Episode 123: Flight

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what up what up what up re Le podcast Man episode 123 if y'all know me y'all know my name is Randy little I do my best to try to host this thing if you new welcome if you've been listening for multiple episodes I don't want to put a number on it shout out to you um Twan crew on this one me rocket and we just talking current events a lot of trailers for the second straight episode we got a dump truck full of trailers to talk about and the News there's been horror movie news there's been casting announcements there's been unconfirmed casting announcements [ __ ] was acting like all that [ __ ] was in stone though um and other stuff so yeah let's just uh I hit my table let's just jump in to the recently released theatrical or streaming releases the weekend of November the 17th The Hunger Games a ballot of song birds and snakes came out trolls band together came out Thanksgiving came out all three of those reviews on my personal YouTube channel this past Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving um we got Napoleon the rley Scott Hing Phoenix starring dramatic epic we got wish the new Disney Animation we got Leo where I think Adam Sandler like voices a lizard that's on Netflix and then on Paramount plus good a good burger too came out this upcoming weekend December 1st Silent Night directed by John wo starring Joel kenman like what if like the first weekend in December just become comes like Christmas action movie weekend last year it was violent night this year it's silent night it's John Woo so I just I hope it's dope I don't know my theater is gonna get it though and then uh the weekend of December the 8th as far as I know nothing comes out probably something limited like that's when like Empire of light came out I think last year Sam Mendez but this year nothing that I know of because I think even uh anyone but you was maybe supposed to be scheduled that day and then got moved I believe to the 22nd so um on physical on physical uh Tuesday November the 14th we had some [ __ ] come out looks like Rudy got a 4K duel got a 4K sound of Freedom came out Paramount presents put out Terms of Endearment the nun two came out equalizer 3 came out is that a shout Factory Sunny chba collection uh smoking on some of your finest chba Justified City Prime eval came out guarding test like I was going to cop just because it was Nicholas Cage but I decided to pass [Music] um see a bunch of re-releases a bunch of [ __ ] I think mentioned last episode like why is Star Girl season one getting a re-release when season 3 isn't even on physical yet and then this past Tuesday November the 21st Oppenheimer came out Mean Streets got a Criterion Police Academy the whole Police Academy franchise came out on from Shia Factory sawx came out Expendables 4 came out yes Nick if you listening Love Actually did come out on 4K I see Resident Evil Box set I see an Expendables steelbook with all four movies um the expanse rocket was talking about that um this upcoming Tuesday November the 28th Marvel is putting W division out in that steelbook that I'm being forced to buy yes forced because it's MCU I have to buy it my compulsion will not allow me to ignore that it was released uh the DC show that was on Netflix and not Max Sandman season one is coming out a haunting and Venice comes out this Tuesday monk season 1 from Kino labor comes out this Tuesday um that might be it this is kind of sort of a light Tuesday is that a re-release of the Sandlot uh my sand lot has a dope slip that feels like a baseball so I don't need that uh the Tuesday Before The Next Episode I believe is the 5th of December Titanic on 4K standby me on 4K Star Trek strange new worlds on 4K Indiana Jones and a dial of Destiny finally coming out that first Tuesday in uh December I see Northern Exposure they they they fumbled the cover art on like every version of Indiana Jones like Disney screwed the pooch on that one uh that looks to be it for for physical media but I'mma Be Back me and the rocket [Music] man and then and we go chop it up have some fun talk some movies manly [Music] podcast and we back potting your boy and Rocket I thought we was going to be a little more crowded than this we might have a poping guest but some people like working the weekends well like get scheduled to work the weekends because like prior engagements just never mind I'm I'm gonna start crying uh Rocky how was your Thanksgiving it was good man good a lot of fun how was yours it was cool wife was working on Thursday so we ate Wednesday night football all day movies on Friday uh same I guess just like we did last time let's hit a couple of these uh trailers that came out did you see the trailer for the new uh new Garfield the animated Garfield movie yeah I liked it I liked it right um I don't know who's ask I don't know who's asking for a Garfield movie but but I remember I grew up my cousin back home he's a huge gar he collected everything gar that's what got me into the cartoon but uh I liked it I think it's GNA be what I'm hoping is gonna be better than the Bill Murray ones so but it's all animated I think that's the thing I never saw the Bill Murray ones yeah they're they're okay they're okay he said in Zombie Land that he regret [ __ ] for kids oh for sure yeah he regretted it yeah who was a Breen Meyer was was John was Odie in those movies he I think he was in the second one I can't even recall to be honest he might have been in the second one what was it like I remember like a Saturday morning cartoon where like you got you got your Garfield and then what was it like there was like some chickens or something and like one of them was like walking around like not fully hatched out of the egg yeah it was like you see his legs but no sh his he was covering his head and all that it's weird man like I remember like Saturday morning cartoons that's where I basically got my fix of Garfield just watch those cartoons yeah those cartoons were fire uh I don't know if like I'm just hoping it's it's better I don't know if Chris Pratt like fully embraced like the the [ __ ] of Garfield you know what I mean like he sound he just sounds like Chris Pratt and I don't know if there's a enough laziness in his voice yeah because like that was the whole thing about garford he was lazy he didn't care it was like he was gonna do what he was gonna do but also it was more of the like yeah you know what I mean like just that like monotone lazy voice it's going to be interesting if he brings that to the table I mean and that's in every iteration of of Garfield Bill Murray did it it was in the cartoons so hopefully he does bring that to the character as well exactly well I'll see it it's like it's weird like Sony has like their Sony animation block you know what I mean but then they'll do like a Arthur Christmas or Like A Garfield or a monster house that they put it out but it's not technically a Sony animated release like one of the Peter Rabbit movies don't or Angry Birds don't qualify as like a Sony animation and that's weird it's like I Love a Monster House au's Christmas is fantastic au's Christmas is fantastic so I mean yeah I'm just hoping you know this is going to be a hit with the little kids with the