want me to explain it and i'm like honestly i don't know i don't even know all the answers of why it happened it just did and we're discovering more as we go along it's kind of magical it's also the magic of knowing that you can become empowered to make a difference in your life with something so simple but body aquarium is referencing a fish tank kind of like a swimming pool that if you don't have a filter system on the fish tank or your swimming pool it gets all toxic and fungus because the fluids not moving and getting filtered out the fish die which are your cells so your cells die fish can't breathe right you ever looked inside a fish tank when there's low oxygen the fish are struggling that's exactly what your cells do when the water's crappy and the same with your swimming pool you got to get in there and clean it out and if you don't what takes hold bacteria parasites fungus this ease takes hold and then you think to yourself well just well empty the water and clean the filters good to go right and that's exactly how that's not difficult and but it's the order that makes a difference so if you think about that filter system in the beginning you know water that doesn't move stays stagnant so movement is a huge player in lymphatic health and people always ask me what's the first step towards improving your lymphatics my answer is always the same awareness of how important it is is the first step because you can't you personally can't change something until you become aware of it and then once you become aware of lymph you say oh this is really important i don't know why anybody didn't tell me about this stuff before they asked me that question why didn't somebody tell me this stuff before if it was so important and my answer is the same that's a really good question you should ask them that because they should have been telling you that they're they're starting to come around so movement is one of the biggest things you can do for lymphatics and then people say what kind of movement yes is the answer because move more of yourself more often more ways more environments just big fancy way to say move differently than you are now walking is one of the best ways to clear a limp breathing from your diaphragm is another fantastic to wade to move lymph because breathing through your diaphragm changes pressure in the body and pressure moves fluids right and it just so happens when you move through your diaphragm you move all the organs and you increase pressure in the largest lymph node in your body that sits two to three inches above your navel right in the center of your abdomen and it's usually stuck and then that's where you have the most inflammation from your leaky gut and inflammation right there so you have to clear that region and then this is where people tell me but doc i do diaphragm breathing all the time and i move all the time why would i still need to do lymphatic work here's the reason because that should be enough but it's no longer enough now you have to get in there and manually move the limp because it's too obstructed it's too overloaded right it's like taking the water out of the pool putting it back in but not changing the filter system yeah you have to go in and manually move some things and then once you move the area what i'll tell people how it's pretty simple um to to move those areas then the breathing and the movement completely changes so that's why i tell people in my world you never ever ever breathe or do movement until you do my quick lymphatic reset which i'll share with your people today if you would like me to that makes a difference makes a complete difference in your results right when i started to do lymphatic work within one month i lost 30 pounds of body fat swelling and inflammation that i've been struggling to lose for years but people always tell me that your your skin changed the yeah you look incredible that happens because you wear on the outside how toxic you are on the inside the skin shows everything because the most of the lymph sits beneath your skin and so it'll manifest in the skin and if you're toxic on the lymph the skin can show it and it's one of the telltale signs that i look for in people to be able to spot how the system might be working a lot of people look at posture i don't look at posture i look at skin i look at face and i try to see what the inside of the body is telling me because in my world posture will change when you change the fluid dynamics first so i flip the order around yeah just as a quick detour could you just touch upon the fact you talked about how much weight you lost after you started doing a fatty drainage and it frustrates me that a lot of people in the fitness community especially online say weight loss is about a calorie deficit but i've been learning about breathing and a lot of times it's co2 balance and listening to you speak it's a lot about lymphatic drainage as well because it's a protective mechanism to have those layers of fat it's not necessarily a calories in calories out and that's such a misleading statement i think it makes a lot of people feel like they're not doing enough but that's almost adding to the problem in some ways it can be a piece of the puzzle for many right it could be a helpful target for them to have something to track for sure but not not all calories are created equal we should already know that right so it comes down to a calorie from a twinkie for instance isn't the same as a calorie from broccoli so you have to