Episode .05 - Natural Spring Water Collection

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all right so this is one of the spots that we think it's a good spring for us to collect water we just came from another one and then look as good maybe it's just because of the time of the year but I think we're going to dig in here and see if we can get some water we we're getting a good uh flow of water I just pull this rock and you can see the water is moving and if I keep digging out you see how it just starts filling up so I think this is a good flow of water for us to do the collection system at this point we have no water in the land that we're collecting so anything that we collect it's going to be good for us so that way we don't have to be going out and and getting water but yeah this this looks good this might work uh just a few feet away from that spot that we were at we found this other spot that actually has really good flow and you could you could even hear the water let me show you over here see here this has really good flow you can see the water how it's just moving look at that that's a good flow and I can hear it somewhere up here let's see if we can oh wow look at that just started coming out look at this yeah that's a good flow that is really good again I I'm not an expert on this so I don't know what that translates to uh like gallons per minute but we'll find out once we once we set it up but man I can hear it let me see if I can get up there oh yeah yeah right here foreign that's coming out I think the more the more we keep digging what's cool about it is that right now the some of the spots that we have seen in the land that have a lot of water especially at the bottom uh they're they're pretty much dry I didn't have as as much water as they used to so to be able to see this amount of water at this time it's actually pretty exciting um and and I think that during the days that that brings more or that we have more water then I think this is going to have even a bigger flow so this is really cool here but we started somewhere here and that'll be good yep all right I'm going to start digging the plan is to clear all this up they got steep as we can hopefully we hit some type of rock or somewhere that is a good spot to put the barrier I'll show you guys what the barrier that we got later on but now yeah we just have to start digging and hopefully we can find more water [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we have been digging for a few hours we actually lost track of time but yeah we're we've been digging here and it's getting there we we're seeing more water see that flow that's really good so what is coming up from there we're also getting water from here and then there's another spot there this one here it's a really good spot too see so it's uh it's really good flow so what we're planning on doing is just taking we'll put the barrier right from there and go around up to right around there so there's this Solid Rock I don't know it may be a good thing or or bad thing I'm not sure I'm just thinking that it may be good only because the water may just sit on top of it uh bad thing is that I have to go around with on with the barrier so I wish I could have made it a little bit closer but that's okay I guess um maybe it'll let me collect more water but a few hours we're going to take a little bit of a break uh it's past two o'clock and we haven't had any lunch [Laughter] all right our first accident with the four-wheeler we actually uh we turned it um thank God that we're okay you're okay oh man yeah I uh yeah we were we were riding and I was making this turn and I think I I caught the top a little bit too much and turned it over but thank God we're okay now we just gotta see how we can turn this thing back on well it still drives uh it looks like some oil came out not sure what that what type of oil that is uh I don't know if it's brake fluid or something I'll have to check later but um oh man I have a history with four wheelers I always see their run into a car or I turned them over hopefully this will be the last one all right so quick update we've been digging for quite some time already actually here we were already getting down to like the clay and we just uh just gotta keep digging so that we can make this flat but we basically just uh we we kept digging we built a little bit of a trench um so that the water just keeps going down and it doesn't it doesn't keep things too muddy but man this is a lot of work the challenges is that we can't use the shovel because it's hard because yeah yeah that's true that's the other thing that this is so Rocky that we haven't really been able to use the the shovels we have to use the the pigs and then just just pick the just keep sort of dragging the the dirt and uh we're also picking up the rocks by hand we've been collecting a few of the rocks and putting them on the side because we need we need them once we're done so that we can put them on the top and and also digging a little bit of the the clay just putting it on the side so that we can use it later but uh I mean it's exciting we're getting a good amount of water you can see that flow that's actually really nice but it's been it's been a lot of work but it's exciting we're having fun we flipped the the go forward and we got a little hurt but um but no nothing serious um yeah thank God that it could have been a lot worse all right let's keep digging all right day one it's a wrap we did a lot of digging uh but it's already