younger kids you know and as an adult remember like I said I grew up watching Garfield on Saturday morning so I'm of course I'm going to check it out and what else um you see the Madam web trailer oh yeah I don't know I don't know about that one like okay I understand what Sony is trying to do milk Spiderman Craven coming out yep Venom yep and then you got more that didn't do that well I enjoyed it for what it was but it wasn't good but at the end of the day this man web just seems like I think this is the problem I think if it wasn't attached to Spider-Man or in that universe and it was just a superhero type movie I think it would be cool you know but at the end of the day I think because we know who Madam web is or you know people that go to the movies and read the comics and all that I don't know about the normies but we know what who Madam Webb is it just seems like a generic ERC you know paint paint by numbers superheroes type movie like there was nothing that got me excited was like oh okay yes am I gonna see it yeah I'm gonna be an idiot and go to the movie theater and check it out but at the end of the day it's just like I'm not hyped for it I'm like o I can't wait to see how this connects to this or that it's just I'm gonna go see it exactly it's just this is going to be I might end up on a little Brant but Venom Carnage morv this is going to be the fourth movie in this shared universe and nothing is connected to anything else like I think Venom 2 like or morbius may have like made mention of something in San Francisco but none of these villains know anything about each other Madame Webb has to be the connecting movie she's like Clare voyen or whatever she can see different multiverses and timelines and all this she has to be what connects all these movies together cuz they the way that they Shuffle and rearrange and reschedule and schedule and and and cancel like the El morto movie with bad buty is just like off the books he he bailed so they was like [ __ ] it we're not doing that movie so like why was that movie important to a Sony Spider-Man universe that doesn't have Spider-Man in it Craven was supposed to come out like six weeks ago right now it before Madam web now it comes out in August after Madame web Venom 3 was supposed to come out in July after both of them now it comes out next November after both of them and they just like I'm telling you they just got characters like on a wall and whatever the dart hits gets a movie and I agree with that and I honestly think I think morus I think there's a good movie in there I think what happened was since they pushed it back and pushed it back and Co hit and all that it's sometimes you know guys paint the Masterpiece let's just use that term Masterpiece or when you went to college you wrote the paper but then you're like um I have time to sit on it it's not due till next week how can I tinker and try to make it better when you actually you know making it worse by just let it be and I think that's what happened with Mor is I think they had a good movie in there I mean we saw stuff in the trailers that weren't in the movies and then some of the mid and post credit scenes made no sense bags to a movie that already didn't make any sense like at the time but I think is Michael Keaton gonna be in Craven or Venom 3 who knows but he's in that Universe now and that's the thing yeah he is you know and I understand them getting pulled from one Universe into the other get it okay you know we got the multi but I think and also I I can't even remember now I know Mor was supposed to be dropped sooner than certain movies that Marvel was supposed to Dro and then went by it getting pushed back you said they got rearranged maybe that's why a lot of the stuff might have ended up on to make it try to fit it's just I don't know I think Mori initially had I just hope Madam Webb isn't that isn't what no I'm just hoping like Madam web doesn't get the same fate as morgus does I know I think it's I think it's locked into February because now that the strike's over like they have no reason to delay anything um but yeah I think I think morb has had that initial like October release window like right after the first Venom like a literal year after the first Venom and then yeah like delays re- shoots Co [ __ ] cuz I cuz Venom 2 was originally supposed to come out that following June like June of 2020 and then yeah it was all a mess but yeah like I I don't love Dakota Johnson like if they really wanted to do some cool multiversal [ __ ] bring back Sally Fields she's mad she's literally Madam web but a variant of Aunt May whatever and she it looks exactly like Madam web and then have Andrew Garfield in a post credit scene explaining everything and he oh yeah I just came from a world with two other Spider-Man so whatever you know you said Sally Field like let's let's let's do something like this where say say they brought in Sally Field she say they bam wh she could tell as Sally Field her story and they could flash back and now you're bringing go to Johnson and tell s you know Sally Field is like give me something different this and also is when did this take place now see you know did this take place prior to Venom or after ven or before morvat because at the end of day like you said she is clairvoyance something happened makes a Clairvoyance Now is it going to be where after this whole move one of the post credit scenes or mid credit scenes it might be like see something in the future with Venom or morbius yeah I mean we don't know now is that telling me is that telling me that these movies already happened then it's this or is she in between one of the two that's where all this hopping around hearing the same thing like like let's say you know you know it's it's these timelines you know you're trying to build franchisees if you're going to do it do it a certain way stop with the jumping around all over the place hell yeah that's what kind of happened with black widow you know Black Widow should have out like 70 I'll tell you this right now before endgame if Black Widow would have came out after infinity war that would have had more yeah Stakes perfe because she was still alive fact dropping it after end game we already know she's gonna she's dead you know it's like this has nothing yeah watch it or watch it but I already know what her fate is that's a fact I there's so many rumors you know there's always speculation and rumors about new movies but I I heard that Madame Webb takes place like 20 years ago and okay Adam Scott possibly might be Uncle Ben and interes but also like if it's if it's in this new Sony Universe who's the established Spider-Man if it's in like either Toby or Andrew's Universe where why like why does the villain have a spider suit like why does he look just like Spider-Man yeah and also I know like you said Marvel of son and Cahoots with the Spider-Man movies I know this its own world own universe but also now remember in the see no way when they're all together talking oh I fought an alien I fought this I fought that how you know does that take place after all that happened whoever's Universe you go to whether it's Toby Maguire's Universe you know or Tom you know obviously I'm guessing this is not Tom Holland's Universe no there's