be careful there and um so the body is really smart first of all people get puffy and bloated and swollen that's a protective response what happens is the body swells the container for protection it doesn't do it because it's bored there's no accident behind it so if you have a lot of toxins in your system one way to dilute the toxins is to add more water add more fluid it's just like having something in a container that's really really thick and viscous to it and then in order to thin it you do what you swell the container you add the same toxins to a bigger container and then it's not as toxic because it's spread out all right ah so the body yeah so the body goes boom boom boom boom because it's trying to make cheese for the toxins okay and body body fat is where your body stores toxins it can't deal with that it can't get out and it can't handle because it has to move it away from the vital structures of the body so then it says okay we can't handle the amount of toxins that you have right now so let's put them aside and we can deal with them later right and then it swells the container and adds more body fat so fat surrounds toxins that's where it sits that's why a lot of people don't lose weight when they exercise or starve themselves because when you exercise you create more toxins you break down your body when you exercise and you should you destroy cells so you here's the thing so you can rebuild them and grow new ones and become stronger well what happens if you lose the ability to make new cells at work because you can't even handle the ones you've already got and we need to get rid of the old ones that the body's just broken down right so cells die every day all the time and they need to get out if they can't get out you also become toxic to your own cells that are automatically dying so when you try to burn body fat what are you burning off you're burning you release toxins into the body yeah and the body is already full of them so then that's the person who may may feel worse with training and they often do or as the person who notices progress and then later they put that weight back on plus double the amount why because the body says okay well i laid down 20 pounds to try to protect it you didn't listen so now i'm going to give you 40. so it rebounds back and it's it's making you that way for protection it's it has to do the best it can in the moment it's in with what it's got ultimately to protect you and it swells so that's why me i i know everything you could possibly think about about training and fitness and nutrition because i've been doing it since i was 14 but i still couldn't lose weight because i was too toxic and when i flipped that order around then my system said thank you very much you finally figured this stuff out it's about damn time so here here it comes now we're going to let it go right and then i feel better now than when i was 24. i moved better than when i was 24. so it's fantastic just a little flip that you have there but you always have to ask why the body is doing what it's doing and ultimately it's for protection that it has to do so swell in the container that's why a lot of people who begin lymphatic work when i teach my workshops they say i lost five pounds like of just swelling inflammation toxins body fat all those sorts of things just within a few days or a week from from doing that because now you're allowing the physiology of your body to work the way it's designed to by removing those obstructions that are in the way because it already knows what it needs to do you don't have to teach it what to do it just need to help it do what it's designed to do does that make sense that can be a huge break in relationship to your progress plus it's going to make a significant difference in your hormone concentration because lymphatics transport hormones and the liver synthesizes all the sex hormones in your body and it just so happens that the liver produces up to 50 of the lymphatics into your entire system so if you have a lymphatic system problem you got a liver problem if you got a liver problem you got a hormone problem and it's a knock-on effect boom i mean it's just it goes down so all these issues are sometimes three or four levels removed from what we're chasing so that's where the history and the stories and touching the human body so i can feel the tissues and watch your reaction right because very few people come into me saying doc i gotta see today you know my sternum and my gut are killing me if they have celiac disease or something they might but this is the people who come on in and they complain of shoulder pain or back pain or you know leg pain um and they point to where it hurts right and then i'm like okay well i'm gonna check it out there but guess what i'm gonna put my finger everywhere else too and i'm gonna see what hurts the you had no idea hurts and that's where i'm gonna find my answer because this pain is an awareness signal you already know where that hurts like that's why you have pain so your brain can say take a look over here there might be something going on over here pain pain pain but that doesn't mean that that's where the problem started from where it originally that's why you stopped chasing pain exactly you treat it more so because you expect me to treat it so i do it more for your mental anxiety than anything else but what i'm going to look for is the pain that you didn't know that you had anywhere yeah it's always been there you just haven't been aware