getting late uh so we're gonna call it off for the day close the shop but uh for day one yeah I'm happy I think we we did a lot and we just have to now keep digging a little bit make all this even where the barrier is gonna go and and I would say uh maybe another day of digging and then we can start putting the barrier and then lay the the stones but uh a lot of work uh we're tired but it's worth it we're very excited about the amount of water that we're seeing and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a good uh flow of water um not sure the gallons per minute but we'll find out but for now that is it for today all right so this is uh day two actually day three we skip a day uh just to let the water sort of run out and clean itself a little bit and now on the third day we we came back we're digging a little bit uh we we ended up Hitting Some solid rocks so I don't think we're gonna be able to go any deeper on this side but I I'm thinking that it's going to be okay the barrier I'll just cut it and form it to the Rock and then put some of the clay on the bottom and I think that that should pull the water uh but we'll find out um so we'll see all right so right here this is where the solid rock is so I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep going down any deeper but uh again I think I should be able to just form the barrier I'll cut it there form a little bit of a step and I think it should be okay but look at the amount of water this is really nice yeah we're really happy with this with this area here in this spot I think we'll be able to get enough water it's just trickling down from everywhere which is a good thing all right so we made a lot of progress we did all the digging that we could and then we put this barrier uh this is like some type of bamboo a barrier to prevent um like bamboo roots or something but it's pretty thick it's uh 60 mil and I saw a video on YouTube that this is what they have used for this so I thought it was a good idea and and then in here to prevent the water from going underneath the barrier we use a combination of some of the clay from the ground and then also we bought this uh Hydro cement and the hydro cement just cures like super fast uh which is it's good for this application because of all the water I am super impressed with the the actual clay from the ground unfortunately we just didn't find enough to be able to do the whole thing but but I think that with the combination of both the the the hydro cement and also the clay we're going to be able to seal it pretty good um here in this section this is where we're going to put the the pipes I'm going to now go get some of the the gravel we'll put some in here and then the rest of it will get filled with a combination of gravel uh Stones whatever we can find and then I think that eventually we'll have to cut this down uh bring it a little bit lower because right now um it's definitely too high but um but yeah man we have we made really good progress right now this water is going underneath the barrier that's why it's not filling up a lot more you can see here how it's just going down and it's a really good flow again this has been pretty exciting with the amount of water that we're getting but once we catch it here I think that yeah we'll be able to get a good amount of water so we'll see all right this this cement dries pretty quickly so we're mixing small batches at a time and it's been working out pretty good foreign putting them in here I hope that this holds the water ah looking good um so we built this out of PVC so it's it has two pieces you see the holes on the side um I think where they make a whole bunch of holes but I'm thinking that having holes on top of it it's probably not a good idea because then I think debris can go through it but I don't know what do I know I'm not uh I'm not a professional but I just think that this is probably the best way to just have the water go through without any debris and then this will go in here um and then we still have to put out a few more more rocks and I had to we gotta fix that that leak um but let's get in there all right this is what we have done so far we added the PVC as I shown earlier I have the holes on the each each side so there's two pipes that'll collect water and then go through uh the end if we need to bleach it or clean it then we just open it there and be able to throw some some bleach through it to clean it uh so we put some rocks there uh everything's looking good the um we got a lot of water um coming out so I don't necessarily like the hydro cement too much because it just doesn't Bond too well with with this barrier so it creates a just a crack and the water was going through it but the clay uh the clay just works wonderful the clay just seals really good it moves so if the barrier moves the clay moves with it so it's just working perfectly but we used it mostly for the outside and we're gonna try to keep digging see if we can get a little bit more it's a little bit hard to find you have to dig a little bit more underneath the topsoil to really be able to get the the good clay but so far um we're getting good water um this will start clearing up once all the the dirt just settled down on the ground or on the bottom uh we're gonna put a few more of these rocks around it and then around this section or on the outside we'll put more of the the smaller gravel we're not we don't really have a lot of water during this month and we're we're guessing that during the year or another