no way you know I'm guessing it's either to McGuire and Andrew Garfield I hope I hope Kevin that yeah and that's the thing is like whose Universe are they going to use or go into but also so you know on that scene oh I fought you know toyu I fought an alien I fought this Andrew garfi was like oh I just fought a guy in a rhino suit you know what I mean it's funny because now if he ends up fighting this it has to be let's say it's an Andrew Garfield's Universe it has to be after the fact of those events because if it's prior to then it's like why didn't he mention that yeah yeah it it's all convoluted uh did did you see the trailer for what if season two yeah interesting interesting like the goat I mean not the goat the MVP of season one is definitely uh the doctor stranger ones Doctor Stranger was the guy in that I gotta rewatch it because I remember not loving the doctor strange episode and I like the doctor strange on because it was definitely it were darker but also towards the end you can see he he was the leader of whatever group that was for the water you know they call themselves The Guardians of the Multiverse or something yeah so and and that's the thing is is I want to see I wish they would continue that line but who knows you know because like like the one I'm interested in is the one um with uh Happy Hogan it's called I think happy Hogan Saves Christmas or something like that yeah and you know favro John favro come back to voicing voice the character so it's going to be I'm intrigued I'll say that I'm intrigued it starts December 22nd and they're they're doing one episode a day all the way up until New Year's Eve they New Year's Day [ __ ] I think it's New Year's Eve new yeah yeah because it's it's a nine episode season and I'm I'm gonna look bad like not being yeah yeah yeah so if I want to get my review for That season and I'm G have to keep up with one episode a day and review it I'm thinking out loud on wax this is unprofessional it's going to be like one of my like last videos on the 31st I'm going be able to do yeah yeah they uh they do like a throwback Avengers like I feel like I I saw like the episode list and now I can't think of it now that I'm trying to but uh I saw I saw something like the the Multiverse like had like a purple Hue CU he who remains was in control and now that Loki's in control season two has like a green Hue to it little detail like that is really fire I like that too and that's the thing is is what it's these St of this is what could have happened if this happened like so I kind of like that you know it's it's it's not can because it never happened it's just this could have happened you know and some other verse and all that but also it's going to be you know talking about you know he who remained you know jonan Majors as well is what's going to happen with that character Kang overall you know in the TV shows the cartoons the the movies I mean they just need to stop bullshitting and press forward it's like like that's that's the rumor and speculation that that pisses me off Marvel Kevin fige needs to come out and and say one way or the other like yeah we're gonna we're gonna Sidetrack from Kang or like no this is our guy like we're not we're not ruining our story because of what happened when he's clearly innocent and and that's the thing though too is like I know hey story lines change and right now you know you're hearing all this Doctor Doom rumors and all that and the crazy thing about it is like we talked about phase one phase two all that each phase led to something you know it was going to be at the end of the day a head-to-head culmination with they were going to meet up and fight Thanos fantastic you know where are we going with this yeah like movie the Marvels This is Gonna Change this is gonna yeah you know yeah it's like you introduce your your core Heroes teas Thanos at the end of the first team up teas Thanos again at the end of the second team up he was in Guardians like he he popped in and out of different stories we've seen Kang variants in Loki and in Ant-Man everybody else in this Multiverse Saga technically Black Widow counts even though there's nothing multiversal at all Spider-Man movies Thor movies Guardians 3 um eternals shanqi the Marvels nothing Kang related at all barely any barely anything multiversal at all like the Marvels did what the Marvels did and multivers of Madness was like Dollar Store Multiverse like Multiverse of Madness and only going to like three different universes irritates the [ __ ] out of me it's it's a solid movie yeah it was just like I could it was I could give it a compliment but I was let down like it's like you torn in two different directions and [ __ ] but like I don't and with only one movie next year they kind of got to stick the landing now mhm and the funny thing is like you said the multiversal manness that I enjoy yes I know some people didn't I get it some people are confused by it totally understand that but I I like to call it a a solid mess it was a very it was a solid mess because I enjoyed the movie for what it was but it was a mess like it's called Multiverse of Madness and I feel even though I wasn't a huge fan of this movie everything everywhere all at once actually did the Multiverse better than the Multiverse of Madness but they you know it was they that's how it was even Loki with what's going on I think did it better way better um it's just I was excited for the Marvels in the sense of like you know saw the trailers you know didn't hype me but I was interested I love Miss Marvel I enjoyed Miss Marvel I did like the first Captain Marvel okay you know and I wanted to see you know with Monica ramble the dynamic because last time Captain Mora she was a little kid now she's growing up how did that how are they going to you know I wanted to see be together and all that but I was more excited because of the Bengals of this or that it all was connected I'm like we gota see shuni at least in a post credit or mid-credit scene and I was highly disappointed that he wasn't even mentioned or anything or even seen and that and I think that's the problem is you have the bangle you have this you have that with Miss Marvel you know the villain had going after the same thing the 10 Rings you cannot tell me all this is not connected and the sad thing is at the end of shami you know is you be going to be see shami soon you're going to see the 10 Rings which his sister takes over you know she's somewhere in the mix and yet this took place what almost three years ago this movie yeah that's what I'm saying like real time in the MCU timeline like it they they got to clear it up eventually because for all we know the Marvels and Shan XI could take place at the exact same time but they're not specifying they're not they're not being clear about when things take place in phase four five and six so like I don't know like like we all know it's a mess I we I feel like we bring it up like every other two or three episodes but yeah like the Marvels should have mentioned when when she saw the bangle like man like the the blue lights look like these rings I saw and da d da but like we don't know if if if banner and Carol have seen that yet we don't know if Wong has gotten all them together yet like in