of it yet and that's when i go when i press in the abdomen and you go oh my god doc that hurts worse than my back and then they say this yeah they say i had no idea yeah that's the one i'm going after that's the candle so with equipped with this incredible uh foundation of knowledge now let's do the plan b and figure out what what can you give us practically to do on our bodies to initiate the change to help us feel better perfect great question so i'm going to introduce some simple practices that i learned from studying eastern medicine and qigong and it's it's slapping and tapping techniques they've been doing that for a couple thousand years so the way i look at it works for them for that long i'm gonna give it a shot but i'm gonna tie it in so you understand why it works from a physiological level okay let's go back to how smart nature is nature knows that you need to put your lymph in movement moves lymph correct now in your body you have what they call lymph nodes lymph nodes are like small little tiny toilets everywhere that i tell people like stuff goes in you flush it it goes out so they're killing stations right like little tiny mini kidneys and each time toxins go from one node the immune system kills it passes to another lymph node it may kill a little bit more a little bit more and you got six to 700 of those suckers working to try to kill as much as it can and they develop what we call clusters where you have groups of them nature put most of your lymph node clusters around the joints of your body that need to move the most what yeah so you have a cluster around your shoulder joint you have a cluster around your hip joint you have a cluster around the back of your knee you have a cluster in your abdomen you have a cluster at the bottom of the neck and a cluster at the top of the neck and we call those the big six the primary those are the primary joints of your body that have to move the most and these are the ones that move the least why because nobody's moving or they do the same kind of movement all the time they don't do different movements so the soft tissue was adapted to just one line of force so fluid moves around lines of force so you get stagnant because you move the same all the time or you don't move enough right and then those are the areas with when you sit you're you flex your knee so the back of your knee becomes clogged you sit so the front of your groin you flex in the hip so that gets clogged i slump in my chair i tilt my pelvis backwards and i slump in my abdomen and i shut that flow off i round my shoulders forward and i shut off the arm i jut my head forward and i shut off the bottom of the neck and the top of the neck and i lose mobility and all those joints and then not just the lymph gets stuck but blood flow gets stuck because all those areas are primary pipes of arterial blood which brings nutrients to cells and venous blood which brings waste away from cells and also lymphatic fluid and then they cluster around big groups of nerves so they all travel together so what you're doing is you're we call these choke points you're choking off what i'm choking off my supply side because nutrients can't get to the tissue because the artery is obstructed and i'm choking down the waste side because the vein gets stagnated and the lymph gets stagnated and when they get stagnated and nerves can't get those things nerves get really ticked off and how do nerves tell you when they're ticked off they hurt you that's called pain right most nerve pain is from hypoxia not enough oxygen into the tissue because your fish tank and your swimming pool sucks it's stuck full of gunk so oxygen can't even get anywhere i don't care how much you're breathing it still can't get there because your tank is toxic you follow so that's what you got to do is clean your tank clean the six then move then breathe and then you're gonna send me a message and go what that's the crease no way could it be that simple you wanna bet so i'm gonna teach them to you because it i'm going to show you these things it's going to change your life i'm not kidding you and effective things don't have to be complicated and one of the things that i've i'm building this up i'm building it up what i found that when people see me they've had so many things done i find a fundamental basic mist somewhere the basic and fundamentalism overlooked or dismissed this is about as basic as you can get nutrients in waste out but you have here we go back to order you got to do it in the order i teach you in or it won't work as well that's why people say can i just go get a massage or can i just jump up and down on something yes you can but you can't just arbitrarily rub body tissue and expect to get the same result because you won't because you're not working with how fluids move in the body based on pressure right working and rubbing tissue is great but what i'm trying to tell people is the order that you do it in is going to make a difference on how well it works and i'm going to stand by that until i'm dead so i'm going to teach you the order okay i'm going to write this down yeah i just think this is going to be really good tonight you're watching can be able to see and i'm going to explain it now all the lymphatics in your body drain to a point at the collarbone so above and below the collarbone is pretty much where the lymph drains into the vein system of the body okay it's it's in what they call the subclavian sub means below clavian is for clavicle or collarbone