time we're probably going to get more water so this this is probably gonna be the lowest flow that we're gonna see throughout the year so it's exciting we'll see thank you oh yeah I don't have the microphone so when we first started I saw a few videos on YouTube and they all talked about using clay and but I wasn't sure what the Glade would sort of look like um but come over here so that I can show you the difference you can tell you see how this is like super great compared to like just regular mud that it's brown you can tell the the color there and then when you pull this out this is really like like if you were playing with Play-Doh and it works so well when you're sealing this I mean you just put that like that and this has been working a lot better than just using that Hydro concrete I actually regret using the hydro concrete or cement I keep calling that concrete because I just as I mentioned earlier it just doesn't really bond to this barrier because this is like a uh it's like a plastic hpe I think it's what's called uh plastic so it doesn't really bump to it and when it moves it just cracks but with the clay you can move this and it doesn't do anything to it you see how it doesn't crack it just seals it we were getting some water out from this side and then we've been putting the the clay here and it just it's sealed really nice um let me show you the amount of water that we're getting so far and it's already like clearing up this is really nice oh man I'm so excited about this look at that and I think this is during a time where where or when we're not getting a lot of water so this is really nice but yeah this is what you want to look for when looking for clay um I don't know maybe in other areas it may be a different color I don't know but here in North Carolina and in our piece of land this is what it looks like [Music] beautiful oh we didn't bring anything to tighten it yeah well make sure you do it right foreign down there it's it was so hard to to get to I think that's fine all right it looks beautiful ah foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] all right this is what we have so far we threw all the the gravel on top of it the three-quarter inch gravel and it's coming out great I'm we're really happy with it I wish that we had more gravel so that I can fill it a little bit higher but unfortunately we we're running out of time we had to start heading out so we we won't be able to spend too much time on this but we're super happy with it we're getting really nice flow of water super clear already what we're gonna do now is right on top of the gravel we're just gonna throw some of these uh bigger stones from the land uh just so that we can fill it up a little bit more and then just throw a plastic over it a six mil plastic I I same where they use the that other landscape mesh um maybe that would have been a better idea not sure but we're gonna put the plastic and see how it goes uh we could always uh change it we're not planning on putting any dirt on top so uh so if we if we ever need to change it if it fails then we can just come back and change it but man look at this this is so exciting look at that so clear super nice um uh but it's been a lot of work uh but we're we're happy with it all right the moment of truth let's see how much water we're getting here we go [Music] 15 seconds foreign it's gonna start spilling out soon all right so that's about yeah it's it's a little bit more than a gallon per minute 52 seconds to fill this entire thing and this is a gallon oh yeah not bad mission accomplished all right this is what it looks like so far so we ended up just grabbing some of the Stone from the land and just we cleaned them a little bit throw them on the top just to fill up a little bit more I wish I had more gravel but we just ran out of gravel so it's okay and now we're just going to put the cover on top uh again I may just cut down the the shock ports a little bit and make them a little bit shorter but I'll do that another time and we just measure the the water and we're getting about a gallon per minute which is I think it's awesome especially during this time I think that'll definitely increase and I'm actually looking forward to measuring it again and and see how it it increases with time but very happy with it I hope it continues to work and hopefully it'll give us a lot of water all right this is the last update we just finished putting the tarp on top of it the six mil plastic just to cover the whole thing I think that we're when we come back we're just going to maybe clean up a little bit on the top and make it some type of trench or something just so that the water goes through the sides we didn't get a chance to to do it I hope that it doesn't harm anything but this is what our water collection system looks like it might look different for yours but this is what it looks like for us thank you for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: LE Towers
Views: 5,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabin, mountain, DIY, Logcabin, smallhouse, tiny home, builders, perkin builder brothers, north carolina, asheville, tent, platform, woods, muddy, cfmoto, 4x4, construction, foundation, nature, Jay's way, Ambition Strikes, Pure Living for Life, Water collection, Spring Water, Spring Water system, Natural spring, LE Towers, Spring Development, Mountain Spring water, tapping
Id: Lvu0Mdx30nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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