real time to us it's been over two years who know like we just don't know in the story when it happens and that's the thing is like you said we don't know when it happens because in this one Carol you know Captain Mar has long hair yeah and the post credit scene of sh she has short hair and all that like one way or another it's contradicting itself because of because of the Marvels happened before shuni let's say timeline wise in the post credit of shun she's be like I've seen something like this before yeah or or in shuni at the post credit scene okay she never saw that okay she had to go now miss morph she's like oh this reminds me of something you would think one way or another she's cornered to at least realize something or something familiar and for none of that to be mentioned you know it's see we also like I feel like if we can just get to Captain America Brave New World I feel like everybody's questions are going to be like semi anwered because that movie's plot specifically is supposed to revolve around the celestial that's stuck in the ocean and and Sam Wilson Captain America is supposed to try to assemble like a new Avengers so like maybe we'll get some answers but uh let's break right quick and then we just jump into the next bullet all right so uh it came out that Pedro Pascal has been cast as Reed Richards I think depending on his availability while filming uh Last of Us two and probably Mandalorian and I'm sure like Disney is Mandalorian and Fantastic 4 so I'm sure they'll work with him on that but Warner Brothers is probably GNA be on some ho [ __ ] so I think I think we have a ten agreement and we have our re Richards announced but it's not it's not like Disney like makes these announcements or like the Marvel Studio social media comes out and confirms or anything so who knows it could still be all smoking mirrors and [ __ ] yeah and and that's the thing though too it's it's like I like ped Pascal you know he's he's hot commodity right now The Last of Us mandalorean you know and now tentatively being cast as Reed Richards I like it I like cast thing because we heard you know Adam Driver excuse me we had heard of Adam dri Jake gyen Hall all these names the thing is this is you know I want to know who the rest of the cast is like yes rumor has it you know Vanessa Kirby who I think is awesome would be you know his wife I wouldn't hate it you know if if they're going to go white girl I want uh oh man what's her what's her damn name if they're going to go blonde white girl I want jod comr and that's the other one I honestly thought she would have been the first one casted you know the way things were going jod colan would have been fantastic all point they say you know Jo yeah Jo Joseph Quinn might be the Human Torch you know that's what they're saying that's the that's the rumor but like I said these are rumors I've only seen him in stranger things I can't really yes same same and it's just all these people who they're rumoring or saying or whatever even like I said Pedro Pascal and there not it's not even confirm confirmed it's they have a tentative deal yeah you know some people might run with it and be like yeah it's confirmed nothing's confirmed yet right nothing's confirmed yet I feel like that's that's the thing and and if I don't know it's like you got Pedro Pascal so I kind of I kind of hope they go like predominantly Hispanic like give us a Hispanic Sue give us a Hispanic Johnny and then with with Ben gaham you can do whatever you want and like it was it was rumored like last year that um Jason seagull was going to be Ben Grim in the She-Hulk show I don't know why like I like that casting and they could do it how they did like the flash like the flash they made him out to be you know at least his mom was Latin you know and that was the thing like in the comic books that's not the case you know I mean it's just yeah it's you know everybody's doing a little twist their own version of it and all that I get it but also piss off the Republicans I feel like right now that's the problem with Marvel right now I feel like even they feel lost it's every like comic book purist this has to be exactly how it was in the comic books you sound like Trump supporters you just you sound like [ __ ] cuz like I'm I'm sorry like these are fictional madeup imaginary people that were drawn and put in a book they don't really exist they can be hot pink and have have both reproductive organs who cares uh like one of the rumors I'm hearing you know Ona Taylor Joy supposedly like for Silver Surfer or what you know in that whole yeah who gives a [ __ ] if Silver Surfer is female thinking that yeah she might play Norman rat who is the Silver Surfer I'd roll with also saying that she might play a villain I'm good with it yeah I'd roll with it just acknowledg she was in in the fox Universe make sure she's in a scene in Deadpool 3 dying and then recast her in whatever MCU role you want I'll tell you this right now though I have no doubt in my mind that put three is gonna be fantastic oh the first two were fantastic but pling devil's advocate here but I just needed to be called Deadpool kills the fox Universe the fox Marvel Universe something like that that something like that somebody heard like on X Twitter whatever on one of the shows who the hell knows it was like Deadpool 3 so because that that basically fits the deadpol how Deadpool is right and my whole thing is Disney would never allow it no doubt it's gonna be fantastic yeah Disney would never allow it it's gonna be fantastic and I think though if Devil's Advocate if Deadpool 3 is not good Marvel's in trouble I don't think that's gonna happen you got Sean Levy you got Brian Reynolds I mean I love it's it's an underrated movie nobody talks about the Adam project I enjoyed that movie free guy was fantastic you know what I mean it's it's gonna I think Deadpool franchise is in good hands I think it's gonna be great to me Shan Levy is the weak point I don't know I don't know if he's writing but his his directing to me is very middle middle of the road his best movie is This Is Where I Leave You and I feel like people like not enough people have even seen that [ __ ] I haven't seen it I have not seen it and isn't that with um Ben Affleck or something like that no no sir no it's uh it's Jason baitman Tina Fay Rose Burn Adam Driver Corey stole kathern Han Jane Fonda and like the uh the father of the family passes they're all Jewish and they're they're sit in Shiva but the family Dynamic is so toxic that it's hilarious it's interesting yeah but it's like the thing seen he did Real Steal with Hugh Jackman so there's there's a relationship there he's obviously doing his third movie with Ryan Reynolds but then he's got like big fat liar which I've never seen he's got I think one of the Cheaper by the dozens maybe a pink panther in there and then he's got like the Night at the Museum trilogy he's got like I said Real Steel and I feel like I'm forgetting something say something Sean Ley and it's it's it's one of those where it's like with Sean ly I I isn't he part of like in in like uh business with Ryan Reynolds in a sense of like don't they have like their own production company or that's just Ryan reynolds's own thing oh the internship just married