below there so it all drains into the venous system so it's important to note that the lymphatic system is also the second cardiovascular system they work together yeah so your cardiovascular health is only as healthy as your lip your heart is only as healthy as your length so if you're trying to go harder yeah if you're trying to go harder faster stronger longer as a competitive athlete working your limp is going to make you run like a damn gazelle it's going to make you go really really fast i'm very everything on this i don't run well you will after this everything drops to the collarbone because that's the lowest pressure in the lymphatic system right so that's spot number one above and below the collarbone and i'm gonna explain that in a second but i need to help you understand the premise of how fluids move in the body based on pressure in physics they call it hydrodynamics where high pressure of fluids automatically goes to low pressure of fluids right so think of a water dam where you've got water all on one side no water on the other side yeah if you open the damn doors right the water automatically goes to the low side that's what your body's trying to do all the time so everything in your body is trying to drain lymphatic wise to the base of your neck right so that's why we always clear there first because i have to open up the damn doors got it so one of the things we're gonna do is this is spot one i tell people to take their hand the whole hand and it can be on the left side first or the right side first it doesn't really matter but you're always going to do both sides i want you to rub with your hand above and below and on your collarbone the whole thing above it on it and below it just rub about 10 times up and down i don't care which direction you rub it doesn't matter and then after you rub it i want you to take your hand i want you to slap your hand on above and below the collar bone with the whole hand in one shot so you're getting the whole thing and do it about 10 times and people say how hard should you hit well don't hurt yourself but how about you hit different ways right one time hard one time slow one time fast one time that's life right yeah variety variety variation variability they call it the three v's that's my friend joanne elpinston teaches that or i like to say how about you just do it different and then go to the other side so rub above the uh above on and below the other collarbone ten times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then slap ten times this is very powerful technique from qigong that's spot number one now spot number two so what you're gonna do is you're gonna put your finger right at the top of your neck right behind the angle of the jaw right there there's a little space right in there that's the largest lymph node in the neck yeah that's spot number two okay you got the left side and you got the right yeah it is for most people because that's usually um a lot of stagnation that sits in there so all you're going to do now is same thing you're going to go up there and i want you to rub with a couple of fingers right at the top of the neck up and down 10 times right now this one you have to be careful because some people might not like the tapping or they feel uncomfortable or it feels like they make them a little bit dizzy if you don't want to tap here you can just double the rub but take a couple of fingers and just tap right in that spot 10 times if you don't like that just double your rubs go up and down like that okay it feels very nice i have to say this is yeah it's really central all you're doing is just removing some of the blockages i tell people the lymph is 90 water so i want you to think about how water flows in nature if you had some rocks blocking a stream you just remove the rocks and then the stream starts to flow that's pretty much amazing already i feel like a rush went to the top of my head yeah it was very subtle you massively changed circulation right plus you stimulated you stimulated your vagus nerve like crazy because that's where it runs um and then we're going to do number three so that's number one and then number two is at the top number three is right at the shoulder joint where it connects to your pec muscle so if you have your pectoral muscle in front and you have the shoulder there it's right where they meet and that's the spot where many women have their issues when they have breast cancer or lymph issues in the axillary reason so you want to make sure you're more on your pec and your shoulder so you're in that you feel how your shoulder is round and then it comes forward and it's not round that spot so you rub there the ten times the bigger the area you cover the better and then also slap that 10 times and then do the same on the other side so you always even out the sides you always do both sides okay you rub 10 times and then you slap 10 times all right now number four is because i can't show you here because i'm sitting but i'll walk you through it is the abdomen no you can do this standing or you can do it seated just don't do it while you're driving because your hands will be okay this one i want you to put one hand on your belly button and put the other hand above your belly button so they're right over just so that so right there they're stacked on top of each other and all i want you to do is i don't care which way you rub you can ro most people like to go up and down or side to side it's up to you you can even do circles you