yes he's got some solid [ __ ] he just doesn't have like a classic It's Like This Is Where I Leave You see if if Deadpool which I feel like it will if Deadpool has that free guy energy it could be brilliant yes that move is fantastic exactly but it's like free I mean free guy screenplay by Matt lman Zack pin they both produced free guy and also he has stranger things under his belt that's what I'm saying like yeah that's true you know and I think that's where it took off for him because like he's done movies in the past Max effort is when stranger things aired I think that's when he really took off yeah he got taken a little more seriously as a Creator period so it's like produced by Kevin Kevin feige Ryan renold Sean Ley I'll get producing credit for Deadpool uh Marvel Studios maximum effort so yeah like I think I think CU like Ryan reyolds kind of brought Deadpool to Fox he's getting a lot of uh say in the final product with Kevin fogy too yeah but then he also do date night or something like that he did do date night date night is solid date night is very solid I think that was the first time I even heard a sh Le was like for date night uh how do how do we get that's another thing talk about Pedro I don't think re is gonna let this this yeah I do I just realized we were talking about Pedro Pascal and we got went into like Deadpool 3 yeah no but up like you saying Pedro Pascal I if that is confirmed and that is the S that's a fantastic choice it's just now what's the rest of the cast gonna be we really need the other three aren't they supposed to start filming in like January yeah and that's and that's the other thing though too is like you know when it comes to Fantastic for you know Dr Doom's going to be in to get it but if they're truly thinking of and this may not have anything to do with Jon de Mage like I said storylines evolve story lines change one movie hits one way and like oh maybe this isn't the one because like I'll be honest with you I remember when I took my nephew and the first time we saw Thanos on a post credit scene my nephew's like who's that I'm like that's Thanos exactly he went on down the black rabbit hole and read comic book and got to learn who Thanos and boom now all the other movies every time you saw exactly here K we know what K who Kang is but a lot of people that aren't in that world of reading comics or in the superhero you know just who is this guy yeah you know at least in in those phases they left breadcrumbs of Thanos and that buildup you drop K in Lo in the season one okay there's your hint here's a little breakr he's in that scene played fantastic by Jonathan major yeah but now you throw him in a movie that was mid in quantam Mania oh you ain't liy but yet but yet he's supposed to be this all powerful being and Scott Lang is going toe-to-toe with him like huh like and that's where you lose me yeah Scot should have no chance and if you think about it the end of the day like every superhero movie the good guy wins you know it's like it's just I don't know right about that you know we know who Kang is and we know what what he represents and how dangerous he is but a lot of people they didn't make that good connection you know it's like oh this is just some villain named K you know what I mean it's yeah yeah I I don't know like it it gets exhausting talking about how much of a mess the MCU has become since ingame and yeah yeah man I just it's it's just it's the new leadership in Disney it has to be because like Kevin fige still in control and he has like all this map and timeline for years to come like he says and all this so like I don't I just said before Kang Dynasty like we have to get we have to like get clued into the bigger picture yeah I agree and I think the thing is this is like like I said when Bob CH took over we were still getting good content because they were stuff in the works and being you know finalized all that with you know Iger now you know Bob Chek took control he was more about quantity than quality as you can tell clear cly remember shuni was still was being done when aiga was there so that was something that was being done finalized even though they transitioned that was on The Bob ERS that's why it's a banger and Kevin feige exactly when Chee took over he stripped feige of very all power you know what I mean like feige was still in control but Figi didn't decide this is going on Disney plus this is not this is going to be a movie this is going to be a like he didn't have that no more now that Iger took over yes he's made some idiotic comments during the writer strike and the actor strike get that but I think he is look what he's done for Disney his first time around I think it's going to take at least two years to see that transition back over to how it used to be yeah and hopefully these movies within that time frame sooner rather than later you know we get better quality content than quantity hence why I think there's only going to be one Marvel movie next year because he's trying to you know reain everything in basically say let's start from the beginning again and go from there but then what 2025 has Captain America Brave New World blade Thunderbolts and I feel like there's one more well the thing is this is is blade even I mean Marsh G be like 90 years old by the time that thing takes place blad's coming oh man blad's coming let me see let me see see uh damn it my whole thing too about blade is you know when you when these actors sign up for it you know they have a window this has been announced almost 5 years ago yeah you know and he's he's not he's not getting any younger like any of us you know what I mean and that's the thing is like time goes on he probably has stuff he's probably given up projects because of this you know and what they they're on like their third or fourth Rider already so yes sir when is this movie you know when is this movie coming out it's already at the end of 2023 are we looking at 2025 2026 I know I guess there's three movies in 25 and the only thing scheduled for 26 and 27 right now are Avengers movies okay I still feel like that's off BL and that's the thing too I thought they had like a a February mage July I don't I think Captain America Thunderbolts Fantastics for a blade all in 2025 okay and I got a feeling there some projects in there that get sprinkled in or moved up or something like that yeah there absolutely has to but but also like like you know if that's the case too is you know like we were saying earli with shanu when is he going to come out is he going to be one of the new Avengers and if that's the case there's nothing right now showing that whoever the new Avengers are besides like at the end of the Marvels you know you got Miss Marvel trying to recruit Haley Seinfeld you know the new you know hawkey in a sense besides that's the only inkling we know that they're trying to get a Young Avengers or maybe part of the Avengers who knows but besides those that those two characters we have no idea because right now there is no the only OG left around is Thor yeah that's what I'm saying I think uh I think in in Brave New World I think Sam Wilson tries to get a new team together and I was gonna say doctor strange but he's not even on Earth right now so maybe he goes to Wong and Wong knows Shi Hulk Hulk's still around shehulk Hulk's still around but it's you got you got your Marvels one of them is in another dimension Another Universe uh yeah so horrible transition do you want a fifth born movie I was hoping the fifth one would have been with Matt Damon and Jerry Jeremy rener teaming up because you got the first three born movies the born legacy is gonna end up like Spiral like it got made and we're never gonna talk about it again yeah but I would have liked to see if they can do a fifth one bringing Jeremy rener because I think when Jeremy rener that the fourth one there was mention of hints of Matt Damon's character hints of it and so was uh they were doing stuff at the same time yeah so the events of Matt Dam were happening over here and Jer was over here but it was also H happening simultaneously I would have mind if this is like a kind of a team up one because I know it got mentioned but I don't know if they have a story or whatever to it I know Matt Damon's coming back but at the end of the day I would love to see some sort of team up I heard that Universal is writing or have hired a director or something something and the expectation is that Matt Damon is going to come back like it's not even confirmed he's coming back how how many books did did Robert Lum right man just take a book get your get your script your screenplay off of that you can't go wrong I feel like Jason Bourne was an original thing and it's like Legacy was fine Jason Bourne was fine the Bourne the first three borne movies are like the perfect Trilogy and like this is just one of those where like we just didn't need more I'll rewatch the franchise and see the new one we just didn't need four and four five and six boring movie yeah and if you're gonna do like the fourth one with like say Jeremy rener or whatever it was make it be like a Bor like like how they do a Star Wars story do it yeah you know you know like just do it based off his character and you could have hints of you know Matt Damon character Jason Bourne little hints this has happened over here but it's a different storyline in the same universe of the born movies just something separate don't call it born dis B to me born is mat y you know yeah it's like taking it back against spiral from the book of saw treadstone in the world of Jason Bourne or something or something like that the treadstone files like like even like I know people didn't like soon to Peacock or most people that they down the middle with it but like it'll say from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter the Fantastic be you know you know it's in give a mention to the title this is what it's reference okay now I know it has to do with this but do its own storyline its own timeline for it exactly um all right Nicholas H cast as Lex Luther officially and confirmed by the director and writer of the movie James gun I mean I like I don't love Nicholas Hol I think he's really good at what he does in practically everything he he does so like I don't see how you get better than this no and and not only that like I knew Nicholas H from the new version of the X-Men you know with James makoy you know the new version of the X-Men you mean about a boy but go off true true but I really like them in the movie that I think it's underrated worm bodies yes I like that movie I like Nicholas H in that and from that point on I started watching more stuff with him in it he was Fant fantastic in the menu mhm the menu he was great and I think I mean I honestly think knowing James gun because from what I heard when um before any of the strikes or any of that he also auditioned to be Superman Nicholas hle I believe and it could be something where like like with you know Tom hon it could be like he he audition to ble Thor but he was so good you know we're not going to have him B Thor we're going to have you be Loki I feel like same thing happened to Nicholas hope you know you're you're too good of an actor for us not to have you in this movie and this project that we're doing you may not have the physique of what Superman's supposed to be and I don't know if you want to go through that rigorous training and work out all that but I could definitely see you being a fantastic Lex Luther I think that I mean I think that's great casting right there hell yeah you know the thing is the shitty part about all this is though is like I said you know we know what James gun could do you know Suicide Squad was really I I enjoyed it I thought it was a good movie yeah um all three of the guardians of the galaxies were fantastic so he knows how to suck you win and all that PA and I know as time goes on you know time heals wound everybody's upset with him with letting Henry caval go I get all that as soon as that first trailer drops man that's what I was just gonna say I think I hope you know and I'm a huge I was upset that they let Henry caval go I was upset as well but I believe in James Gunn yeah um the guy the great Storyteller and I think like you said once that first trender drops and we get a glimpse everybody's going to forget all that and remember H and Henry caval when they had that meeting and you know that was announced and even Henry caval came out says you know they're going to go different direction James gun did say he wants to work with Henry caval down the line so maybe they do bring him back in a different iteration you know yeah Superman Kingdom Come you know it that could happen you know that be so it's that'd be so that would be so dope that'd be so fire yeah uh I got one for you have you seen Thanksgiving what' you think of it what's my name fool of course I saw Thanksgiving I like the shirt okay I mean like it was good it was it was like I'm I'm at a point where like I don't know it's Eli Roth like you know you're gonna you're G to get excess of everything even when it's unnecessary yeah and that's exactly what you got yeah but you got like a a new like fun slasher which I'm I'mma transition into the last thing we gonna talk about based off of this cuz it's like I want to see a sequel the way it's set up it's set up just like any other like original horror franchise like there could easily be like six these movies and yeah and like some are going to be turds but this one wasn't and I want more say same and that's the thing is like it's great because it gives you that the best way I described it and you could describe it because it's different they were like little things of different movies like someone said it was you know to me it was more a little bit of a Halloween is Halloween vibe been more like a scream like it was a little bit of Halloween and scream together especially in the opening scene yeah opening scene definitely Halloween other people said it was more like Scream And I Know What You Did Last Summer which I could see that as well I said Halloween meets I Know What You Did Last Summer okay see and that's the thing is it's you could definitely see it and I enjoyed it for what it was and it was I enjoyed was it had you guessing you know it's like you know and scream same thing oh it's this person or it's this person or it's this person until the very end I thought the M misdirection was the best part of the whole thing yes yes and at one point you