can do one hand left one hand right i just want you to rub ten times right and then now i want you to take your hands and you slap your abdomen 10 times yep don't stop breathing oh it's so nice that's number four yep that's right now number five is gonna be the crease of the groin in the front where when you sit you have this crease in your groin you're gonna rub right you're gonna rub across the creases it can be most people like to go up and down on them but you can go with the crease of the groin as well and then i want you to hit there 10 times but i really need you to be careful where you hit yeah you gotta go easy there okay so you take the whole hand and you slap there i'm gonna tell people a little extra that's one of the most important places that you can work in the human body to free up restricted blood flow feels so good i'm really excited about this that that area is so so neglected now that area gets stuck a lot when anybody who has issues in the in the legs pain in the foot pain in the knees swelling in the ankle stuff like that because everything that you're tapping here has to get to the neck got gotta get there now that's number five number six is behind the knee so you can either sit down or you can uh bend over a little bit i prefer you to hinge at your hips and bend your knees a little bit to protect your lower back i want you to rub your hands over the back of both knees up and down yeah and then i want you to slap the back of your knees 10 times that's a major point they teach you in acupuncture and acupressure to alleviate low back pain because it's a powerful acupressure point but it's also a big blood flow point right there so you just did the big six in order you always have to do them in that order to release pressure now after you've done those then we want to get you moving a little bit right so people always ask me is rebounding good for the lymphatics and my answer is always yeah but it's going to be way better if you do the big six and then you rebound which means jumping up and down and nature gave you built-in rebounders they're called your calves i don't want you to do an expensive pelican yeah exactly just stand up and go uh have your feet about shoulder width apart or a comfortable stance and then all you're going to do is go up and down on the balls of your feet bouncing up and down a little bit you don't have to actually leave the ground completely i wouldn't recommend it for people that don't do a lot of this training because it can be hard on the knees and the hips and the back so keep the balls of your feet there towards the front and then just let your heels come up bounce up and down like that and i only want you to breathe in and out through your nose not your mouth because when you breathe through your nose you're going to move your diaphragm more and just don't stop breathing and just shake your arms out and do that for about 20 to 30 seconds and then that's the daily big six limp reset if you did that every single day they're gonna change your life get out the shower rub yourself down real quick on the big six jump up and down for a few seconds job done and you're ready to go that's it and when you get good at it it only takes you about a minute to do it and you can do it before you do physical exercise you can do it after you do physical exercise but i am going to tell people this i don't want you to negate how powerful what i just showed you is so many people that are listening depending on how long you've been suffering from something or how long you've had maybe autoimmune disease or chronic pain just from doing that you may experience what's called a detoxification reaction and it's normal and it's expected and it's what i would like for you to have actually because that's where now that you unblocked those your body has to get rid of them so you're going to start to feel a little bit worse before you get better not always some of you might not experience it but that's okay that's normal too but you may feel tired fatigued lethargic headache you know like you just want to sleep for a couple days you may even notice some of your pain initially gets a little bit worse don't be alarmed because those are normal things that's going to happen the only thing i'll tell you is one make sure you keep yourself well hydrated because dehydration leads to stagnation of lymph and thicker blood which is going to really struggle to get better overall and number two don't do this reset again until you start to feel just a little bit better which might actually be a day or two from now you have to give your body a little bit of a chance to catch up before you do it again because if you keep throwing too much at it you're gonna draw out the healing process okay but just realize that that is the normal and then this is this is something that i'd tell people they should do every day like brushing your teeth and you can make a significant and profound difference in your life or the life of someone that you love who's suffering dr perry thank you so much for sharing this um i honestly every time i see you post about your lymphatic drainage course i'm always like this close to booking the only only reason why i haven't is because i'm up to my eyeballs in z health yeah desperately trying to make my way through so much video content because this stuff i believe really without getting this stuff as the foundation probably a lot of the nervous system stuff is it's gonna it's gonna uh what's the right word it's