know you get sometimes you're you're contradicting yourself and a say like well no it's not well no now it is this person or it's someone within the group how can that be and it just kept you guessing which I enjoyed and that was the fun part of the movie scen five was someone within the group yeah it's it was it was I'm I'm I hope they do another one I hope they do look look when they did Grindhouse you know Death Proof and Planet Terror all these are fake trailers yeah out of all the fake trailers I think they made three move um you got Thanksgiving that was one of them machete they did a whole thing about that they what two movies out of that was it two it was machete Machete Kills yeah I want that third one you know so they did so and there's another Trail I can't even remember what the trailers were but I guess there was another one that was also made I can't even remember what it hobo with a shotgun that's what it was hobo with um uh Rucker Howard yeah is in that one and and so I think there's I came remember what the other trailer was but that's the only one I think the out of the fake trailers that has not been made into a movie there's I think two let me see machete werewolf women of the SS was Rob Zombie don't was Edgar Wright and we got Thanksgiving and we got hobo with a shotgun so yeah Edgar Wright and Rob Zombie need to step up to the plate okay and that's the thing is like when I saw these movies I saw them on individual releases like I bought them individual I got Death Proof I got planet I don't have that the the double feature dual pack that you see it as as it was seen in the theater I haven't seen that so that'll be cool to see I was thinking about just buying that even though I have the other two separately just buying that version of it just to see it all together with the fake trailers and all that yeah yeah yeah I I I vaguely remember those trailers like all I remember from the Thanksgiving fake trailer was just the raid in the big turkey uh but yeah like it it was implied that there was like slasher elements in there but uh and and that and that mask is dope I'm not gonna lie yeah yeah that John Carver is fire that's say like the slashers SL before this past week slashers were in a great place bringing back Halloween two legit Scream movies um totally killer was fine I really enjoy happy death day like again segue Christopher Landon I want that doing his damn thing that we need speaking of third entries we need happy death day three freaky was really dope agree I don't I don't give a [ __ ] about mashups I want Happy death day three I don't need it to mash up with freaky uh if you want to do freaky too happy day I'm with it but I want Happy death day three but Christopher Landon next project is Scream seven and yeah like Melissa Barrera came out in support of a group of people that's getting victimized you know what I'm saying and apparently not Paramount spy glass media that owns the rights to the scream franchise yeah just fire their lead and then the next day Jenna wga isn't coming back but rumor has it that Jenna Ortega was telling him that she wasn't available before the strike happened but then the timing of the announcement is very suspect so yeah and and I think and I have a theory on Jenna Ortega I feel like with her with that announcement do I believe that she let them know ahead of time before any of this stuff I do yeah but I feeling it was more like you know there's a chance I might not be able to do scream seven because of these things there's a chance not that I can't there's a chance and like you said the timing of the announcement one minute Lissa barera is getting fired the next day Jenna T is being announced that she's not coming back because of she's doing Wednesday season two that timing is too coincidential right I have a feeling that what happened was you know it was there's a chance I might not be able to do scream seven but maybe we could figure something out and then when this news popped you know what screw it I'm not doing screen seven yeah that's my home girl I'm not doing it I'm doing this but also like like I understand people say you know I stuff like freedom of speech hey we all have freedom of speech you can say what you want they can say what they want and this time in you know in this world people forget it's okay to agree to disagree and you can still be friends and family and still love each other I get that but also freedom of speech goes both ways yeah like for example Randy say you and I own a company we own a company a studio and 519 going on yep and this this issue is going on you know and we don't want to be associated with that issue like we have our own beliefs yeah and we could be on the same page and we could be on the same page with say Melissa Barrera say we agree with her as people we agree she has the right to say what she wants that's her belief and she's has that right but also as a company if we don't want to be associated with what's going on whether we whether we're on her side or not as a company there's certain things you don't want to be have your name be spread at all well this person's a you know it's like which we we want to distance ourselves so that company had also every right to release her for sure that's their right as well for sure it goes both ways I wish though they would have had how they did how Disney did with um what's her name Gina U corano she was in theand Gina corano mandal when she made certain comments they reached out to her reps and talked to Gina corano yeah and they said can you tone it down she said yes but then she continued doing that that's different yeah wish they like spy glass just knee- jerked you're fir yeah it's reach out to her reps reach out to her let's have a meeting let's talk you know I understand you feel this way but can you please keep these comments off social media you know you want to think that behind that's fantastic but you know just tone it down for certain and now if she continues doing it yes but I think they should have reached out to her first because like I said what was the whole thing about you know the last two screen movies five and six you know nef Campbell was in five she didn't come back in six they want to pay her okay great but at the end day it was the core four remember the core four that's all they kep saying there's not even now it's just the twins the brother and sister and the funny thing is this is people are saying I'm reading all over and like go back and watch the movies you know bring back Ste Ste is dead Ste got his head smash by on his head yeah he is dead now it wasn't like at the end of the screen that you saw him being in handcuffs in a Stretcher and H that okay no he is dead and see like smashed head with the TV you've you've lost two of your four leads with all due respect to Jasmine seavoy Brown and to Mason Gooding nobody is checking for ry's relatives people at least in six I don't know about five I didn't know who she was yet but at least in six people were buying tickets to see Jenna Ortega and people and fans of five were were coming to see the Melissa Barrera character and if she if she flipped and and the J Orga character who's related to all of it and and to see how what they could do without NF Campbell it's out of six movies I think it's top three but now seven I he like if I'm Paramount if I'm spy glass like yo we put out two in two years chill get see when jir take us free see what we what you know kiss her [ __ ] ass whatever we got to do to get her in this movie and she's going to say bury the hatchet rehire my friend get you know like I said in the group chat get get get them a [ __ ] bag get nef Campbell back but but no like ego and and pride they're they're rushing what they can do to rewrite a script if Scream s comes out in the next year and a half it's going to flop it is going to flop if they don't [ __ ] like we just had this actor strike in this writer strike and the first thing the studio wants to do is [ __ ] over their actors and that's the thing like even Chris Landon who's director of the movie came out says like all don't come at me I had nothing to do with this exactly I and it's out of his hands and the thing is this is you gotta remember Melissa Barrera she was came into screen five hot off the tales of in the Heights where she was fantastic in in the Heights you know that movie is dope is that true so so it's like she came off with she came off of that into this franchise then you got Jen Orga you know it's like she wasn't in the you got basically two female hot Commodities in this one movie and you have one of the best final girls around slasher movies nef Campbell that's a trio for Success exactly and and now spy glass kind of effed themselves by not paying nef Campbell bringing her back with these girls and or say the core for andf Campbell bringing her back because now say this you know this happens at least you still have nef Campbell in the franchise now you got a scrap seven you there's no way they could drop this movie next year they're rewrite like they're basically rewriting the whole thing and it's basically going to be like scream five a brand new movie I'm telling like like they're gonna have to take it back to Woodsboro they're they're like what what killer is gonna like what ghost face is going to just come along and have beef with whoever that's not connected to older movies and that's the thing and that's where sometimes feelit ridiculous yeah some of these movies got a little bit ridiculous a connection you know like like the twins that's Randy's Family you know Melissa Barrera is you know lum's daughter you know what I mean it's like there's a connection all over even as time goes on with that said they've killed off this this is you know someone about you know left Campbell some her lost long brother her this her that you know it's like at the end of the day it can't be like Star Wars Star Wars is this vast universe and yet it all comes down to the same main people you had come on Wood's broke people you know you could do like you know the only thing I can see is what they should have done in Halloween kills is excuse me Halloween ends is disgusting if they wanted if they wanted I remember the characters they want if they wanted that character oh you remember Cory be like Cory that's oh you remembery Michael Myers they should have called it Halloween ends the Legacy where Michael Myers is dead you know what I want to take the mantle of that and in his legacy do I'll buy that I'll buy that because in every Scream movie it's a different Ghost Face Killer it's a different Ghost Face K so like I love gace but he doesn't hit as hard as Michael Myers or Jason or even Freddy because it's that main character GH you and I could be ghost face you know you and I could be ghost like at the end of the day it's you gotta be in better sh than I am to be ghost face yeah I don't know like at the end of the day I don't have the endurance to I don't know where they go with this I don't know where they go with the storyline even if they bring back neth Campbell yeah you know Courtney Cox Courtney Cox will probably come back but at the end of the day is you know Dewey's dead dy's dead the two main ones are Courtney cots and you got to throw money at Campbell to even come back to and try to save this and now if I was if I was this whole cast if I was this whole cast I'm like I'm not working with y'all unless y'all bring them back unless iall wait for them to be free and available and pay them I'm not coming back and I will encourage the fans to not watch exactly and say nef Campbell was asking 20 million you know what if you want me to say I want now third million yeah you know what because you you you screwed me over now you know what now you're going to pay the piper if you want me to save this franchise I want to now I don't believe any actor or actress should be paid the ridiculous money of these people get paid but at the end of the days I'm on her side pay her the money or spy glass sell the rights to a different company yeah because right now scream seven is a is it even going to happen B it's a mess it's a mess because NE Campbell even if they pay her all the money she wants and she comes back what is the storyline does she turn into ghost face but that's the same storyline I saw when shaie Smith went through the first saw one she flipped and now you like what are we doing you know it's like I don't know like what is the storyline nah I don't know we'll see uh I think I think that was a solid pod in two weeks it'll be December and I think it'll be the last like group discussion for the year because after that you know them I'm hit I'm going hit them two episodes that's nothing but top five lists and all of that most anticipated and all of that uh you gotta gotta do your movie collection video feel me feel me the end of the year is busy for your boy jump in the comments let us know what you think about the trailers we talked about the headlines we talked about your your reaction to the scream news I will be back to wrap this episode up catch y'all in two weeks it's recck [Music] League yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo the Excellence of verbal execution y'all can't submit me move on to the next solution my every maneuver strategic I rock the boat till everybody getting seasick Grudge with me like you dreamed I did [ __ ] then woke up big mad like when you realize it's not really a genie movie starring sin bad the further you get from Sun the slower time moves most [ __ ] not ready for the way my mind moves you ain't got no Talent just decent presentation Christmas lights you only bright on occasion all y'all want to do is clout Chase and take a selfie all two things at once looking ass Travis Kelce rarely compliment but they like to bring up the mistakes that I did often feel like I'm watching babe the way all these pigs talking if you get your cut you was in surgery probably if you going to bite my [ __ ] you could at least courtesy copy and chill until the next episode
Channel: Wreck League Podcast
Views: 12
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wreck League, Podcast, Wreck League Podcast, Flight, Garfield, What If ..., Pedro Pascal, Fantastic Four, Jason Bourne, Scream, Melissa Barrera, Bars, Flow, Hip-Hop, Freeverse, Rap, Madame Web
Id: ph-nCST5rPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 26sec (4346 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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