going to not have the same impact unless we get this right first so i'm so grateful for you sharing the big six thank you so so much oh you're very welcome i think it's something that every single human being on this earth should know how to do to empower yourself and it's such what i find is that so many people don't do things one because they don't know where to start two they get so many things at once to do that they get overloaded and they just become immobilized or two or three excuse me people make things way more complicated than they have to be in the beginning right and then if you want somebody to start to make some changes in your life just make them a little simple in the beginning what i call little tiny action steps because little done every day that's no longer little because we call those your habits and your behaviors that's pretty much your life so if you if you do just this every single day all the other things that you'll notice will improve what i like about z health one they're very dear friends of mine and eric is probably one of the nicest human beings on the planet i agree and uh he's one of the few people that actually talks about the lymph a little bit he's got a knife he does love pupping he tells he tells you how to pump the lymph at the collarbone so you're already ahead of the game there and um so that's that's a great great mix to do um yeah but still i still i still it's massively on my radar to take your courses dr perry because i would love to have you you know we talked for 16 hours about limp if you thought this was cool uh you jumping i know this is just tip of the iceberg i can't wait to dive very deep all the podcasts that i've watched with you in it i'm always left mind blown um but i think the thing that i really want to the thing that i really want to champion on this podcast is not only the people with extreme knowledge but also the people that are just genuinely good people that are so humble and so down to earth and a lot of people i have to say with your knowledge and your respect in the community you know they're not as down to earth as you and dr cobb you know so people like you just inspire me so much not only to be a better practitioner but also just to be a great person and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you're doing in this world and for all that you have done for me even in the short space of time that i've known you oh well thank you i'm going to ditto that one right back at you for all the fantastic work that you're doing and i can't believe that it's already been an hour i think we hit what they call the flow state we totally did it was such a pleasure i actually had more questions planned for you so with your blessing it would be a real honor to have you back at some point um but dr perry just before i let you go would you like to just answer two questions one if you had the ability to give everyone on the planet a message somehow either with a massive billboard or a text message to their phone what message would you give the world well it's the one that i share about pain you know that first of all to realize that pain is not a punishment from your body it's trying to protect you and my definition of pain is this pain is a request for change and people say change and what yes is the answer it just means do something a little bit i know it's a long billboard so do something a little bit different than what you're doing now and to piggyback off that i'd like to end with something that was really transformational for me from a friend of mine bo whose name is dr bo lotto and he said if you're trying to go from a to b which is someplace different than where you are right the first step isn't b the first step is just not a what does that mean just do something different than you're doing now and you don't know what kind of magical place it's going to take you it's just different than what you're doing now and that's the first step not a that would be the billboard ah not a i love that thank you so much and then finally where can people find out more about you oh that's really simple i think everyone should have that on the billboard just stop chasing pain you should be the billboard in my mind oh trust me that'll be up there in the background uh just type in stop chasing pain on the internet i'm gonna show up somewhere uh i've been doing this stuff a long time but that'll take you to my website which is kind of ground zero central command for everything else that that we do you can explore around there quite a lot thank you dr perry thank you for being such an amazing person and thank you for coming on love at first science love being here thank you everyone
Channel: Alba Yoga with Celest & Hannah
Views: 16,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lymphatic drainage, lymph system, lymph nodes, toxins, sweat, movement, bouncing, cells, gut, gut issues, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, medical system, medicine, research, nutrition, weight loss, diet myths, diet, lymphatic drainage massage, lymph circulation, hypoxia, immunity, immune system, healthy eating, health, circulation, blood flow, bioaccumulation, fat storage, adipose tissue, fat, obesity, swelling, edema, fat loss, weight gain, liver, hormones, hormone health, protection, neuroscience
Id: VhqzdNSNoCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 48sec (3948 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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